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Arbidol Children under 2 years: how to give the dosage instructions

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At what age can the therapy

The drug is available in several dosage forms:

  • Capsules with a concentration of active substance (umifenovir) 100 and 200 mg;
  • pills, in which 50 mg umifenovir;
  • powder for suspension with a concentration of 25 mg.

The tablets and suspension are approved for use in pediatric patients.

According to the instructions, you can assign Arbidol kids between the ages of 2 years (for children's suspension), and children older than 3 years (for tablets).

The child of two years, the drug should not drink. This is due to an insufficient number of studies in this group of patients and the likelihood of adverse effects on the developing organism.

When the doctor prescribes Arbidol

Arbidol give a child of 2 years, you should not. Such a ban is associated with an insufficient number of studies that can confirm the safety of the use of funds in young patients.

Children over this age the drug is prescribed in the following situations:

  • prophylactic therapy and treatment of respiratory viral infections and influenza (type A and B);
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  • rotavirus acute nature of the intestine caused by viruses;
  • therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract in combination with other drugs;
  • recurrent infections caused by the herpes virus;
  • prophylaxis after surgery.

Arbidol dosage forms have a certain age gradation for the treatment of certain pathologies, as recorded in the instructions for each facility.

Restrictions to the reception

Contraindications to the use of Arbidol in children and adults are:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug composition;
  • lack sucrase, hypersensitivity syndrome fructose and glucose-galactose malabsorption (at reception suspension).

treatment regimen

According to the instruction year-old child to drink Arbidol prohibited.

Infants, more than two years, the drug administered as a suspension in a single dose - 10 ml of the drug:

  • prophylactic therapy in the autumn-winter period - twice a week with a duration of 21 days;
  • after exposure viral infection - 10 ml every day, for 10 - 14 days;
  • Treatment of SARS and influenza - 10 ml four times a day (with an interval of 6 hours), the duration of the course - 5 days;
  • viral intestinal infections - 10 ml 4 times a day, 5 days (in combination with other drugs);
  • complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the lower respiratory tract and herpetic infections - 10 ml four times daily for 5 - 7 days, then two times a week for 30 days;
  • prophylaxis after surgical procedures - 10 ml 2 days prior to the intervention, and 10 ml of 2 and 5 days after surgery.

Features reception

Children under 2 years of age is prohibited to take Arbidol. In this case, the pediatrician may designate an effective analogue, appropriate age child.

The medication in children older than 2 years should be carried out strictly according to the doctor suggested treatment regimen. If the dose was missed, it is recommended to drink it as soon as possible to continue the therapy as standard.

The prepared slurry is to be stored no more than 10 days.

Arbidol has no drug incompatibilities and often administered to children and adults in combination with other medicines, in particular anti-infectives.

With the development of side effects, manifested in allergic reactions: rash, itching, redness skin, anaphylactic manifestations is necessary to interrupt treatment and consult a specialist.

Admission Arbidola children two years can cause negative symptoms of side effects and harm the developing organism.


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