
Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, photo signs of the disease, what to do

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Redness cheeks caused by expansion of blood vessels are close to the skin surface. Nerve strain, proximity of capillaries to the epidermis, an allergic reaction, as well as infectious and dermatological conditions may be the cause of the pathology.

To eliminate the need to identify the symptom provoking factor. Self-medication can lead to complications in adults and children.

The content of the article:

  • 1 It causes redness of the cheeks in adults and their symptoms
    • 1.1 natural causes
    • 1.2 Hypersensitivity
    • 1.3 dermatological problems
    • 1.4 Infectious causes: measles, rubella
    • 1.5 allergic diseases
    • 1.6 Internal illnesses
    • 1.7 Alcoholic drinks
    • 1.8 Acne
    • 1.9 rosacea
  • 2 differential diagnosis
  • 3 Medical treatment for different causes redness
  • 4 Traditional recipes
  • 5 Nutrition and diet
  • 6 vitamins
  • 7 Videos about the causes redness of the cheeks

It causes redness of the cheeks in adults and their symptoms

Redness of the skin on the cheeks may have physiological and pathological nature. Physiological causes are not health hazards, and the symptom goes alone after elimination of a provoking factor. Pathological causes can pose a serious danger. It requires urgent examination with subsequent therapy.

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natural causes

Adult red cheeks (natural reasons related to the close proximity of the capillaries to the skin surface) They may be caused by the following factors provoking:

  • physical or emotional stress (stress, anxiety, weight lifting). States are accompanied by increased blood flow and vasodilatation on the cheeks;
  • reception of hot and spicy dishes. They have a similar effect on blood vessels;
  • long stay in the body inclination (floor washing, work related to the slope). As a result of increased blood flow to the front part;
  • exposure to cold wind. Blood vessels dilate to save the thermoregulation of the skin;Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease
  • similar effect has washing with cold water;
  • long being in a stuffy and hot room. Capillaries dilate to improve the delivery of oxygen;
  • sunlight (causes vasodilation);
  • squeezing the cheek muscles (resting on the arm, prone position) leads to poor blood circulation. After elimination of squeezing factor is a sharp recovery of blood flow is accompanied by redness of the skin;
  • rubbing of the epidermis (massage reinforced cream application) causes an increase in blood supply;
  • blow on the cheek, or the subject in the course of a fight. Redness triggered by a temporary increase in blood flow.

Natural causes are accompanied not only enhanced color cheeks.

There may be additional symptoms such as:

  • heat in the cheeks;
  • sharp decline of forces;
  • tenderness touching the affected area.

Physical causes do not cause malfunction of the body, but frequent redness can provoke deterioration of state of the vessels on the cheeks. Therefore, as far as possible it is recommended to avoid precipitating factors.


Redness on the cheeks of the epidermis may be due to increased sensitivity of the skin to any external influence. Pathology caused by disorders of the immune system. As a result, even the slightest impact occurs provoking factor increase in blood flow and vasodilation.

The causes of redness in case of hypersensitivity:

  • windy weather (even with a weak wind);
  • exposure to sunlight or to temperatures below zero;
  • sudden change of the external temperature indicators (yield from warm to cold and vice versa);
  • hard water;
  • meal (even cold dishes);
  • slight pressure on the cheek;
  • wiping the face with a rough towel;
    Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease
    Cause red cheeks in adults may be banal lack of hygiene
  • little excitement;
  • quiet, walking long distances.

Redness of the cheeks with hypersensitivity may further be accompanied by:

  • burning and itching;
  • sensation of heat, not only on the cheeks, but also throughout the body;
  • soreness at the site redness;
  • fever.

Pathology is not treatable. But it is possible to strengthen the status of the vessels taking vitamin complexes. It requires examination and therapist.

dermatological problems

redness of the cheeks may be a symptom of dermatological diseases.

For skin disorders with this feature include:

Kinds of Diseases (separation type produced by the pathogen) A brief list of diseases Causes of accompanying symptoms
  • fungal scab;
  • trihofitia;
  • rubromikoz.
  • contact with a carrier of the pathogen or the use of objects, which he touched;
  • decrease in activity of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of hygiene measures;
  • neural overload and stress;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence of open sores on the skin.
  • itching, sometimes pronounced;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • an increase of the lesion;
  • roughness of the skin.

In severe lesions possible lack of energy, increased body temperature and the presence of purulent formations.

  • rosacea;
  • eczema;
  • streptoderma.
  • herpes;
  • papillomavirus;
  • viral scab.
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • scleroderma;
  • psoriasis.
disease transmission occurs at the genetic level.

Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the diseaseDermatological causes distinguished by having additional symptoms. Disease risk of developing complications and the addition of secondary infections. Treatment is prescribed by a dermatologist, after the test.

Infectious causes: measles, rubella

Red cheeks (adult reasons as in children, caused by the body's response to a pathogen) can be a symptom of an infectious disease.

Changing the color characteristic cheeks for the following diseases:

disease name The causes of the disease Related symptoms
Measles Transmission occurs on contact with the carrier. After recovery, formed immune to the disease for life. Because of these diseases is carried out vaccination in childhood, the infection can affect not only human graft. Rubella can be transmitted from mother to child in utero, causing loss of the fetus.
  • Body temperature rises to 40 degrees. It appears from the early days of the disease;
  • a red rash (appears 3-5 days after the temperature rise) is initially localized on the scalp, then it affects the face and the rest of the body;
  • brightness rash over the disease becomes pale;
  • cough, runny nose, and increased tear production;
  • the appearance of white spots and deposits on oral mucosa;
  • severe headache, and general weakness;
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck.
  • initially marked increase in lymph nodes in the neck and behind the ears;
  • further increase in temperature, runny nose and cough;
  • rash together with enlarged lymph nodes and initially affects the area of ​​the face, then it spreads throughout the body;
  • rash consists of small patches of pink or red;
  • pain during swallowing;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • headaches, which are not eliminated by taking painkillers.

Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the diseaseOther infections can also cause redness of the cheeks, which provoked an increase in body temperature and increases blood circulation through the vessels.

allergic diseases

The reason may be redness allergic diseases, which are dangerous swelling of internal organs and their possible failure in operation.

Brief Description of allergic pathologies:

The list of diseases Causes of possible symptoms
Atopic and contact dermatitis
  • external contact with an allergen (cosmetics, household chemicals, animal dander);
  • the use of allergenic foods and medicines;
  • any insects bites;
  • the presence of parasitic infection;
  • part of the nervous strain.
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • severe itching and flaking;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • possible increased lacrimation, the emergence of the common cold and cough.

In severe forms of possible temperature increase rates, difficulty in breathing, impaired activity of the digestive tract.

drug reaction
Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease

Without removing the allergen treatment will not be effective.

Internal illnesses

redness of the cheeks may signal the presence of internal pathologies.

The list of possible diseases The main causes of signs of illness
High blood pressure and a violation of the cardiovascular system
  • nervous stress;
  • atmospheric pressure change;
  • age;
  • the presence of serious diseases violate the cardiovascular system.
  • headache, and sudden dizziness;
  • weakness for no reason;
  • nausea, possible vomiting.
Hormonal disbalance
  • transitional age;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • violation of the activities of producing hormones.
  • mood swings;
  • appetite disorders;
  • weight changes;
  • failure of organs and systems.
Diseases of the digestive tract
  • frequent consumption of junk food;
  • non-observance of the time interval between receptions of food;
  • complication of serious diseases;
  • the presence of inflammation or infection in the body.
  • appetite disorders;
  • abdominal pain;
  • quality change in stool;
  • an increase or decrease in weight;
  • weakness due to lack of nutrients.

Perhaps the rise in body temperature.

  • frequent disease jujube nature;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • unhealthy lifestyle.
  • bruising at small traumas;
  • skin reddens the slightest change in temperature as the body, and outside;
  • tenderness of the joints;
  • numbness in the extremities due to the deterioration of blood supply.
Violation of the nervous system activity
  • frequent fatigue and nervous strain;
  • mechanical trauma of the nerve cells;
  • a complication of severe pathologies.
  • mood swings;
  • tics and spasms;
  • disruption of the internal organs.
  • elderly age;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • disruption of the pancreas.
  • increased thirst;
  • redness of the palms;
  • increased dryness of the skin;
  • frequent urination.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals with the food;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • metabolic disorders.
  • nervousness;
  • frequent colds;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.
pulmonary disease
  • infectious disease;
  • complication of the disease.
  • dysrhythmia and depth breaths;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue.
Pathology in the urinary system
  • prolonged exposure to cold;
  • penetration of infection;
  • improper diet;
  • the formation of stones.
  • violation of urine output (frequent or infrequent urination);
  • soreness of the kidneys or the bladder, as well as during urination;
  • discoloration of urine. Perhaps the rise in body temperature.

Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the diseaseThese pathologies can be detected by passing examinations by a physician. He will appoint treatment.

Alcoholic drinks

The adult redness of the cheeks can develop after taking alcoholic drinks. The phenomenon is justified increase in blood flow and vascular expansion under the influence of ethanol. To eliminate the need to eliminate the cause of the symptom - excessive drinking.

The redness may be accompanied by swelling of the cheeks, the local temperature rise sometimes itching (if burst capillaries). It is further noted increased blood pressure and overall deterioration of health.


Acne - a disease caused by opportunistic mite, which is in the sebaceous glands. In a healthy person it normalizes the activity of glands and destroys harmful bacteria and microorganisms.Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease

But with weakened immunity, he begins to proliferate, and causes the development of the following symptoms:

  • redness of the epidermis;
  • severe itching in the place, riddled mite;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • the formation of acne;
  • shine of the skin;
  • the formation of scales on-site pathogen localization.

To eliminate the disease requires examination by a dermatologist. The disease is dangerous joining a secondary infection.


Rosacea - a pathology associated with the deterioration of capillaries, followed by impaired blood circulation.

Causes brittleness and fragility vessels may be:

  • improper diet (frequent intake of hot and spicy food);
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent temperature changes;
  • long stay in the sun;
  • frequent stress;
  • ignoring diseases affecting the vascular wall.Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease

The disease is accompanied by the appearance on the skin capillary network, increased epidermal irritation and excessive dryness of it. Additionally, there may be a thickening and swelling of the skin.

differential diagnosis

Redness of the cheeks is not only a cosmetic defect, but can be a symptom of the disease. To eliminate redness required treatment to the therapist to identify the causes of this feature and to determine further treatment.

The differential diagnosis includes the following procedures:

1. Gathering information from the patient's words:

  • when there was a rash and what preceded this;
  • the presence of chronic disease in the patient and the next of kin;
  • what additional symptoms present.

2. A full examination of the patient:

  • measurement of temperature and pressure;
  • Glow lamp Wood affected area, to detect the fungus;
  • revealing painful redness and peeling places;
  • palpation of the abdomen to detect abnormalities in the digestive tract;
  • inspection of the oral mucosa.Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease

3. Letting analyzes to determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, The number of leukocytes and immunoglobulin E. These indicators will identify the infectious and allergenic nature of the appearance of the rash.

4. Scraping with the epidermis of the cheeks. To determine the type of pathogen.

5. Carrying immunogramTo determine the state of the immune system.

After collecting the information, inspection, receiving the handed over analyzes results, it examined by specialists. They also assigned treatment.

Medical treatment for different causes redness

Adult red cheeks (causes redness detected during examination) are a symptom of a pathological condition of the body and are eliminated through the use of medicines.

Drugs prescribed to eliminate the causes of red cheeks:

  • under natural causes and hypersensitivity appointed medicated creams to protect the skin from external influences (Bepanten, Panthenol, Radevit) and receiving sedation for preventing nerve arrester (tenoten, motherwort, Valerian);Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease
  • dermatological pathologies are assigned antifungal (nystatin, ketoconazole, terbinafine), antibacterial (Amoxicillin, Biseptolum, Solutab) and antiviral (Kagocel, Rimantadine, Ingavirin) drugs depending on the type of exciter. Additionally can be administered ointment / cream to accelerate the recovery of the skin and relieving itching (Fenistil, Skin-Cap, Elidel);
  • at redness of the cheeks due to infectious diseases prescribers to eliminate itching (Loratadine, Zyrtec, Takropik) and antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nurofen);
  • used to eliminate allergy antihistamines (Fenkarol, Lomilan, Feksadin), chelators (Polysorb, activated carbon, Polyphepanum), antipruritic ointments and reducing (Tsinokap, Elokim Akriderm);
  • at internal pathologies choice of drugs depends on the pathology localization (gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and nervous system). Medicines are appointed by specialists, as well as the exact course of treatment is discussed.

Separate treatment without survey and interview an expert, can lead to deterioration in severe cases death.

Traditional recipes

Folk remedies can reduce irritation and redness on the cheeks, but do not eliminate the cause. It can therefore be used in the combined treatment with medication or by natural causes the appearance of redness.

Effective recipes:

  • mix dry yeast (10 g), cream (25 mL) and any fresh fruit puree (20 mL). Should get a homogeneous mass. Provide a means to stand for 30 minutes. put on his cheeks and give structure to dry. Rinse with warm water;
  • combine sour cream and chopped parsley in equal proportions. Apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Remove water;Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease
  • steamed oatmeal in milk. They should completely swell. Apply the product to the cheeks and incubate for 20 minutes. After completion of the wash procedure with warm water;
  • wash your face decoction of chamomile or calendula. Requires steamed 1 sachet per 150 ml of boiling water. At the end moisturize baby cream. Especially recommended for children;
  • mixed in equal proportions cream with olive oil and maintain for 20 minutes. Remove makeup with a cotton pad;
  • in the morning and before going to bed to wipe his cheeks fresh juice of aloe;
  • Grate peeled potatoes and apply the resulting slurry to the face for 20 minutes. Means Rinse with warm water.

For the period of redness of the cheeks is forbidden to carry out cleaning cosmetic procedures because of the possibility of damage of the capillaries.

Nutrition and diet

For a period of redness on the cheeks is recommended to enrich the food with fresh vegetables and fruit to strengthen walls of blood vessels. Avoid foods to cause allergic reactions (citrus, chocolate, strawberry). In addition, excluded from the use of hot, spicy and fatty food. Alcoholic beverages during treatment prohibited.


Receiving vitamin complexes recommended for any reason, redness of the cheeks. Preparations to strengthening of immunity and recovery of strength and vascular permeability.

Therapist and dermatologist recommended media:

  • Duovit;Red cheeks in adults. The reasons why the burn treatment, symptoms of the disease
  • aevit;
  • Complivit;
  • Alphabet;
  • Centrum.

Vitamins do not carry much harm to the body, but the dosage and rate of reception is better to negotiate with the doctor.

Since hypervitaminosis may also provoke redness on the cheeks. The adult cheek color change may be due to the presence of abnormalities in the body, frequent stress and alcohol abuse / nicotine. Eliminate redness possible only after a full examination and determine the cause.

When natural causes enough to enrich the food ration vitamins (tablets or fresh fruit) to restore the strength of the capillaries on the cheeks.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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