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Clotrimazole oral: is it possible to use and how to do it

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Clotrimazole used oral as an agent with fungicidal action of wide spectrum. His agent clotrimazole also has antibacterial, antiprotozoal and trihomonatsidnym property. Therefore, a complex preparation can be used in other pathologies whose pathogens sensitive to clotrimazole. In the treatment of diseases in the oral cavity need to observe the rules of administration of the drug.

Indications antifungal agent

Direct indication clotrimazole (or agents with the active ingredient clotrimazole) is thrush, which is often called thrush. Drug your doctor may also be included in the scheme of complex therapy in the development of certain infectious pathologies in the mouth.

Perhaps the addition of basic medicines clotrimazole treatment:

  • bacterial stomatitis;
  • flat red lichen on the lips and / or mouth;
  • secondary cheilitis (against the background of fungal, bacterial diseases);
  • mycotic glossitis;
  • oral dysbacteriosis (with a predominance of fungi, streptococci and other bacteria);
  • purulent glossitis.
For treatment of oral diseases using the form clotrimazole, which is inscribed in the readings disease "thrush". Such means is allowed to process tongue, gums, lips, palate, cheek inner surface, and does not cause poisoning.
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For oral Clotrimazole is used for external application in the form:

  • gel 1%;
  • solution of 1%.

In the form of an ointment or cream clotrimazole to treat mouth is prohibited. They are assigned only in case of infectious pathologies of the skin, nails, beard and head.

Important! The appearance of the mouth inflammation areas, sores, lumps or white spots is also in the development of sexually transmitted infections and sexually transmitted diseases whose pathogens were on the mucous membrane during oral sex. Since the substance clotrimazole acts only on the fungi, Trichomonas, dermatomitsetami some protozoozy and bacteria, the drug must be used only on doctor's orders after the inspection and analysis of the smear, scraping.

Action antifungal agent

Clotrimazole violates the production of components of the pathogen and its metabolism. In the mouth, the substance starts to act after half an hour, inhibiting growth and causing the death of the parasite. The degree of therapeutic effect is concentration dependent. The gel and clotrimazole solution contains 1% clotrimazole, which is sufficient for the destruction of fungi.

Means of applying the method

Clotrimazole applied morning and evening. Initially, the source of infection of the mouth zone to remove plaque with a gauze pad moistened with chlorhexidine 0.05%. Then region blotted dry bandage. Purified on a skin area in the hearth and around it is rubbed with a cotton swab or gel 10-20 drops of a solution (diluted is not necessary). After treatment in the oral cavity can not be 2 chasa drink, eat.

Clotrimazole topical treatment should be carried out 7 days, even if the thrush symptoms disappeared on day 3. Sometimes after the onset of improvement, doctors are allowed to move to a single application of an antifungal agent. If there is no result, it is necessary to re-do microbiological testing at the end of week course of therapy.

On a note! In the treatment of thrush in infants mother's breast should be washed soda solution after every feeding of the child, as well as "rodents" pacifiers and toys.

Limitations to the use of means

Clotrimazole forbidden to apply to people with hypersensitivity to clotrimazole and pregnant women in 1 trimester. If in the course of treatment in the mouth there was not passing a burning sensation, redness or other local irritation, means is replaced with another drug: an allergy to the active ingredient is also contraindication.

Pediatric oral Clotrimazole treatment permitted because the drug has no age restriction. 2-3 trimester use tool designed to be strictly on a doctor regimens: high doses of clotrimazole are fetotoxic effect. Not investigated the ability of penetration of substances in breast milk, so lactating women during treatment of candidiasis is recommended to transfer the child to artificial feeding.

Absolute analogs means

For oral Clotrimazole may be replaced with other antifungals active ingredient clotrimazole. From direct peers are allowed to use Canison, Candide, Kandizol (cream), Kandibene.


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