Female Diseases

Medicines in menopause hot flashes. Treatment, drugs, herbs, folk remedies, how and what to take

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Hot flashes in menopause women deliver physical and emotional discomfort. To improve the condition of menopause can help pharmaceutical drugs, traditional methods, preventive action.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of hot flashes during menopause
  • 2 The symptoms of hot flashes
  • 3 Remedies against the tides in menopause
    • 3.1 Drugs from the pharmacy
    • 3.2 herbs
    • 3.3 Traditional methods
  • 4 Other funds
  • 5 complications
  • 6 Videos about menopause

The causes of hot flashes during menopause

Tides occur against the background of an imbalance of hormones in the female body, it is in violation of thermoregulation, in which there is a "false" signal from the nerve to the brain.

About 80% of women in menopause are facing imbalances vegetative reactions. The main cause of the tides is to reduce production of the hormone estrogen. At its lack organism is exposed to overheat.

Factors contributing for the tides:

  • stress, anxiety, apathy;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol;
  • eating spicy, fried, greasy food, strong coffee, tea;
  • stay in a stuffy room;
  • intense exercise.
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Also such diseases as hyperthyroidism and hypoglycemia. The duration of menopause can vary from a few months to 7 years.Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking

Age at menopause will depend on many factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • general state of health;
  • quality of life - bad habits;
  • regular sexual relations.

This is a natural physiological process, but in the absence of correct health menopause may seriously complicate the life of the modern woman.

The symptoms of hot flashes

Menopause symptoms may first appear a few years before the last menstrual period, periodically causing an imbalance in the whole organism. It decreases the amount of estrogen, which affects the work of many systems and organs of the patient. Short tides may appear up to 40 times a day, be equally or more intense. By the time they last up to 10 minutes.

In addition, there are changes in the aggregate state of women's health for the worse:

  • heat and heaviness in the chest, shortness of breath;
  • headache in the occipital region;
  • sweating and reddening of the skin;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness, coordination disorder;
  • change of mood, anxiety, irritability, tearfulness;
  • deterioration of the skin;
  • dry eyes;
  • tremor fingers, chills, even in the warm season;
  • increased anxiety, irritability.Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking

Hot flashes can occur at night, disrupting sleep and causing general weakness of the body. To improve the quality of life is shown to take pharmaceutical medication to avoid complications during menopause hot flashes.

Remedies against the tides in menopause

Medicines in menopause hot flashes are appointed by a specialist, depending on the individual characteristics and the general state of health of the patient. The basis of treatment is phytohormones based on medicinal components, hormonal and non-hormonal drugs.Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking

Before the doctor will prescribe pharmaceutical drugs have to undergo a series of examinations in the frequency of breast ultrasound duct, pelvic organs, blood biochemistry and perform mammograms.

Drugs from the pharmacy

names of drugs constituents of Efficiency Terms of admission Price in rubles.
Angelique As part there estradiol - a natural estrogen female Eliminates anxiety, improves sleep. 1 tablet a day 1300
Klimov Estradiol and cyproterone acetate It improves mood, keeps calcium in bone tissue, improves elasticity of the vaginal mucous membranes, relieves panic attacks. Only individual regimen 1250
Femoston Estradiol and norgestrel It restores the epidermis, eliminates the dryness of mucous membranes of the genital 1 tablet for 21 days 930
Kliminorm Estradiol and levonorgestrel Normalizes blood cholesterol levels, is responsible for the regulation of the epidermis into the vagina and helps to control weight gain 1 piece in a day, the course - 21 days 860
Divina Estradiol and medroxyprogesterone Relieves hot flashes, sweating, prevent osteoporosis The scheme is calculated on 21 days 750
Klimadinon Tsimifugi root extractor hood Eliminates muscle spasms, helps with migraines, panic attacks, insomnia, relieves tension in muscles 30 drops of 2 times a day 2700
Chi-klim Amino acids beta-alanine It calms the nervous system and regenerates the mucous, relieves discomfort in the vagina 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 months 1800
Feminal Red clover Eliminates hot flashes, preventing loss of calcium, normalizes metabolism 1 capsule per day 900
proginova estradiol valerate Eliminates signs of estrogen deficiency in women, has a sedative effect 2 mg for 3 weeks 850
Inoklym Soybean extract Relieves irritability, nervousness, soothes, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, strengthens the cardiovascular system 1 capsule for 2-3 weeks 800
Remens Extract from cuttlefish glands and raw snake venom Relieves irritability, nervousness, anxiety, tearfulness, stimulates metabolism and prevents obesity Taken in drops or tablets 2-3 times a day 580

Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like takingThe treatment regimen is prescribed individually.


Medicines in menopause hot flashes may be taken in combination with folk remedies.

Effective recipes:

  1. Lime tea - raw material for the preparation of a therapeutic need to take 150 mL of boiling water, cover the spoon lime color, low heat soak for 10 minutes, after towel container cover and infuse several hours. Strain. Eat during the day in small portions before the meal. Drink at least 20 days.
  2. Broth oregano - to dry the leaves of the plant, minced. In 200 ml of boiling water to use two raw spoon. Make a tea, add to the finished composition of honey. Drink in the form of heat for tomorrow in 2-3 weeks.
  3. Tincture of dry rosemary - for the preparation of a therapeutic composition to take 1 tbsp raw, pour 200 ml of boiling water for 2 hours, then drain and consumed in the form of heat before a meal.
  4. Broth upland uterus - a popular tool in the treatment of menstrual or menopausal disorders in women. Cover in thermos several spoons raw pour 250 ml boiling water for 3-5 hours. Take every day for 100 ml, the overall course of treatment - 14 days.
  5. peony tincture - shredded flower petals pour 250 ml boiling water for 2 hours, strain and take 3-5 times a day at about 1 tablespoon To avoid bitterness add in the honey.Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking
  6. Tea from sage and chamomile - it is useful to take on an empty stomach before meals. Boil feedstock 5 minutes, cool. Tool will strengthen the protective function, normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Herbal medicine will reduce the severity of hot flushes, strengthen the immune system, improve the overall condition of the patient.

Before applying means folk important to consult a specialist is required to test for the presence of allergic reactions of each product.

Traditional methods

Reduce sweating to help people following drugs:

  1. The infusion of fruits and flowers of hawthorn - a handful of chopped raw pour boiling water and infuse 30 minutes. Strain, take 1 tablespoon every 3 hour.
  2. Tincture of red rowan - Wash and dry the berries and pour 200 g of crushed fruits of a liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. After strain, add ready therapeutic composition in warm tea to 1 tablespoon
  3. The dried shredded calamus root eat every day for 1 tsp You can divide the batch into several stages. During the course of treatment to adopt means of about 100 g.
  4. Infusion of hop cones - dried and pulverized raw pour 200 ml boiling water, boiled at low heat for 20 minutes, divide the finished composition into 3 portions, drink before meals. The course of treatment 2 times a week for a month.
  5. Juice therapy - the use of organic acids, which are rich in beet, carrot, cucumber, pumpkin juice, component parts thins the blood and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  6. Bath with wormwood - mugwort helps to get rid of irritability, anxiety, sleep establish, eliminate headache. The water temperature in the bath - not more than 37 degrees. Add water decoction - crushed roots and leaves pour boiling water, to insist 40 minutes and strain. After the bath, go to bed.Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking

Medicines in menopause hot flashes help normalize overall health, reduce the frequency and intensity of symptoms of menopause, reduce sweating, improve emotional state.

Other funds

With symptoms of menopause must be combated.

Avoid the use of hormone replacement therapy may be subject to the following recommendations of experts:

  • lead a moderately active lifestyle - every day to be outdoors, to perform light jogging, you can choose yoga, swimming, biking, fitness;
  • breath control - It is recommended to practice meditation, learn to relax and breathe properly in stressful situations in order to reduce its negative impact on the body;
  • choose the right clothes - it is necessary to give preference to cotton clothes loose-fitting, in the cold wearing a jacket with a zip or buttons to quickly remove it and facilitate the well-being;
  • maintain a regular sex life, Which is useful for women in general;
  • stop overreact to stressful situations, Learn how to control the actions and emotions, try to avoid conflict situations;
  • observe a healthy lifestyle, Balanced eating, eat vegetables, fruits, berries, grains, seafood, nuts are high in vitamin A, E, C, PO, B;Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking
  • take multivitamin complexes - Vitatress such as domestic production, Femikaps based on vegetable components, Alphabet + 50 the optimum ratio of vitamins and minerals Ekstravel to normalize blood concentrations of estrogens, Qi-klim - a sedating effect.

Reduce discomfort during tidal simple measures can help. Suffice it to relax, take a comfortable position, undo the button on his collar, perform deep slow breaths. If you have on hand water, then drink it in small sips.

Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking
Medicines in menopause hot flashes - it is primarily rich in phytoestrogens products

If possible blow on a fan or leave the premises. Use a damp cloth or towel to freshen up. Drink a cup of green tea cool. Coffee consumption in menopause to limit to a minimum.

In climacteric increases craving for sweets, calorie food that may result due to weight gain. It is recommended to monitor the eating habits, do not eat fried, greasy, spicy, salty, to cook by steam, on the grill, in the oven.

Sleep is an important aspect of healthy aging, and with a decrease in the quality and quantity of sleep increases the risk of complications during climacteric disorders.


the risk of certain medical conditions increases after menopause. If time does not seek professional help, it can significantly worsen the patient's condition.

Complications of menopause:

  • cardiovascular diseases - occur against the background of decreasing or increasing the concentration of estrogen;
  • osteoporosis - bone density with age is reduced, which leads to increased risk of fractures;Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking
  • urinary incontinence - when loosening the tissues of the vagina and bladder can occur involuntary leakage of urine when coughing, laughing, physical load);
  • reduced quality of sexual function - there is dry mucous membranes of the vagina, increases the risk of bleeding and infection during sexual intercourse;
  • the deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and skin - hormonal imbalance causes brittle nail platinum, leads to proredeniyu strands increases the risk to get diffuse alopecia;
  • muscle aches - a disease associated with disorders of mineral balance in the body, a lack of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, is further reduced vascular tone;
  • obesity - during the menopause slows down metabolism, as a result of accumulated fat mass.

In menopausal status may be complicated by the shape of irregularities in the digestive tract, thyroid, nervous system, the imbalance of mental and emotional state.

There may be pain in the heart, tachycardia, impaired memory, coordination, sleep. In the presence of hypertension patients condition worsens, working capacity is lost. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, Drinking enough fluids is the main method of prevention of early menopause.

Treatment of menopause. Cure for hot flashes, homeopathic medicines, traditional remedies like taking

The occurrence of hot flushes and psychological aspect involved - according to analyst Louise Hay woman who experiences Early menopause is not able to enjoy motherhood, she does not feel happy, loved, protected in this world. It is important to revise your thinking and tune in to positive thinking.

Medication during menopause to help overcome menopausal women without deteriorating health. Get rid of the intensity of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause can help hormone / non-hormonal therapy and receiving phytoestrogens. Increased sweating - a natural phenomenon of the body in such a state, and it is easy to handle, if you carefully follow the recommendations of doctors.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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