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Implants Nobel Biocare (Nobel Biok Biocare). Turnkey price, country of origin, reviews

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Implants Nobel Biocare developed by the world renowned Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brannemark. In 1965, this scientist made a real revolution in the field of modern dentistry.

Brannemark created the first dental implants. A patient named Gust Larsson, who completely lost all his teeth, received 4 implants, which became a support for further fixation of fixed dentures of the upper and lower jaw.

From that moment on, a new stage in the development of aesthetic dentistry began. Most modern clinics and medical centers that provide services for the restoration of lost teeth use Nobel Biocare products. The price of dental treatment with the installation of "turnkey" implants is individual, as it depends on the complexity of the therapeutic process.

Record content:

  • 1 Advantages of Nobel Biocare implants
  • 2 Indications
  • 3 What does the Nobel Biocare implant system consist of?
  • 4 TiUnite special coating
  • 5 All-on-4 procedure
  • 6 Range of products, characteristics
    • 6.1 NobelActive
    • 6.2 Nobelreplace
    • 6.3 NobelZygoma
    • 6.4 NobelSpeedy
    • 6.5 Branemark System
  • insta story viewer
  • 7 Preparation for implantation
  • 8 How is the procedure going?
  • 9 Rehabilitation and healing time
  • 10 Which dentists work with Nobel Biocare implants, prices for their turnkey installation
  • 11 Video about Nobel Biocare implants

Advantages of Nobel Biocare implants

Nobel Biocare implants are considered one of the best quality dental products of this type, and their production has continued for the past 40 years. The table below presents the main advantages of Nobel Biocare products, as well as their quality characteristics.

Benefits of Nobel Biocare implants Description of quality characteristics
Ease of fixation and low degree of bone trauma Nobel Biocare implants have a unique conical shape and individual threads, created taking into account the parameters of a particular tooth that has been destroyed and needs to be replaced with an artificial prosthesis. Due to this, the implant is easily screwed into the cavity of the upper or lower jaw, firmly fixed without the risk of developing inflammatory processes.
Availability of TiUnite coating TiUnite is applied directly to the root of the implant. This is a technological development of Nobel Biocare specialists, which, after the completion of a surgical operation, shortens the period of adaptation of bone tissue to a foreign body.
High percentage of implant survival According to medical statistics, the survival rate of Nobel Biocare dental implants is not less than 99.3%, which indicates the high quality of the materials from which this products.
Versatility Nobel Biocare implants can be used in the treatment of patients of all ages, regardless of the complexity of the clinical case. Dental services using Nobel Biocare products are provided to people who have lost only 1 or several molars, or have lost the entire dentition.
Additional safety margin Nobel Biocare products are created on the principle that the implant is installed every day withstand high compression loads, but at the same time it does not deform, there will be no displacement of its screw parts. The first prostheses, which were installed to the Swede Gust Larson, served him for 40 years.
Beneficial effect on gum tissue The neck of the Nobel Biocare implant supports the gum tissue, prevents its recession, and also preserves the basic volume of bone tissue, which is necessary for the healing of the prosthesis.
Complete imitation of a natural tooth After completing all dental procedures for installing the implant, the patient receives an artificial molar, which outwardly does not differ from its native tooth, previously lost in various reasons.
Lifetime warranty All certified products of the Nobel Biocare company have a lifetime quality guarantee. Nobel Biocar implants, which are installed in compliance with all the necessary rules, must serve their wearer for the rest of his life. Otherwise, Nobel Biocare will replace the implant and indemnify for all damages caused by the manufacturer.
Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews

Nobel Biocare implants are tamper-proof. All Nobel Biocare products have an individual digital number. Each implant is registered, certified, and only after that it is sent to dental clinics.

Information about a particular product manufactured at the facilities of Nobel Biocare is contained in a special register. Each dentist and patient purchasing this type of implants can be sure that they bought an original product, and not a second-rate fake.


Nobel Biocare implants are installed in patients who have undergone preliminary diagnostics of the upper and lower jaw. The turnkey price of the finished work of the dentist is calculated after the completion of the examination.

Installation of Nobel Biocare implants is carried out in the following cases:

  • loss of 1 tooth, which was lost due to extensive caries damage, due to its traumatic amputation or destruction due to age changes in the body (in such a situation, only 1 implant with a crown imitating its own tooth);
  • the absence of several teeth at once, which went in a row (in this case, several implants are installed, on the basis of which a continuous prosthesis is attached, which solves the problem of adentia);
  • complete loss of all teeth.

The organization of the treatment process depends on how many lost molars require restoration using the implantation procedure. Based on this, an individual scheme for further therapy is formed. Most of the methods for installing Nobel Biocare implants are developed directly by the specialists of this company.

What does the Nobel Biocare implant system consist of?

Nobel Biocare implants consist of the following structural elements, after which the patient receives a ready-made artificial tooth design:

  • a threaded screw part, which has a conical shape, and is also directly the segment to be implanted into the bone tissue;
  • abutment, which is an intermediate part that connects the crown and the metal base of the implant;
  • a crown that imitates your own tooth, destroyed under the influence of certain factors.Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews

Depending on the condition of the patient's oral cavity, fully assembled implants can be used, or individual elements of the Nobel Biocare implantation system. For example, in the treatment of patients with complete edentulousness, when only the screw part of the device is used with further fixation of a solid prosthesis.

TiUnite special coating

The screw part of the Nobel Biocar implants has a special TiUnite coating, which is applied to the surface of the product at the stage of its industrial production. The presence of this spraying gives the implant porosity, which accelerates the process of engraftment of a foreign body in the conditions of the jaw bone tissue.

After the completion of the surgical operation for the installation of the dental product, the period of osseointegration of the foreign body begins.

The use of TiUnite coating makes it possible to achieve the following effect:

  • prevent the development of an acute inflammatory process;
  • prevent rejection of the implant caused by the body's immune response;
  • to ensure uniform overgrowth of the metal base of the prosthesis with newly formed tissue;
  • reduce the risk of developing jaw necrosis and osteomyelitis;
  • to increase the strength of fixation of the implant in the structure of the bone tissue.
    Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews
    Nobel Biocare TiUnits

The special TiUnite coating is present only on Nobel Biocar implants. This is one of the many advantages of this manufacturer's dental products.

All-on-4 procedure

The All-on-4 procedure is a technical technique for providing high-quality dental care to patients who have lost absolutely all of their teeth. This method of prosthetics was proposed by the developer of the implants P.I. Branemark immediately after their creation.

The principle of the All-on-4 procedure is to perform the following actions:

  1. The dentist performs the surgical installation of 4, 5 or 6 implants into the bone tissue of the upper and lower jaw.
  2. After the completion of the engraftment stage, a partially removable prosthesis is mounted on the surface of the fixed implants, simulating the dentition.
  3. Simultaneous elimination of the problem of complete edentulousness for the upper and lower jaw is carried out.Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews

Successful completion of the All-on-4 procedure allows you to achieve phenomenal results. The patient's chewing apparatus is immediately replenished with 14 artificial teeth, which outwardly do not differ from natural molars, and in some cases have an even more aesthetically attractive appearance.

Range of products, characteristics

Depending on the type of dental problem, the number of missing teeth, the patient is shown the installation of a certain type of implantation system.


Nobel Biocare implants (turnkey price of installed prostheses in most cases does not exceed $ 85,000. rubles) of the NobelActive series are distinguished by an additional level of stabilization strength after their introduction into the structure of the jaw bone.

This type of dental product is used when it is necessary to perform a one-stage implantation with the creation of an immediate load on the installed prosthesis.


NobelReplace implants are characterized by a better shape of the abutment. It is believed that dentures of this type are best suited for the restoration and restoration of the dentition in the anterior part of the jaw.

NobelReplace is used in the treatment of patients who have completely missing anterior teeth. The root part of these implants has no distinctive characteristics.


NobelZygoma are zygomatic implants that are used in special clinical situations. This type of denture is used for patients who have bone atrophy in the upper or lower jaw.Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews In this case, the installation of implants is carried out directly into the structure of the zygomatic bone. It is for these purposes that the NobelZygoma implantation system was created.


NobelSpeedy is a state-of-the-art implantation system that is used to successfully complete the All-on-4 therapeutic procedure. A distinctive feature of this type of dental products is that they are represented by a set of implants of different root lengths.

Depending on the number of missing teeth, the attending physician independently decides whether to use a certain type of denture. NobelSpeedy implants support fixed or partially removable dentures. This type of implantation is indicated for patients who have almost all of their teeth missing.

Branemark System

Branemark System is a whole range of implants of different types and models that can be installed in patients who have completely lost all teeth or most of the molars.Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews

The use of this system of oral cavity prosthetics provides for the practical use of not only dental products, developed by the Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brannemark, but also directly the implantation system itself, created by this scientists.

Preparation for implantation

Nobel Biocare implants (turnkey price of this product is determined by the dentist-surgeon who will perform the implantation) can only be installed after following the following preparation rules:

  • detailed examination of the oral cavity for the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • treatment of teeth damaged by caries, as well as the removal of those that are no longer subject to dental therapy;
  • removal of soft bacterial plaque and hard deposits that accumulate on the surface of molar enamel;
  • CT scan of the bones of the upper and lower jaw, in the structure of which the implants will be installed;
  • planning a surgical operation using 3D modeling of the therapeutic process;
  • making casts of the dentition or jaw shape (in the absence of teeth).

After the completion of the preparation stage, based on the results of the diagnosis, the attending dentist orders the Nobel Biocare implants, which are necessary for the installation of a specific patient.

How is the procedure going?

Nobel Biocare implants (turnkey price depends on the complexity of the clinical case) are installed in several stages.

Quality implantation of lost teeth is as follows:

  1. The patient goes to the sterile conditions of the dental office and sits down in a chair.
  2. The anesthesiologist or the doctor himself performs local anesthesia of the area of ​​the oral cavity, in the area of ​​which therapeutic manipulations will be carried out.Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews
  3. The dental surgeon makes an incision in the gum tissue where the missing tooth is missing.
  4. A hole is drilled in the bone tissue of the jaw for the screw part of the implant.
  5. The metal base of the implant is screwed into the cavity of the prepared hole, which serves as an artificial root.
  6. Then the doctor installs a special metal plug and sutures the cut gum tissue. At this stage, the process of engraftment of a foreign body in the structure of the bone tissue is started, which can last from 3 to 6 months.
  7. After the specified period of time, if there are no signs of complications, the next stage of prosthetics begins.
  8. The surgeon cuts the gum, inside which the installed implant is located, unscrews the plug, and then sutures with the simultaneous formation of tissues for fixing the upper part of the prosthesis.
  9. After 7-10 days, the gums are completely healed.
  10. At this stage, the implant crown is wound, which imitates the external and functional characteristics of a natural tooth.

Upon completion of the implantation process, the patient can lead a normal life, eat favorite foods and rough foods. In this case, it is necessary to regularly visit a dentist for a preventive examination. On average, a visit to a specialist should occur every 6 months.

Rehabilitation and healing time

Implants Nobel Biocare ("turnkey price" of dental products of this type depends on which number of dentures required) are fixed directly into the bone tissue of the upper or lower jaw.

This is a surgical operation, after which it is necessary to wait from 3 to 6 months. for the healing of the operated area of ​​the jaw apparatus, as well as the successful completion of the period of osseointegration of a foreign body.

After the specified period of time, the main part of the implant, which is located inside the tissues the jaw and gums are considered securely fixed with minimal risk of displacement of the screw part prosthesis.

In some cases, the period of healing and rehabilitation after the installation of the implant ends before 3 months, but still dentists-surgeons recommend waiting it is this time interval, in order to avoid undesirable complications in the future in the form of an inflammatory process, necrosis of bone tissue, the formation of purulent abscess.

Which dentists work with Nobel Biocare implants, prices for their turnkey installation

The table below lists the dental clinics that provide turnkey medical services for the installation of Nobel Biocare implants.Implants Nobel Biocare. Manufacturer, turnkey price, reviews

Dental clinics Average cost of installing Nobel Biocare implants
32 Dent 72 thous. rub.
MedGarant from 38 to 50 thousand rub.
Doctor Martin 60 thous. rub.
Dsstudio from 50 thousand rub.
Ladent from 68 to 98 thousand rub.

Nobel Biocare implants are high quality dental products that use about 40% of all clinics and medical centers providing services for replacing extracted teeth with implantable prostheses.

This product was developed by the Swedish professor P.I. Brannemark in 1965. Up to this point, dentists have not been able to carry out dental prosthetics using the implantation method.

All Nobel Biocare implants, which are released at the manufacturer's factories, have a unique registration number and a quality certificate.

This minimizes the risk that counterfeit products of this type will appear on the dental services market. The turnkey price of Nobel Biocare implants is determined by the surgeon after the completion of the preliminary examination of the patient.

Video about Nobel Biocare implants

Nobel Biocare implants:

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