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Ibuklin during pregnancy: can or not, benefit and harm

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Take medication when child-bearing is allowed on the doctor's recommendation. Ibuklin prescribe during pregnancy in situations where the potential benefit to the mother of the body is higher than the risk of complications in the unborn child.

action medicines

Ibuklin is a combined medicament, in which the composition contains ibuprofen 400 mg and paracetamol - 325 mg.

Ibuprofen helps to reduce the temperature, reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, he painkillers. This substance inhibits COX-1, COX-2, reduces the production of prostaglandins in the inflammatory sites. Paracetamol inhibits COX and other mediators of pain, inflammation, reduces the excitability of the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus.

The effectiveness of the combined means higher compared with the action of the individual active substances contained in its composition. Means absorbed from the digestive tract quickly, the maximum amount of ibuprofen in the blood observed after only 1-2 hours after ingestion of paracetamol - 30 minutes.

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But Ibuklin pregnant women try not to appointSince this drug belongs to a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Acceptance of this group of drugs is not desirable during pregnancy or in its planning.


Start drinking Ibuklin expectant mothers may after receiving appropriate advice from a doctor.

When pregnancy prescribe it to patients with:

  • pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • neuralgia;
  • toothache;
  • inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • pain syndrome, which appeared due to conducted operations or injuries.

In pregnancy Ibuklin administered to patients with elevated temperatures, which are accompanied by an infectious inflammatory disease. It helps reduce muscle pain, sore throat, joint pain, eliminate the feeling body aches.

If necessary, the doctor may even recommend that pregnant women take Ibuklin. But before such a therapy is necessary to evaluate all the potential risks and the severity of pain in women. The preparation does not affect the course of the underlying disease, it only helps to get rid of pain and hyperthermia.


When conducting experimental studies mutagenic, toxic, teratogenic effects Ibuklina form to the fetus during pregnancy have not been revealed. But NSAIDs during pregnancy can drink only in exceptional cases. If fever is better to take a pill Ibuklina, because temperatures above 38 ° C is dangerous to the fetus.

Ibuklin in the first months of pregnancy is prescribed, if the potential benefits of taking the pill is higher than the probability of occurrence of fetal malformations in the fetus. Long take Ibuklin in 1 trimester of pregnancy is unacceptable, it increases the likelihood of complications.

During pregnancy in the 2nd trimester drinking Ibuklin permitted in the minimum effective dosage. The doctor should assess the potential danger to children's health and the expected benefit to the body of a pregnant.

Drugs that inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, may adversely affect the development and health of the fetus. Increased risk of cardiovascular pathologies (it increases from less than 1% to 1.5%), increases the likelihood of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the development of gastroschisis and congenital heart vices. It is believed that with increasing duration of therapy and higher doses of the likelihood of complications increases.

In the 3 trimester of pregnancy take Ibuklin prohibited.

The use of tablets can cause such problems in the fetus:

  • renal operation may pathology progression to renal failure;
  • cardiopulmonary toxicity, in which prematurely closes the ductus arteriosus and pulmonary hypertension develops.

NSAIDs taken in the last trimester of pregnancy, may provoke an increase in the period of post-partum haemorrhage. Eating Ibuklina even in small doses can cause suppression of uterine contractions. This leads to an increase in the duration of delivery.

use method

During pregnancy, you need to drink Ibuklin at the lowest effective dosage for the shortest possible period. This reduces the likelihood of side effects.

The tablets should be taken on an empty stomach, without chewing. It allowed their use after 2-3 hours after eating. The day allowed to drink no more than 3 tablets. The maximum duration of therapy - 3 days at high temperature and 5 days for pain. During pregnancy, the number of tablet-taking and duration of therapy is recommended to reduce Ibuklinom.


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