Cardiovascular Diseases

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. UprazhneniyaVertebrobazilyarnaya failure. Symptoms and treatment of children, adults, young. UprazhneniyaVertebrobazilyarnaya failure. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises

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Vertebrobasilar insufficiency - a pathological condition of the arterial system, whose symptoms manifested in the malfunction of the brain centers that receive power from the circulatory and vertebral basilar artery. The disease may be of congenital or acquired nature of origin.

The onset of the disease is manifested immediately after slackening flow inside said main vessels. The severity of the disease state symptoms of brain tissue depends on how much reduced volume of blood flowing from the vertebral artery and basilar.

Symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency is easily confused with other pathologies of the cortex and subcortical parts of the brain. The major danger of this disease consists in that most medical neurosurgeons, do not have sufficient experience in treating this kind of pathologies, struggling with the consequences of impaired blood flow in the arteries, eliminating functional disorders brain centers brain.

In this case, the reason caused by insufficient blood supply to the tissue is preserved, and the patient every day feels worse.

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The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of the vertebrobasilar-basilar insufficiency

types of diseases

Depending on which of the great vessels of the circulatory system, not in full provides a brain power brain tissue, vertebrobasilar insufficiency classified into the following types:

  • basilar - a pathological condition of brain tissue due to an impaired blood flow exclusively in the basilar artery of the cervical spine (Brain changes occur only in the center, which receives the blood from a given vessel, while the rest operates in the same body mode);
  • vertebral - the disease develops after blood flow is disturbed in the vertebral artery and basilar vessel continues to provide the brain adequate amount of oxygen, glucose and other nutrients (in most cases vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by pathology vertebral artery, is acquired as a result of trauma, mechanical damage and the effects of surgery on the cervical spine spine).Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises

During the evaluation of patients with symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency held Comparative diagnostic study of two main vessels - and the vertebral basilar artery. It is necessary to differentiate the pathology and therapy focus on the area of ​​the circulatory system, which provokes a disorder of brain function.

Stage and grade

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, symptoms of which are manifested in the form of disruption to the brain centers that develops gradually.

Depending on the clinical signs of his disease is classified into the following steps:

  • stage 1 - is characterized by mild symptoms, periodically occurring dizziness, nausea and migraine attacks can be confused with a vascular physician at the lack of qualifications dystonia;
  • stage 2 - the disease occurs with moderate symptoms, accompanied by a rapid deterioration of the patient's state of health, frequent loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological disorders, decreased visual acuity (this is the stage vertebrobasilar syndrome when timely diagnosed correctly shaped therapeutic course and the reasons for the detection of pathology, provide an opportunity to restore the blood supply to the brain tissues and nedopustit irreversible changes in its cell structure);
  • stage 3 - is a severe developmental stage vertebrobasilar syndrome where the patient most of the time in a horizontal position, confined to bed or a wheelchair, function centers of the brain is broken so that the above-mentioned symptoms attached to fatigue, hearing loss, partial or complete loss of vision, poor mobility of the upper and lower limbs;
  • stage 4 - in brain tissue, which over a long period of time did not receive the full power of a vascular or vertebral basilar artery irreversible changes appear local necrotic lesions of the process are possible hemorrhage, severe vascular ischemia (patients with stage 4 vertebrobasilar insufficiency are in a vegetative state, become a lifelong disability or same die as a result of stroke or tissue necrosis brain).Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises

The disease is located on 1st and 2nd stage of its development, it is best to give in to drug treatment and physiotherapy methods of recovery of cerebral circulation. The presence of 3 or 4 stages of pathological syndrome, requires more time to normalize brain function and for a full recovery prognosis is unfavorable.


Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, symptoms which are manifested systemic dysfunction of the damaged centers of the brain, is a disease of the circulatory system with chronic course. The table below shows the signs of pathology and describes the clinical picture of their manifestation.

Symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency Characteristic
Dizziness There is a short or prolonged attacks that last from 5-10 minutes. to several hours. Dizziness can be moderate when the patient sways, disrupted the vestibular apparatus, but it is able to move independently, or as very strong. In the latter case there is a loss of balance, there is a sudden fainting and falling from his own height. In patients with vertebrobasilar insufficiency symptom of vertigo is often accompanied by sufficient upper limb numbness, increased sweating, irregular blood pressure, increased frequency palpitations.
Headache Localized in the back of the head, since it is this part of the brain most affected by lack of blood supply to the basilar and vertebral arteries of the cardiovascular system. By the nature of its manifestation can be throbbing or aching. 3 and 4, the stage of development of the disease is expressed in a wide migraine, which can be eliminated only after reception potent analgesics.
visual dysfunction For vertebrobasilar insufficiency characterized by serious violations in the work of the organ of vision. Perhaps the emergence of flies and blackouts that occur suddenly and without physical exertion. Depending on the progression of the disease occurs a short-term or long-term decrease in visual acuity. Possible split objects and environment objects environment, as well as the loss of visual field. Much less vertebrobasilar insufficiency leads to violations of the motor activity of the eyeball.
hearing loss This symptom has a sensorineural origin and nature of hard amenable to medical and physiotherapy treatment. Manifested by a sharp decline in hearing and constant presence of noise in the ears, the tone of which is constantly changing from very high to low tones. It causes severe discomfort and causes constant irritation.
Fainting It is an independent symptom of vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Occurs when the acute phase of circulatory disorders of the brain. Most often, fainting manifested at the time of the main vessels spasm. This symptom is dangerous because the patient unconsciously fall from his own height and can get severe injuries and head injuries do not exclude the onset of death.
asthenic syndrome Characterized by the complete or partial loss of interest in the outside world. The patient is in the doldrums, or else he often changes the mood. There crying, joy bursts, which comes to replace the anger and irritability.
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises

At later stages of development vertebrobasilar insufficiency, when the tissues of the brain, which are not receive a sufficient volume of the blood supply, there are irreversible change may cause panic attacks.

In medical practice, there are clinical cases where the above symptoms of this disease gradually becomes a mental disorder caused by the depletion of the cerebral cortex.

Causes of

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, symptoms of which appear in the first days after the cerebrovascular accident, It occurs due to the following causal factors:

  • congenital anomalies of the basilar or vertebral arteries, which were formed as early as during fetal development of the child;
  • diabetes type 1 or 2;
  • thrombosis of the great vessels;
  • bundle wall or vertebral basilar artery;
  • chronic arterial hypertension, which is accompanied by periodic occurrences hypertensive crisis;
  • whiplash injury that provoked the displacement of the intervertebral disc or vertebral compression causing compression of the arteries;
  • Inflammatory processes within the blood vessels that violate their functionality and bandwidth (e.g., angiitis, aortoarteriit and vasculitis);
  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries that provide blood supply to brain tissue;
  • complications arising from surgery on the cervical spine;
  • squeezing the muscle fibers of the subclavian artery;
  • Hughes-Stovina syndrome.Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises

Determining the cause of the development of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, it is a guarantee of fast restoration of disturbed blood supply to the brain tissues, as well as the success of the drug treatment. In addition, eliminating the risk of recurrence of the disease in the future.


Vertebrobasilar syndrome is easily confused with other pathologies and disorders of the circulatory system of the process of blood supply to the brain. Therefore, during the diagnostic evaluation special emphasis is placed on the functionality of the vertebral and basilar arteries.

To do this, the patient is assigned to delivery of these analyzes, the passage of instrumental and laboratory studies of the body:

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises
  • Angiography great vessels, which shows the state of health of the basilar and vertebral arteries - special substance is injected into the circulatory system, which displays an inner lumen and their walls diameter;
  • MRI of the cardiovascular system and brain tissue, to determine their current status, the possible presence of irreversible changes, signs of hernias and the displacement of the intervertebral discs;
  • Deposit of venous blood for biochemical analysis;
  • collection of morning urine for more information about the general state of health of the patient, presence of inflammatory processes;
  • Vascular ultrasound of the cervical spine;
  • Deposit of capillary blood from the beams of the ring finger for the clinical analysis of the overall performance.

To the patient was final diagnosis of vertebrobasilar insufficiency, there must be no less than 3 above symptoms, and pathological changes in the vascular wall or vertebral basilar arteries.

In this case, instrumental methods of research should confirm the reduction of their capacity and the lack of blood supply to the brain tissues. The average cost of comprehensive diagnosis in a private clinic is 4500-6000 rubles. In public health facilities all complex surveys are free of charge.

When to see a doctor

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency, symptoms of which signals a system dysfunction of the brain tissue, is a disease that significantly reduces the quality of life of the sick person. Address to the neurologist, cardiologist or phlebologist be held in the first 2 days after the onset of symptoms of circulatory disorders in the brain tissue.Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises

Procrastination is a visit to the doctor is fraught with complications and is not excluded rapid form of the disease. In the latter case, all pathological stage 4 flow lightning stroke and end or necrosis of brain cells. A similar clinical picture is characterized by thrombosis of major vessels.


To prevent the occurrence of pathological conditions in the basilar and vertebral arteries, the development of degenerative changes in the brain tissue, daily is recommended to perform the following preventive rules:

  • renounce the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco;Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises
  • balanced diet, saturate it is only useful products, which represent the biological value;
  • perform daily morning exercises for the cervical spine, preventing the development of osteochondrosis;
  • avoid stressful situations, as well as psycho-emotional surge;
  • to prevent injuries of the cervical spine, and if they occur, then urgently contact the neurologist, the specialist to determine whether compression compression of the main vessels did not happen basilar system;
  • during the cold season to close the neck scarf or sweater with a high neck;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes or hypertension, always monitor the level of blood sugar and blood pressure, taking timely measures for their normalization.

In particular risk are people over 50 years, when the vascular, endocrine and nervous systems are subject to age-related changes. Performing the above-mentioned preventive measures to minimize the likelihood of development of pathologies and vertebral basilar artery, as well as circulatory disorders of the brain tissue.


pathology treatment involves the use of drugs, physical therapy and surgery techniques.


Vertebrobasilar insufficiency treatment is carried out with the following drugs:

  • vinpocetine - injection that is injected into the patient as an intravenous drip at a dosage of 20 mg of medicament in combination with 500 mL sodium chloride solution (treatment course up to 14 days, and the cost of preparation 120 rub.);Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises
  • piracetam - assigned to the reception 1-2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day with the course of treatment 2 weeks, improves cerebral blood flow (the price of the drug is 70 rubles.);
  • aspirin Cardio - for thinning the blood and improving its permeability through the vessels, to take 1-2 tablet 1 time per day (treatment time are determined individually, and the price of the drug 160 rub.);
  • A nicotinic acid - assigned to the reception of 50 mg 2 times a day after meals, the treatment period of 10-15 days (preparation 35 rub value.).

Drug therapy is only part of the overall treatment, which provides for the restoration normal blood flow in the arterial vessels, as well as preventing the degenerative changes in the cerebral tissues brain.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies therapy is not used for the treatment of vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

Other methods

Vertebrobasilar insufficiency treatment involves the use of the following physical therapy techniques:

  • physiotherapy;
  • a manual recovery of displaced cervical disc;
  • electrical stimulation of nerve endings;
  • Electrophoresis of the cervical spine to improve local blood circulation;
  • head massage and soft tissue in the area of ​​the location of the vertebral and basilar artery.

In addition to these methods physiotherapeutic surgery may be used. The operation involves cutting the main vessel, which has signs of pathology and then the introduction into its cavity expansion of the stand.

This device, which makes larger diameter arteries, thus increasing its capacity for blood supply to the brain tissues. This is a complex operation that is performed only in institutions and clinics, doctors who are experts in the field of vascular surgery.

If surgery went without complications, the prognosis for a full recovery and elimination of signs of vertebrobasilar insufficiency is positive. In 75% of patients return to normal life and function of the brain is gradually coming back to normal.

possible complications

The lack of timely and adequate treatment of vertebrobasilar failure can lead to the development of these complications and negative effects:

  • strong reduction or complete loss of vision;
  • development of heavy degree of sensorineural hearing loss;
  • cerebrovascular stroke to further disability or death onset;
    Vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Symptoms and treatment of children and adults. Exercises
    Vertebrobasilar insufficiency causes ischemic stroke
  • beginning of the process necrosis of brain cells, which over a long period of time tested circulatory starvation did not receive enough oxygen, glucose and other nutrients substances;
  • occurrence of dementia and memory loss;
  • exhaustion of the cortical layer of the brain to the development of mental disorders, mental activity;
  • chained to the bed and the lack of physical ability to move independently and serve the physiological needs.

Symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency can not be ignored or to trust their health unqualified professionals. This is a dangerous pathology, which can in a short period of time to transfer active and healthy person in a vegetative state, disrupt the basic function of the brain and cause death.

Timely diagnosis and early treatment in a hospital complex neurological department provides a positive outlook for recovery and full life.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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