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Of Folic Acid Instruction Manual

Usage Guide Folic acid

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It is an agent tablet form with the main active substance - folic acid. It is a pharmacological group of vitamins. Applications For information on the use of folic acid, provides for the use of inside immediately after the meal. Can be used with other pharmaceutical preparations. Examples of auxiliary substances include: potato starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone.

Folic acid during pregnancy

The active substance is classified as soluble vitamin B9, in which the body needs. During pregnancy women is essential to replenish the deficit of biologically active components. It provides normalization processes associated with the structure of RNA and cell DNA - folic acid. This will contribute to better growth of the fetus in the womb, as well as the subsequent development.

Side effects during feeding or pregnancy is not observed. However, in some moments of individual features are possible:

  • temperature rise,
  • allergic reactions;
  • spasm of the respiratory tract;
  • erythema.
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Women in position instruction manual assumes dose of 600 micrograms per day, and during the feeding - not less than 500 micrograms per day. Break technique can be several times for more comfortable digestion in the body. Active agent profile in the form of tetrahydrofolic acid is readily absorbed blood vessels and accumulate in liver cells. Exhaust vitamin B9 is displayed in a natural way through the urine.

Note! Doses are given in micrograms, corresponding to the equivalent of food.


In medical practice, folic acid is recommended for patients who have discovered its deficiency. Set the lack of an active substance, simply a blood test. In the case of acid in the body lack anemia (anemia) may develop. In particular, in pregnant women because of the lack of vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, or may become more frequent toxicosis (nausea, vomiting). The reason - lack of vitamin B9. The following symptoms are also possible:

  • brittle nails;
  • hair loss;
  • pale skin;
  • lack of power;
  • excessive fatigue;
  • unhealthy color of the mucous membrane.

Given the instructions for use Folic acid is consumed orally: adults - from 0.5 to 1 mg per day (1-3 times). Infants and young people - from 25 to 200 micrograms a day. A significant amount of the substance contained in the green salad, spinach. However, the active substance is rapidly disappearing, it may not be sufficient, especially during pregnancy, nursing or individual genetic factors. Disrupt the absorption of these vitamins from food can excessive drinking.

How to use

According to the attached instructions for use of Folic acid, adults and children have dramatically different doses: in milligrams, and micrograms, respectively. It is no secret that folic acid is biologically inactive, so the production is artificial: available in tablets or capsules. Also significant content found in meat products, eggs, some types of vegetables such as tomatoes, sugar beets, beans, and spinach.

  • Preventive treatment (pregnancy, lactation);
  • functioning blood cells;
  • maintain antimicrobial therapy;
  • operability DNA, RNA of cells;
  • the treatment of various types of anemia;
  • normoblasts production and red blood cells.

Adults need to be taken with food: women - from 0.4 to 0.8 mg per day for men - 1 mg per day. Children will use medications based on age groups: from 25 mcg and 200 mcg finishing for the day. Child rate of folic acid may appoint doctor from birth to 14 years.

Note! 1 tablet contains (1mg) 1000 mcg substance. For convenience, it is recommended to dissolve in water, using a measuring syringe.


A plurality of drugs from other manufacturers are available on the basis of the same, the active substance - folic acid. It also contains vitamins B (Bc, B9). However, there are some differences in the application, e.g., in the lactation period in women pregnancy, as well as liver and kidney. With extreme caution should be used analogs of elderly people and children.

According to the current substance similar:

  • Methylcobalamin.
  • Tifol (Slovenia).
  • Vitrum folikum (USA).
  • Folacin.

In general, drug-Folate enclosed instructions for use with precise dosages. Means under the number 2 and 3 has virtually no contraindications, except prudence factor for elderly people (Tifol) and children (Vitrum). Sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Funds under №1 and 4, should be used only under strict instructions of the attending physician. Prescription.

Side effects

Folic acid can be made artificially in the case of severe shortage of active substance by the body, vitamins B. The deficit marked by a number of symptoms, including note:

  • bouts of weakness and nausea;
  • appetite disorders;
  • stomach upset;
  • memory problems;
  • depression and distraction;
  • hair loss.

Also, a side effect is to reduce the total amount of vitamin B12, which may be triggered by an excess of active agent. Consequences are in the form of neurological complications in the direction as well as the development of pernicious anemia. However, lack of folic acid can cause a variety of complications, even during pregnancy, including anemia. Characterized by allergic reactions, kidney problems, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock.


After birth, the risk of anemia, and the administration of drugs based on folic acid reduces it to a minimum. This will allow for the normalization of the processes of growth and formation of the skeleton of a baby. Positively affect folic acid and mom, stabilizes the nervous system and help avoid stress, insomnia. The body is extremely important indicator of vitamin B9 for the entire period when the woman is in a position, including the breastfeeding process.

Important! Apply the necessary means in strict dosage and personal prescription of the attending physician. Overdose can cause a number of adverse symptoms, especially during lactation.

As the daily diet should include vegetables, citrus fruits, cereals, dairy products. Oatmeal, rice, semolina, tomatoes must prevail in the daily food intake. Caution should be exercised with citrus - they can trigger allergies in the newborn when feeding.


According to the results of medical research, folic acid intake during gestation have a positive impact on the health of your baby and its mother. However, not always folic acid tablet is able to give the desired effect. In some cases, it can become an allergen and cause the following reactions:

  • redness of skin at different portions;
  • fever;
  • hives, itching;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Angioedema;
  • asthma attacks.

In particular, the last of the symptoms require immediate, medical intervention, and in the opposite case, lead to death. At the first allergic symptoms need to stop immediately course folic acid. Chance also idiosyncrasy of active substances that should be considered when beginning use.

When planning a pregnancy

If parents are planning to have a baby are kindly requested to include folic acid in the diet. Since the first months of pregnancy, a woman's body requires folic acid saturation. Acute shortage of vitamin B may adversely affect the unborn baby's health. Healthy placenta formation depends on the level of performance of folic acid. Shortage of active ingredient backed by hypovitaminosis, able to develop the following negative effects:

  • congenital fetus;
  • absolute or non-progressive detachment of the placenta;
  • the likelihood of miscarriage;
  • prematurely born fetus.

On the basis of medical advice, it is better to use folic acid before conception, approximately 3 months. Eat is not only the expectant mother, but also his father. In the latter case, the Folin positive impact on the composition of the seed, increasing sperm motility. Regarding the dosage, consult your doctor to set the individual reception.


The main indication for the use prescribed in the instructions, and includes a number of such cases:

  • Birth defects. Need an appointment on the basis of folia medication before and during pregnancy. The optimal amount is considered to be at least 400 micrograms per day. This will reduce the development of possible problems in the neural tube.
  • Reduction of homocysteine ​​levels. To have the desired effect on the body, it requires from 400 .mu.g to 1 mg of the compound daily. Required to combine with vitamins B12 and B6 with dosages of 50-300 mg and 10-50 mg respectively.
  • Mammary cancer. The use of 400 mg a day will significantly reduce the risk of disease, by acting on DNA. The main contraindication: complete abstinence from alcohol during treatment.
  • Pregnancy and post-exposure prophylaxis. Start taking stands prior to the start of pregnancy. The optimal dose is 800 micrograms per day of instruction. This will help avoid potential, congenital defects of the fetus.
  • Age-related weakening of the intellect. Drinking folic acid in an amount of 800 mg per day. Several studies have pointed to positive symptoms, particularly in the elderly.
  • Osteoporosis. To lower the homocysteine ​​level is required to appoint a vitamin B12 in tandem with folic acid. The share of the latter - from 5 mg per day.
  • Migraine. Most patients suffering from disease data were treated using folic acid. As in the case of osteoporosis, the dosage is 5 mg per day.

Left reviews of satisfied patients, demonstrated the effectiveness of the main active ingredient in the medical facility. In most cases, the problem symptoms are not observed. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

What foodstuffs contain

A significant number of products contain such substance, as folic acid. These include green vegetables, fruits and various kinds of herbs:

  • cabbage, parsley, lettuce;
  • carrots, sugar beets;
  • plantain, nettle, peppermint;
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • cucumber, pumpkin;
  • fruits (apricot, banana, orange);
  • leaves of raspberry and wild rose;
  • as well as birch, linden.

Animal products:

  • liver, eggs;
  • tuna, salmon;
  • pork, beef, chicken, lamb;
  • as well as dairy products.

The lack of this substance can cause nervous disorders, to enter into depression and disrupt the work of the central nervous system as a whole. The hormone serotonin adopted responsible for human happiness, will be generated at a low level due to a lack of folic acid. Hence the need to use for people of all ages, so folic acid is used universally and without harm.

folic acid Norma

Folic acid or folic acid is another name, is popular ingredient in an organism for normal human health. Daily norm according to medical research, is different depending on the age group taking the drug based on folic acid. Also of considerable importance is the period of pregnancy in women. Hence the dosage folic acid will be divided into three main groups:

  • Children. Depending on the individual performance of the body, as well as the child's age, it is necessary to drink medications with the active substance. From birth and up to six months, the optimal dose is 65 mg during the day. With 12 months of age should be increased - 80 micrograms per day. Toddlers from 1 to 3 years can drink about 150 mg per day of active substance and from 4 to 8 years - 200 micrograms. The body of a teenager 9-13 years requires about 300 micrograms per day B9.
  • Adults. A particular difference between the male and female body have: about 400 mg per day of active substance in tablets. Calculate quite simple: 1 tablet contains 1000 .mu.g (1 mg), and hence it will be daily rate half. If you have problems with blood formation, the daily rate is recommended to increase. Mandatory individual diagnosis in these situations.
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers. In women during lactation and harboring baby keenly felt shortage of B-vitamins. Help restore normal reception of the active substance with a dosing of 0.4 to 0.8 mg (400/800 mg) for one day. The required amount of folic acid appoint a physician.

As a result of receiving funds directly depends on several components. Age, status and individual characteristics of the organism as a whole. Consequently to the choice of dosing should be treated with caution, so as not to cause adverse symptoms.


Effects of administration may occur at an elevated dose of the drug for a long period, including the period of pregnancy. Despite the fact that from an overdose of significant, negative phenomena can not be observed, you should definitely call an ambulance.

Symptoms of an overdose the following:

  • Irritability, hyperactivity.
  • Jet lag, sleep.
  • Excessive irritability.
  • Problems of gastrointestinal (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting).
  • Failure of the kidneys.
  • Convulsions (fraught epileptics).
  • Allergic reactions, rash.
  • Bitter or metallic taste in the mouth.

It is assumed that increased dose of the substance in pregnant women, can cause problems with the immunity of the child. It is also capable of provoking an overdose risk of heart attack or coronary insufficiency in people prone to heart disease. Fighting adverse symptoms takes quite simple: the patient must wash out the stomach and take chelators (substances absorbing and detoxifying). After that, the patients were administered intravenous infusions of parallel intake of special drugs.

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