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Hydrogen peroxide ingestion. Benefits and harms of medical purposes for Neumyvakin, real doctors, people from the forums

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Hour Rating hydrogen peroxide into the growing day by day. The efficacy of technique in dealing with a variety of pathologies. The advantages of the technique include universality means and ease of application.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is hydrogen peroxide, which is used for its
  • 2 Can I take a peroxide inside?
  • 3 In what form should be hydrogen peroxide for oral
  • 4 The use of peroxide for medicinal purposes
    • 4.1 GI healing
    • 4.2 Atomic oxygen saturation of blood flow
    • 4.3 Cleansing and detoxification of the body
    • 4.4 slimming effect
    • 4.5 Rinse mouth
    • 4.6 teeth whitening
    • 4.7 Effect of infectious and parasitic diseases
    • 4.8 Help for colds and upper respiratory diseases
  • 5 harm gidroperita
  • 6 Methods internal use hydrogen peroxide Professor Neumyvakina
    • 6.1 Regimens and dosages of the Nomination Neumyvakina
    • 6.2 Intravenously
  • 7 What to expect at the beginning of treatment
  • 8 Precautionary measures
  • 9 Possible complications and side reactions
  • 10 Video about the dangers of hydrogen peroxide

What is hydrogen peroxide, which is used for its

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Means, whose formula of H2O2, also called gidroperita, perhydrol or hyperon. Gidroperit is liquid without color, taste and smell. I opened a chemical compound chemist and microbiologist Thenard in the early XIX century.

Compound relates to potent antiseptics, used as a disinfectant, hemostatic external means. The peroxide is readily soluble in ether, and an alcohol aqueous solution. Under the influence of a number of factors means can break down into components.

These factors include:

  • heating means;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • entering oxidants, reducing agents or alkaline substances.

Interacting with some active metals gidroperit forms a violent chemical reaction. Under the action of alkaline peroxide decomposes much faster in acid while conversely slow decay.

Starting from the formulas of water and peroxide, one can conclude that their compositions are similar. However, mixtures of these compounds, depending on the amount of peroxide in solution, may be of different freezing temperatures - from 0 to -55 Celsius.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

Peroxide is nothing, as the simplest oxidant that the interaction is divided active oxygen. When exposed to a saturated solution of peroxide paper or wood, flammable materials burn. It oxidising properties of hydrogen compounds cause its wide application in various spheres of human activity.

Peroxide is widely used in medicine:

  • as an antiseptic in the processing of small abrasions, scratches and other damage to the skin. Universally means that it is equally sensitive to fungal spores, infections and many viruses;
  • preoperative treatment of fabrics and skin before eating a stronger antiseptic. After using peroxide abundant foam softens and pathogenic isolates education surface, whereupon the main antiseptic used to remove dead cells and pyogenic formations;
  • cleaning, disinfection auditory canals. To this 3-4 drops peroxide was instilled in the ear canal after 3 min softened sulfur is removed with a cotton swab dipped buckthorn oil;
  • oral hygiene and throat. Any inflammatory process in these fields, experts recommend to stop using a solution of peroxide and the distilled water at a ratio of 1:10. This solution also enables to form plaque and tartar, and also acts prophylactically against odors;
  • effective peroxide and in diseases of the skin. Often, doctors prescribed peroxide as part of an integrated approach to the treatment of eczema, psoriasis and various fungal diseases.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

Widely used hydrogen compound and cosmetic purposes. It is used as a component part of the mask for oily skin and against black points as well as acne. 50 ml wash means or emulsion makeup remover must add 5 drops of peroxide. Apply the mask is recommended 2-3 times a week.

Peroxide is effective against pigmented lesions and freckles. The bleaching effect of the compound observed in the last century. Procedure for skin whitening recommended masks from yolk, cheese and peroxide. The mixed ingredients are applied to problem areas for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off the mask and apply a nourishing cream.

Whitening properties of peroxide appreciated and housewives. With this cheap means of easily given in a perfect state of things with yellow spots, tiles with signs of plaque, virtually in an instant removed fungus and mold.

A tile is cleaned with a paste consisting of liquid soap, peroxide and baking soda - all ingredients are taken in equal parts. The paste is applied with a damp cloth on the problem areas, then it is necessary to leave the tile for 10-15 minutes for reaction. Clear items from the yellow spots will help water peroxide solution. They must be filled with soiled place and leave for half an hour, then rinse well thing.

Can I take a peroxide inside?

Hydrogen peroxide, ingestion of which has long challenged the doctors, about 20 years ago, has been actively used for the purpose of rehabilitation of wounds and skin injuries, mucous membranes.

It was then American scientist researcher efficiency peroxide internal use in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system has been confirmed, in particular, the brain. Unfortunately, the fight with antibiotics and anti-cancer therapies peroxide eventually surrendered their positions.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

In the early '90s a group of scientists was established the following fact: the cancer cells appear and immediately divided only in an environment completely devoid of oxygen. Fabrics experiencing hypoxia, immediately at risk of being occupied by malignant cancers.

German biochemist O. Varbrug found that the only and main reason for the appearance of cancer cells - poor oxygen supply. For his discovery of the scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize. Hence, the theory went oxygenation of the whole organism. But at that time the idea was extremely expensive.

And a few years later, Dr. Farr has been made another, no less shocking discovery: oxygenation can be successfully carried out by introducing into the body of ordinary hydrogen peroxide. In this case the peroxide accelerates the metabolism of more than 2 times. In Russia, it promotes the treatment of peroxide-known surgeon Neumyvakin IP

The famous professor was even awarded "Man of the Year" 17 years ago, thanks to his research in the field of internal use peroxide. His research began Ivan Pavlovich even more half a century ago, taking in those years the responsible post of medical support in the field of space flight.

In 2002 professor published an article on the effective use of hydrogen peroxide in the removal of various types of diseases, after which he became extremely popular. Neumyvakina method has helped many desperately ill people to completely stop or slow down the course of their disease.

At the moment, Professor Neumyvakina works are described in more than 6000 scientific articles and essays. According to his theory, simple medical device at the correct approach to the treatment can eliminate the plurality of skin, cardiovascular, endocrine and cancer.

In what form should be hydrogen peroxide for oral

The human body throughout life undergoes microbial and viral attacks. The basis of immunity in such cases constitute granulocyte and white blood cells - white blood cells. As the "arms" they use oxidative compound H2O2 producing it from the water and atomic oxygen.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

Blood enzyme protein by interacting with hydrogen compound, promotes the development of the required atomic oxygen. Such oxygen takes over the function of the destruction of pathological flora, which attack exposed organism, normalizes all the chemical processes that adjusts the protective function of the body.

Among other things, enriched oxygen actively prevents atherosclerosis, oxidizing and dissolving fats deposited on the walls of blood vessels. In summary, the hydrogen peroxide is essential for the further development of the oxygen atoms, which are almost always not enough for the body to normal functioning.

Admission of hydrogen peroxide into how convinces the professor Neumyvakin can be carried throughout life. As usual water, drink. In fact, the reception peroxide solution - it is a constant oxygen additive to the basic diet. And distinct advantage medications that for him there are no contraindications.

The use of peroxide for medicinal purposes

Hydrogen peroxide has a number of medicinal properties:

  • excellent and affordable antiseptic and antibacterial agent;
  • promotes rapid skin regeneration, wound healing wounds;
  • It used as an adjunct in the treatment of dental diseases as well as diseases ear, nose and throat;
  • slagging facilitates purification, eliminates toxins;
  • It eliminates the fungal disease, destroys the unpleasant odors;
  • a rejuvenating effect on the entire body, the possible prevention of cancer.

GI healing

Many adherents Hour hydrogen peroxide solution into the hydrogen used for health treatments of the gastrointestinal tract. During the absorption of hydrogen-rich water, oxygen and hydrogen, disintegrating penetrate directly through the mucous membranes of the body's cells.

Occurs recovery of acid-base equilibrium, cropped processes of putrefaction in the intestine, there is a healing internal ulcers and erosions.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

It does not prohibit the use of hydrogen solution for chronic gastritis and ulcers. In peroxide solution has a property to remove the effects of heartburn and restore the desired level of acidity.

Atomic oxygen saturation of blood flow

Drinking water with dissolved in it a peroxide gives the body a chance to saturate your cells with atomic oxygen. It is scientifically proven that the oxygen-rich blood does not allow the body to get under oxygen deficiency, and and actively encourages all immune processes, increasing several times the total number of lymphocytes in the blood.

Cleansing and detoxification of the body

Hydrogen peroxide, ingestion of which is important for the lymphatic system, outputs toxins (ammonia and urea residues). Recommend solution and hydrogen after alcohol abuse. Peroxide calms palpitation, eliminates tremor of the limbs and nausea with vomiting.

slimming effect

Take hydrogen peroxide and in order to get rid of excess kilos. To this solution is taken without regard to meals reception. The course of treatment is the same as in other diseases: starting with 1 drop per tablespoon of purified water, increasing every day and 1 drop of 1 spoon.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

It is not recommended to combine the reception peroxide and alcohol and organic coffee.

Rinse mouth

One of the indisputable best properties of peroxide - disinfecting function. That is why peroxide solution used to rinse well with periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, parodontitis. If you have cysts on the gums, teeth themselves, dentists recommend rinsing the hydrogen to reduce the pain. Rinse your mouth with peroxide solution, you can get rid of an unpleasant odor and pain.

Recipe peroxide solution for rinsing follows: dissolve 1 tsp drug in 200 ml of unheated water, it should be remembered that the peroxide is added to the water, but not vice versa. The resulting mixture to rinse your mouth 2 times a day for 5 minutes.

teeth whitening

Whiten your teeth and not have to spend a fortune at the same time also help to hydrogen peroxide. For this purpose a toothbrush dipped in the peroxide solution and brushing teeth for 3 minutes, adding every minute of fresh peroxide.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

Bleach such a method can only be achieved if there are no problems with the mucosa of the mouth and gums. When active inflammatory processes conduct bleaching smoking procedures. Tangible effect will be noticeable after 4-5 bleaching.

Effect of infectious and parasitic diseases

As mentioned earlier, singlet oxygen destroys the alien organisms and bacteria. Accordingly, the peroxide solution can cure any infectious disease. A definite plus peroxide is that bacteria and viruses, there can be resistance to the drug.

This can be explained by the fact that all viruses, bacteria, fungi and micro-organisms have arisen at a time when the atmosphere was a tiny amount of oxygen, which explains their anaerobic nature. This is why hydrogen peroxide is enhanced by the flow of oxygen inside the reception, battling all the pathogens on the vine.

Quick results, both when taking antibiotics, will not. But despite the long-term results, the effect and benefit of the use of peroxide is much longer and stronger. And this immunity does not suffer, gastrointestinal tract and other organs are not affected by the destructive influence of drugs.

Help for colds and upper respiratory diseases

You can use peroxide for influenza and other respiratory diseases. For this practice peroxide instillation into the nose 1 time per day on the eve of sleep. Drip must peroxide aqueous solution, for it is necessary to dilute the peroxide droplets 15 in one article. l. boiled water.As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

Bury with a small syringe. Half a minute later to blow his nose. For 15 min to refrain from taking food and water.

harm gidroperita

Internal consumption of peroxide solution has a strong impact on the body, so must exercise extreme caution in the treatment. The reaction of peroxide with fats and salts of certain acids in the stomach forms free radical formation, which may cause significant harm.

To treatment has a positive effect, it is necessary to comply fully with the method of Professor Neumyvakina not do more concentrated peroxide solutions.

Methods internal use hydrogen peroxide Professor Neumyvakina

Hydrogen peroxide, ingestion of which Professor Neumyvakin erected to the rank of one of the most popular non-traditional methods in medicine, used for medicinal purposes in accordance with proven methods.

Reception begins miraculous solution with 1 drop and then increased to 10 drops. In this case, the professor insists on a 3-single use peroxide in the day. treatment under the scheme is 10 days, followed by a break and re-repeat, without increasing the dosage.

Regimens and dosages of the Nomination Neumyvakina

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin recommends the use of 3% -s peroxide prior to use by dissolving it in a certain amount of boiled water. In this reception circuit is as follows: on the first day you must take 1 drop of peroxide dissolved in 1 tbsp water.

As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin
The dosage regimen hydrogen peroxide inwardly Neumyvaykinu

Each subsequent application should be increased by 1 drop of peroxide and 1 tablespoon water respectively. Mandatory acceptance of the solution on an empty stomach - the basic rule of the treatment, one hour before meals and after 4 hours after the last meal.


Intravenous medication reception through a dropper is preferable. Dosage is as follows: a bottle of saline solution (300 ml) was necessary to add 3 ml of peroxide. the dropping rate is set to 1 drop of 1 second. Professor recommends this method to carry out only under medical supervision.

Scheme hydrogen intravenous applications as follows:

1st day 100 ml
2nd day 150 ml
3 to 6 200 ml

What to expect at the beginning of treatment

The first few days of application of the solution of hydrogen may be followed by irregular body temperature, redness of the skin at the injection site (in the case of treatment with intravenous injections).As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin

These reactions are normal and to be expected. The temperature increase due to the fact that in the process of the active oxygenation occurs destruction of pathogenic bacteria, which provokes an increase of body temperature.

Precautionary measures

When using any peroxide - whether internal use or use it for wound treatment - must adhere to five basic rules:

  1. Avoid peroxide in the eyes and mucous membranes. In case of contact rinse the affected area with plenty of water.
  2. peroxide and peroxide solution itself must be in the reach of children.
  3. Peroxide must be kept under the conditions that are specified on the label.
  4. Use in the treatment of only 3% solution. More concentrated medicine can cause side effects mentioned below.
  5. Tara peroxide should always be labeled in order to prevent the erroneous use of the compound for other purposes.

Possible complications and side reactions

Hydrogen peroxide, which ingestion is possible exclusively subject certain norms precautions can cause a number of side effects:

  • a large concentration of a solution by intravenous administration of drugs can provoke inflammation vein sheath. In this case, there is the following symptoms: burning pain at the site of entry of the solution, the vein structure is sealed, the skin over the vein to swell and redden. Special health risks adverse reaction can not be held, but may cause inconvenience in the future during the second administration of the drug;As ingested hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes. Benefits of Neumyvakin
  • when entering peroxide solution enema into the intestine does not exclude the intestinal mucosa irritation that can cause colitis, diarrhea, bleeding, severe pain. These side effects are possible only in cases where the peroxide dosing was significantly exceeded, there is more than 3-4%;
  • In cases of overdose may be irritation of the mouth and stomach. For mouthwash peroxide concentration should be the same - not more than 3%.

Take hydrogen peroxide inside or not - a personal choice depending on the health status and indication for use. In any case, before the unconventional method of treatment of chronic diseases should undergo a full medical examination and consult with specialized doctors.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video about the dangers of hydrogen peroxide

Why can not we drink hydrogen peroxide:

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