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What Can Replace Mexidol

Meksidol analogues of the drug and being replaced

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Meksidol - a drug produced in Russia. The tool has an antioxidant effect. The medicine supplying oxygen body cells, has beneficial effects on metabolism. A toxic effect - helps to quickly remove toxins from the human body. Analogs Mexidol unlike the original drug are composed of several other active ingredients. But that their functionality is not getting worse.

At the pharmacy shelf can find a synonym of the tool, these drugs have the same active ingredients as Meksidol.

Synonyms are able as well as the basic drug has a calming effect, improves memory, improves mental ability. Therefore, Meksidol can be replaced by similar means, at the doctor's discretion.

In some cases, prescribe medication data

Meksidol quite common in the medical field. In most cases, indications for use are as follows:

  • Pathology that occurs due to a neurological disorder. These are epilepsy, HDR syndrome, loss of strength, lack of concentration.
  • Mental disorder system, namely the inexplicable fear and panic.
  • Pathological deviations in the abdominal cavity.
  • Dependency on alcohol and drugs.
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As with any drug, to the tool also comes with instruction in which a person can get acquainted with the rules of admission of the drug. If the pills are taken - is assigned to one dose and a specific course of treatment. A injections prescribed by another scheme. In any case, the type and dosage of the only doctor.

See also: Price and instructions Mexidol

Medications similar mexidol

Depending on the patient's state of health, his possible response to constituent components of medication, the physician determines that this assign - viewed medicament or drug analogs.

Analogue Mexidol in tablets are the following tools:

  • hypoxen. Indicated for this condition, which is characterized by hypoxia. Violation occurs when the cerebral circulation, serious heart disease.
  • Tserebronorm. It has a combined effect. Used to improve the metabolic processes.
  • Mex 6. This substitute Mexidol also has a combined effect. It is used in neurological disorders, psychiatric disorders, with alcohol and drug poisoning.
  • Polinevrin. Multivitamin is a combination drug. As part of the B vitamins are present Directed for the treatment of diseases that can affect the peripheral nervous system.

Mexidol analogues presented in ampoules the following medications:

  • Emoksibel. It has antihypoxic and antioxidant effect. Prescribed, if a person is detected coronary heart disease, or impaired brain circulation.
  • Kompligam B. As part of the present vitamins from group B, and lidocaine. Appointed, if disrupted brain activity as a result of passive circulation.
  • cytoflavin. It is a combined medication. The doctor writes it, if disturbed cerebral circulation.
  • hypoxen. This solution, which is introduced via a dropper. Content that is in the vial is diluted with saline. Route of administration - intravenous. The process is carried out fairly slow.

Analogs of drugs that are administered intravenously or intramuscularly, usually assigned, if a person diagnosed with severe and progressive disease. In such cases, it is necessary to cure as soon as possible received into the patient. All of the above analogs have a different value.

May be cheaper analogues of the drug. These include:

  • Armadin. Appointed, if a person is observed decline of forces, to restore brain activity. Also it helps to remove, if necessary, toxins, due to excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Meksifin. Too cheap substitute. Used as prevention of stress, overwork. Adverse reactions in this analogy is not observed, so its use is permitted from birth for the treatment of various pathologies and disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Glitsised. Analog, which is available in tablet form. Assigned to the elimination of disorders in neurological diseases. Observe the manual dose, the side effect is absent.

Among the large number of different medicines, can easily choose a cheap and analog ground medicament. But before use, a necessary condition - is to consult with your doctor.


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