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Folic Acid: helps to get pregnant or not, how to drink, instructions, dosage

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What is folic acid

Folic acid - a vitamin B9Which is also referred to as folacin. Lack of this vitamin is celebrated every fifth person, depending on the area of ​​residence. Not only for women it is important to maintain a level of folacin at a sufficient level - lack of folic acid in men can lead to difficulties in conception and vices of the developing fetus.

Folic acid prepares the body to reproduce the kind of - normalize metabolic processes, accelerates the absorption of other nutrients, reproductive system works actively and increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Once in the body, folic acid is converted to coenzyme, which plays an important role in metabolic processes. Slowing down these processes can interfere with getting pregnant, which is why the use of vitamin B9 so it is necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

Why take folacin

Effect on male and female body is slightly different.

The overall impact on the body of both sexes can be described as follows:

  • accelerate the metabolism of the peptide;
  • insta story viewer
  • improve hematopoietic processes;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • accelerating the assimilation of amino acids and sugars;
  • participate in the formation of RNA and DNA;
  • atherosclerosis and prevention of food poisoning.

Folic acid supports the immune system, improves the digestive tract. Drink folic acid to get pregnant, it is necessary also because it improves the absorption of vitamins, necessary for conception and childbearing. To get pregnant, it is recommended to take vitamins to both spouses.

For women

Folic acid when planning pregnancy, women need to prevent serious abnormalities of the reproductive system:

  • failure follicular phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • absolute or partial detachment of the placenta;
  • fading pregnancy;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • anemia and fetal hypoxia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability, emotional instability.

Folic acid deficiency can lead to the development of congenital malformations, including encephalopathy, hydrocephalus, malnutrition, neural tube disease, cleft lip, cleft palate, delayed intellectual development, if women have been able to become pregnant.

For men

To get pregnant, taking folic acid should not only be a woman. If male infertility caused by insufficient activity of spermatozoa, folic acid will be effective as a medicine.

Folate increases the motility and sperm penetration ability, reduces the number of substandard, defective spermatozoa. And decreases the likelihood of transmission of the wrong set of chromosomes that carries the pathology of fetal development.

Drugs with folacin

In most cases, if no pathology are organic in nature, it is possible to conceive, if consumed folic acid in the composition of various drugs. Which of them will be selected for treatment - doctor decides on the results of diagnostics.

Folic acid tablets

The optimal option with affordable price and best quality. Each tablet contained 1 mg of vitamin B9. Dosage for women wishing to become pregnant, usually up to two tablets three times a day. Depending on comorbidities, the doctor may adjust the dosage or duration of treatment.

Apo-folik, Folacin

Each tablet contains 5 mg of active substance. Since the daily dosage at normal rates of vitamin B9 up to 1 gram, these drugs are prescribed for acute deficiency of folic acid in one of the couple that makes it possible not to become pregnant.

Since these drugs are not considered preventive and curative, to take them without prior consultation, to get pregnant, it is forbidden.


Medicament containing not only folic acid, and iodine but which lack often prevents conceive. One tablet contains 400 micrograms of folacin and 200 mcg of iodine. It applies two tablets a day. The dosage of prophylactic, allowing to cover a lack of vitamin, if it does not come from food.

complex preparations

To get pregnant can be difficult after folic acid, if there is a vitamin deficiency in respect of several vitamins. In such cases, prescribe multivitamin complexes containing not only in9But other vitamins needed to become pregnant. Among such drugs: Materna, Vitrum prenatal, Eleven, Vitrum prenatal forte, Multi-tabs perinatal, Pregnavit. folic acid content in these preparations up to 1 mg, which is sufficient to become pregnant with a deficiency in non-acute form of folacin.

Mode of application

Folic acid taken orally after meals. The duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician, but generally, to get pregnant, you need to take folic acid before conception long - 3-6 months.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug is prescribed for adults 1-1.5 mg one to three times a day. The maximum daily dose is 5 mg or 5 tablets.

Pregnant women in the event of reduced hemoglobin in the first trimester of pregnancy should drink 5 folic acid tablets a day. Treatment supplemented preparations containing iron. The course of treatment was three months, after which the dose was lowered to 4 tablets once a week.

The dosage should be determined only by a physician. Self-administration of drugs may not only interfere with getting pregnant, but also cause the development of organic and functional diseases of internal organs.


Preparations containing folic acid, administered not only to pregnant faster or eliminate functional sterility.

Indications for use of medicines with folacin:

  • macrocytic anemia;
  • megaloblastic anemia in pregnant women;
  • leukopenia caused by drugs, radiation, chemicals;
  • anemia arising on a background of gastroenteritis, stomach resection, intestinal tuberculosis.

As the excipient used in depressive states, increased anxiety, in the complex treatment of cervical dysplasia.


Folacin does not always help to solve problems with fertilization, if its use in a patient, or the patient has contraindications. Prohibited treatment folacin at deficiency of vitamin B12 folic acid or intolerances, malignant anemia and irreparable cobalamin deficiency.


Long term treatment with high dosages may contribute to toxicity and mask the lack of vitamin B12. Possible health hazards of accumulation of crystals folacin enhancing side effects. For the treatment of the drug you want to cancel and spend symptomatic therapy.

Side effects

Drugs with folacin well tolerated, in rare cases, the following side reactions:

  • nausea, vomiting, bloating;
  • flatulence, anorexia, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • allergic reactions;
  • erythema, breathing disorders as a result of bronchospasm;
  • Disorder night's sleep;
  • limbs convulsively.

Urinary system can respond by hypertrophy of the epithelial cells in the renal tubules with a violation of their functions.

Products from B9

If a woman saw folic acid and pregnant in the future, it is necessary to adhere to proper diet, which will prevent the deficit folacin. Since the continuous application of drugs is not practiced, doctors recommend to enrich the diet products contain large amounts of folic acid:

  • eggs;
  • carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, melons, beets;
  • milk and milk products;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • walnuts and almonds;
  • buckwheat, oats, rice cereal;
  • beans, peas;
  • lemons, oranges, peaches, watermelon;
  • leafy greens.

A large number of folic acid contained in beef liver and beef products. It is desirable to prepare meals in a pair or consume raw products, such as vegetables and fruits, as the thermal treatment useful lost folate quality.

If a woman can not become pregnant, it may be pre-assigned to a diet rich in these products for natural replenishment of vitamin deficiency. If the diet drugs will be appointed within three months does not help to get pregnant.

helpful hints

Even wanting to get pregnant, some spouses do not abandon the poor lifestyle choices. Smoking, lack of sleep, diet breach is not only hinders get pregnant, but also leads to a twofold consumption of folic acid. Can interfere with getting pregnant are as previously hormones, antidepressants, antibiotics, because the doctor must be notified about all the medicines that have been taken recently.

To improve the absorption of folacin and get pregnant, it is recommended to give up bad habits, to adjust sleep and physical activity. Comfortable for the body physical activity can help to get pregnant for those who have violated the blood circulation of the pelvic organs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle.


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