
Vomiting of blood: the reason, an adult, a child, a man tears, why, veins, goes admixture of what to do, the symptoms means during

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Vomiting blood - this is an extremely dangerous symptom that may indicate progression in humans severe pathology. Vomit blood can both adults and children. this violation is called hematemesis in medical practice. The greatest danger is posed by multiple cases of violations.


Why is there blood impurities

Gematemezis often provoke laryngeal trauma and epistaxis. Occurrence hematemesis may be due to the influence of various substances corrosive to the mucous membrane of the intestine. Often bloody vomiting occurs against a background of progressive liver cirrhosis and hemophilia. If you open the vomiting of blood, the causes of this symptom may be may be covered in the pathologies of the lungs.

diseases of the stomach

If vomiting is bleeding, it means that there is damage to the blood vessels, which are located in the stomach. Often, this symptom is observed on the background of the progression of the syndrome Mallory-Weiss, in which the mucous membrane of the stomach increases the damage. When sightings of the disease symptom will nonunit. In addition to gastric pathologies that can provoke gematemezis include:

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  • pyloric ulcer;
  • burns;
  • acute gastritis;
  • malignant tumors of different parts of the stomach.
pyloric ulcer

In children, the appearance of hematemesis may be caused by acute ingestion of solid objects.

damage to the esophagus

Causes of vomiting blood, often rooted in the varicose veins of the esophagus that has arisen against a background of progressive liver cirrhosis. In addition, esophageal veins may bleed due to burns mucosa, as well as during germination in the thickness of tissue malignancies.

High risk of hematemesis from the esophagus in patients with hemophilia. In addition, the increased permeability of vessels in this area can be the result of injury tissue for diagnostic and surgical procedures in which the patients strongly sick.

after alcohol

If vomiting blood in man opened after consuming large amounts of alcohol, it does not mean that the reason lies in the alcohol, but the probability of this is great. Ethyl alcohol can induce mucosal burns, as well as damaging the small blood vessels. In addition, the appearance of this symptom after drinking may be due to toxic effects of alcohol, which increases the risk of exacerbation of existing pathologies of the digestive tract.

Vomiting after drinking


If you bleed after vomiting, essential nature of the discharge. This may indicate the cause of the problem and the vastness of vascular injury. The symptom may be expressed by small red impurities, coffee grounds, and even foam spouting bleeding.

Scarlet impurities

Vomiting of blood in a child or adult, represented by the masses, which contain small red impurities, is a sign of the defeat of the esophagus. This is indicated by color, which means that the blood is not curled in contact with hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Furthermore, scarlet impurity could indicate bleeding recently opened.

The impurities color of coffee grounds

Not always for bleeding in the vomit streaks CROI expressed clearly. At vessel damage in the stomach may indicate mass dark brown. This indicates that the bleeding started more than 4 hours ago, and she got into the stomach, which has been exposed to hydrochloric acid. However, keep in mind that this color vomiting may result from the use of certain kinds of products, including black berries, chocolate, beets, etc.

Impurities coffee grounds

bloody foam

It is not always an adult vomiting waste from blood clots. After prolonged nausea and in the absence of food in the stomach may occur such a phenomenon as bloody foam. Often such vomiting occurs against a background of vascular damage, which are located in the lungs.

Fontanoobraznaya vomiting

Fontanoobraznaya hematemesis indicates damage to major vessels in the esophagus. Most often the violation occurs in the background running of varicose veins of the body. Fontanoobraznye bleeding may be accompanied by blood entering the lungs and the development of serious complications. Often such bleeding recur.

Small specks of blood

Vomiting is often streaked with blood indicates damage to small blood vessels on the background of a hiatal hernia, in which the lower part of the esophagus and cardia of the stomach department shifted to correct anatomic places. This leads to inflammation and damage to blood vessels.

What to do

If signs gematemezis no matter how much blood is separated, you need to see a doctor. When massive bleeding should call an ambulance.

First aid

When the gematemezis symptoms need to closely monitor the condition of the person in a timely manner of removing the oral mass with clots. The patient need to sit down so that his head is throws back. When massive bleeding need to monitor the pressure of a person.

First aid for vomiting

We can not allow the penetration of vomit into the respiratory system. This is especially important if the patient is unconscious. Self-induce or stop the urge not to be. After stopping gematemezis need to hide the human blanket. Fluid and food to give to the patient can not.


If the patient has opened vomiting mixed with blood, carried out a comprehensive survey to identify the causes of problems. Therapy should be aimed at addressing the primary pathology. To stabilize the condition of the patient and eliminating symptom of the following drugs may be used:

  • Diazepam.
  • Phenazepam.
  • Haloperidol.
  • Dimenhydrinate.
  • Metoclopramide.
  • Tseorukal.
  • Tropisetron.
  • Etaperazin.
  • Ondansetron.

To eliminate the signs of dehydration are appointed by the intravenous infusion of Ringer's solution. In severe cases, the procedure of blood transfusion is administered.

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