Childhood Diseases

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic. Than to treat newborn

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Skin diseases arise due to the negative impact of external factors. Malfunctions in the human body can also trigger a violation. Dermatitis of the child manifested rash, acne, pimples, redness or eczema. About the symptoms and treatment will tell pediatrician, dermatologist, allergist. It is important to see a specialist in a timely manner to prevent complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is dermatitis of the child
  • 2 Types of dermatitis in children
  • 3 Stage and degree of dermatitis in children
  • 4 The symptoms of dermatitis in children
  • 5 The causes of dermatitis in children
  • 6 Diagnosis of dermatitis in children
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention of dermatitis in children
  • 9 Methods of treatment of dermatitis in children
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Useful video of dermatitis in children, its symptoms and treatments

What is dermatitis of the child

infectious skin disease, immunological or allergic origin called dermatitis. Pathological processes cause redness and itching to get wet, cracks, crust.

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A variety of conditions that disrupt the normal form of the epidermis, are manifestations of dermatitis.

According to the medical classification there are different types of the disease in children, but the most common - is atopic dermatitis. Pathology provoke aggressive external or internal factors. It is crucial to consult a pediatrician or a dermatologist, the doctor make an accurate diagnosis, treatment picked up the child.

Types of dermatitis in children

Given the precipitating factors, the disease involves a certain classification.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic
View Subspecies Description
  • simple pin;
  • diaper;
  • fotodermatit.
disease symptoms appear after exposure to the stimuli through the skin (synthetic clothing, latex pillow). Fotodermatit is the result of exposure to sunlight. The skin becomes red, scaly, itchy.

When diaper dermatitis inflamed skin on the inside of the thigh, buttocks, genitals. The main reason - failure to comply with hygiene, the use of diapers.

  • atopic;
  • allergic contact;
  • drug-induced.
Symptoms appear after direct contact with allergens. The skin becomes red and scaly, there is itching, watery eyes strong. Serious treatment is not required, remove enough provocation.
Seborrheic (salotechenie)
  • dry;
  • fatty.
In seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin flakes and coated characteristic scales, which are impossible to remove the cosmetics.

Bold seborrheic dermatitis accompanied by purulent skin rashes and shiny layer on the face.

It is more common in children aged 2-5 weeks, affects the hair of the baby's head.

Dermatitis of the child (symptoms and treatment may require help from a pediatrician or dermatologist) without properly chosen therapy progresses and the patient's condition worsens.

Stage and degree of dermatitis in children

There is a certain classification, allowing to define the extent and stage of the disease. Narrow type dermatitis affects 5% of the skin, commonly from 5 to 25%, more than 25% diffuse.

Stage Description
primary Baby cheeks hot, swollen, there is a slight peeling. At the initial stage of the disease reversible with timely treatment to the pediatrician.
Distinct changes (during exacerbation) Stage of the disease, which occurs at a wrong treatment or as a result of delayed help. Begin at any age, most often occur during the first years of a child's life. During exacerbations inherent in acute or chronic phases.
remission Dermatitis symptoms are reduced or disappear. Remission period can last up to 5-7 years. In some cases the disease progresses without remission, relapses throughout a person's life.
clinical recovery The last stage of dermatitis when symptoms are completely absent for 3-7 years.
Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic

Severity of dermatitis lesions determined intensity on the skin of their prevalence and dimensions:

  • Mild course. There is redness, scaling and exudation, weak tooth, individual papules. Aggravation occurs 1-2 p. per year. The duration of remission ranges from 6 to 8 months.
  • The average degree of severity. The disease is characterized by multiple skin foci, exudation, and mild or severe itching. Aggravation occurs 3-4 p. in year. Remission lasts no more than 3 months.
  • severe the disease is characterized by multiple lesions on the skin, severe itching, deep cracks. Aggravation in the course of the year takes place 5 p. and more remission from 1 g not entirely.

Given the age of the patient, as distinguished dermatitis certain stage of development:

  1. Infant. Diagnosed in 75% of cases in children aged 1.5 months to 2 years.
  2. Children. It occurs in children aged 2-10 years (20%).
  3. Adult. Sick teenagers and young people over the age of 18 (5%).

Medical doctor selects a strategy based on the diagnosis results and conducted that show the stage of disease, the degree of development of pathological processes and their phase.

The symptoms of dermatitis in children

The main feature of any kind of illness - a rash on the skin.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic

Considering the provocation, there are accompanying clinical symptoms:

  1. Pain syndrome.
  2. Itching. Its intensity depends on the strength of stimulation of nerve fibers. He points to an allergic reaction of the organism.
  3. Rashes. Appear on the mobile sections (joints, neck). May be pink and a small size, or localized papules with serous contents.
  4. Peeling. The symptom is characteristic of much dry skin, in some cases completely absent.
  5. Redness. Most often it occurs in acute forms of dermatitis.
  6. Exudation. Wet the damaged parts of the body, in the case of running and crust formed plaques.

The symptoms of intoxication (sensitivity disorder, weakness, fever, malaise) appear in the case of a large area of ​​skin lesion. Poor sleep, not eating and fever indicate a connection infection and mobilization of the body's defenses against disease.

Medications help to quickly get rid of the symptoms of dermatitis, but a pediatrician and dermatologist insist on comprehensive examination. It is important to determine the cause of pathological processes to choose an effective treatment and prevent complications.

The causes of dermatitis in children

Dermatitis of the child (the symptoms and treatment is determined by a pediatrician, dermatologist or allergist) provoke physical, chemical and biological stimuli.

View Cause
Contact Obligate provoking stimuli during friction, pressure, temperature or exposure to radiation. This includes acidic and alkaline solutions, plants (spurge, nettle, sodium buttercup).
Allergic The reason is optional stimuli. Inflamed skin after contact. Most often seen in people with high sensitivity to such stimuli (drugs, cosmetics, pet dander).
atopic Allergens are not only contact but also inhaling, nutritional substances (dust, pollen). The reasons are also internal factors (chronic diseases, hormonal malfunctions, disturbances in the digestive organs, taking certain medications).
seborrheal Provokes seborrhea disease, obesity, hormonal changes in the human body, external factors, alcoholism, nervous stress, depression, and pathology of the nervous system, a weak immune system.

Cause dermatitis may become ordinary worms. Developing in the child's body, they produce toxins that enter the bloodstream, causing an allergic reaction.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic
The article deals with the symptoms and treatment of the most common forms of dermatitis in children.

Children often dermatitis occurs on the background of the following factors:

  1. Unfavorable heredity, special immune response, high allergic background.
  2. Repeated or prolonged illness, against which there is a malfunction of the immune system and it is no longer adequately respond to stimuli.
  3. Dietary supplements or drugs, while taking the formation of which varies immunity (immunosuppressive effect).
  4. Violations of the intestinal microflora, diseases of the digestive organs. They interfere with vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy skin, absorbed. Such failures slow regeneration process.

Child and infant skin is too sensitive to external environmental factors that also increase the risk of dermatitis. Incorrect or insufficient body care child, his face in the presence of redness, rash, irritation provokes the development of pathological processes.

Diagnosis of dermatitis in children

The survey assigns a dermatologist or allergist following the inspection and survey. Additional analyzes and tests can establish an accurate diagnosis, to determine the cause of dermatitis of the child and to choose safe treatment to eliminate symptoms.

diagnostic method Description Price
Blood analysis with determination of ESR. The results show the severity of the inflammatory process. 430 p.
Biochemical analysis. It helps identify irregularities in the internal organs, on which background developed dermatitis in children. 410 p.
Nonspecific allergomarker (blood test for total IgE). Diagnosis to determine the nature of the disease. 650 p.
Allergy tests (skin prick test, intradermal and skarifikatsionnye survey). Possible to determine lgE-mediated allergic reaction. The samples were held in the absence of acute dermatitis patient. 1750 p.

In addition, for the diagnosis of dermatitis in the child's need to consult a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neuropsychiatrist and other physicians, given the signs of pathology, and triggers the patient's condition.

When to see a doctor

For the pediatrician, allergist or dermatologist should be treated at the first signs of a sick child. It is important to begin treatment in a timely manner, after due diligence. Based on these results the doctor will choose the most effective and safe treatment of the child, given his condition and the development of dermatitis.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic

Self-parents are obliged to completely eliminate, because you can cause serious complications. The attending physician selects dosage drugs, drugs allows for the composition and combination of active components.

Prevention of dermatitis in children

Prevent recurrence of the disease or to achieve remission can stand, if you remember the simple rules:

  1. Caring for your baby's skin. Use a moisturizer and hypoallergenic cosmetics after regular bathing.
  2. Maintain immunity vitamin complexes, gymnastics and special exercises.
  3. At older ages, teach your child simple rules of hygiene.
  4. Protect it from stress.
  5. Children's clothing should be made of natural materials, breathable and size.
  6. Eat right.
  7. Carefully study the instructions and strictly abide by doctor's advice when taking medications.
  8. A children's room on a regular basis to remove without the use of chemicals.

In the case of dermatitis occurrence of an increased risk of the child it is recommended to adjust his diet. Reduce the amount smoked, canned and sweet dishes. The same applies to chocolate, citrus fruits and ice cream.

Methods of treatment of dermatitis in children

Treatment in each case selected individually, taking into account the child's condition, especially of his body and the stage of development of the disease. Complex treatment can help get rid of dermatitis symptoms, eliminate the root cause of the development of pathological processes.

Restore and strengthen the defenses the child's body.


Medicines help to eliminate the root cause, which provoked dermatitis in children. Independently prescribe medication can not, because they can appear side effects. Uncontrolled reception, for example, hormonal agents provokes toddler growth retardation, disrupted adrenal glands, which leads to the appearance of the first signs of hypertension.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic
drug Group Title application Description and efficiency
Exfoliating and anti-inflammatory ointment. "Lokoid", "Elokim", "Advantan". Apply the cream 1 p. a day on the affected areas of the body not more than 4 weeks. Reduce inflammation, itching and redness.
Antihistamines. "Loratadine", "cetirizine". Take 1 tablet. 1 p. per day to reduce the symptoms of dermatitis. Medications reduce itching, redness and relieve swelling.
Hormonal agents (corticosteroids). "Prednisolone", "Dexamethasone". To rub ointment 1-3 p. a day a thin layer over 6-14 d. For children under one year course of treatment no more than 7 d. Reduce inflammation and itching, prevent repeated reactions to stimuli.
Cream for tissue regeneration. "Bepanten". Apply the cream to the affected skin 1-3 p. per day. It eliminates dryness and peeling, helps to restore the skin, stimulates cell metabolism, heals cracks.
Chelators. "Enterosgel," "Laktofiltrum". Take 3 r. per day for 1.5-2 hours. before or after meals (drugs) with plenty of water. The daily dosage of 45 grams divided into three doses. The course of treatment 7-14 d. Remove toxins from the body of the child.

Additionally pediatrician assigns children receiving vitamin complexes (B6, B5), to reduce the inflammatory changes of the skin, improve the functional state of the adrenal cortex and liver.

Traditional methods

Dermatitis of the child (symptoms and treatment require attention pediatrician, allergist, dermatologist) to help eliminate various non-traditional recipes medicine men and healers. Their use should be discussed with your doctor to prevent adverse reactions or complications.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic
Recipe The use and effectiveness
Collect, grind and squeeze young celandine for its juice. Previously it should be diluted with water in proportions of 1: 2. Soaked piece of gauze in the juice of celandine is applied to the affected areas in the body of the child. The treatment is carried out for 7-14 h.
Dry series (1 tablespoon) Pour hot water (150 ml). After 3 h. strain and use as a compress infusion. The procedure is performed 3-4 p. a day for 7 d. The effect comes quickly, reduces redness and itching, inflammation of the skin is removed.
Fresh juice Hypericum (1 tablespoon) mixed with butter (4 tablespoons) pre-melted in a water bath. The resulting mixture should be stored in a cool place. The ointment applied to the affected skin areas 2 on p. a day, morning and evening. The course of treatment depends on the condition of the child, it may be long, but strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Hypericum has disinfectant and antiinflammatory properties. The only contraindication - an allergic reaction to the grass.

Early treatment of dermatitis eliminates pathological processes at an early stage and prevent serious complications. It decreases the likelihood of disease recurrence and the development of its chronic form.

Other methods

It is important not to deal with the effects of dermatitis, the main goal - is the cause of the disease. For this purpose, drugs, unconventional means, and adjusting the power. In most cases, the diet helps to stop dermatitis at an early stage of development.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic

In the fight against skin disease well help physiotherapy:

Title Features of the application
Phototherapy The affected areas of the skin irradiated with ultraviolet rays (315-400 nm.). They suppress the increased cell-mediated immunity. So prolong the period of remission. Treatment involves 10 sessions of 30 minutes.
Acupuncture, Acupuncture Therapy begins with a general impact on the patient's body. Through time, connect local terms, given the place of localization of pathological processes. Standard therapy involves 10-12 sessions. A week later, the treatment is repeated, only this time the procedure is performed in a day (5-7 sessions).
magnetotherapy Use AC or DC magnetic field is high, low frequency (8,75-25 mT). The duration of one treatment for 15-20 minutes. Therapy involves 10-20 sessions each day. Magnetic pulses have a positive effect on the nervous system and tissue trophism.
Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Average oxygen pressure in the pressure chamber of 1.5 atm. The duration of a single session for 30-40 minutes. The course of treatment lasts for 10 days. Activates the antioxidant system improves microcirculation due to increased blood flow. Decreases as the degree of aggregation of red blood cells, and recovering the rheological properties of blood.
EHF-therapy For treatment uses electromagnetic waves long and 10 mm, a frequency of 300 GHz. Due to the low intensity (0.8 mm) they do not penetrate deeply into the skin than exclude thermal effects. EHF-therapy alters enzymatic activity, accelerates the biochemical reactions, normalize cellular processes.

In remission, as in chronic skin diseases, doctors recommend spa treatment in the treatment of (climatotherapy, balneotherapy, heliotherapy, peloideterapiya).

Negative psychological effects provoke a relapse of dermatitis and exacerbation, which entails nervosa and psychosis. In this situation it helps to cope with the disease therapy, the recommended psychoneurologist.

possible complications

Dermatitis of the child (the symptoms and treatment is determined by a pediatrician, allergist, dermatologist) without proper treatment provokes serious consequences.

Dermatitis in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment contact, allergic, perianal, pelonochny, atopic

Possible complications of skin diseases in children:

  • Appear papillomavirus.
  • The development of microbial infection and the emergence of fungal microflora. It is impossible to comb when dermatitis skin since these actions disrupted barrier and its protective properties.
  • Viral infection (cold sores). It indicates the formed bubbles with clear content. Eruptions affect not only the inflammatory skin, but healthy (eyes, throat, mouth, genitals).
  • Increased body temperature, disturbed general state of health of the patient. The reason for that are the pustules. Appear anywhere on the body, dry up and are replaced by crusts.
  • Develops stomatitis, periodontal disease.
  • It appears conjunctivitis.
  • There are bacterial or fungal infections. In children, most of the pathogens affect the oral mucosa.
  • Allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma. In most cases (80%) with the complications faced by older children.

There are numerous factors, against which there are complications, and the patient's condition dermatitis worse. These include pollution and climate, infections and various irritants (cigarette smoke, food additives, pet dander, cosmetics or household tools, food).

Dermatitis can not leave the child unattended. The disease is characterized by certain symptoms and requires prompt treatment, chosen physician (pediatrician, allergist or dermatologist). If necessary, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Useful video of dermatitis in children, its symptoms and treatments

Dr. Komarovsky of atopic dermatitis in a child:

The symptoms and treatment of perioral dermatitis:

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