Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Diseases of the pancreas

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In digestion, it controls the metabolic processes.

Functionally the pancreas is represented by external and internal secretory activity.

In diseases of the pancreas, metabolic and digestive processes suffer.

The most common signs of pancreatic disease are tumorous and inflammatory. Inflammation of the gland occurs with the development of acute pancreatitis, which contributes to:

  • ingestion of bile in the ducts of the gland;
  • absence of outflow of secretory fluid or dyskinesia;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • overeating.

Developing signs of pancreatic disease are becoming more evident: it is swelling of the gland, necrosis of tissues, local bleeding, the formation of abscesses. If there are hemorrhagic changes in diseases of the gland, then it means that hemorrhagic pancreatitis. If the changes are predominant purulent, then it says about purulent pancreatitis, and if there are changes in dead tissue - about necrotic pancreatitis.

Chronic pancreatitis is a consequence of the complication of primary pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis promotes tissue atrophy. Atrophy begins to form duct disorders and cysts are formed. Chronic pancreatitis provokes the formation of diabetes.

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In the absence of treatment for acute pancreatitis, peritonitis occurs, which can result in death.

Cancer of the pancreas leads to the development of the disease in any part of it. However, most often from oncology the head of a gland suffers.

The causes of pancreatic disease are represented by various cases, but the most important is the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol causes edema and inflammation of the gland, which leads to the overlapping of its ducts.

Fatty, sharp, fried foods, eaten in huge quantities, lead to the production of digestive juice, which also provokes the development of the disease.

Risk categories include incorrectly designed menus, irrational diet, insufficiently chewed food.

Pancreatitis rarely appears as a consequence of other diseases: hepatitis, obesity, atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, dysbiosis.

Often the cause of pancreatitis is foodborne infections, intestinal parasites( helminthiasis), over-the-counter medicines.

Diagnosis of pancreatic disease, especially in the early stages of its development, it is very difficult. Therefore the doctor-gastroenterologist uses the help of laboratory methods of research:

  • the general analysis of a blood is spent for detection of signs of an inflammation;
  • blood test for sugar shows the level of glucose;
  • urine analysis is performed to detect amylase;
  • of the ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • gastroscopy;
  • radiography of the abdominal cavity;
  • computed tomography;
  • stool analysis;
  • and some others.

Pancreatic disease is usually treated in a hospital setting. In the treatment it is necessary to observe a hunger diet, take painkillers analgesics, put salt droppers, use blocking medications for enzyme activity and a lot of other drugs.

In extreme situations, doctors are forced to resort to surgical methods of intervention:

  • abdominal lavage;
  • removal of dead pancreatic tissue( necrectomy);
  • removal of the gallbladder( cholecystectomy).

In the treatment of chronic pancreatitis it is proposed:

  • strict adherence to dietary requirements;
  • taking analgesics;
  • fermentotherapy( replacement);
  • intake of vitamins;
  • treatment of endocrine diseases( diabetes mellitus);
  • in time to treat cholelithiasis.

Prevention of pancreatic diseases is best represented by folk remedies such as cowberry, blueberry, nettle, mulberry, dandelion, and dog rose. Frequent snacks on the go pies and fast foods, hamburgers and cakes are excluded. It is necessary to remove from the diet fat and spicy food, alcohol.

It is also necessary to completely eliminate from the diet broths and decoctions( even vegetable), fresh bread and confectionery.

The best choice will be buckwheat porridge and low-fat dairy products, steamed fish and lean meat.

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Medications for pancreatic disease are often prescribed from an enzyme group that can compensate for the lack of pancreatic juice( festal, pancreatin, mezim forte, panzinorm).To eliminate the excess secretory activity of the pancreas, Almagel and phospholugel can be recommended. To eliminate pain, characteristic of chronic pancreatitis, it is recommended to take no-shpa.

We want to note that this information is an introductory function and can not be used for self-treatment attempts. Chronic pancreatitis can be diagnosed only in a hospital, under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Diseases of the pancreas The pancreas is an important part of the human endocrine system.

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