Duration Of Treatment Amoksiklava
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Duration of treatment Amoksiklava

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Amoksiklav relates to antibacterial agents with a broad spectrum of action. In other words, it adversely affects a lot of bacteria, including those that make up the body's natural microflora. How many days will take Amoxiclav to get rid of pathogenic bacteria and does not cause harm to their own body? Before starting the reception, it is necessary to study in detail instructions for use to Amoksiklava, Attached to the drug.

appointment Amoksiklava

Amoksiklav - a penicillin antibiotic group comprising clavulanic acid. This acid inhibits bacterial enzymes, which deprives the microorganisms ability to multiply and they lose their ability to resist the effects of the antibiotic.

Amoxiclav is intended for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • infections of the skin;
  • Bacterial diseases of the joints, bone;
  • postoperative therapy;
  • dental surgery and others.

It means produced in the form of powder for suspension, tablets and injectable solution. Amoksiklava Dosage depends on the disease and the medicament form.

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The composition and dosage

The most common form of application Amoksiklava - this pill. But use them only allowed from 6 years. Baby toddlers appointed suspension - they are more forgiving for the microflora of the child and can be used with the age of three months. A preparation in the form of injections used in acute and chronic diseases of bacterial origin if severe illness.

Each of different release forms of the active substance concentration. The tablets have amoxycillin dosage of 250, 500 and 850 mg and clavulanic acid - 125 mg, regardless of the dose of amoxycillin. Their take 1 every 8 hours under the condition that the dosage is 250 mg. If 500 mg, then every 12 hours twice a day. In severe disease thrice allowed use of tablets with a dosage of 500 mg or twice-pills with a dosage of 875 mg.

Conventional tablets Amoksiklava take with meals or at the beginning of the meal meal. They are not chewed and washed down with plenty of water. Application Amoksiklav Kviktab provides other use form: tablets are dissolved in 100 ml of water or resolves (Amoksiklav Kviktab so take - up to complete dissolution in the mouth). The course of treatment using tablets is from 5 days to two weeks. How many days drinking Amoxiclav decides physician depending on the disease and the patient's general condition. The maximum dose of amoxicillin per day for an adult - 6,000 mg.

Composition for suspensions containing 125 and 250 mg amoxycillin and 31.5 and 62.5 mg clavulanic acid in 5 ml respectively prepared suspension. Babies dose calculated according to body weight. To prepare a powder slurry, water was added and the contents well shaken. Mass consumed 2-3 times a day, every 8-12 hours, dividing it into equal parts. The highest daily rate of a medicament for children 45 mg per 1 kg weight.

Powder for intravenous injection is available in two dosages - 500 mg of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid 100 mg and 1000 mg of amoxicillin with 200 mg of clavulanic acid. Water for injection is dissolved in 10 and 20 ml, respectively for each dosage. It is used for intravenous injection within less than 20 minutes. She injection lasts for at least 3-4 minutes. If necessary to intravenous infusion, the prepared solution is added to 50 and 100 ml of infusion fluid, respectively for each dosage. Infusion lasts up to 30-40 minutes. Amoxiclav treatment in the form of injections and infusions adults spend no more than 14 days. In some cases, the injectable composition administered to children, even newborns.

Side effects

Based on customer feedback, using Amoksiklav drug side effects may arise as disorders digestive system, skin allergic reactions, nerve disorders, liver, urinary system and circulation. Long-term use of the drug can cause dysbiosis and candidiasis.

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Anna Moschovis - family doctor.

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