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Ksefokam or Movalis: which is better, comparing the difference

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As symptomatic therapy nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are assigned at the joint, muscle and bone pathologies. Among them the most popular and have Movalis Ksefokam. These drugs have similar mechanisms of action, but have different compositions. And to understand that it is better or Ksefokam Movalis, you need to consider in detail each medicine.

Mechanism of action

NSAIDs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory action. These active substances promote blocking prostaglandin synthesis, production of which is the cause of the inflammation in the body. In addition, NSAIDs help to eliminate pain and has antipyretic effect.

These drugs have different release forms - tablets, capsules, solutionsIntended for intramuscular administration. Use them as an additional therapy to eliminate the symptoms in combination with other medicines.

Ksekofam or Movalis: which drug is better?

And Ksekofam and Movalis have identical effects. And considering the fact that the price of these assets is significantly different (Movalis costs about 500 rubles, about 160 Ksekofam rubles), respectively, the choice of the drug in humans there is a question, and how they differ, and whether it makes sense overpay?

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If we compare Movalis and Ksefokam, you can immediately say that the difference between them. They are both well-cropped inflammation, eliminate pain and provide a normalization of thermoregulation. Have 2 release forms - tablets and injection. Injections Movalis and Xefocam work faster than pills. The effect of injections observed after 5-10 minutes after their productions of tablets - after 25-30 minutes after administration.

The difference between movalis and Xefocam is only a part. It was from him and is a start in selecting funds. If the patient has an idiosyncrasy of at least one component included in Movalis or Ksefokam, you can not use these funds for the elimination of pain.

The active substances and Movalis Xefocam

The main action has movalis meloxicam. In the role of an active ingredient acts Xefocam lornoxicam. These substances do not affect the CNS, and its analgesic effect is not related with the action of narcotic. However, despite this, the use of injection Movalis Xefocam and is not recommended for more than 3 days. After this time, should move to the tablet. But they should not take more than 5 days.

Indications and contraindications

Ksefokam indicated for use in the:

  • short-term treatment of pain arising in the recovery period after surgery or after trauma of various origins;
  • symptomatic therapy of degenerative diseases (osteoarthritis, arthritis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, gout, etc.).

Movalis recommended for use in the presence of diseases such as:

  • Ankylosing spondylitis shape;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • sciatica;
  • shoulder periarthritis and other diseases in which the body activated degenerative-dystrophic processes;
  • post-traumatic pain and post-operative nature.


Treatment movalis and Xefocam prohibited under:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe liver and renal pathologies;
  • heart failure;
  • ulcers, 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • pathologies of the stomach in the acute stage;
  • bleeding disorders.

Also, these funds have age restrictions. Movalis and Ksefokam tablets should not be taken for children up to 15 years, and to put the injection is prohibited to persons under 18 years of age.

Methods of Use

The maximum daily dose of 15 mg Movalis. The tablets are taken 1 time per day during meals, injections are also placed 1 per day, regardless of the meal.

Receiving Xefocam tablets is performed 2 times per day. Its maximum daily dosage is 16 mg. The same applies to the injection. They put 2 times a day - morning and evening to 8 mg.

If the reception of one drug does not give a positive result, you should consult with your doctor and increase the dose if necessary. Remember to take along with Movalis Xefocam or any other NSAIDs should not be!


Despite the fact that Movalis Ksefokam and have a high therapeutic effect, in some cases, the reception is not possible. In this case, it is recommended to replace these funds analogs that have similar mechanism of action. These include:

  • diclofenac;
  • ketorol;
  • ketonal;
  • Nise and others.

Treatment with these drugs should only occur under the supervision of a physician, especially if administered concomitantly receiving other drugs.

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