
The causes of pain in the anus in women - what to do?

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Well-being depends on many factors. Overwork, lack of sleep, avitaminosis primarily affect the person's activity. Sometimes, at first glance, a minor malfunction in the work of any of the organs affects the entire body, interferes with full-time work and rest, irritates, depresses, frightens.

For example, pain in the anus - on the one hand, among other everyday worries, they are assessed as not deserving of attention, on the other hand, their occurrence can cause anxiety - especially if the character is constant and the intensity increases. This is a sign of trouble, and you can not ignore it.

Contents of

  • 1 Causes of pain in the anus
  • 2 Pain in the anus in pregnancy
  • 3 When should I see a doctor?
  • 4 What are the pains in the anus in women?
  • 5 Prevention of pain in the anus

Causes of pain in the anus

Pain in the anus in women

In women, pain in the anus can occur for various reasons, sometimes quite unexpected.

1. It would seem that a simple case - the pain gives in the anus and appears when getting up from the stool, it was experienced by many women after 40 years.

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The reason, of course, can be the most banal - an uncomfortable hard chair, on which you have to sit all day. But more often such a symptom arises in the disorder with coccyx( cocci), it indicates the development:

  • Osteochondrosis in the lumbosacral section;
  • Intervertebral hernia with infringement of nerve roots( radiculitis);
  • Spinal curvature with intervertebral cartilage damage;
  • Consequences of a coccyx injury during fall or as a result of childbirth;
  • Obesity and associated excess pressure on the coccyx from the internal organs;
  • Endometriosis, adnexitis and ovarian cysts( gynecological problems);
  • Displacement of the tailbone when cycling or riding.

The pain can be different: aching and sharp in the form of a kind of colic.

2. A common cause of pain in the anus zone is hemorrhoids in women and its consequences.

Hemorrhoids are an extension of the venous vessels of the rectum. It develops with a general tendency to varicose veins, with lifting and wearing weights, with constipation, pregnancy, with regular intake of spicy food and alcohol. It is characterized by a drawing pain in the anus.

Hemorrhoids can undergo thrombosis and necrosis, and then the pains become unbearable, the temperature rises, the state of health worsens - you need emergency surgeon's help.

3. The rectal fissure can develop as a consequence of hemorrhoids and as an independent disease with frequent constipation or regular diarrhea, as well as trauma to the intestinal wall with fecal matter - for example, a fish bone. It is characterized by:

  • excruciating acute pain in the anus, growing with defecation,
  • spasm of the sphincter of the anus,
  • scarlet blood in the stool.

4. Paraproctitis( inflammation of connective tissue in the rectal zone) and abscess of the rectum are usually identified as complications of hemorrhoids or fissure of the intestinal wall - infection of surrounding tissues through the damaged epithelium occurs.

Aching pain in the anus passes into a sharp one from the slightest movement and requires surgical intervention.

5. Spasms of the rectum muscles( proctalgic fugues) cause pain at night, are characteristic of a young age, are associated with hormonal reorganization.

6. Infringement and prolapse of the rectum, which is observed in many women giving birth and elderly women, causes severe pain.

7. Irradiating in the anal canal area can be pain in appendicitis. Therefore, if they appeared suddenly and are amplified, it is necessary to take into account such an option.

8. Tumor of the rectum does not immediately manifest itself painful sensations, first there are bleeding and constipation. But gradually the pain becomes pronounced and permanent.

9. Gonorrheal proctitis is accompanied by a sensation of pain and burning in the anus, bloody and mucous inclusions in the stool.

10. Glaive infestation occurs with pain in the lower abdomen, and when infected with pinworms, persistent itching, redness and swelling of the skin around the anus are characteristic.

Pain in the anus in pregnancy

Pain in the anus during pregnancy

In the life of every woman there is a place to a feat - it's a pregnancy, a beautiful time, a harbinger of motherhood. The feat requires a woman of endurance, patience and courage. For 9 months, there are many inconveniences: toxicosis, anemia, dermatitis, taste perversion, inability to take a comfortable position during sleep and hemorrhoids, which caused suffering to almost every pregnant woman.

It is caused by:

  • Increased uterine pressure on the rectum,
  • Constipation, which develops under the influence of hormones that suppress intestinal motility to prevent premature labor, and as a result of a decrease in physical activity of a woman,
  • By reducing the natural level of immunity and consequent exacerbation of chronic processes.

It should be known - in ectopic pregnancy, 84% of women have pains of varying intensity in the lower abdomen, in the rectum and under the scapula. Therefore, when they appear, you should, without delay, go to the gynecologist.

When should I see a doctor?

Consultation of a proctologist will not prevent in most cases the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and anus. All these reasons should not be left without attention, you may need a checkup from a gynecologist, a surgeon, a gastroenterologist and a neurologist.

Blood, urine and feces analysis in addition to radiography, MRI, colonoscopy will help to identify the true disease that lurks behind a symptom such as pain in the anus.

What are the pains in the anus in women?

Treatment depends on the diagnosis and is prescribed by a specialist. Since the anal cracks or hemorrhoids are often the cause of pain in the anus, the treatment scheme is usually as follows:

  1. In an acute period, anesthesia with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( ibuprofen, nise).
  2. Application of ointments and suppositories on the basis of heparin, troxevasin, rutin, glycerin. Drugs hydrocortisone should not be used during pregnancy.
  3. Antiseptic baths( with potassium permanganate).
  4. Application of laxatives to fight with habitual constipation only according to the doctor's prescription taking into account the state of the intestines, and in pregnancy - the condition and tone of the uterus.
  5. Limitation of mobility in the acute period.
  6. After the abating pain - physiotherapy procedures to consolidate the positive result.

Prevention of pain in the anus

To prevent the development of pathology in the rectum, observe the rules:

  • Daily give the body a physical load in the form of a measured walk for at least half an hour.
  • Organize a healthy diet with daily consumption of herbs and vegetables, cereals, sour-milk products, vegetable and fruit juices, excluding baked pastries, sugar and confectionery.
  • To get rid of constipation, enter a regular emptying of the intestine, adhering to a strict schedule.
  • Go swimming.
  • Massage is useful.
  • Visits to the gynecologist 2 times a year.
  • In case of incomprehensible sensations - not self-medication, but consultation with a doctor.
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