
How to get rid of acne on your face at home quickly for 1 day, night, ointments, sprays, from the pharmacy with an antibiotic, and folk remedies

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Boast of perfect skin, especially at a young age, very few people can. And as facial treatments are expensive and require time to get rid of pimples on the face of people prefer home.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why not squeeze pimples
  • 2 How to squeeze acne at home
  • 3 How to get rid of acne in a week
    • 3.1 Ice
    • 3.2 Lemon juice
    • 3.3 Tea tree oil and aloe
  • 4 Can I get rid of acne in 1 day
  • 5 How to get rid of red acne
  • 6 How to get rid of acne subcutaneous
  • 7 How to get rid of black dots
  • 8 What if the rash appears in the summer
  • 9 What are the folk remedies to help get rid of acne
    • 9.1 Raw egg white
    • 9.2 5% iodine solution
    • 9.3 Ointment Sulfargin acne
    • 9.4 peppermint lotion
    • 9.5 Toothpaste
    • 9.6 Aloe
    • 9.7 Tea tree oil
    • 9.8 Soda
    • 9.9 Celandine
    • 9.10 Salicylic acid
    • 9.11 steam bath
    • 9.12 Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar
    • 9.13 Compress on the basis of Viburnum and bran
  • 10 Homemade masks recipes
    • 10.1 oatmeal
    • 10.2 kefir
    • 10.3 of concoctions
    • 10.4 Aspirin
    • 10.5 With mummy
    • 10.6 Honey
    • 10.7 Of soap
    • 10.8 Yeast
  • 11 Tincture of acne
  • 12 Ointments and gels for acne
  • insta story viewer
  • 13 Diet
  • 14 Effective means of traces after acne
  • 15 Link between diseases and acne on the face
  • 16 Videos: how to get rid of acne

Why not squeeze pimples

Finding a pimple on the face, some are trying to as quickly as you can squeeze it and thus get rid of the problem.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Here's what that means:

  1. At home, the sterility of the elusive, and instead of healing places pimple creates favorable conditions for the development postvospaleniya. The open wound get additional bacteria, dirt, etc.
  2. Clumsy manipulation may lead to the fact that the pimple will not be squeezed out, and crushed inside. When the contents of the blood will echoed through the surrounding tissues, instead of one pimple on the face appears no less than five.
  3. On the human face has a zone press pimples that is not recommended by doctors. This nasolabial triangle zone. There are numerous blood vessels which are directly involved in the blood supply of the brain. If you bring an infection, the risk of getting extremely serious consequences becomes real.

Pimple - is an inflammatory process, the cause of which lies not in the epithelium and in the depths of the body. This can be an unhealthy bowel and pelvic organs.

How to squeeze acne at home

Despite the fact that cosmetologists and dermatologists strongly recommend to squeeze pimples at home, all engaged in it from time to time.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The reason is simple:

  • financial issue - after facial cleansing procedure in a good salon - fun is not cheap;
  • enough good reason for referral to a specialist - because of a pimple in the salon to the cosmetician nobody will.

Squeeze can only fully mature acne. Distinguishing them from the signs are not ready to process such formations:

  • on the head of a pimple is the white dot, yellow or greenish color;
  • education should be virtually painless when pressed;
  • There is a sense of fullness and swelling in the inflamed area.

If a pimple is not squeezed out, but there is a strong pain, you need to stop the process and treat the inflamed area with alcohol or other disinfectant solution. Next you need to monitor the condition of the skin, and anxiety symptoms contact a specialist.

Almost everyone knows how to act, to get rid of pimples on the face. At home, the most important thing - to create the most sterile conditions.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

manipulation of the order:

  1. Careful hand washing. Hands should be thoroughly washed, and my fingers to handle alcohol. Long nails when handling highly undesirable - for them is a very favorable environment for the bacteria, in addition, the nails can be greatly injure the skin, and after squeezing pimples will track.
  2. Then carefully treated pimple and the skin around it with alcohol or other disinfectant.
  3. Sterilize a needle and pierce the pimple head to a depth of 2-3 mm.
  4. Stow Speaking substance sterile cloth soaked in alcohol.
  5. On opposite sides of the pimple two fingers toward each other under pressure at the roots - i.e. from the bottom upwards. Pressure to perform, as long as not pure blood appears.
  6. Then again treated with a sterile wipe the entire area. Periodically clean the liquid projecting a clean cloth soaked in a disinfectant solution.

How to get rid of acne in a week

Get rid of acne on your face for a week it is possible not only in the beauty salon, but also at home conditions, most importantly, to understand which method is better suited to the existing skin types, and how to do it right. How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Not all methods require expensive drugs, but almost all require handling of moderation and common sense.


The cold has beneficial effects on the skin. As dermatologists say it slows the aging process, refreshes the skin. It is effective and in the fight against skin eruptions.

For correct use of this tool will require a sterile cloth (available at pharmacies), and frozen in ice pure water (mineral). Before the procedure, a person must be cleaned in the usual way.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The sterile towel should be wrapped crushed ice and applied to problem areas for 3-5 seconds in turn. You should not deprive the attention and healthy skin - it is also such procedures will benefit.

The duration of such procedures may be from 3 to 7 minutes. The systematic implementation of these simple manipulations significantly improve skin condition. Cold reduces swelling, redness, reduces inflammation.

Natural contraindications: rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and other ENT diseases.

Lemon juice

This method is not recommended for people with dry or sensitive skin and allergies.

only fruit juice should be used for each procedure - a drink is not suitable from tetra pack. It requires minimal - just a few drops, so one lemon should be enough just for a week.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Lemon juice can be squeezed onto a cotton pad and wipe their problem areas. Another option - to mix it with cinnamon powder, apply on pimples and leave it for several hours, then rinse. Juice enriches problematic skin vitamin C and dries.

Tea tree oil and aloe

To combat acne require natural tea tree oil, which is necessary to wipe the problem areas. Oil should be washed off after 15 minutes. By tea tree oil add the juice of aloe and rub skin with this composition. It also requires subsequent washing in 15-20 minutes.

Can I get rid of acne in 1 day

Hundreds of girls and boys looking for a way to get rid of acne on your face at home. Can I get rid of acne for 1 day - we can not say definitely. They can not give a positive response even cosmetologists - all purely individual in such matters.

There are ways to help reduce the inflammatory process or to prevent their growth in the initial stage. These include the use of antiseptics and ointments, improves skin regeneration.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Such a substance, as chlorhexidine, is an analog of hydrogen peroxide, but less dry skin. Because it makes a small poultice and applied to problem areas for a few hours. You can use the ointment Levomekol that remove redness, swelling and speed healing.

How to get rid of red acne

To get rid of acne on the face, we must necessarily make efforts to daily care. At home, this implies a thorough cleansing of the skin from make-up, dirt and dust, formed the day, dead skin particles. What means it is better to use - depending on the skin type.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The second important moment in the struggle with red acne is a diet that restricts the use of flour, sweet, fat and alcohol. In most cases, red spots indicate problems with the internal organs and is a compelling reason for seeking medical attention.

In addition to cosmetics, it is necessary to resort to the help of drugs, right to appoint that can only be a specialist.

The third item in the plan for the destruction of the red pimples worth a regular cleaning person, but it is shown only in the absence of active inflammation. Mechanical cleaning with a soft scrub or peeling. Also be effective cream scrub.

How to get rid of acne subcutaneous

Subcutaneous pimples - morbid phenomenon, and not so harmless as it may seem. Treat them like you can with modern medical means, using the services of the salon, and folk remedies. If we talk about cosmetic procedures, the leading ozone.

Used the mixture destroys the diseased cells and improves the regeneration of a healthy, stimulates the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the treated areas. Ozone therapy is not the most painless way, but it takes on the effectiveness of the unconditional first place.

Proven method proposed by beauticians to treat subcutaneous acne - autohemotherapy. The essence of the procedure is that the patient's blood is taken from a vein and inject it intramuscularly. This manipulation stimulates the immune system, makes it possible to cleanse the body. Autohaemotherapy suggests ten-day course, it is recommended to carry out every six months.

Elos-treatment method is also offered as an option to combat subcutaneous pimples. He is the impact on the skin pulses of blue light and a wide range of radio frequency energy. This procedure stimulates the regeneration and renewal of tissues, tightens pores and smooths out the traces and scars. One-time manipulation of no effect, needs a course of 8-10 treatments.

The range of drugs that offer pharmacies, can also contribute to the fight against rash and helps get rid of acne on your face at home. As the most common variant used ointment Wisniewski, which has anti-inflammatory effect and contributes to early completion pimple maturation.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Sintomitsina solution has a beneficial effect on the subcutaneous pimples, this antibiotic is easy to cope with the local inflammatory process, it does not clog pores and does not dry the skin.

Among the proven and effective traditional medicines listed mask, consisting of honey, milk, white clay and dry yeast in the ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mixture was applied to skin for 20 minutes, then rinsed.

Another recipe includes 200 mL of still mineral water and a few leaves of aloe. Leaves boiled at low heat for 2-3 minutes, then cooled and milled into a homogeneous mixture. This mixture for 15-20 minutes applied to the skin, and after this time is rinsed with lukewarm water.

How to get rid of black dots

Black dots, or comedones - a common phenomenon, and you can get rid of them in the cosmetic elephant, and at home. manual cleaning method, a special plaster and gelatine mask - the most effective ways that allow the least traumatic and most effective in getting rid of blackheads.

To properly clean the face of comedones, you need to follow the following steps:

  • Steam the skin. For this purpose, and keep the face over the steam for 5-10 minutes in a deep bowl need to pour hot water (it is a good alternative to a decoction of chamomile, mint and other herbs). For best results, you need to create an artificial dome, which will slow down the cooling water and the steam deflation.
  • Treat your hands with alcohol.
  • Wipe face hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
  • Carefully punch fingertips squeeze out black dots. Highly undesirable pressure on comedones nails - so you can injure the skin and bring more bacteria and germs.
  • Again, wipe the face of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
  • In a sterile cloth to put crushed ice and apply a compress to the face. After such cleaning is not recommended to use cosmetics for at least a day.

Gelatin mask is prepared as follows: gelatin powder (1 tbsp. L.) should be mixed with milk (2 tbsp. l.), leave to swell, then warmed in the microwave oven for 2-3 minutes. The mixture should be slightly cool, then it is applied on the skin and leave to complete solidification.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Thereafter, the resulting film should be smooth abrupt movement of the tear face - black spots will remain on the mask surface. Thereafter, the skin is treated with salicylic acid.

Special patch sold in departments with cosmetic products and is glued to the problem areas - the nose, the chin, T-zone. Upon expiration of a certain time, indicated on the package, the patch off, removing the black dots.

What if the rash appears in the summer

Summer skin requires careful maintenance, since the heat and dust provoke the appearance of various lesions. If these two factors have a detrimental impact on the skin, you need to take the following measures:

  • Thoroughly clean the skin more often than in the cold season. During the day as possible to wash with cool water, if this is not possible - to use special wipes. As a means of evening washing dermatologists advise using tar soap.
  • Wipe skin rash products containing salicylic acid.
  • Abandon cosmetics clog pores.
  • Use sunscreen, not only at the exit to the beach, but just on sunny days.
  • Replace facial scrub on a soft cream-scrub or even abandon it.
  • Every day, change the towels for the face or use paper.

What are the folk remedies to help get rid of acne

In addition to a wide range of special remedies for acne, you should not forget about the traditional methods. Their advantage is primarily that the components used in masks, tinctures and compresses exclusively natural. The second big plus - the availability and ease of use of such funds. The most effective folk remedies:

  1. Calendula. Tincture of its flowers have at any pharmacy. It will allow to disinfect, clean and numb damaged skin. Calendula helps to prevent the occurrence of acne in the future, and also helps to smooth out the old traces of rashes.
  2. Aloe. Juice of this plant extremely useful, including the skin. Aloe stimulates the regeneration of tissues, restores the natural balance of the skin cells has antimicrobial action.
  3. Celandine. Has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, cleans and disinfects the skin.

Raw egg whiteHow to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Chicken protein can be found in the recipe home masks often.

  • Protein stimulates the contraction of enlarged pores, therefore, they receive less harmful elements, which reduces the likelihood of recurrence of acne.
  • Masks with the protein significantly lighten the skin, after their application, not only are redness and bright spots of acne, but also fade freckles and age spots.
  • Protein helps to get rid of greasy, as struggling with excess sebum, it mattes the skin and the effect of the application is visible at once.

5% iodine solution

Dermatologists insist on careful use of this tool in the fight against acne. Despite the fact that the iodine solution gives a visible effect, and it can provoke an allergic reaction, and burns.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The main rule of the application - the application point on the pimples themselves.

In some cases prescriptions found lotions and masks, in which an iodine solution is used in diluted form or in combination with other components.

It is very important to follow the recipe, otherwise the skin may be affected. Most effective is 5% iodine solution at a single internal acne pimples and white.

Ointment Sulfargin acne

Beauticians recommend to use for the treatment of acne ointment Sulfargin because it has a broad spectrum of activity and can achieve good results in the short term.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The main properties of this ointment - antibacterial and wound healing. Ointment prevents bacterial growth and reproduction for a long time, stopping the inflammatory process early promotes tissue regeneration.

peppermint lotion

This tool has a mild cleansing, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. In addition, the regular use of this lotion, skin recovers quickly from already gone acne, smoothed, and will be more elastic.

It prepares as follows: 250 ml of carbonated mineral water and three drops of peppermint essential oil are mixed in a single container with a twist-cap. Then stirred vigorously. Use mint lotion need twice a day - morning and evening.


This means everyday is often attributed to the properties, which are not pledged by manufacturers, and is used in the fight against acne. The unequivocal answer, help toothpaste or not, does not exist - all purely individually. However, if the selected brand toothpaste contains antiinflammatory and antibacterial agent, it can reduce inflammation.


The healing properties of this plant are known to all, and to the fight against acne Aloe can make a significant contribution. If spots appear isolated and episodic, the fresh aloe juice, squeezed on the inflamed area twice a day, quickly removes redness and swelling will have antimicrobial and regenerating impact.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The juice and pulp of aloe vera present in a variety of recipes, lotions, masks and lotions for acne, and extracts found in products for skin care.

Tea tree oil

The essential oil of this plant, gently cleanses pores, reduces swelling and inflammation. In addition, it has antiseptic properties, prevents the development of fungi, viruses and other pathogens.


This facility, which is in every house, will help to get rid of all types of acne. Soda has all the necessary qualities for this:

  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, bactericidal;
  • Regulates the sebaceous glands;
  • Cleansing, exfoliating.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Using baking soda as an independent means to combat acne or as a component of complex therapy, the skin is easy to dry up. It is therefore necessary to use a moisturizer.


Bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of this plant make it possible to use it as a set of procedures aimed at fighting acne. But as the plant itself has not only these properties, you need to use it carefully.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Before you use it, you need to do an allergy test, brushing a small area of ​​skin on the inner side of the elbow. If discomfort, burning and redness there, celandine can then be used as part of masks and lotions for the face.

Salicylic acid

How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

This broad-spectrum antiseptic for external use - one of the most popular and effective means to combat all types of acne.

Salicylic acid is found in many remedies for acne and is used independently.

The most effective method is considered to be spot-on antiseptic acne.

Experts say that at a moderate, but regular use of this remedy, acne problem will be solved.

However, people with dry skin apply the salicylic acid is necessary more cautiously, so as not to dry up the skin.

steam bath

One of the most effective and efficient procedures, helps get rid of acne, feel a deep facial cleansing. Run it and you can at home.

The procedure normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands, cleanses and tones the skin. To carry out such cleaning, it is necessary in a clean container to boil 2-3 liters of water, add to broth chamomile or nettle, lean over the tank, keeping the person in the 15-20 cm from it, not to get burned by steam.

Top need to cover a clean thick cloth to steam is not scattered. The duration of the average procedure takes 15-20 minutes. After that the person should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, the fingers - alcohol and gently squeeze out the black spots and other entities. After that face again rubbed peroxide and make a compress cooling with crushed ice.

Lemon juice and apple cider vinegar

Both of these fluids are suitable for the treatment and prevention of acne. Apple cider vinegar helps to restore the skin's barrier function. Use it is necessary, after the usual washing with soap and water, or other means.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Vinegar is mixed with the mineral water in the ratio 1: 3 (1 part vinegar, 3 parts water), and this lotion rubbed his face. After 10 minutes, you need to wash your face and apply a moisturizer.

If we talk about lemon juice, then it is a part of many home masks. However, as an independent means it is also used, as a spot coating the problematic zones. After 20 minutes, the juice you need to rinse and treat skin cream. Juice of citrus removes excess sebum, brighten the skin, reduce the number of disease-causing bacteria.

Compress on the basis of Viburnum and bran

These two components have a lasting positive effect. Kalina enriched with vitamins, cleanses, tones the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Bran nourish and smooth the skin, cleanse the pores. required to compress:

  • 2 tbsp. l. viburnum berries;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. bran.

The berries need to knead or grind in a blender, add honey and bran, bring to the consistency of thick cream with warm water. The mixture was then applied to the skin, covered with top tissue and left for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

Homemade masks recipes

There are many ways to skin care in the home, allowing to get rid of acne without resorting to any beauty treatment. Homemade mask, the ingredients of which are available, give excellent results when used consistently and correctly.

It is important to pick up a prescription, individually suited to the particular skin type. General rules of use of masks - a thorough mixing of the components, the length of a quarter-hour procedure, subsequent washing with warm water and applying a nourishing cream.


Mask containing oatmeal, suitable for combination and oily skin, increase elasticity and normalizes the sebaceous glands.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies


  • 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey (liquid);
  • 1 tbsp. l. iodized salt.


Get rid of the greasy, reduce acne and helps to narrow pores recipe:

  • 3 tbsp. l. yogurt;
  • 1 h. l. honey;
  • 1 protein.

Chicken protein is whipped to a froth, add yogurt and honey.

of concoctions

Very effective is considered a mask, a part of which has a fresh-water sponge. Such a procedure to cleanse the skin from keratinized particles, narrows and cleanse pores, will antiseptic effect, improve the microcirculation of the skin.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies


  • 1 h. l. concoctions;
  • 2 hours. l. white clay;
  • 3 tbsp. l. water.

The mixture should be applied to a dot on the problem areas - spots and traces of them.


Aspirin mask will help get rid of excess sebum, cleanse pores and brighten the skin, relieve inflammation and redness. Structure:

  • 2 aspirin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. warm honey.

Tablets can grind into powder (you can not do it in a metal container, only in a porcelain mortar and wood) or diluted with warm honey.

With mummy

Mummy, as a major component of the mask for the face, stimulates regeneration, relieves itching and flaking of the skin, removes traces of acne, smoothes the skin, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory act.

  • 2 mumie tablets;
  • 1 h. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 protein.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Protein whisk in a thick foam, add the powdered tablets and lemon juice.


Honey is part of many recipes of masks for the face, it nourishes and smooths the skin, tones it and starts the regeneration process. Structure:

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 h. l. cinnamon.

This composition is applied to the skin is recommended every day for a month.

Of soap

This mask is suitable for oily and combination skin. It should not apply more than once a week, otherwise a high risk to alter the natural balance of the skin. For the mask will need:

  • 1 h. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated onion;
  • 1/3 h. l. grated soap.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

The mask must be added a certain amount of water - is that the soap can be whipped into a foam. The composition is applied to the face for 3 minutes.


This composition will clean the skin of blackheads and reduce inflammation, narrow pores, dry problem areas.

  • 2 hours. l. dried brewer's yeast;
  • 1 h. l. flour;
  • 3 hours. l. warm water.

Mix the ingredients and leave for 2.5-3 hours for fermentation.

Tincture of acne

Natural herbal ingredients in combination with alcohol can help get rid of acne, as most of them are excellent antiseptic. The most effective recipe:

Tincture of eucalyptus. To make it need 5g of fresh or dried leaves of eucalyptus and 50 ml of 70% alcohol solution. The leaves are ground and mixed with an alcohol in a container made of dark glass. After the mixture settles in a dark cool place 14 days, it is necessary to drain. Finished infusion wipe the face once a day.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Tincture of leafs normalizes metabolism of damaged skin, it has a positive effect on its tone and elasticity. For tinctures require 50 ml of alcohol (70%), bay leaf. The amount should be enough to fill a quarter of the capacity of the alcohol. Insist the mixture for three weeks, and then used as a lotion twice a day.

Softwood infusion with regular use is able to get rid of acne and improve overall skin condition. Structure:

  • 100 g of needles;
  • 25 g of dried marigold flowers and chamomile;
  • 25 g of dry grass psyllium;
  • 0.5 L of vodka.

Insist the mixture is less than a week, but further storage requires a shaded, cool place. Use a tincture can be twice a day.

Ointments and gels for acne

Dermatologists recommend be individualized remedies for acne and start at the same time with zinc ointment. This ointment dries and disinfects the skin, thus creating a thin protective layer which saves the damaged portions of the negative feedback.

Salicylic ointment also has a strong antiseptic action and a drying, suitable for a regular use on oily skin. Ointment inhibits the inflammatory process does not allow the development of bacteria and microorganisms.

Sulfuric ointment is recommended to fight acne when their pathogen is a fungus. The downside of such a facility is pronounced odor resistant, so use it regularly have the opportunity to not at all.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Sintomitsinovaja ointment basically contains an antibiotic, which makes the fight against acne and rashes particularly effective.

Gel Dalatsin has antibacterial properties and has a powerful anti-inflammatory action, killing microbes whose growth provokes the development of acne and other lesions.

Gel Baziron effectively treats acne comedones and, especially when their appearance was triggered by the development of staphylococcal bacteria. Visible effect occurs within one month of application, a stable result is achieved after three months of regular application of the gel.


Improper diet can cause the appearance of acne and rash in 40% of cases - as experts say. That is why the mandatory need to revise and nutrition and its content.

Individual nutrition plan, taking into account characteristics of the organism can choose only a qualified technician. However, nutritionists recommend abandon the use of sweet, fatty, spicy, smoked and salted.

It is also worth to increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, milk products and plain water. From carbonated beverages as well as beverages in excess containing artificial colorants, preservatives and flavor enhancers, is dropped first.

Effective means of traces after acne

Even after the acne could get rid of the skin may remain a reminder of this difficult period. Spots, scars, depressions - that is, that may remain in memory after the disappearance of acne.How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies

Get rid of them is more difficult than from acne themselves, however, there are both traditional remedies and cosmetics that may mitigate and negate such traces.

Powder concoctions as part of masks is quite effective - as stimulate regeneration and renewal of tissues, exfoliates dead skin particles.

Camphor oil - is particularly effective at elevated temperatures, it is recommended to use in the bath. Oil moistened sterile bandage and is applied for 20 minutes to the problem area.

Natural beeswax is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 4, was heated in a water bath and allowed to cool to a comfortable temperature. Then, the mixture should be applied to the napkin applied to the problem area for 15-20 minutes. Regularly repeat the procedure within one month.

Panthenol - this drug also promotes the resorption of scars.

Gel Kontraktubeks - copes not only with traces of acne, but also with deep scars that remain after surgery. Duration of treatment is determined by the depth and severity of scars.

Link between diseases and acne on the face

Official medicine has proven a link between various diseases and acne on the face, on rashes in different zones can be said with any internal organ problem.

Eruptions on the forehead to indicate problems with the digestive system. Small intestine, gall bladder, liver and pancreas in violation of their work serves not only pain signals, but also in the form of small pimples on the forehead.

If spots appear on the nose, it may also speak about the diseases of the pancreas.

About heart ailments may indicate spots on the upper lip and above the eyebrows.

How to quickly get rid of pimples on the face at home. Medication from the pharmacy and folk remedies
Before looking for a way to get rid of acne on your face at home, read this "table of authorities", it has probably put in them

Acne profusely dotting his chin, clearly indicate problems with the pelvic organs, whether the inflammation or thrush. That's why a lot of girls and women, the menstrual cycle is accompanied by at least one "guest" on the chin.

Stomach problems may trigger acne on his cheeks.

To get rid of acne on the face at home, it is not enough to buy a cosmetic product, or once a week to wipe the skin with tincture. Whatever it was, acne - it is a serious disease that requires complex treatment and serious approach.

Compliance with the basic rules of hygiene, healthy eating and an active lifestyle can significantly improve skin condition and overall health.

Videos: how to get rid of acne

How to get rid of pimples on the face at home quickly and easily:

How to get rid of acne. Several elementary and methods available to everyone:

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