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Flax seeds: the caloric content per 100 grams

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Flax seeds - a natural and healthy product, which is used to treat, prevent gastrointestinal pathologies, weight loss. When using the high-calorie foods in dietetics consider flax seed and chemical composition.

The nutritional value

Caloric flax seed per 100 grams of 480 kcal.

The content of peptides, lipids, sugars:

  • Protein - 18.3 g;
  • fats - 42.17 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.58 g

Calorie is also determined by the content of dietary fiber - 27.3 g, ash - 3.72 g

Chemical composition

Medicinal properties of flax seeds for the organism and due to their caloric content of fiber, fat, glycosides, phenolic acids and a rich set of micro- and macroelements.

As part of the flax seed contains albumin and globulin. Among fats predominate glycerol esters useful unsaturated fatty acids, and which caused the largest part calorie product.

One of the most valuable components of the formulation is an alpha-linolenic acid - it exerts vasodilatory, antiarrhythmic effect. From this acid and other components are formed compound reducing the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system.

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Fiber reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques. Normalizes the bowels.

The composition contains vitamins:

  • AT1, AT2;
  • AT5, AT6;
  • AT9, AT7;
  • vitamin C;
  • riboflavin;
  • folic acid;
  • tocopherols.

Macro- and microelements:

  • lead;
  • calcium;
  • nickel;
  • magnesium;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • barium;
  • aluminum.

The potassium content of flax seeds to 7 times more than in bananas. Potassium is useful central nervous system, blood vessels, heart.

medicinal properties

The benefits of flax seeds in their protective action, a rich composition and a mild laxative effect. Water infusions envelop the mucous membranes, and the fatty acids therein are moderately active against inflammatory processes in humans.

Outwardly seeds are used to accelerate tissue regeneration. Laxative seeds have, increasing the volume of intestinal contents. Given the high caloric content flax seeds, they are taken in small quantities and rates of short duration.

Mode of application

Flax seeds are used in weight loss for cleaning slag from the intestine. Effective reception of constipation and chronic functional gastrointestinal pathologies in remission. In acute stages of reception of flax seeds can be harmful.


Considering how many calories are in flax seeds, take them sporadically. Twice a week, flax seeds pour water in the ratio 1: 2, take 1-3 teaspoons for intestine cleaning. The calorie-restricted diets, you can only take 1 teaspoon.

Can be added to a teaspoon of seed dressings, yogurt, kefir, as an additive to fish and meat dishes to taste. When calculating the calories of foods need to be taken into account and the nutritional value of flax seed.

In the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract

In chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are assigned a diet with reduced calorie and fat content, and flax seeds taken in the form of infusion.

It is prepared as follows:

  • put in a vessel of 1.5 tsp seeds;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • cover with a lid;
  • left in a water bath at a quarter of an hour;
  • filter.

Squeeze raw materials and take an infusion of 50 ml three times a day before meals. Because the infusion has a low caloric value, it can take longer - 2-3 weeks.

If you can not put in a water bath, can be the same mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for half an hour under the hood. After infusion overcome and take on a similar basis.

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