Childhood Diseases

Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, that means, the reasons that make

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The temperature in children worries parents often, when the indicators on the thermometer exceeds the mark of 37 °. However, in medicine there definition rules which deviation from a low index capable equally indicate the development of serious pathological processes.

The correct understanding of what such changes occur, as well as methods of treatment of these reasons can help you avoid the most severe complications in children.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What body temperature is considered to be low
  • 2 Types of hypothermia and related symptoms
  • 3 First aid to the child at a low temperature
  • 4 The main reasons for the low temperature of the child and their treatment
    • 4.1 Unformed thermoregulation in infants
    • 4.2 Premature and underweight children
    • 4.3 Hypothermia as a reaction to the vaccine and antipyretics
    • 4.4 The use of nasal drops
    • 4.5 Viral and internal diseases
    • 4.6 Dystonia, and fatigue
  • 5 Video of hypothermia in the baby

What body temperature is considered to be low

Temperature called special physical parameter whose value in the full degree indicates the overall status of the organism indicates various biochemical processes occurring therein.

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Though in different areas of the body temperature level can differ by several degrees due to the temperature control system is its complex distribution.

Contrary to popular belief that the normal temperature indicator for baby is at around 36.6 ° C, in practice, this value is more extensive - from an average of 36 ° C to 37 ° C. During sleep more often there is a decrease, but the peak value is detected in the late afternoon. At the same daily changes can vary dramatically, even in the same patient.

Any deviations from the norm can result in hypothermia or febrile conditions - the phenomenon, which is characterized by low temperatures.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

There is also defined in the medical practice of lower index - 34 ° C or less. In this case, there are the most dangerous complications not only for muscle-tissue system, but also irreversible consequences for the child's mental development.

Types of hypothermia and related symptoms

Currently, there is no worldwide classification hypothermic symptoms. The etymology of the pathological process is characterized by two types: exogenous and endogenous hypothermia.

In the first case, factors affecting the manifestation of the disease state, external stimuli are such as use of certain medications, low temperature outside, lack of physical activity of the child and more. Endogenous type manifested because of functional disorders of the nervous and hormonal systems, especially with frequent inactivity.

Based on the severity of clinical manifestations, there are 3 major degree of hypothermia, as described in the following table:

Power Description of clinical manifestations Temperature
easy Characterized by the simultaneous increase of thermoregulation and decrease in heat transfer. Often seen slow response and lack of precision movements. The child's condition is characterized by drowsiness, there is increased breathing, tachycardia develops. By accompanying signs include frequent dizziness, refusal to eat, and redness of the skin. 32-35 ° C
Central There is a decrease in blood glucose that occurs due to the defense reaction of the organism. Inhibition occurs metabolic function, as well as the inability of tissues to reflex shivers that primarily helps keep heat inside the body. Breathing becomes discontinuous, internal blood pressure is lowered. The child is disoriented in space, there is confusion and lethargy. Semiunconscious possible states and muscle stupor. 28-32 ° C
Weight Diagnosed significant slowdown functioning metabolic processes within the body. Breathing becomes more relaxed and surface, against which develops anoxia or hypoxia. There is a decrease in heart rate. Partially or fully impaired pupil no reaction to external stimuli. 22-28 ° C
Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

The heavy phase the most difficult to treat, which often leads to death or hypothermic coma.

In clinical practice often used hypothermia treatment and prevention, which is caused by artificial means under the influence of pharmacological agents. This allows you to lower the temperature and make the necessary interventions without significant risk to the health of the patient.

Reduced component besides characteristics for each stage are also characterized by general symptoms. These include: a pronounced malaise, fatigue and drowsiness state. Can manifest irritability and loss of interest in favorite games. Low temperatures often cause auditory or visual hallucinations, and the child can not express what he wants to say.

First aid to the child at a low temperature

First aid to the child at the symptomatic manifestations of hypothermia should be provided as quickly as possible. The most important role is played by the proper determination of the degree of temperature reduction, on the basis of the previously described features.

The most effective methods of emergency when detecting low temperature indicator include the following recommendations:

  1. Warming. At any stage of the process requires hypothermic wrap baby in a warm blanket and ensure that there is no excessive overheating. The most important parts of the body, which should be warm feet are. In some cases, if the temperature drop was not caused by hypothermia, rewarming can hurt. It is therefore important to monitor the overall health.
    Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do
    At low temperature, the child's body in the first place it is necessary to warm up
  2. Massages and rubbing. Be sure to hold unsharp and soft warming full body massage using a variety of ointments or creams. It is also recommended to rub the chest, shoulders and back by using gentle natural fabrics. An additional effect can give application warm baths in which the temperature must not exceed 35-40 ° C. It is important to avoid excessively hot water, as this can lead to shock or fall in blood pressure.
  3. Provision of adequate nutrition and proper rest. In addition to bed rest, if the child is conscious and swallowing reflex is functioning properly, it is necessary to make up for the lost opportunity to strength through food. Consumption of food should be freshly prepared. The most desirable hot nourishing broths or porridge for a couple. Also recommended warm green tea with chamomile or honey. prepared food or liquid temperature should not exceed 45-50 ° C.
  4. Creating a comfortable environment under stress or fear. Often against a background of reduced temperature developing psychological manifestations such as anxiety, apathy, or other more stressful situations. In this case, it is recommended to be with child, and to support it in every way to help.

The above recommendations apply only to the early and middle stages of hypothermia. When the heavy phase symptoms should immediately call an ambulance, which is especially important if you have muscle cramps or stupor.

Low temperature of the child eliminates unnecessary panic on the part of the parent. It is important to avoid spontaneous factors and excessive emotionality, which will help avoid additional stress.

The main reasons for the low temperature of the child and their treatment

The reasons for the development of children's hypothermia in modern medical practice, there are many. Thus, the factors are characterized not only painful pathological conditions, but also the psychological and physiological manifestations, including features that are directly related to age.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

In many cases, decline in body temperature runs independently and does not need the therapeutic interaction. However, if for a few days the temperature remains at the same level, and first aid does not help, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

Unformed thermoregulation in infants

Low temperature of the child, especially in infants under 2, s is a common and natural occurrence. This occurs due to the fact that a newborn's body has a relatively small area, which leads to various disorders of thermoregulation, especially under adverse conditions.

Also, the physiological characteristics of infants do not involve the production of glycogen - a special carbohydrate, whose function is to maintain a constant temperature indicator. Up to 1 year thermostatic abilities are just beginning to take shape: the kid can effortlessly overheat or supercool.

Since this phenomenon is not abnormal, appropriate treatment methods are not available. The main thing to remember - follow the general advice, thanks to which it is possible to reduce the risk of complications. It is recommended to carefully select clothes for the baby, taking into account only comfortable clothes and shoes.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

Care should be taken so that the child does not sweat and do not freeze.

If any suspicion of deterioration entailing visual symptoms, the child should be sent home immediately, wrapped in dry bags and watered with warm tea. If there is no improvement - call an ambulance.

Premature and underweight children

Reduced temperature display in premature infants or children with low birth weight is a natural phenomenon, although it refers to the pathological manifestations.

In this case, the main reasons for the occurrence of hypothermia are such factors as the disproportionate ratio of body size in relation to its weight and still unformed subcutaneous fat layer. Also often lacked the necessary reserves of brown fat, which is essential for the proper regulation of heat.

Of prematurity there are particularly important to observe the successive therapeutic measures aimed at reducing the risk of hypothermic process. All of them allow to avoid negative consequences and improve the overall condition of the baby.

The most effective methods are:

  1. Incubator. The main advantage of this method over the other is the presence of an automated climate control inside the incubation container, allowing only maintain the desired air temperature. For infants weighing less than 1 kg applied incubators with double walls, additional climate control. Modern incubators allow for good access to the child and allow registration of the main indicators of its physiological state.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do
  2. Water mattress. It refers to a specialized device which is capable of controlling the temperature of the environment by means of active heating of water. Such a mattress is most often used in the delivery room and in intensive care.
  3. Radiant lamps. The use of lamps with radiant light also allows you to compensate the loss of heat in the newborn. All of the other, this method is the least effective because of such defects as excessive loss of fluid in the child and the presence of a constant temperature in the room that often impossible. Applying radiant lamps involves measurement of the temperature indicator every 35-40 minutes.

Any therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating or preventing hypothermia in preterm infants should be conducted only under the guidance of the attending physician within the hospital. Using self at home is unacceptable.

Hypothermia as a reaction to the vaccine and antipyretics

Low temperatures in the child often detected after recently receiving antipyretic drugs. It does not matter where they are used - hypothermia may occur as after a few hours and a few days later.

Most often it is triggered by an individual's immune response system. In other cases, such a reaction to antipyretic drugs arises from non-compliance with the indicated dosage.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

The symptoms of this phenomenon are easy to stage and often do not pose any threat. Therefore, in most cases, the use of additional medication or call an ambulance is required, and the general condition of the child is normalized after a few days.

Also, hypothermia can occur against the background of the vaccination, due to a special child's immune response. To avoid such a situation, some physicians prescribe medication on the basis of ibuprofen or acetaminophen immediately after inoculation. Most often, the temperature decrease is observed after 2-3 vaccine.

The use of nasal drops

The use of large doses of vasoconstrictor drugs, such as nasal drops or sprays can lead to the development process in a hypothermic child's body. In addition to the typical visual symptoms, against uncontrolled reception also often appears semiconscious state, and in some cases it can even cause death.

To eliminate the influence of such droplets at home impossible. The only thing that can advise - to carefully read the enclosed instructions and always consult with your doctor. Also, it does not recommend taking vasoconstrictor drugs more than 3-4 days. Should this occur, an urgent need to call the ambulance.

Viral and internal diseases

The initiator of hypothermia in the baby can serve development of infectious diseases. So, in addition to raising the level of the normal temperature, it is also possible sharp decline. Manifest such symptoms as fatigue, lethargy or persistent drowsiness.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

Low temperature of a child is often seen on the background of the development of dangerous internal diseases, especially with regard to the period of puberty.

One of the reasons may be a problem with the thyroid gland, reduced glucose level or the initial stage of diabetes.

If you have any symptoms it is recommended the use of such traditional medicines such as iodine, tincture of St. John's wort, valerian or motherwort. Because of drugs, the safest and most effective is Pyrogenalum. If no improvement occurs - it is best to enroll to the pediatrician.

Hypothermia after undergoing disease, convalescence is the normal response of the immune system and the human body. In this case, the permanent fresh air, and the introduction of proper diet.

Dystonia, and fatigue

Dystonia or VSD is a complex of various diseases of the spectrum, which is disrupted when a general robot entire autonomic nervous system.

This often leads to the failure of the endocrine, cardiac and respiratory systems. When dystonia symptoms are observed such as loss of appetite, dizziness, frequent or excessive skin pallor. All this is due to lead to the emergence of hypothermia.Low temperature of the baby later, during his illness, causes, what to do

Since the principles of occurrence of the IRR for each patient individually, to produce the most proper treatment need to visit doctors of different specialties, from an endocrinologist and a cardiologist to psychotherapist.

If the temperature reduction caused by excessive fatigue, the only solution would be the removal of factors such as stress, irregular sleep or high physical and intellectual load.

A reduced level of the temperature indicator of childhood in any case requires finding the underlying problem that led to its emergence. If the factor that provoked hypothermia is dangerous for the child, we must necessarily turn to the doctor.

After the necessary therapeutic operations, the normal terminal body index is restored to its natural value. In most cases, hypothermia does not lead to some dangerous diseases or complications. The main thing - to follow the doctor's instructions and general guidelines.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of hypothermia in the baby

What to do in case of hypothermia in a child:

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