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What are the contraindications to the use of at Actovegin?

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Medicament Aktovegin is an agent having a stimulatory effect on metabolic processes in the body. Despite the fact that it is considered a reliable, proven and safe for life, there are contraindications Actovegin. Therefore, it is in any case can not be taken alone. Just prior consultation with your doctor can help find the right dosage and to take into account the individual condition of the body.

Who should not take Aktovegin?

Versatility Actovegin influence on the body is manifested in the fact that the readings are numerous disorders and diseases of virtually all organ systems. In most cases, patients reported good tolerability of the drug and to obtain the desired effect from taking it. However, there are categories of people who use Actovegin is prohibited, as well as those who need to take the drug with caution and under medical supervision.

When choosing a medicament Aktovegin contraindications are not too numerous but no less serious. First of all, it should be noted women who are breastfeeding or are in the childbearing period. Use medicament in the form of tablets or injections can only after they permit a physician.

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The reception should be held under the regular supervision of a specialist and the periodic delivery of laboratory tests. Actovegin forms intended for external application (ointment), used as a therapeutic agent in pregnancy and breastfeeding is permitted. They will not harm the baby or fetus, and the adverse reactions may be the same as that of other people.

In addition to pregnancy and lactation are contraindications for the drug Aktovegin will be the following:

  • anuria (pathological condition in which urine is supplied into the bladder, due to which its separation is completely stopped);
  • oliguria (decreased urine output due to insufficient formation of kidney);
  • a large amount of chlorine ions and / or sodium in the blood (respectively - and hyperchloremia hypernatremia);
  • heart failure decompensation in step (this - contraindications of injections intravenously Aktovegin);
  • edema of the lung tissue.

If a patient is already taking any medication, then this should definitely inform your doctor. The same applies to the various food dietary supplements. In addition, if there is a tendency to allergic reactions or allergies to certain substances, then it is also necessary to notify the specialist.

Take Aktovegin can not in any case, people who have an idiosyncrasy of compounds in its composition, or analogues of the drug. Furthermore, treatment should be discarded Actovegin patients with the disease, so-called "convulsive syndrome "- a pathological condition characterized by increased activity of neurons and uncontrolled muscle reduction.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the fact that according to the reviews Aktovegin well tolerated, sometimes while taking the drug as a response of the organism may occur unpleasant phenomena. Side effects Actovegin in most cases, are manifested in the form of allergies. This is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • slight hyperthermia;
  • increased sweating;
  • redness of the skin;
  • heat sensation.

When you see these signs of an allergic reaction should immediately stop taking Actovegin and inform your doctor to replace the drug.

Keep in mind that ignoring such phenomena can cause anaphylactic shock, first aid for which can provide qualified personnel. Immediately should seek help if such symptoms occur, such as:

  • a sense of constriction in the chest area;
  • loss of consciousness, faint and dizzy;
  • severe dizziness;
  • pain in the head pressing nature;
  • incoordination;
  • increased heart rate;
  • a significant increase in body temperature.

To prevent such a situation, before you start treatment Actovegin required necessarily to test for sensitivity. It is directed by an injection preparation, a volume of 2 ml, into the muscle. The procedure is performed in a medical facility, because conditions must be created to provide first aid, if the test is positive.

What other side effects may occur Actovegin? In rare cases, note the following reactions to the drug:

  • When used topically means may arise phenomena such as burning sensation, pruritus different intensities;
  • From the nervous system may cause dizziness and weakness, until syncope;
  • Possible violations of respiratory function. These include: feeling short of breath, rapid breathing, difficulty swallowing;
  • Musculoskeletal system can respond to the medicine joint pain;
  • Of the heart and blood vessels, some patients notice blood pressure fluctuations, increased heart rate, pain;
  • During use of the gel for the eye can be increased secretion of lacrimal fluid, as well as redness of the sclera.

To get rid of these symptoms will help symptomatic therapy. Application Actovegin then stopped. You should always tell your doctor about the incident that he had appointed an alternate treatment.

In some cases, in place Actovegin injection formulation may arise hematoma and / or abscesses. This is due to the fact that the procedure for administration of the drug was conducted with violation of the rules. Introduce the drug need to slowly, slowly, the solution should be warm.

Aktovegin should be administered according to individual patient parameters such as age, body weight, particularly metabolic comorbidities. If not able to finish the risk of exceeding the optimal dose. An overdose of the drug, most often manifested disorder of the digestive tract. The negative reaction on the part of the digestive organs can be expressed in the form of nausea, disorders stool, abdominal pain.

Prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions, to obtain the positive effects of therapy can be, if you carefully follow the recommendations of the attending physician and on application to the instructions aktovegin. An important point when using Actovegin is its maximum single dose.

The drug should not be administered in excess of 5 ml. If held infusional Aktovegin, it is mandatory to keep under control the level of electrolytes in the blood. Otherwise, it may cause soft tissue swelling.

Strict adherence to doctor's instructions and contra account will help prevent the development of side effects Actovegin. It is impossible to independently cancel or change medication. Also it is impossible to change the assigned dosage and dosage regimen. Only a specialist, based on the characteristics of clinical symptoms, can determine the optimal treatment option Actovegin in each case. If necessary, it is possible to retreat from the requirements.


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