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Ointment against herpes on the lips, review effective gels and creams

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The frequency of exacerbations of herpes on the lips of some people can be several times a year, so pressing issue is to find the optimal solutions for the rapid treatment of the disease and prevention relapses.

In the treatment of acute herpes infection on the lips using two approaches: the impact on activity of the virus through the use of antiviral drugs and increase immunoresistance body.

Basics herpes therapy on his lips:

  • All drugs against herpes lips have maximum efficiency in their use in step earliest manifestations of the disease (tingling, itching, burning, tingling and m. P.).
  • When the first symptoms of herpes orolabialnogo should consult a doctor for proper preparation and an effective treatment regimen.
  • Antivirals for systemic use should be prescribed only by a doctor.
  • Also, the doctor will determine which ointment against herpes on the lips better.
  • The main focus of medical treatment of cold sores on the lips is the use of antiviral agents effective against HSV which is proven. These include drugs FarmGruppa acyclic nucleosides -
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    acyclovir, Penciclovir, valacyclovir and Famciclovir. In addition, used drugs and other FarmGruppa eg tromantadine.
  • Such medication drugs can inhibit DNA synthesis only in actively proliferating herpes simplex viruses. At the same viruses that are in the "sleep" state in the nerve ganglia, are not available for the operation of these funds.
  • Such preparations may be applied as systemically (tablet, injection) or locally - in the form of an ointment, cream or gel.
  • Use ointment herpes on the lips must be correctly: wash your hands before and after the procedure, and the means at hand to use disposable.
  • Ointment against herpes on the lips is usually applied several times a day until complete elimination of the clinical manifestations of the disease.


All preparations for topical antiviral treatment of cold sores on the lips can be used in the form of an ointment, cream or gel.

Ointments from Herpes on the lips are made on the basis of fatty their effect more prolonged than cream or gel. At the same time a cream or gel is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue on clothes.

Yet, given the frequent formation of solid crusts on the lips in this disease, as well as the frequent localization of the rash on the mucous membranes, herpes is better to use the ointment.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market represented a lot of different tools for the topical treatment of herpes labialis. However, this diversity can be divided into several groups based on the main active component of these preparations.

Topical preparations of herpes on the lips:

  • acyclovir. Topical agents with this active ingredient are perhaps the most popular in the treatment of herpes infections. There are a lot of unique preparations containing acyclovir, which are different trade names (Zovirax, Gerviraks, Viroleks, Gerperaks, gerpevir, Acyclovir Acre and t. D.).
  • penciclovir. Available only in the form of a cream. Most known formulations containing penciclovir are fenistil, Pentsivir and Vektavir.
  • tromantadine. It is produced in the form of a gel. Trade name - Viru-Merz serol gel 1%.
  • Tools based on vegetable raw materials. Such drugs include, for example, an extract of potato shoots (panavir gel), Herbs Desmodium Canadian (ointment Helepin D) and m. P.

Prices of ointments for treatment of Herpes on the lips vary in a very wide range - from low to high. Pricing funds from herpes affects a lot of factors, chief among them - the manufacturer.

The price of the drug is determined, based on the fact the original is a drug ( "brand") or generic (copy or equivalent). In the manufacture of generic drugs manufacturer is no need to invest in their invention, research, promotion and so on. D. So the price of these drugs is significantly lower.

Also, the price effect and the basis of an ointment or cream. For example, propylene glycol, a part of Zovirax, promotes more rapid release and absorption into the affected area of ​​the active substance - acyclovir. A lower-cost bases - or Paraffin Glycerin - slow down the absorption of the active substance, but the price of the ointment thus will be much lower.

Yet in most cases, treatment of herpes on the lips with the help of cheap ointments containing, for example, acyclovir, too, will be quite effective.

Preparations based on acyclovir

Acyclovir - is an antiviral agent which is a synthetic analogue of acyclic nucleosides. After penetration of acyclovir into the human body by complex chemical transformations is included in the DNA chain of the virus and causes it to open. Further active viral replication is blocked, and cells in which the virus was to remain intact.

Opening acyclovir happened back in the 70s of the last century, and its inventor pharmacologist Gertrude Bell Gertrude B. Elion for it has been awarded the Nobel Prize.

For the first time in the pharmaceutical market acyclovir was released by GlaxoSmithKline (UK) and is registered as Zovirax. That this drug is the "ancestor" of all other products containing in its composition acyclovir.

In the Russian market such ointment against herpes on the lips represented by different pharmaceutical companies, both domestic and foreign. Produced ointment or cream for the treatment of herpes labialis with acyclovir content of 5%.

List of products containing acyclovir:

  • Atsigerpin (India) - cream.
  • Acyclovir (Russian: Vertex; Nizhpharm; Synthesis; Atoll; AZT Pharma K. B.; Ozone; Tatkhimpharmpreparaty and others) - ointment and cream.
  • Acyclovir (Republic of Belarus) - ointment.
  • Acyclovir (Switzerland) - ointment.
  • Acyclovir Belupo (Croatia) - cream.
  • Acyclovir-acre (Russia) - the salve.
  • Acyclovir-Verein (Russia) - cream.
  • Vivoraks (India) - cream.
  • Viroleks (Slovenia) - cream.
  • Gerviraks (Russia) - cream.
  • Gerperaks (India) - an ointment.
  • Zovirax (UK) - cream.

Also acyclovir is a part of some combination of ointments, for example, Gerpferon and Zovirax Duo-Aktiv.

Due to this diversity of preparations containing acyclovir, everyone can pick up a cream against herpes on the lips, focusing on their financial capabilities. So, the price of the drug Acyclovir, produced in Russia, is in the range of 30-60 rubles. A brand-name drug Zovirax can be bought for 185-200 rubles.

Ointment acyclovir in herpes on the lip should be applied at the very first manifestations of the disease. It should be applied evenly, gently rubbing on the damaged areas of the skin and / or mucous four to five times per day throughout the period of exacerbation. Interval between application of the ointment is about four hours.

Side effects of these ointments include a brief redness, itching, burning, or tingling in the areas of influence of the drug. In very rare cases, an allergic reaction can occur.


Topical treatment of herpetic infection drugs on the basis of penciclovir, tromantadine and some other chemical compounds are not as common. This is due, in all probability, the high cost of these drugs and their relative novelty in the pharmaceutical market.

Penciclovir drugs represented Fenistil Pentsivir (Germany) and Vektavir (UK). Available in cream form. The mechanism of action similar to that of acyclovir. A feature of this active substance is longer than acyclovir, the half-life of the cell, which increases its efficiency.

Fenistil Pentsivir 1% cream for herpes lips applied every two to three hours (approximately eight times a day) by applying a thin layer of the drug to the affected skin. Duration of treatment is about five days.

Tromantadine known as Vir-Merz serol gel 1% (Germany). This gel against herpes on the lips used externally, rubbing the affected area. The frequency of application - three to five times a day. The course of treatment is usually two or three days. If after this time no improvement occurred, treatment should be discontinued and seek medical advice. Efficacy is increased at the start of its application to the rash.

MEANS herbal raw material

A niche in the market of antiviral agents for the treatment of herpes labialis take drugs, which are based on medicinal plants extracts (herbal). These include: Panavir gel, ointment Helepin D and hiporamin. These best-known and officially registered herbal medicines with antiviral activity produced in Russia.

In applying such formulations herpesvirus activity is suppressed almost the same as when using synthetic derivatives of acyclic nucleosides. However, for some users the naturalness of the drug and its components is a priority. In these cases, apply anti-viral creams and ointments for the treatment of herpes orolabialnogo based on vegetable raw materials.

Herbal such as may be used in case of intolerance and synthetic antiviral agents.

panavir gel It contains in the structure of the extract of potato sprouts. Viralstatic has properties, it inhibits the multiplication of HSV, blocking the synthesis of viral DNA in infected human cells. Is applied to the lesions of five times per day for 3-5 days. course of therapy may be continued if necessary.

Helepin D by 55% consists of herb extract desmodium Canadian. This drug is available as a 1% or 5% ointment. In this case, 5% ointment is assigned only to adults. The application of 1% ointment might have children, as well as localization of the pathological process in the mucous membranes.

The ointment is applied from two to six times a day in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin and / or mucous membranes. The course of treatment is usually four to five days. In generalized forms of herpes complex treatment duration can be increased up to several weeks.

Ointment hiporamin herpes contains dry purified extract from the leaves of sea buckthorn. It is applied four to six times a day to the affected area. Duration of treatment with milder forms of the disease ranges from three to ten days. In case of severe or recurrent forms of herpes infection treatment may be a few weeks.

In conclusion, it is useful to recall that in the selection of agents for the treatment and prevention of herpes orolabialnogo it is better to consult a doctor. It is he who will help you choose the best inexpensive ointment against herpes on the lips with maximum efficiency and minimum side effects.

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