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Ibuklin colds and flu: how to receive help or not

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With acute respiratory diseases, flu therapists recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Doctors often prescribe Ibuklin colds. These pills help lower the temperature, remove the feeling body aches, relieve headaches. Ibuklin no effect on the viruses, bacteria, does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but it can be used to normalize the situation and relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a cold.

Operating principle

Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic influence, ability to lower the temperature, often administered Ibuklin the flu and colds.

The composition of each tablet includes Ibuklina ibuprofen in an amount of 400 mg and paracetamol - 325 mg. Ibuprofen belonging to NSAIDs, inhibits COX-1, COX-2, lower concentrations of inflammatory mediators, hyperthermia, pain.

Paracetamol by blocking COX helps lower the temperature and reduce painful sensations that accompany colds.

The combination of these substances act efficiently than when taking them individually. Paracetamol is rapidly absorbed from the digestive system. The maximum amount thereof in the blood is observed after 30-120 minutes. Ibuprofen reaches high concentrations in the body after 60-120 minutes after eating.

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At cold temperatures without taking Ibuklin it is only in cases where the patient there are other signs of the disease. It is taken as a remedy for muscle aches, sore throat, joint pain, feeling body aches. Ibuklin helps get rid of chills, even if it appears in the absence of heat.

Features of the application

Ibuklin indicated for the treatment of colds, if the patient complains of high fever, body aches. By means of said means can be removed from cold symptoms. But it has no effect on the progression of SARS or influenza Ibuklin. This medicament is used as an adjunct therapy means.

Take Ibuklin possible to alleviate the condition 3 times a day 1 tablet. If necessary, a single dose can be increased to 2, and the daily - 6 tablets. As an antipyretic medication it is recommended to use no more than 3 consecutive days. Ibuklin drink, if there is no temperature can be as an anesthetic. The maximum duration of treatment without medical supervision - 5 days.

In cases where treatment with cold symptoms are not reduced, the pain does not pass, require additional consultation with a doctor. Self-treat colds Ibuklinom doctors do not recommend. This facility can only lubricate the clinical picture and complicate diagnosis.

It is important to take a cold remedy in doses recommended by the instructions, otherwise possible overdose. It is manifested by gastrointestinal disorders, increase the likelihood of bleeding. Patients are inhibited, may be in breach of consciousness and heart rate, low blood pressure. In severe cases, it develops gepatonekroz.

Contraindications, side effects

Ibuklin use for the treatment of colds can not all patients.

You can not drink these pills to people who:

  • increased susceptibility to NSAIDs;
  • severe heart failure;
  • erosions, ulcers of the digestive system;
  • disturbances of kidney function, kidney failure;
  • a bleeding disorder;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • combination sinus polyposis, nasal, bronchial asthma and intolerance to NSAID;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • liver disease;
  • the last months of pregnancy.

In other diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive system, liver, kidney, lung permissibility Ibuklina application for the treatment of colds has evaluated a physician.

In the absence of contraindications cold drug treatment may Ibuklin. But patients should be aware that the reception there is a probability of occurrence of dyspeptic disorders, allergies and disorders of the hematopoietic system.

replacement options

Instead Ibuklin tablets for colds can drink counterparts.

On the basis of paracetamol and ibuprofen produce:

  • Brustan;
  • NEXT;
  • Nurfen Long;
  • Nurofen Mulsimptom;
  • Hayrumat.

When choosing a medication should be guided not only on cost but also on the content of active ingredients in the composition.

Price 10 tablets Ibuklin 400 + 325 mg - about 130 rubles. Over 10 tablets Nurofen Multisimptom 400 + 325 mg have to pay 221 rubles, Brustana - 142. Packaging of 10 tablets NEXT 400 + 200 mg is 140 rubles. Cost Ibuklina and analog does not differ significantly.

Drink Ibuklin or similar drugs with SARS, influenza should be only on the doctor's recommendation. These medicines help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, alleviate the condition. But faster cure a cold with their help it is impossible, they do not affect the underlying disease is not over, can not replace the antiviral drugs and antibiotics.


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