
Cystoscopy of the bladder in women

Cystoscopy of the bladder in women

Cystoscopy is a medical procedure performed with the help of a special research apparatus of a cystoscope. The cystoscope itself is...

Urinalysis for sowing: price, decoding, how to take

Urinalysis for sowing: price, decoding, how to take

Urine test for a tank sowing( bacteriological culture of urine) is a laboratory urine study aimed at identifying the pathogen and determining...

Urinalysis of Sulkovich: how to collect, the norm

Urinalysis of Sulkovich: how to collect, the norm

Urinalysis by Sulkovich - a qualitative determination of the level of calciuria( calcium urine content). This analysis is used in ...

Analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky: decoding, norm, during pregnancy

Analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky: decoding, norm, during pregnancy

The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse the body of harmful substances and delay the necessary ones. Thus, the kidneys ensu...

Urinalysis by Nechiporenko: norm, decoding, how to collect

Urinalysis by Nechiporenko: norm, decoding, how to collect

Urine analysis by Nechiporenko is a quantitative determination( counting) of the content in one milliliters of urine of erythrocytes, leukocy...

Urinalysis in diabetes mellitus

Urinalysis in diabetes mellitus

People with diabetes often go to urine tests to monitor changes in the kidneys and in time to detect hyperglycemia. Kidney pro...