
Skin peels and itches on the body. How to treat dry red patches on the face, irritation around the eyes, head, what to do, treatment

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Peeling of the skin on the body when it is scratched, has a number of reasons. This phenomenon is typical for men and women with any type of the dermis. Simple symptoms like itching and redness may be a manifestation of a dangerous disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of stains and peeling of the skin, pathological symptoms
  • 2 Assistance in pink shingles
  • 3 Treatment of erythema medicines and traditional methods
  • 4 Fighting ichthyosis
  • 5 Treatment of psoriasis on the body
  • 6 Anti-seborrheic dermatitis
  • 7 fungus treatment at the hands and feet
  • 8 Anti-allergic eye spots and peeling Body
  • 9 beriberi treatment
  • 10 Normalization of hormonal levels
  • 11 Treatment of parasitic diseases
  • 12 Means against dysbiosis
  • 13 treatment of neurodermatitis
  • 14 Medicinal and folk remedies for burns after sunburn
  • 15 Treatment of dry, flaky skin in winter
  • 16 Opinion of doctors: why it is important to use the funds for daily nutrition and hydration of the skin
  • 17 Video: Skin flakes and itches on the body

The causes of stains and peeling of the skin, pathological symptoms

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Pink zoster - an infectious disease characterized by skin lesions. The reason is an infection that enters the body when lowered immunity.


  • weakness;
  • temperature to 38 °;
  • the appearance of pink spots 4 cm and many spots of diameter 1 cm;
  • peeling.

Own illness passes for 2 weeks. Erythema is characterized by red skin redness, formation of nodules and the appearance of punctate rash. The reason can serve as: infections, dermatitis.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

For eczema characterized by the development in stages:

  • redness;
  • papules;
  • vazikuly;
  • pustules;
  • erosion;
  • peel;
  • alopecia skin.

The disease is associated with heredity, human nervous state, gastrointestinal problems.

Ichthyosis is inherited and is a gene mutation. If it folds of the elbows and knees are not affected. When ichthyosis skin scaly and covered with gray scales, tightly adjacent to each other.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

Psoriasis - a hereditary disease characterized by nervous disorders, symptoms:

  • red and bodily convex spots;
  • peeling;
  • itching during exacerbation.

Seborrheic dermatitis - a disease caused by a fungus reproduction malasseziafurfur. Influence their diets may increase, hormonal disorders and bad habits. scalp flakes appear ragged flakes on the surface. Body formed red patches, which consist of a variety of fatty scales.

Fungus formed on a human body at high humidity and poor hygiene. On the skin surface formed bubbles, which are accompanied by severe itching. Allergies caused by contact with allergens, which may make the products, fabrics, medicines.


  • redness;
  • edema;
  • peeling;
  • itchy skin.

Vitamin deficiency manifests at deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Call it: diet, irregular meals.


  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • skin irritation;
  • broken and cut by the hair;
  • cracks in the corners of the lips.

Hormonal disruptions triggered by diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands.


  • dry red patches on the skin;
  • brittle nails and hair;
  • fatigue;
  • itchy shins.

Acclimatization - the process of human adaptation to climate change.


  • temperature to 39 °;
  • dizziness;
  • disgust, vomiting;
  • rash;
  • weakness.

Parasites in the human body come from food and water with poor personal hygiene. For parasites is characterized by itchy skin, double red spots on the body, turning into watery blisters filled with blood. Bacteria overgrowth is associated with impaired renal function in the body.


  • acne;
  • black dots;
  • oily skin shine;
  • inflamed rash.

Atopic dermatitis - a manifestation of allergic reaction. Characterized by dry dense red spots on the skin that are prone to cracking.

Assistance in pink shingles

When pink depriving these medicines are:

  1. acyclovir. He fights herpes viruses, pink lichen and other skin lesions, prevents their reproduction. Dosing: 3 every chasa drink 1 t per day of the disease..
  2. hydrocortisone It is an anti-inflammatory agent. Reduces edema and inhibits the development of allergies. Afternoon and evening to apply until symptoms disappear.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

People's ways of getting rid of the pink lichen:

  1. Handle affected skin every 6 hours of pure solution of apple vinegar.
  2. Insist half an hour 10 g elderberry leaves in a glass of boiling water. Drink in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals for 1 month.

Treatment of erythema medicines and traditional methods

Preparations for the treatment of erythema:

  1. Rifampicin - Course of 14 days to 1 m in the morning and evening on an empty stomach..
  2. Prednisolone - anti-inflammatory effect, blocks the negative reaction in the connective tissue. The course of 7 days at 15 mg early in the morning after a meal.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

Treatment of erythema folk remedies:

  • 15 g brew lingonberry leaf 300 ml boiling water;
  • fasting drink a third cup 1 week.

Fighting ichthyosis

Preparations for the treatment of ichthyosis:

  1. gamma globulin - reduces the risk of complications in patients with immunodeficiency. Administered singly intramuscularly 6 ml.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. prednisolone - immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory agent. Morning and evening, administered intravenously at 100 mg drug. The course of 6 days.

People's method of treatment of ichthyosis in the home:

  • prepare 15 g: tansy flowers, motherwort, plantain, couch grass root, horsetail, chop;
  • grass infuse a 2-hour boiling water beakers, filter;
  • 1 month to drink a third cup in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Treatment of psoriasis on the body

The skin on the body in psoriasis scaly and itchy during exacerbation. However, it can not be completely cured.

In recurrent need to use complex medicines:

  1. Zinc ointment - dries inflammation and accelerates the formation of crusts. Smear afternoon and evening until symptoms disappear.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. suprastin - antihistamine against the itching, redness and inflammation. Take 1 m. In the morning, at lunch and in the evening to 10 days.
  3. diclofenac blocking pain syndromes knocks temperature reduces edema. For half an hour before a meal drink 1 m. In the morning, afternoon and evening. The course is 10 days.

Traditional methods for the treatment of psoriasis:

  1. Mask of celandine: petrolatum mix powder and 10 g of celandine powder. Impose a mask on the spot every 6 hours. The course of 3 days.
  2. Infusion Repeshko: in a glass of boiled water to dissolve a teaspoon of herbs turnip, insist hour and drink half a cup in the afternoon and evening. The course of 5 days.

Anti-seborrheic dermatitis

Therapy against seborrheic dermatitis include the following drugs:

  1. Tsiklopiroksaktiven in respect of onychomycosis and some fungi. Applications should not exceed six months. To smear the affected skin morning and evening. Do not rinse.
  2. Elidel - an anti-inflammatory cream for external use. Rub the cream until completely absorbed in the morning and in the evening until symptoms disappear.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

Ointment against seborrheic dermatitis at home:

  1. Take 10 g: baby cream, tincture of valerian, olive oil. Mix.
  2. Use the ointment in the evening. Apply a thin layer on the scalp skin and allow to soak.

fungus treatment at the hands and feet

Skin peels and itches on the body formed small bubbles - skin fungus. Soda is considered to be the most effective folk remedy in the fight against fungi.

To heal the skin soda paste should:

  • Mix 3 tbsp soda, half a lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of water;
  • applied to the affected skin fate, then rinse under running water.

For pharmaceutical agents against fungi on the hands and feet are the following drugs:

  1. Nizoral - destroys yeast, reduces inflammation and itching. Apply to the affected areas in the morning and evening, no more than 4 weeks.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. Lamisil - inhibits fungal enzymes in the deep layers of the skin. Dosing: half drink 1 t morning without food.
  3. Flukonaazol destroys membrane fungal cells prevents their overgrowth. It has a cumulative effect. 6 months drink 1 capsule per day.

Anti-allergic eye spots and peeling Body

Effective drugs for the treatment of allergic eye spots and peeling on the body:

  1. Gistan applied as an ointment. It relieves swelling, redness and itching of the skin. Apply to the spots in the morning and evening until symptoms disappear.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. Elidel cream It possesses anti-inflammatory properties, action aimed at the purification of skin cells from allergen. Applied to the skin morning and evening for 5 days. Do not rinse.
  3. Fenistil gel blocks the allergic initially. Good for the skin around the eyes. A thin layer of grease the spot in the morning and in the evening before they disappeared.

In folk medicine, anti-allergic stains and peeling used fennel seeds and potato pulp:

  1. Boil 1 tbsp. l. dill seed in 250 ml of boiling water. Strain. Cotton pad to wipe the skin around the eyes several times a day.
  2. 1 finely grate raw potato and apply the mass below the eye for 3-4 minutes in the morning and evening.

beriberi treatment

For the treatment of vitamin deficiency should be used as traditional recipes and medicines:

  1. Rostvit strengthens the walls of capillaries, dermal membrane. It increases the body's resistance to infection. Directions for use: 14 days after eating in the morning and evening chew 1 ton.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. Complivit fills the body's need for vitamins and minerals. It contains daily dose of essential health items. Take 1 month to 1 m. In the morning after a meal.

Traditional medicine suggests some recipes for the treatment of beriberi.

Recipe 1. Viburnum:

  • 15 g of berries Viburnum pour 200 ml hot water:
  • insist 4 hours, strain;
  • 2 weeks to drink 0.5 cups in the morning and evening.

Recipe 2. Rosehip:

  • 50 g of crushed fruits briar boiled in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes on medium heat;
  • let stand for 8 hours;
  • drink instead of tea all day. The course is 10 days.

Normalization of hormonal levels

Skin peels and itches on the body are formed dry spots - the symptoms of hormonal disorders.

When the hormonal background is necessary to take dietary supplements depending on the problem:

  1. Barlean's Organic Oils Essential Woman on the basis of oil from flax seeds. Normalizes hormonal women and strengthens hair, nails and nourishes the skin. Take 1 month to 3 capsules in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals.
  2. AstrumFem complex designed to normalize menstrual cycles, reduce pain during menstruation and to reduce the negative symptoms of premenstrual state. Take 20 days to 1 m. In the morning, lunch and evening meals.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

Salvia helps normalize hormonal levels during the first phase of the menstrual cycle:

  • 15 g of sage leaves pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water;
  • insist 15 minutes and strain.

Divide the content into 3 parts. Drink 1 portion in the morning, afternoon and evening of 10 days from the day 1 of menstruation.

Treatment of parasitic diseases

Flaking and scratching of the skin may indicate the presence of parasites in the human body. Their presence in the human body affects the general condition: the nervous, circulatory system, as well as on the skin.

Drugs, allowing to eliminate the parasite from the body:

  1. metronidazole used against Giardia, amoebae and trichomonas, has a bright antimicrobial action. Dosing: 7 days drink 1 t morning and evening, with water..Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. Vermoxum It applied against a broad spectrum of parasites: roundworm, Enterobiasis, echinococcosis, arihinellezy. Apply 5 days to 1 m. In the morning and evening during meals.

People's way to get rid of parasites and cleanse the body:

  • Dissolve 200 g of honey present in 1 liter of water to boil us simmered for 20 minutes;
  • Add 10 g: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and cook for 10 minutes;
  • strain broth through a gauze fabric or sieve;
  • drink half a cup in the morning and evening, 10 days before eating.

Means against dysbiosis

Preparations for the treatment of dysbiosis are aimed at raising the immunity, and normalization of intestinal microflora. They eliminate the negative symptoms of dysbiosis and increase the body's resistance to parasites, viruses and microbes.

These include:

  1. Lactobacterin normalises the digestive activity, it helps to restore the natural immunity. Allowed during pregnancy. Tablets take half an hour before meals for 5 pieces per day with the same time interval. The course lasts 2 weeks.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. In atsilakt High antagonistic activity against pathogenic microbes. Take 1 m. In the morning and evening a week.
  3. Biobakton It helps to restore the intestinal flora and increase the level of beneficial microorganisms, restores the immune system. It takes 10 days for 40 minutes before meals for 1 m. In the morning and evening.

Normalize the intestinal microflora can be national way, which will require:

  • a handful of artichoke;
  • prepare 20 g of butter, 72% fat, 10 g of wheat flour, dried dill;
  • Jerusalem artichoke cut into small cubes and cooking in water, half diluted milk, a medium heat;
  • heat 100 ml of milk and add butter, flour, herbs and boil until thick;
  • pour milk mixture artichoke.

Take the dish every day for one serving per meal for 2 weeks.

treatment of neurodermatitis

During exacerbation of neurodermatitis should take antiallergic and immunomodulating drugs. can be added for preventive measures sedatives (motherwort, tenoten).


  1. suprastin taken with meals 3-4 times a day for 1 Vol. 5 days. The drug has antihistamine properties and helps to alleviate symptoms.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. tavegil - contemporary antiallergic agent which reduces vascular permeability and edema formation slows.

At home cure atopic dermatitis in several ways:

  1. To 1 liter of boiling water to take 50 grams of grass oak bark, stinging nettle, birch, mint, sage and infuse 24 hours. After a day to moisten a gauze cloth in the infusion and apply the compress to the skin for 20 minutes.
  2. If extensive skin lesions need to dial a full bath water temperature of 36 degrees. Add 20 g: potato starch, birch leaves, nettles, mint. Take a bath of not more than 20 minutes.

Medicinal and folk remedies for burns after sunburn

Skin peels and itches on the body at a burn UV rays. When the sun burns the skin is important to follow the steps of treatment: pain relief, healing and nutrition.

In practice, used as folk remedies and medicines:

  1. Anesthetic: Nise - take 1 ton after eating at the first signs of burns..Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
  2. antiphlogistic: Hydrocortisone - a thin layer of ointment applied to the affected skin in the morning, afternoon and evening to relieve acute symptoms.
  3. healing agent: Pantenol- cream spread on the skin in the morning and evening until complete healing. The active substance of cream - vitamin, which is part of coenzyme A.

If medicines and pharmacies is not near, use sour cream and herbal compresses:

  1. A thick layer of grease burned skin cream no more than 15 minutes. Gently rinse with a damp towel.
  2. For removal of inflammation make 20 g and 20 g camomile calendula in hot water, cool, filter, and then moisten fabric gauze and applied to the affected area for 30 minutes.

Treatment of dry, flaky skin in winter

Preparations for the treatment of dry, flaky skin in winter: Supradin, Alphabet cosmetics. Supradin contains vitamin complex, which is able to retain moisture in the skin: vitamins A, B6, B9, B12, E, C, and coenzyme Q10.Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat

It comes in several forms:

  • jellies;
  • soluble tablet;
  • pills;
  • syrup.

The most effective is the reception of water-soluble tablets, as they absorbed faster in the vessel wall and deliver vitamins. Dosing Supradin: 2 times a year to 1 month 1 drink so the morning and evening.. As part of the Alphabet Cosmetic have the necessary for women's health vitamins - A, E, C, D, Q10.

A distinctive feature of the drug in multicolored tablets - a balanced dosage for each meal. Dosing Alphabet Cosmetic: during the meal and 1 ton in the morning, afternoon and evening for 14 days.. For the prevention of course drink in six months.

Traditional medicine offers used against dry skin in winter: beeswax and aloe:

  1. Preparation wax mixture for dry skin: 10 g of dry beeswax melted in a water bath, add 20 g of lanolin, 15 ml of olive oil and 10 ml of aloe juice. Wax mixture to rub the skin dry.
  2. Herbal remedy for dry skin in winter: 1 cut fleshy aloe leaf, remove the needle and cut the sheet along. Kiseleobraznuyu teaspoon to remove the liquid. With a cotton pad soaked in a liquid, wipe the skin to eliminate itching and flaking.

Opinion of doctors: why it is important to use the funds for daily nutrition and hydration of the skin

According to experts the means to nourish the skin penetrate deep into the dermis structure, restore the disturbed metabolism in the cells. Systematic power of the epidermis, just treated, is able to deliver on a number of problems: dryness, itching, peeling, cracks. The task of nourishing the skin of hands is the saturation of the dermis with vitamins and minerals.

Scaly and itchy skin of the body, head, face appear dry red patches. What is it and how to treat
If the skin is peeling and itching on the body it is mandatory to visit a qualified physician, as the cause of these symptoms can be severe pathology.

Means for moisturizing the skin working on the upper layers, and do not penetrate deeper. Provide recovery of water balance of the skin and moisture retention therein. Moisturizers object is to maintain the water-lipid balance dermis.

Nutritional agents without moisturizing properties will be a long struggle with dryness and roughness of the skin, and moisturizing preparations without nutritional qualities will not be able to restore the structure of the skin and saturate it with the necessary elements.

At home, to prevent scaling on the body should be integrated by means of nutrition and hydration of the skin. Then the dermis is not itch, rash pass, epidermal structure is restored.

Video: Skin flakes and itches on the body

Severe itching of the skin: causes and symptoms of diseases in the video:

Why itchy skin on the body, refer to the video clip:

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