
Causes and Symptoms of Bare Leuu Syndrome - Cervical Migraine Treatment

Causes and Symptoms of Bare Leuu Syndrome - Cervical Migraine Treatment

The vertebral artery is a pair formation, located between the clavicular artery and the 6 cervical vertebra. This vessel passes through the v...

The more often the muscular tonic syndrome is caused

The more often the muscular tonic syndrome is caused

Muscle-tonic syndrome is characterized by muscular spasm arising reflexively , mainly in the development of degenerative diseases of the spine,...

Myofascial pain syndrome of different localization

Myofascial pain syndrome of different localization

Myofascial pain syndrome is a special painful condition, manifested by the onset of of painful muscle spasm and muscle dysfunction of . The d...

How to treat osteophytes of the spine - prevention of pathology

How to treat osteophytes of the spine - prevention of pathology

Spine osteophytes - of bone proliferation along the processes or on the vertebrae itself . In general, these are bone growths that look like ...

Radicular syndrome of the lumbar spine, as a sign of diseases of the spine

Radicular syndrome of the lumbar spine, as a sign of diseases of the spine

Radicular syndrome of the lumbar region is a complex of signs that arise due to compression of the spinal nerves in the places of their separati...

Vertebrogenic and vertebral thoracalgia - chest pain

Vertebrogenic and vertebral thoracalgia - chest pain

Thoracalgia( ICD code 10 - M54.6.) - peripheral nerve disease , accompanied by severe pain. Thoracalgia, as a pain in the sternum, is someti...

Why it hurts in the chest or vertebrogenic thoracology

Why it hurts in the chest or vertebrogenic thoracology

Thoracalgia is the chest pain , which occurs when the intercostal nerves are compressed or irritated, or when they are affected by viruses and ...

Treatment for pinching the nerve in the lower back - what do you need to know?

Treatment for pinching the nerve in the lower back - what do you need to know?

To As is known, there is no precise definition of the causes and symptoms of the disease, since medical specialists have not yet come to a common...

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms and treatment of sciatica

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Symptoms and treatment of sciatica

Sciatica or neuralgia is an inflammatory disease of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is not an independent disease, but a complex of symptoms caus...