
Fibrocystic breast disease (fibroadenomatosis): symptoms, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseMastopathyFemale Diseases

Fibrocystic breast disease (fibroadenomatosis): symptoms, treatment, prognosis

The author - Sozinova AV practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty for over 14 years. (2015).Fibrocystic breast disease or ...

Nodular breast disease: symptoms, treatment, prognosis
DiseaseDiseaseDiseaseMastopathyFemale Diseases

Nodular breast disease: symptoms, treatment, prognosis

The author - Sozinova AV practicing obstetrician-gynecologist. Experience in the specialty for over 14 years. (2015).When the pathological process ...

Breast: self-diagnosis and prevention

Breast: self-diagnosis and prevention

In the last decade, physicians around the world raises the question of early detection and treatment of breast disease.Here are some tips, MD, Prof...