Diseases Of The Intestine
Diseases Of The Intestine

Dolihosigma of the intestine in an adult, a child: what is it, symptoms, treatment

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1 The causes of the formation of dolichosigma

Dolihosigma is often considered as a variant of intestinal development. In a child, it leads to the formation of constipation. Scientists have found out that with dolichosigma fibrosis is observed - normal tissue is replaced by a connective, which leads to swelling, excessive growth of muscle fibers, impregnation of intestinal walls with tissue fluid. As a result, the intestine can not function normally.

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  • Some physicians tend to believe that dolichosigma in children is not a pathology in the conventional sense, rather it is a special variant of the structuregut, which, when confluence of some factors leads to problems with the stool. According to statistics, only 25% of adults diagnosed with dolichosigma have problems with the stool, others may not even suspect a diagnosis.

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    The causes of abnormalities in the development of the intestine - the unfavorable course of pregnancy during the first trimester. It is at this time that the main structures of the intestine are laid.

    2 Symptoms of

    The disease manifests itself in adults and children alike. Parents notice that the child experiences severe difficulties with the stool - frequent constipation, very dense or fragmented dry stool. Constipation begins to bother the child after switching to artificial mixtures or introducing complementary foods. Some children develop chronic constipation in two to three years.

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    In addition, a frequent complaint with such a diagnosis, as dolichosigma of the intestine, is a recurrent pain in the abdomen. The main localization of pain occurs on the lower part of the patient's abdomen.

    In addition to the problems with bowel movement in children and adults and the appearance of pain, symptoms of dolichosigma can be considered:

    • abdominal pains of a bursting nature;
    • bloating;
    • flatulence;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • indigestion by the body of vitamins;
    • self-poisoning by metabolic products;
    • pallor;
    • an enlarged abdomen on the background of general leanness and asthenia;
    • dry tongue, on which you can notice a thick coating;
    • bad breath;
    • brittle hair and nails;
    • seizures( inflammatory processes of tissues in the affected area) in the corners of the mouth;
    • circles under the eyes.
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    All of these symptoms may indicate both the presence of dolichosigma, and the presence of some other diseases of the digestive system. Therefore, you should not make a diagnosis yourself and prescribe a treatment without having completed a full examination before the experts. Symptoms and treatment of this disease have much in common with Hirschsprung's disease.

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    3 Stages of development of

    In medicine, it is common to distinguish three clinical stages of the disease.

    Compensated - the first and the easiest stage of the disease. At this stage in a child who does not have any serious health problems, sometimes constipation occurs. On the X-ray, lengthening of the intestine will be revealed. Attacks of pain in such cases are rare. The pain disappears or is greatly relieved after the departure of the stool - in some cases an enema may be needed for this. The physical development of the child at this stage of dolichosigma is within the norm, the stomach is not painful, it has a normal form.

    Subcompensated - at this stage the disease manifests itself more aggressively. Constipation may last 2-3 days. If you use insufficient amounts of fiber, constipation occurs more often. Problems with the stool and unpleasant painful sensations are observed in patients almost every week, there is a strong flatulence, often to cause the departure of the stool, have to do an enema. At this stage of the disease, bloating is observed in the patients, the abdomen increases in size in the lower half.

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    Picture 4

    Decompensated is the most severe stage of the disease manifestation. Problems with the abdomen in this case occur in patients every day. The duration of constipation can be five days, the chair in most cases departs only after the enema. The patient has a strong flatulence, constant spastic pain, bloating, abdomen markedly increased in size, the patient is physically developed very poorly.

    4 Consequences of the disease

    If the dolichocolone is not treated, the disease can turn out to be quite serious consequences for the body. Among these consequences, we can distinguish:

    • mild intoxication - happens when the intestine is not emptied for a long time, resulting in self-poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
    • fecal stones - with prolonged constipation the fecal masses become very hard and dense, so I can not leave the intestine on my own;
    • intestinal obstruction - the movement of food and stool mass through the intestines is not carried out correctly;
    • anemia - a decrease in blood levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells;
    • appearance on the skin of purulent eruptions;
    • weight loss.


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    Picture 5

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex of functional disorders in the intestine, which includes pain and constant discomfort.

    5 Diagnostic methods

    A doctor examines a patient, probes his stomach in the area of ​​the sigmoid colon, determining that it is indeed filled with calves and has an elongated and slightly expanded shape.

    In order to prescribe the right treatment, you need to make sure that the patient really has dolichokolon, and not any other disease of the digestive system. For this, the following diagnostic measures are taken.

    Irrigoscopy or X-ray. A clearer picture can be obtained after an X-ray examination with a contrast medium( barium mixture).Irrigoscopy can clearly consider the shape and size of the intestine and how it is located in the abdominal cavity.

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    Colonoscopy - examination and evaluation of the internal surface of the large intestine, which are carried out using a special tool - an endoscope.


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    Study of feces for dysbiosis.

    Scintigraphy is a method of examination by visualization, which is carried out after introduction into the body of radioactive isotopes transmitting a two-dimensional image. This method is more sensitive than X-ray, but it is much less common.

    There are other methods of research, but they are used rarely. Usually, the diagnosis is to find out the symptoms in children and adults, palpation and x-rays.

    6 Complex treatment of

    In most cases, the treatment of this disease is complex and conservative, that is, it does not require any surgical interventions.

    As a treatment for both the child and the adult, a special massage of the abdomen is necessarily done, siphon enemas are established, procedures of exercise therapy are performed. In no case is treatment allowed by the use of laxative drugs that have a strong effect. Figure 7

    In addition, an important stage in the treatment of a child and an adult is a diet with dolichosigma. In the daily diet should necessarily include foods high in fiber - vegetables, buckwheat, corn, whole-grain bread, greens, fruits, you can afford olive and peach oil.

    You can also try folk remedies. A good method is the daily intake of 15 grams of dry bran. Bran can not be soaked, poured with milk, water, yogurt and so on, use only dry, but after they can drink.

    Usually, for both the child and the adult, such measures produce a positive result, but if the condition of the body does not change for a long time, treatment by surgery may be required. Usually, resection of excess sigmoid loops is performed for this purpose.

    In most cases, the prognosis is quite favorable, after treatment the body comes back to normal, the stool is normalized.

    The patient lives a full life and does not feel any inconveniences in the future in connection with the disease.

    Contents of
    • 1 Reasons for the formation of a dolichosigma
    • 2 Symptoms of
    • 3 Developmental stages of
    • 4 Consequences of the disease
    • 5 Diagnostic methods
    • 6 Integrated treatment

    Many patients are interested in the diagnosis of dolichosigma, what it is and how the disease is treated. Dolihosigma or dolichokolon is an anomaly in the development of the intestine, which consists in an increase in the sigmoid colon and its mesentery in length and in violation of the motility of the large intestine. This is a congenital pathology in a child. Sometimes the disease does not have unpleasant symptoms and is found by chance during the examination of the digestive system. Dolichosigma of the intestine in adults usually has a chronic form.

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