
Brown spots on the face. Causes and treatment. How to get rid of at home

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The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of age spots on the face and body. Pigmentation - What is it?
  • 2 What is hyperpigmentation?
  • 3 Types of skin pigmentation
  • 4 Localization of age spots
  • 5 Difficult stains on the face
  • 6 Age pigmentation
  • 7 Postpartum pigmentation in the skin of the face and
  • 8 Perioral pigmentary dermatosis Brock
  • 9 Beauty treatments pigment spots
  • 10 Cosmetic products to remove age spots
  • 11 Folk remedies in the treatment of age spots
    • 11.1 The ingredients used in the bleaching masks for getting rid of age spots
  • 12 Recipes masks for effective removal of pigmented spots on the face
    • 12.1 Mask askorutin of pigment spots
    • 12.2 Mask of parsley of pigment spots
    • 12.3 Mask with hydrogen peroxide of age spots
    • 12.4 Mask with lemon and cosmetic clay of pigment spots
    • 12.5 Mask with lemon and potato starch of pigment spots
  • 13 To which the doctor ask for a destination spot treatment
  • 14 Videos of pigmented spots on the face, causes and treatment of pigmentation

The causes of age spots on the face and body. Pigmentation - What is it?

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Pigmentation - that change color in certain areas of the body that is independent of age, occurring due to various reasons. Most often pigmentation exposed areas of the skin in the groin area, legs and hands of a man's face. Although the change in the individual areas of color can appear anywhere.

Pigmentation often occurs on the face. These dark spots are always determine the cause, and therefore methods of treatment are also different.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home
The pigmentation of the skin troubles many adult men and women

Composition for dermal patches - this accumulation of melanin in the upper layers of the skin surface of the body, so that the skin acquires a relatively usual shade.

The causes of pigmentation in medicine is considered to be:

  • disease in urology and gynecology;
  • violation of the endocrine system;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • bowel disease;
  • allergy;
  • infection;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tuberculosis;
  • reaction to take medication;
  • liver disease;
  • aging of the skin.

But from all this it is clear that the main cause of staining lies within the body. Their appearance suggests some violations, and this should cause a person to see a doctor for an examination.

What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation of the skin in medicine - too bright color on its various sections. It can be focused on the face or other body part.

The reason for this lies in the intense color melanin, which protects the skin from too much exposure to infrared, ultraviolet rays, they are harmful to humans.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home
Melanin creates dark spots on the face. The reasons usually lie within the organism, and therefore the treatment should start from the inside

As a result, failures in the body at some stage of the synthesis of melanin in the epidermis, its production is accelerated with varying intensity. As a result, this part of the skin becomes excessive amount of melanin, and separate sections acquire an unusual color from pale to very light brown.

Types of skin pigmentation

Knowing the causes of age spots on the face, you can choose the most effective way to treat them. However, doctors say that not all spots are dangerous and require medical treatment.

In medicine, identify several types of pigmentation:

  1. Freckles. Not dangerous to life, health, most often found in people with very fair skin and red hair, the appearance of freckles result of the conversion of tyrosine to melanin. Their number depends on the intensity of UV radiation: the spring becomes greater during the cold season less.
  2. Birthmarks (nevi). There on the skin at birth or may occur in the course of life. As well as freckles, they are not dangerous, but only when their shape is regular, rounded. If moles are like shapeless stain and change color, you have an urgent need to see a doctor. This type of pigment spots on the face to be elucidated the causes of, and urgent treatment. This may well be a malignant tumor, melanoma, which is very often develops rapidly.
  3. Melasma (chloasma). In appearance it is brown or yellow spots that appear on the forehead, eyelids, around the mouth, on the temples. And their appearance should be a reason for immediate treatment to the doctor, as they indicate that there is some kind of liver disease, or developing cancer.
  4. Lentigo. Round brown spots. Appear on the skin in people of any age and are benign.
  5. Albinism (vitiligo). It is a disease in which the skin is extremely white, as well as hair, iris red. It is a congenital disease that occurs not so rare: 50 albino 1 million people are born every year.
Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home
Freckles on your face do not require treatment, and sometimes even decorated with a woman's face

It's important to know! The reasons for the appearance of age spots can be quite different, and not all of them require treatment.

Localization of age spots

Melanin - the pigment black, the main function of which is to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

As is well known, long-term exposure to the sun, the skin becomes dusky hue. That this is the effect of melanin. The material thus protecting the human body against sunburn.

But a person with white skin this substance is not always correctly and evenly distributed throughout the body. Most often there melanin localization zone.

Difficult stains on the face

Many women are not particularly familiar with the factors and features of pigmentation, try to disguise or even to bring natural pigmentation - freckles and birthmarks. Especially if they are exposed parts of the body: face, neck, arms.

However, according to dermatologists, this pigmentation refers to the hard output, and is not always possible to withdraw it without any impact on modern methods, techniques or procedures.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home
Laser removal of stains

Among others in the modern aesthetic cosmetology is used for these purposes laser removal of pigmentation, a method of mechanical polishing of the upper layer of the skin, as well as chemical stain removal exposure to strong chemicals.

Age pigmentation

The older a person becomes, the greater the likelihood of age-pigmentation due to aging of the skin and loss of body functions of the former rapid cell regeneration.

Stains in old age does not necessarily indicate poor health condition, the negative processes occurring in it.

Most often it is a natural phenomenon of skin senility. The more the old man is the sun, the more you receive the darkening or lightening. To reduce their number, or get rid of them, should be increased in the diet consumption of foods that contain vitamin group PP, as well as ascorbic acid.

These, among others, include:

  • eggs;
  • beef liver;
  • pork;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • currant;
  • rosehips.

Postpartum pigmentation in the skin of the face and

Brown spots appear in women after childbirth mainly on the face: the temples, forehead, upper lip, cheeks. Causes Their appearance is connected with hormonal changes in the body and lack of certain substances.

Vividly localized darkening of the skin appears in the neck, abdomen and face. This phenomenon has been called to face "mask of pregnancy." The dark spot is formed on the forehead, moves to whiskey, cheeks and upper lip, which is somewhat reminiscent of the mask.

With the passage of time after delivery, these spots disappear if it does not happen, and pigment spots on the face are necessary to investigate the cause and begin treatment with a dermatologist and physician.

To minimize the effects of medication, treatment of pigmentation is carried out using modern safe procedures up to laser therapy and folk remedies.

Perioral pigmentary dermatosis Brock

One of the existing popular forms of hyperpigmentation of the skin is called "dermatosis Brock." It is manifested only in women, and pigment spots on the face appear around the mouth. Most often spots are deep-yellow hue.

The causes of dermatosis Brock is considered to be:

  • irregularities in the digestive tract;
  • the action of ultraviolet rays;
  • reaction to the ingredients of cosmetics.

This type of pigmentation should be treated in strict accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

Beauty treatments pigment spots

If it is determined that the dark spots do not affect the health of most of the problems lie with them in the field of cosmetology, which has developed a lot of methods to address them.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home

Among the most common and effective methods for removing pigmentation, the following:

  1. Laser removal of pigment stains. The use of the laser is the most effective way to remove stains. The light flux acts on the affected areas of the skin care dissolve melanin. The spots disappear, and the procedure itself takes place smoothly through a special cream that is applied to the skin.
  2. Cryotherapy. This method of exposure spots on the dot using liquid nitrogen, which acts on them so that melanin cells begin to peel off. The most effective is this method in removing age spots.
  3. Phototherapy. This technique is based on the principle similar to a similar treat. Melanin is formed by ultraviolet waves of a certain length, in this method, this feature is advantageously used. Chosen precisely the wavelengths which lightens spots. Operation completely painless.
  4. Mesotherapy. During this procedure, the skin is introduced special bleaching composition. This method is not recommended to all, it must be carried out with caution.
  5. Microdermabrasion. By its very name understood that this case a thin abrasive powder which erases the upper layer of dead skin with patches.
  6. Chemical peeling. This procedure is recommended not only during cleaning spots, but in general for face cleaning of dirty skin. It is based on the fact that certain acids, such as glycolic quickly clean the skin and eliminate it along with the old layers and stains.

Modern methods of successfully fighting with pigment spots, which are formed not only on the face and on other parts of the body. Their causes are different, and the treatment is carried out by external influence. However, in addition to these methods there are also cosmetic combating pigment spots.

Cosmetic products to remove age spots

These methods of getting rid of age spots are such that act directly on the surface of the abrasive powder, cold, acid, and other laser beam.

Along with these cosmetic agents exist that can lead unpleasant neoplasm once and for all. This creams or face masks. They can be quite effective impact on the affected skin.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home
Retin-A - the cream of the pigmentation of the skin

Cosmetics for the removal of age spots:

  1. Cosmetic creams for bleaching. Among the plurality of particularly effective tools such creams are considered as "Slinicians Somrlex", "Super Donell Skin», «Meladerm». They are well affect the overall condition of the skin and eliminate any signs of age spots.
  2. Ahromin MAH- special complexDesigned to deal with the changes of color on the skin surface. It includes: mask, day and night cream, a special gel for washing. All of this together in a short few days will relieve the skin from pigmentation.
  3. Protivopigmentny cream WELLTOX. Another effective means to get rid of stains on the face of the most painless and quick way. Cream removes freckles, local spots on the face. Its effect is that it penetrates the skin destroys the melanin in those areas where its accumulation led to a change in skin color.
  4. Retin-A. Excellent tool to fight against freckles and local pigmentation. Cream of this type is best to apply than to resort to external methods of skin exposure. Retin gently clean the surface of the face, and destroy stains.
  5. The drug VC-IP. Japanese means, first of all, fights signs of aging skin, but it relieves the skin from age spots, especially senile type. This preparation is necessary for young skin, in order to saturate it with vitamins she needs.

Folk remedies in the treatment of age spots

One of the main methods of removing age spots in folk medicine - skin whitening mask made from natural products.

The ingredients used in the bleaching masks for getting rid of age spots

There are many recipes for masks, but truly effective considered only some of them.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home

For example, a good effect in removing age spots can be achieved using:

  • lemon juice, which you want to wipe all the affected areas on the skin;
  • cucumber and parsley. These ingredients are used individually. First, insist parsley and receivable amounted to wipe the face several times a day. Cucumber finely grated and superimposed layer of this mass on face for the beneficial anti-aging effects;
  • cosmetic clay green, blue and other colors;
  • fruits of strawberries, strawberries or blackcurrants are considered a good bleaching agent, which saves not only from unwanted freckles, but also give the skin a healthy and fresh look;
  • lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • Viburnum berries are also used as a medicine and as a cosmetology. If you make a tincture of berries, and wash this infusion daily for 15 days, we can expect the disappearance of stains as soon as possible;
  • onion puree, trying not to get into the eyes during application, this mixture cleans the skin of blemishes;
  • carrot. Rubbed on a grater number Morkovin and mixing the resulting paste with lemon juice, you can get a great mask for the struggle with freckles;
  • horseradish with apple juice is also very good cleans the skin and removes it from the spot;
  • potato starch in mixture with the lemon juice;
  • juice of berries of mountain ash, mixed with 50 oz. kefir.

Traditional medicine has developed a lot of tools to deal with pigment spots. In this case, not only the funds effectively eliminate stains, but also contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin.

Recipes masks for effective removal of pigmented spots on the face

Every woman dreams of an even and healthy complexion. Especially about him dreaming, those who have a lot of freckles or age spots. Brown spots - a common problem plaguing the fair sex at any age.

They appear as dark spots common on the face and body. Beauticians assure that this problem can be solved on their own, without leaving home, using a special mask of pigment spots on the face.

Mask askorutin of pigment spots

The shortage in the body of substances such as ascorbic acid and rutin, manifests the appearance of pigmentation is not only the face but also on the whole body.

Melanin, if it is produced in unlimited quantities, causes increased pigmentation.

One of the functions of vitamin C is an obstacle to the processes of melanin. Rutin promotes full absorption of the ascorbic acid. Ascorutinum consisting essentially of the components listed, the most suitable means for making a mask on age spots on the face.

Cosmetologists offer to use the following recipe based askorutin. Have to take:

  • 15 Ascorutinum tablets;
  • 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 5 drops of tea tree oil.

Components used to put in a grinder and grind to a fine powder. It should get a lot of soft consistency of a light beige color.

Each ingredient mask has a very high potential for skin whitening and improve the elasticity of its cover, so their use in combination is particularly effective.

The resulting tool will need to prepare for one application, it can not be stored for a long time.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home

Mask of pigment spots on the face you need every morning to put on wet skin massage movements. then you need to leave it for 5 - 8 minutes to absorb into the skin and rinse.

It is important to exercise routines very carefully. Before the advent of the first results should pass from 2 to 3 weeks of daily use.

Mask of parsley of pigment spots

Parsley is very useful not only for use in food, but also as a basis for the preparation of cleansing masks.

Composition plants most favorable effect on the epidermis if necessary its bleaching.

Substances in parsley, possesses such properties for skin:

  • Ascorbic acid helps to slow down the aging process;
  • Carotene improves and evens out the complexion;
  • Niacin helps to improve blood circulation;
  • Thiamine activates the regeneration of the skin;
  • Riboflavin micro heals wounds.
Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home

For bleaching effect should be used only fresh parsley leaves.

On the advice of beauticians is possible to prepare a universal recipe for a mask with the addition of honey to the main component.

Bunch of fresh parsley should be crushed into a thick gruel, add to it 1 tbsp. l. honey. The mixture is required to be mixed thoroughly and forget about it for some time, the juice appeared. Then the mass is to be imposed on the skin. Hold the mask takes about 30-40 minutes., Wash with cool water.

Mask with hydrogen peroxide of age spots

Problems associated with increased pigmentation, can be solved in various ways, including by means of hydrogen peroxide. Due to its low price, well-known drug used increasingly willing to even out the complexion.

This drug, in spite of its low cost, has a number of beneficial properties for the skin:

  • Whitens the dermis;
  • Deeply cleanses;
  • Treats blisters, acne, blackheads;
  • Blocks inflammation.

To mask you need to take peroxide concentration of 3%. This is very important, because when you use a high-concentrate can be seriously dry up the skin.

Recipe beauty made of hydrogen peroxide, as follows:

4-5 drops peroxide, 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice mix thoroughly, until homogenous and then lubricate the problem areas. duration procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. At the end of this time, be sure to wash your face with cool water, and grease greasy cream.

Mask with lemon and cosmetic clay of pigment spots

Cosmetologists believe that the most successful component in solving problems with pigment spots, is a cosmetic clay. The most suitable - white, because it is the soft and gentle in their effect on the dermis. It enriches it with oxygen, improves the complexion, tightens pores and absorbs toxins.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home

When this type of mask is necessary in advance to prepare materials having purchased in a drugstore selected clay. It is very important to pay attention to the shelf life and consistency. Another note - portion should be done at once, it can not be stored.

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive, so you should avoid this area when applying the mask.

Recipe mask: take 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and clay, mixing them in a bowl to a state of a homogeneous cream which is applied to the face of not more than 20 minutes. Then as wash water at room temperature. To provide a sense of comfort should apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Mask with lemon and potato starch of pigment spots

Everyone has long known that lemon is one of the most popular products with whitening effect, so its use in masks of age spots completely justified.

Another effective ingredient - potato starch, in combination with lemon gives great result of facial rejuvenation and bleaching. starch structure is such that it easily penetrates deep into the dermis and nourishes it contained components that contribute to activation of intracellular metabolism, and maintain the natural hydration Tone face.

To prepare the mask you must first make a foundation by mixing 1 tbsp. l. starch with the same amount of cold water. This also add 50 ml. of boiling water and mix well again.

Brown spots on the face. Causes, treatment. How to get rid of at home

The resulting paste will form the basis for future mask you want to add the most important component of bleaching - 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and mix and apply to the problem area for 15 minutes. The procedure should be completed by washing with warm water.

Quite simply, if a certain percentage of patience and the desire to be beautiful mask of pigment spots on face help to remain beautiful for a long time with regular use of the listed recipes. Most importantly, do not stop at the beginning of the path and go to the end - to obtain an even, clean, healthy skin.

To which the doctor ask for a destination spot treatment

Issues related to the pigment spots, lie within the competence of medical cosmetology and dermatology

Be sure to consult specialists is necessary in such cases:

  • if the spot area obtained sunburn;
  • when stains occur during pregnancy;
  • spots begin to grow rapidly;
  • itching in those areas where there are spots, redness, peeling.

In the event of a rapid gratuitous appearance of age spots on the face, it is necessary to address urgently to oncologist, for elucidation of the causes and proper treatment of intense pigmentation is possible only with the help of an experienced specialist.

Videos of pigmented spots on the face, causes and treatment of pigmentation

Video-chat about pigmented spots on the face. The author tells about the causes of the emergence and treatment of spots:

What is the pigmentation of the face, how to treat stains:

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