Infectious Diseases

HPV types in women, men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39 and other oncogenic most dangerous, High- types. That is, treated as transferred

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More than half the world's population are infected with the HPV virus. There are several types of this disease (from 1-10 to 16-56), and they are developing mainly in women. For a while it was thought that HPV caused only the appearance of growths on the skin, but studies have shown that the virus can cause malignant tumors.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Features of oncogenic viruses
  • 2 How is HPV
  • 3 The most dangerous types of HPV for women and men
  • 4 What is the danger bears papillomavirus
  • 5 Oncogenic HPV classification
    • 5.1 The first group
    • 5.2 The second group
    • 5.3 The third group
  • 6 Diseases caused by virus
    • 6.1 Among women
    • 6.2 men
  • 7 Diagnosis of HPV strains
    • 7.1 Preparation for analysis
    • 7.2 Fence material for research
    • 7.3 Decoding results
  • 8 HPV treatment depending on the type of
    • 8.1 14 type
    • 8.2 16 type
    • 8.3 18 type
    • 8.4 31 and 33
    • 8.5 51, 52 and 56
  • 9 Is it possible to recover from HPV
  • 10 Recipes folk remedies for suppressing the activity
  • 11 Can a vaccine to protect against the virus
    • 11.1 When and how to vaccinate
  • 12 Video of the HPV types
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Features of oncogenic viruses

HPV (human papillomavirus) - is a virus spread by groups and types. All of them are known 120. Types of women (16-56) and men are particularly dangerous for the body, because they can cause serious illness and death. Viruses are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. The least likely person to become infected through wounds and microcracks.

virus types are also divided into the risk of carcinogenicity: high, medium and low.

Once in the body, papillomavirus produces special substances which promote penetration through the intercellular substance and a further passage in the basal cells of the dermis. There he delayed. Once papillomavirus DNA enters the nucleus of a human cell, it starts to rebuild. Before getting into the core of any changes harmful to the body, it does not occur.

HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

Along with the restructuring process of the cell changes its own DNA, and begins growth and reproduction of pathogenic already. Once initiate a change process, cells grow and multiply in a mess due to which the skin and mucous membranes human body appear tumors (warts and papillomas) that may be indistinguishable from first natural color integument.

Most affected women, papillomavirus causes the diseases related to the reproductive system, up to oncology. Especially high risk of infection at the time of onset of sexual activity. Promiscuous sex, neglect kontratseptichsekimi tools - all of which can lead to the development of HPV.

Much less cases of infection through dirty medical devices or procedures in time (some of whom are cosmetic). HPV has an incubation period - usually a period of 15-20 years.

Papillomavirus separated in most cases to the types, including:

  • 16 type - the most dangerous for women, when ingested, the risk of cancer of genitals is the highest;
  • 18 type - is also dangerous when released into the cell causing the appearance of warts;
  • 31-33 types - also oncogenic more characteristic when a Bowen disease and are arranged in a scaly layer of the epidermis.
  • 51-56 types - medium high risk of cancer, the disease develops only in a favorable environment for the virus (for example, lowered immunity).

The last type is also capable of causing mutations in women's bodies, and are the cause of infertility and impaired menstruation cycle.

How is HPV

The cause of HPV can serve not only unprotected sexual intercourse, but also:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowered immunity;
  • disturbed food intake mode;
  • use low-quality products.
HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

It is worth noting that with frequent stressful conditions the risk of suffering from HPV grows significantly.

The most dangerous types of HPV for women and men

The most dangerous types for both women and men are types 13 and 33, as they increase the risk of oncology. 51-56 types are also considered to be dangerous, though not so aggressive, it does not mean that the presence of the virus papillomas can not worry about health.

What is the danger bears papillomavirus

In the absence of proper treatment, as well as permanent impact of adverse factors can lead to dangerous pathologies:

  • rearrangement of vaginal cells, uterine channels;
  • development of cancer tumors of the vagina and anus area;
  • Cancer of the uterine tissues;
  • warty lump form on the external genitals and anus;
  • pathogenic formation in the mouth and throat;
  • papillomas growth and warts on the genitals in men;
  • the defeat of the eyes;
  • onkoorbrazovaniya in the esophagus and nose;
  • malignant lesions on the feet.

Education on the skin - is also an aesthetic problem. It is important to note that the new formation during the growth can be involved in the process of tissue located next to.

Thus, papillomavirus in the nose or throat violate breath and voice, and their appearance to the male genitalia lead to disruption of the urinary function. Education also provoke bleeding and bladder disease.

Oncogenic HPV classification

Oncogenic classification - this division of types of HPV into several large groups, indicating their degree of danger. This is done in order to have a clear idea which strains of the virus danger of serious diseases and which are not.

The first group

The first group is referred to as non-tumorigenic. It includes 1,2,3,4 and 5 types of HPV. These papillomavirus does not degenerate into a malignant tumor cell and did not rearrange to form mutations. The only thing that can happen - is the formation of papillomas. If they are small and do not cause discomfort, they are not removed, they will not bring harm.

The second group

The second group - this is a low degree of risk of cancer. It includes 6, 11, 42-44 types. Against the most common (and it is 6, and 11) derived vaccine. Upon detection of these strains, the danger of the development of cancer is low. To start pathology need several factors that provoke it.

HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment
HPV types in women and in men.

Attention to it is worth paying for people who are prone to oncological diseases, were irradiated or suffer from immune deficiency. For the most part, tumors do not degenerate into malignant.

The third group

The third group - high risk of tumorigenicity. Types belonging to this group - 16, 18, 31-35, 45 and 51-56. These strains always provoke the appearance of cancer that occur mainly on the genitalia.

Diseases caused by virus

papilloma virus in humans can cause not only oncology and precancerous disease, but also benign diseases of skin and mucous membranes. But in connection with a hit of the virus in the body can occur and some other equally serious diseases.

With the passage of the inspection and delivery of analyzes become known for their cause. The virus if it enters the body does not manifest itself immediately, being in a latent state. If he does not continue to manifest itself, the treatment is not required.

Among women

HPV type in women (16-18 are most often the cause of serious diseases) is able to induce not only the cancerous tumors of the uterus, external genitalia and anus.

The virus can also cause health problems such as:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • mucosal disease;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes of the genitals;
  • erosion of the uterus;
  • different kinds of warts (flat, plantar);
  • warts.

The patient may be detected by several types of HPV, the phenomenon is not uncommon.


Men may also be significantly affected by the development of papillomavirus, although the percentage of cases less. Infection is usually men who are sexually active and frequently changing sexual partners.

In this connection there are diseases:

  • genital warts on the genitals;
  • oncology genitals;
  • difficulty urinating;
    HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment
  • sexual dysfunction.

When the tumors should immediately ask for help to the urologist and venereologist for further disposal.

Diagnosis of HPV strains

HPV type in women (16 and others) and in men (it is assumed for the male body most dangerous 31-33) can be diagnosed by using different methods. However, for the diagnosis of certain strains treated fairly rare. More often than not the doctor come to remove the tumors, as they bring discomfort and aesthetic disgust.

Education does not allow normal personal hygiene, and enjoy a full sex life.

But when a build-up should be inspected and pass tests - further development of the virus poses a serious threat to the body. Diagnosis is recommended immediately. With the virus HPV turn to urology, gynecology, cosmetology, and venereal diseases.

Preparation for analysis

Before producing the fence material to study the presence of HPV, a doctor performs a visual examination of the patient. It is important to distinguish between papilloma virus from other dermatological diseases. The doctor evaluates the nature of nodules, their size, color, distribution frequency, and also will be asked questions, of which the diagnosis becomes clearer.

It is necessary to distinguish warts from depriving corn or syphilis. Neoplasms may become overgrown mole, and in this case it is already talking about a possible cancer. The physician should determine if cancerous growths on the skin of the patient. In addition, possible consultation of the oncologist.

If there is a suspicion for the presence of HPV, the doctor prescribes the following tests:

  • PCR;
    HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment
  • digene;
  • PAP.

Also, some other tests can be made. Before visiting the hospital for tests to the patient need to be prepared. From this (as well as the quality of research procedures) depends on further results.

Requirements before delivery of the material as follows:

  • not to take antibiotics for 2 days (or notify their physician reception);
  • men for half an hour can not empty the bladder;
  • eliminate sexual intercourse for 2 days;
  • women should not take the analysis at the time of menstruation.

Also, do not carry out research during the exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and infections. For assays such as the capture of the Pap test are advised not to use drugs in a suppository or tampon.

Fence material for research

After a medical examination and discharge directions, the patient has to pass several mandatory tests, which will help in the determination of his illness, the strain and the magnitude of risk.

Binding assays usually 2-3:

  • PCR. This type of analysis involves scraping the urethra of a subsequent study material. It helps determine the type of papillomavirus, and calculate the number of pathogenic cells. Also thanks to this analysis can identify the approximate dates of virus infection.
  • Digene. This method (hybrid capture) examined women who have reached 30 years of age. Diagnosis is made 1 time in 3 years. The test is very sensitive, helping to pinpoint the degree of HPV infection, to determine the genotype. Accuracy Test Dj is 99%, it is available and may be conducted together with cytological analysis. It does not require complex preparation.
  • PAP. Used in gynecology and is scraped from the cervix. Pap test can establish the presence of malignancy and changes.
HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

There are some other methods of research of biological material. For example, a patient with HPV can be detected by ELISA. However, this test can not determine the type of virus. The method is based on a blood test for antibodies that are produced as a result of response to infection. With it is possible to set - whether primary or recurrent infection.

Decoding results

During the analysis of the study established whether there is in the human papilloma virus, and what is its concentration. special notation «Lg» is used to assess the analysis.

Value transcript
Less than 3 Lg The virus is present in the body, but it is in small concentrations.
Lg 3, 4, 5 The virus is in the body in a rather serious concentration.
Lg greater than 5 The virus in the body is in a high concentration.

The study may fail, and the result is positive (false positive).

This phenomenon occurs due to:

  • the patient was not properly prepared for delivery of analyzes;
  • before collecting material people taking certain medications;
  • Material sampling was performed correctly;
  • biological material was contaminated.

Laboratory studies are combined into several groups that meet certain criteria everyone who took the analysis. Some of these groups: postpartum women, men and women from 25-30 years, and others. This is done in order to get the performance standards for a particular group of the population.
In the case where a positive result, you should not worry too much.

HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

According to statistics, the virus infected papillomas 7 out of 10 people. Some people live their entire lives without knowing their diagnosis. Abnormal development of the HPV begins with weakened immunity. Therefore, a doctor in case of non-hazardous type assigned to receive immunostimulatory drugs.

However, if the results showed HPV type 16, 18, 31-33, 56, this means that the patient requires urgent treatment. This is especially important for women, since these types of trigger diseases of the reproductive organs of the system.

Identified strains do not always mean it is oncology (although in most cases, need help oncologist), but it must especially monitor the condition of the body, to pass examinations and receive medicine courses.

HPV treatment depending on the type of

HPV type (16 women, 18 and some others can cause diseases of genitals and urinary bladder) provoke the disease, depending on which group they belong to. For each of the types provided for their treatment, especially treatment required second and third group.

HPV in these groups - it's not always the oncology, but there may be other serious health problems. However slight deterioration of health or the appearance of new growths should be an occasion going to the hospital for examination.

14 type

14 type (for men and women) belongs to a group of low oncogenic risk. The danger arises in individuals with malignancies, and in this case, the doctor forbids self. The rest of the 14 type causes the formation of warts, which can be removed as a reception at the professional and at home. antivirals (e.g., Isoprinosine) as appointed physician.

HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

To exclude further growth formations used cryotherapy or its analogs on the skin. Some growths removed using caustic alkali products. 14 type is not dangerous and provoke oncology in quite a few cases (a combination of factors, the strong weakening of the immune system).

16 type

HPV type 16 in women considered to be one of the most dangerous. It is several times increases the risk of malignant disorders. 16 type can cause cervical oncology - about half of the women with this type of the disease was discovered.

Actively sharing, pathogenic cells induce the formation of warts and genital warts on the mucous membranes and skin. During the development of the virus type 16 appears dysplasia of the uterine cervix - a sure sign of cancer of the reproductive organs.

18 type

Most rarely papilloma and warts grow at 18 type virus. However, in this type they also manifest themselves and can coalesce into one big knot. The formation on the external genitals, thighs, oral mucosa leads to discomfort and other inflammations.

In men, 18 can cause a type of Bowen's disease (formation of warts on the penis), which is also a prerequisite for the occurrence of cancer.

Usually 18 type does not occur as often as 16, but its development is much faster. Detection of this type is the immediate treatment, the purpose immunomodulators, vitamins, and subsequent removal of unpleasant neoplasms.

31 and 33

Most often, these types of HPV cause diseases such as Bowenoid papulosis neoplasia and uterine cervix. Women's disease can be mild and more pronounced.

HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

The latter is already oncology. Combined with other types of women may appear tumors (warts). Bowenoid papulosis most characteristic of the male body and arises against promiscuity.

51, 52 and 56

These strains also belong to the high risk group, are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. These types provoke genital warts, including, around the anus and rectum. In women, the HPV types cause cervical erosion and dysplasia. 51, types 52 and 56 - causes Oncology internal and external genital organs diseases.

Is it possible to recover from HPV

Complete freedom from HPV is possible, but only at a young age. 25-26 years reported almost 90% of the recovery. Used to cure immune therapy, removal of their tumors. Equally important is the patient's own immune system - if it is strong, there is a big chance to recover fully.

When people age, his immune system is not as strong as before. The virus remains in the body, waiting for weakening the body to then be activated (appear formation). Drugs capable of destroying the virus, has not yet been invented. Recovery depends on the patient himself and by adjuvant treatment.

Though eliminate HPV after a certain age can not be, it is still necessary therapy aimed at suppressing the activity of papillomavirus.

Recipes folk remedies for suppressing the activity

Used in the treatment of traditional medicine is possible only after consultation with a specialist. Replace it can not complete treatment, it can lead to a deterioration.

If the doctor is permitted to use home remedies like additional, you can apply the following 5 main opponents growths:

  • Onions or garlic. Vegetable juice rubbed into tumors 2-3 times a day. The course of about 3 weeks.
    HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment
  • Rowan. Is applied to the wart berries, cut in half, or puree from a mountain ash and then fixed with a bandage.
  • Potatoes. Raw potato rubbed into mush and applied to the formation. Use this method every day, for 1 month.
  • Sagebrush. Seeds wormwood pour alcohol and make a tincture (3 days). It was then filtered and taken orally 4-6 drops per day.
  • Eggshell. Shells of eggs rubbed and applied to the growths, covered with sterile cotton and fixed. The procedure is performed 1 time in 2 days. Course - 3 weeks.

These funds do not take people with allergic reactions to these products, individual intolerance or if the tumor is not identified (not papillomas and warts).

Can a vaccine to protect against the virus

HPV vaccine exists, and it gives the expected result. However, it is worth considering that it works only on the condition that the person is not infected with a virus. After the introduction of the vaccine into the body produces specific antibodies that prevent HPV enter cells and develop.

For grafting used 2 drugs: Gardasil and Cervarix.

The vaccine is safe for humans. However, it can not be used for treatment. The drugs tested only in women, as the percentage of cases is much higher. The introduction of the drug prevents the growth of male genital warts.

When and how to vaccinate

HPV vaccine is administered to girls, since 9-12, 16 and 17 years. Vaccination is mandatory and is used to strengthen the immune system. Grafting involves 3 steps. After 1 revaccination shall be held not earlier than 2 months. After 2 - not used 4. If at the time of vaccination woman is pregnant, Stage 3 is produced after birth.

HPV types in women and men: 16, 18, 31, 51, 56, 39, oncogenic, High-. Treatment

HPV and its types that develop in women and men may well succumb to prevention. Such hazardous types as 16 or 31 can not disturb, to use protection during sexual intercourse, to carry out inspections and maintain the immune system.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the HPV types

Human papilloma virus - treated or not:

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