
What to do if ripped off a mole and bleeds (bleeding): how to stop, skovyrnul flows (bleeding), the reasons why

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Moles on the body are present in almost all human beings and are a natural phenomenon. Often, they are slightly raised above the skin, which can lead to injury. This situation raises many questions about what to do if ripped off a mole, and bleeds, and what it could have implications for health.

Mole on the body

Why a mole bleeds

According to medical classification, birthmarks nevus of a simple (lat. Naevus). It is benign, which is a natural accumulation of the pigment melanin, which gives it a brown color. The number of moles on the body is caused by hereditary factors. Nevi are subdivided into flat and convex, may have different sizes and shades (bright or dark).

Injury most often exposed convex types, and many people greatly feared situation, when a mole bleeds. The people even had the impression that because of the damage can go to the growth of a malignant tumor. However, research scientists prove the absence of connection between these facts.

According to them, the fear must cause the processes that occur with a mole (change in shape or color) - they may indicate the beginning of the development of cancer. Therefore, to monitor the status of such entities should be regularly and at the slightest suspicion - refer to specialists for help.

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Doctors recommend that if a mole bleeds, you should take the necessary steps to stop the bleeding, and then to watch her condition.

injury nevus

Experts strongly recommend not to touch the accumulation of pigments in the body: they try to burn, bandage or use traditional recipes for their removal.

Often, however, mechanical damage when the blood starts to go out of a mole, there is the natural and accidental causes:

  • cut occurred during the hair removal on the face or elsewhere;
  • nevus ripoffs after caught in the clothes (collar, belt, etc.);
  • trauma when physical action, e.g., wiping with a towel after showering.
shave off the mole

The reasons lie bleeding in the structure of the nevus, which is fueled by closely spaced blood vessels. Consequently, blood can be a rather strongly when traumatizing. Some people can get confused with fear of blood loss and the inability to stop it. Besides you can accidentally tear mole in a place where it is not visible (on the back, etc.) and not immediately detect the trouble.

If the nevus after removal continues to bleed for a long time, you should see a doctor.

pathological causes

Causes a phenomenon where long bleeding mole in the absence of mechanical injury can be:

  • inflammatory processes in the top layer of skin;
  • malignancies.

For an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to go to a dermatologist and make histological examination to tear off a piece of the nevus to identify oncology. But even if it is a benign tumor, the specialists will recommend its removal. As a result, formation operation is removed, and the collected material is sent to a biopsy to test for malignant cells.

After removal of the nevus is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • regularly disinfect the damaged area, trying not to tear the crust;
  • for tissue regeneration using special ointments;
  • forbidden to close the wound bandage or plaster;
  • can not sunbathe before the disappearance of the wound.
smear the mole

What is dangerous

Each person birthmarks appear in their lifetime. Most often, such a predisposition is transmitted genetically, but sometimes they appear with excessive enthusiasm for sun tanning or solarium. Where for many years such entities remain unchanged (no change shape, size or color), then that's fine. However, their condition should be constantly watching, recording the slightest changes.

There are 5 features by which doctors recommend to determine the increase of the danger of melanocytic nevus and possible degeneration into a malignant tumor:

  • Education increases in size or changes color (darkens);
  • from his hair fall out;
  • shape becomes asymmetric;
  • the surface becomes uneven or bumpy, birthmark blood, sores appear;
  • when touched by hand or clothing there are unpleasant painful sensations, which were not previously.

When you see these symptoms should immediately consult a dermatologist and be screened. This will allow time to determine the appearance of the malignant cells in the nevus. Experts classify the three forms of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. To correctly identify the disease can only oncologists.

How to stop the bleeding

The most important question that arises in a situation, if a mole bleeds - how to treat it, and here we must not be lost, and act calmly. It is important to remember that the wound should be disinfected immediately to prevent septicemia.

you can stop the bleeding as follows:

  • treat the wound with an antiseptic solution (hydrogen peroxide)
  • make a swab of cotton wool or bandage, moisten it in peroxide and establish a sterile bandage.
The plaster on the mole

First aid

The greatest danger is large nevi, in trauma which may occur excessive bleeding due to adjacent large vessels. that stop the bleeding of birthmarks, use a folded piece bandage in 3-4 layers (or sterile towel): dipping it into hydrogen peroxide, applied to the damaged place for 10-15 minutes, and pressed with a finger. When the blood will cease to go, then washing the wounds and the surrounding area must be repeated using a peroxide or chlorhexidine, and then impose a pressure bandage.

If there has been partial damage, stop the bleeding of moles may be similar manner. However, this situation is considered more dangerous because particle formation can penetrate into the blood that can provoke serious consequences, ie cause skin cancer. Therefore, in this situation should consult a doctor to remove formation (with a scalpel, radionozha et al.).

Whether or not, unless the mole bleeds or not, divorced nevus better placed in saline in a jar and carry on research.

Do I have to go to the doctor

Do I have to go to the doctor immediately about the torn off a mole - as the statistics show, mechanical damage nevus occurs periodically in many people, and most of this trouble without consequences for health.

But when the formation is located on the traumatic site, you can easily knock over a mole, and the blood flows too often. Therefore, doctors recommend to consult specialists about its removal with laser or other medical procedures.

A doctor and a mole

Continuing mole bleeding due to frequent mechanical stress may contribute to the degeneration of nevus in cancer (melanoma). This disease is considered dangerous because It metastasizes throughout the body of the patient by penetrating into the blood and lymph. Such aggressive action can lead to death within a few months.

There is also another form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. It is distinguished by the fact that the formation of the open area of ​​the skin (on the neck, face, hands, etc.) begins to itch and bleed. Periodically appears crust, which then disappears, but after some time appears again. Such a process is developed for several years. With proper and timely diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma is well treated.

Therefore, when any suspicion and occurrence of unpleasant signs of changes in such formations should be referred to in the art. Prevent severe negative consequences can only accurate diagnosis and consultation with a dermatologist and oncologist.

What not to do

Unless the mole bled, then disinfect the wound and stop the bleeding can be within a few minutes. However, doctors do not recommend to handle the damaged area with iodine or brilliant green, as because of this you can not see the subsequent inflammation or redness of the skin.

A great danger to health are trying to self-removal of nevi. Some people are trying to bring education with the help of herbs, dressing moles or other people's recipes, kriodestruktory. Experts believe it is dangerous because of possible aggressive behavior of damaged skin cells. Better to do it from the experts using modern methods: blood tests for antibodies and test remote nevus on the possible development of malignancy.

The greatest danger of formation are located in places where they are permanently injured (washcloth in the shower or collar clothes). The risk of malignant cells is not directly dependent on how quickly to stop the blood, if ripped off a mole. But such education, doctors recommend to remove, making subsequent histological analysis. Only such a way to help reduce the risk of malignancies.

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