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Hemomitsin or Azithromycin: which is better, and what is the difference

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Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic. Hemomitsin - is foreign analogue, which includes azithromycin. To say that it is better Hemomitsin or Azithromycin is impossible, because it is virtually the same drug just from different manufacturers.

Both drugs act on the same pathogens. The active azithromycin substance has a bacteriostatic effect on bacteria. In other words, antibiotics inhibit the growth and stop the proliferation of microorganisms, which subsequently leads to the destruction of entire colonies.

Special features

Antibiotics are members of one group. The difference Hemomitsin of Azithromycin insignificant, but in the treatment of any infection, every detail is important.

Result therapy depends mainly on the form of the disease, the type of agent, the patient's age and his characteristics. Antibiotic, which came one patient may not benefit others.

There are cases when a person is helped Hemomitsin, but in the future he may need an analog thereof. The reason for this phenomenon is the ability of microorganisms to get used to the drug, whereby the drug efficacy is significantly reduced.

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antibiotics similarity

Many doctors believe that by pharmacological properties Hemomitsin and Azithromycin - one and the same medicine. One of the antibiotics can be successfully replaced by another, as the active ingredient is the same.

The drugs aimed at the destruction of various types of cocci bacteria intrapulmonary, including chlamydia and mycoplasma. They can also kill Haemophilus influenzae, and intracellular pathogens.

Both drugs have shown to be effective in the treatment of:

  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis media;
  • tonsillitis;
  • urethritis;
  • infectious dermatoses;
  • digestive diseases.

Azithromycin - analogue Hemomitsin. They are produced in various forms - in the form of powder, tablets and injectable solutions. Injections used for severe infections, and after the disease begin to recede, injections can be replaced with oral antibiotics.

Side effects

Azithromycin is not very different from Hemomitsin and adverse reactions. These drugs are generics, have similar therapeutic effect. Therefore, the body's response to their use about the same.

Most doctors believe that the original drug less often provokes unwanted symptoms than its counterpart. This is due to the fact that generic various additives may be added that, in fact, may be the instigators of side effects.

Y analog of the original and the antibiotic may be different content excipients. This fact can affect the tolerability of the drug.

The difference between side effects after taking Azithromycin Hemomitsin and still poorly understood. Therefore, to determine which antibiotic is better and safer it is very difficult. In any case, the advantage should be given to the drug, which is no doubt the quality.


Hemomitsin and Azithromycin have roughly the same list of contraindications. All macrolides, including analogs of Azithromycin, adversely affect the condition of the kidneys and liver. Their use can cause heart rhythm disturbances. For this reason it is not recommended to take any medicines that contain azithromycin, with heart disease, renal and hepatic dysfunction.

Antibiotics are not allowed to take during pregnancy and lactation. Children drugs may be prescribed with regard to their age. Suspensions of various dosages contraindicated in children under one year, tableted medication should not be given to patients younger than 12 years.

Original drug azithromycin drug is patented Sumamed. All other medicines with active ingredient azithromycin are generics, including Azithromycin and Hemomitsin.


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