Human Anatomy

What is the appendix: appendix functions in the human body

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The appendix is ​​responsible for the storage of beneficial intestinal microflora and is protective for bowel function similar to that performed by the palatine tonsils for the throat and lungs.


Human Anatomy appendix number of distinguishing features: variability in size and location, the presence of large amounts of lymphoid structures.

Cecum with the exhaust from its posteromedial surface of the worm-like appendage at the majority is in the right iliac region. Location of the appendix in relation to the cecum is very variable.

There are such options:

  • downward - directed from the cecum into the pelvic cavity, there is adjacent to the bladder, uterus with appendages. The most common variant arrangement, gives a typical hospital appendicitis;
  • if the process passes behind the cecum is lifted up to the liver - this upward position;
  • medial or internal - is among the bowel loops that in purulent processes fraught with development of peritonitis and the formation of adhesions;
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  • lateral, or outside - is adjacent to the side wall of the abdomen; when this embodiment inflammation often becomes chronic;
  • Front - finding near the anterior abdominal wall;
  • intramural (intraorganic) - is characterized by the location of the appendix in the thickness of the cecum;
  • retroperitoneal (retroperitoneal) - rarer others, the process is attached to a part of the intestine is not covered by the peritoneum, are situated in the retroperitoneal fat, which complicates the diagnosis and surgical technique intervention.

The appendix has the size: a length of 7-8 cm in the average, occur embodiments 2-3 cm and 20-22 cm diameter lumen healthy sprouts - 1 cm (mean value - 0.4-0.6 cm).

narrowing with a fold-valve in place of the appendix of entry into the cecum of the cavity is formed mucous membrane, the so-called Gerlach flap that protects the cavity from the process proceeds intestinal content.

The structure of the appendix wall is not very different from other parts of the intestine.

It consists of the following layers:

  • serosa (peritoneum);
  • muscle (formed circular and longitudinal, intertwined with each other without clear boundaries, fibers);
  • submucosa - the thickest of skins, consists of rich in lymphoid cells of the connective tissue, there are vessels of the lymphatic and circulatory systems;
  • mucosa - lined with columnar epithelium and contains numerous lymph follicles, often they merge and form plaques. The presence of large accumulations of lymphoid tissue - a feature of the structure of the appendix.


The appendix - an organ whose functions are still under study. In mammals, especially herbivores, it is long and serves as the accumulation and storage of food supplies. With regard to human it was previously believed that the appendix - is a process, not playing any role in the body, a useless vestige. But with the removal process of the experiments in infants have shown that such children were left behind in the physical and mental development, is poorly absorbed by the mother's milk.

The main function of the appendix in humans is immune, or protective: thanks to the accumulation of lymphoid tissue, appendix assumes the "impact" in various diseases and infections of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes a speedy recovery, restoration of intestinal microflora. The latter also contributes to the fact that the process is a storage reservoir of beneficial bacteria, which, if necessary, fed into the intestine. It is proved that the natural intestinal microflora after certain diseases, use of antibiotics is recovering faster in people with preserved appendage.

In addition to these features, there are still a few minor: secretory, neurohormonal, digestive - production some enzymes (lipase, amylase) and hormones (taking part in the process of peristalsis and the intestinal sphincters).


Basically this inflammatory disease - acute and chronic appendicitis, as well as tumors of the appendix.

Clinical manifestations are very dependent on the location of the appendix, however can mimic a variety of other diseases of internal organs (liver, and the gall bladder, intestines, ovaries).

Acute appendicitis

The most frequent urgent surgical pathology. Ill mostly young men, female sex suffers a little more often.

It causes inflammation of the appendix - the development of an infectious process with the introduction of its walls of intestinal bacteria. Specific bacterial pathogen that leads to appendicitis, does not exist. infections contribute to the development of stagnation process content, irritation fecal stones and foreign bodies trapped in it, errors in diet ( "fast food", seeds). But the main reason is considered to be nerve-regulatory dysfunction, leading to the deterioration of the local blood circulation and trophism (feeding) of the appendix.

Symptoms of acute appendicitis:

  • Appendicitis usually begins with a vague localization of pain, usually in the upper abdomen, the navel.
  • Nausea and sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite, delayed stool or diarrhea, body temperature rises gradually appears dry mouth, malaise increases. Such common symptoms of intoxication can be observed within 2-3 hours, in some cases longer.
  • Sometimes the condition temporarily stabilized, the pain subside (imaginary well-being) - in such situations, patients often refuse further stay in the hospital.
  • In the future, the pain increases, it becomes acute, twitches, is shifted to the lower abdomen, the focus of pain - the right iliac region.
  • Some relief, reducing the intensity of pain brings the patient to find a certain position (for example, on the back or on the right side). The abdominal wall is strained when touched, peritoneal irritation symptoms appear (by special tests).

Treatment - only surgical (removal of inflamed appendix). At untimely surgical intervention may develop complications, gangrene (purulent melting) process and the adjacent part of the large intestine, perforation, perforation, peritonitis.


Rare. Usually it is a consequence of acute inflammation of the appendix, which was not operated on time, but not completed for the body formidable complications (peritonitis). Around inflamed peritoneal adhesions forming process, layers of fibrous tissue in the scar change process involved the entire wall is formed shell capsule with a cavity inside purulent - cyst.

Manifested by pain, sometimes permanent, sometimes paroxysmal (provoked by eating, physical activity). A break contact cyst and its contents into the abdominal cavity of the picture of peritonitis.

By the way physicians treat:

Treatment of appendicitis and other diseases of the appendix deals with the surgeon.

If you experience pain in the abdomen is required, first of all, to exclude acute appendicitis requiring immediate surgery. To clarify the diagnosis may involve a gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist.

For suspected appendicitis is prohibited to warm the stomach area, taking medication (pain relievers, laxatives, activated carbon), eat food and drink. Should immediately seek emergency medical help to avoid serious complications.

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