Artrozan, Mydocalmum And Combilipen Together
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Artrozan, Mydocalm and Combilipen in the complex

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When degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often prescribed in combination Artrozan, Mydocalm and Combilipen. These drugs are not only compatible, but also desirable for joint use as supplement pharmacological action of each other.

The effectiveness of the complex

Mydocalm, Artrozan and Combilipen - a common combination, which prescribe neurologists, neurosurgeons and surgeons.

Take medications at the same time indicated in neuralgia, caused by a degenerative lesion of the spine as a result of:

  • trauma;
  • degenerative disc disease;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • formation of Schmorl's nodes;
  • Education vertebral hernia.

The simultaneous use of these drugs can eliminate muscle spasms, adjacent to the spine, as well as reduce inflammation directly in its hearth.

Neuralgia can cause nerve lesion at the site of the strong contraction of the muscles, which are accompanied by acute pain and inflammation. Neurologists prescribe drinking Mydocalm with these drugs to achieve anti-inflammatory and miorelaksiruyuschego action.

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Treatment of the complex data assigned individually, the dosage form may also be selected between injections and tablets.

Typically, such patients assigned regimen Mydocalm and Combilipen with Artrozanom:

  • In one prick Artrozana a day for three days, 15 mg;
  • In one prick Mydocalm daily for five days, 100 mg;
  • According to one prick Combilipen a day for five days.

Thus, the first three days put Artrozan, Combilipen Mydocalm and then the fourth day - and only Mydocalm Combilipen.

Artrozan may be substituted analogue, for example, meloxicam, Amelotex, with the same indications and composition, but with different price. Mydocalm Richter is not recommended to replace the counterparts, despite the high cost, since it is he better than any other muscle relaxant drugs complements the complex Artrozan with Combilipen.

properties drugs

Artrozan, Mydocalm Combilipen and in combination can eliminate not only the symptoms but also the inflammatory focus, restore nerve conduction and remove the muscle spasm.


It is a muscle relaxant central action. Its effectiveness lies in the reduction of abnormal muscle tone, pain relief. Mydocalm improves blood circulation in the periphery and increases the mobility of the muscle tissue surrounding the diseased portion of the spine.


Vitamin complex containing B1, B6, B12. Means on the basis of such a vitamin complex improves peripheral nerve conduction and the nervous system, relieves pain. In some countries, Combilipen regarded as an analgesic in neuralgia.


It represents a group of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory agents. Artrozan helps eliminate focus of inflammation by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis - signaling substances in inflammatory foci. Artrozan removes the local fever, pain and swelling of the affected places.


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