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Products that reduce cholesterol and cleaning vessels of the heart in women, men, the blood sugar level without medication. Table, list of doctors reviews

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In medical cholesterol is conventionally split into "good" and "bad". Reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood vessels and purification requires fundamental changes in nutrition and life style of the person. Most of the needed products in the diet of a medical diet accessible and diverse.

If the correct approach to the compilation of useful menu, you can not feel the lack of any forbidden foods, and feel healthy.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The bad cholesterol?
  • 2 Products that regulate cholesterol rates in the blood
  • 3 phytosterols
  • 4 polyphenolic substances
  • 5 Unsaturated fatty acids
  • 6 resveratrol
  • 7 vegetable fibers
  • 8 Juice therapy to reduce cholesterol
  • 9 Products that reduce cholesterol
  • 10 Products, cleaning vessels
  • 11 The principles of diet with high cholesterol
  • 12 Sample menu for a week with high cholesterol
  • 13 Herbs for lowering cholesterol
  • 14 Garlic tincture for cleaning vessels
  • 15 A product that reduces cholesterol and clean blood vessels

The bad cholesterol?

Among doctors, there are 2 versions of harm to the body of high cholesterol:

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  1. The first is that atherosclerosis causes the cholesterol to rescue vessels from damage. Stresses need to beware that damage blood vessels. In places where the vessel is injured, cholesterol accumulates, leading to clogging.
  2. According to the second version, when high cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, can not eat fatty foods, which damage blood vessels and lead to atherosclerosis.

atherosclerosis consequences: cardiovascular disease, deterioration of the skin, eyes, teeth, the sexual function of the nervous system.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

"Bad cholesterol" - a low-density lipoproteins. Bad cholesterol from the body's cells build their membranes. This cholesterol produced by the liver, but the part is taken out of the food. And it is considered bad because not protected by a dense coat protein. By the way, from the liver to the cells it easily "broken" on the walls of blood vessels, leaving them in the form of plaques.

A "good" cholesterol - high-density lipoprotein. It is protected by a dense protein coat, so do not remain on the walls and even "clean" blood vessel walls. Good cholesterol - are the remnants of a bad one. its cells are sent back to the liver. These "waste" should be good "pack", so they increased density.

The balance of good and bad cholesterol (high enough level and wrong and good) indicates that:

  1. The cells get enough construction material, and then completely eliminated the remnants.
  2. Bad cholesterol is not so much to form plaques.

Ideally, by dividing the amount of bad cholesterol in the good, should have less than 3.5. Conventional figure acceptable total cholesterol - 3 - 5 mmol per liter. But the main attention should be paid to the correct ratio of the two species.

Products that regulate cholesterol rates in the blood

Products that reduce bad cholesterol, as a rule, more and increase good cholesterol. Preparations of plaques in blood vessels not in a hurry to write even the doctors, because, in addition to cleansing, they give serious side effects. You can try to achieve this on their own.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list
List of products that reduce cholesterol and cleansing the blood vessels.

There is a need to fish a lot of different fruits and vegetables, nuts and drink herbal teas and juices. So one should not eat sometimes and not in the course of treatment, but always. Is required for this change in lifestyle - is to avoid the stress, smoking cessation, and sports. All treatments specific type of product should be prescribed with a doctor.


If the human body cell membranes are composed of cholesterol, the plants - from phytosterols. Under the influence of phytosterols bad cholesterol less actively absorbed by the intestinal cells. This feature of plant sterols used to reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood.

You need to have:

  • many fruits and vegetables, especially corn, spinach,
  • mushrooms;
  • beans;
  • citrus;
  • tomatoes;
  • figs;
  • wheat and wheat germ,
  • cabbage.

For a more complete assimilation of sterols by the body should be used vegetable oils in food: olive oil, sunflower oil, sea buckthorn, peanut, soybean. Lowering bad cholesterol, phytosterols prevent atherosclerosis and related diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

They strengthen the immune system, the nervous system. Because recovery of the whole organism, decreases the risk of cancer. Receiving a day 300-450 mg of this substance will eliminate reproductive problems. phytosterols can not hurt, so overdose is not a part of plant foods. As a dietary supplement their intake should be carefully controlled.

polyphenolic substances

Products that reduce cholesterol and cleaning vessels, must include antioxidants. Polyphenols - a type of antioxidant. Complex compounds are oxidized by the human body, giving a person the energy for life. But in itself the oxidation - it's "burnout", the gradual death.

Thanks to the antioxidants, this side effect of oxidation is not as damaging. Protecting low-density cholesterol from oxidation, polyphenols do not permit the development of atherosclerosis.

Polyphenols have:

  • Most of them in persimmon. 100 g of fruit - 1 g polyphenols (this daily allowance).
  • In the green and black tea.
  • Berries: in grapes (mostly at-grade "Pinot noir"), currants, blueberries, blackberries, cherries and other red berries.
  • In red wine (1 - 2 glasses).
  • The dark chocolate and cocoa powder.
  • The vegetables: in the capers, red onions onions, yellow hot peppers, broccoli, eggplant.
Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

Vegetables can be eaten and raw, and cooked, because the polyphenols they are stored. But do not mix vegetables rich in polyphenols with protein foods (eggs, milk). In this form, the body difficult to digest them.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Saturated fat a person consumes meat, milk, dairy products, eggs. When the human body temperature saturated fats solidify. Unsaturated fats come into the body with vegetable oil and fish. They always retain a liquid consistency. Saturated fats raise bad cholesterol and lower good. Unsaturated act vice versa.

Unsaturated fats come in two forms:

  1. monounsaturated - they are rich in peanut oil, rapeseed oil, olive oil.
  2. polyunsaturated - they are contained in corn, soybean oil. Omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 and are useful for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and related heart and vascular diseases. Consumed in their natural form or in medicines.
Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

Foods rich in omega-3:

  • Cooked in any way (except for frying) fat sea fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, chum salmon, sardine).
  • Linseed oil, which when heated lose nutrients, so they flavored salads.
  • Pumpkin seed oil, which has vitamins (B, C) and carotene.
  • Fish oil, which is derived from cod liver. It 30% omega-3.

Much omega-6 in corn, peanut, sesame, safflower oil. Omega-9 rich in olive oil, almond oil, rapeseed oil and avocado oil.

The average daily intake of omega acids - 1.6 g

Trans fats are harmful to humans, in spite of his plant origin. Useful vegetable oil is saturated with hydrogen under pressure. This increases the shelf life of the oil and makes it suitable for multiple use.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

But such treatment makes it harmful, provoking cholesterol plaques. Trans fats used for frying potato chips, french fries, any fried foods stores, confectionery.


Resveratrol - a type of polyphenols (antioxidants). He is in red grapes (the most - in the bones and the skins). The white grapes of this substance is very small.

A small amount of resveratrol are in:

  • pine needles;
  • cocoa beans;
  • peanuts;
  • plums;
  • raspberries;
  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • cranberries;
  • cranberries;
  • blueberries;
  • pistachios.

For the production of medicines it is obtained from a plant Reynutriya Japanese. One capsule of the drug is usually ten times more resveratrol than in a glass of wine. Technology can identify resveratrol in its pure natural form, so it is not toxic. It prevents oxidation of body cells, rehabilitated him.

It is indispensable for:

  • residents of areas with high radiation background and a bad environment;
  • all those who suffer from stress and diseases to which they lead;
  • cancer prevention and treatment;
  • improve circulation;
  • struggle with varicose veins;
  • vascular healing;
  • all those who suffer from allergies and related diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • Skin healing (resveratrol has a positive effect on the synthesis of collagen);
  • prevention of osteoporosis;
  • solving problems with potency;
  • women during menopause;
  • prevention and treatment of SARS;
  • amplification of action of drugs for HIV infection;
  • struggle with Alzheimer's disease;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • combat obesity (it suppresses the growth of fat cells).

Sufficient daily amounts of resveratrol should be calculated as follows: 1.82 mg of resveratrol multiplied by the weight of the person. For the prevention of these diseases, doctors recommend taking resveratrol every day, starting at 30 years of age.

vegetable fibers

Products that reduce cholesterol and cleaning vessels, for the most part - of vegetable origin. Plant cells - this is fiber.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

It is:

  • Soluble.
  • Insoluble.

Soluble fiber absorbs water, it becomes a jelly-like, eliminating the feeling of hunger.

Insoluble fiber in contact with the stomach too swells. It cleans the intestines and stomach of toxins and cholesterol. Vegetable fibers of both species contained in grains and legumes, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, nuts, seeds.

Most insoluble fiber in the raw beans, so you should eat brown rice, whole grains (wheat, oats), the production of wholemeal, bran, flax seeds. Cereals buckwheat stands out: it insoluble fiber is twice more than in all the rest.

Among the leaders of the fruit on the content of both types of fiber are considered avocado, grapefruit, orange, pear, apple. Among vegetables championship in collard greens, broccoli, spinach. Most fiber-rich legumes - lentils, black beans, soy beans. Ordinary bread loaves should be replaced. They are 10 times more fiber than all other types of bread.

Vegetable fibers useful because:

  • It establishes two main functions of the liver: the synthesis of cholesterol in the normal range and its output together with the bile.
  • It stimulates the processing of fatty deposits in the body, resulting in weight loss.
  • It prevents the development of diabetes.
  • Improves bowel: intestinal cells are regularly updated.
  • It cleanses the body of toxic substances.
Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

Qualitatively perform the fiber can only function in the swollen state. It should drink plenty of water. It is important to remember that if the basis of the diet is insoluble fiber - it can detrimental impact on the bone and lower hemoglobin. Too large amount of insoluble fiber impairs the absorption of calcium and iron by the body. Norma fiber per day - 30 - 50 g

Juice therapy to reduce cholesterol

We juices have contraindications, so do not start a course of taking any juice without visiting a doctor.

Most juices contraindications include 2 points:

  1. The poor condition of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Allergies.

Should drink fresh juices (except beet) without additives. Acidic juices (apple, pomegranate, orange) need only drink through a straw, because they are saturated acids harmful to the teeth. The standard course of therapy any juices lasts 1-3 months. They are used for half an hour before meals.

In the absence of contraindications, these juices are useful to use constantly. you can mix each one with the other. This should not affect the number of drunk juice at a time. There juices are high in antioxidants.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

Thanks to them, the bad cholesterol is not oxidized and remains on the vessels in the form of plaques:

  • The juice of green apples. Suffice 3 stack. in a day.
  • Pomegranate. Restrictions on the number of uses of the juice is not. It should drink at least a few cups a day.
  • Orange. Enough 1 stack. in a day.
  • Tomato. It is recommended to drink 1 stack. juice without salt on an empty stomach.

Some vitamins and minerals in the juice helps the liver to process cholesterol and remove it from the bile.

These juices are:

  • Squash. Better to take a small, young zucchini. They contain a lot of phosphorus and sodium. First, at a time take one tablespoon juice, and at the end of the course - 300 ml.
  • Carrot. It has a lot of carotene, and magnesium. Drink 100 mg three times a day.
  • Cucumber. It is rich in potassium and sodium. In it add a little honey. Cucumber turns out delicious refreshing smoothies. For this purpose it is whipped in a blender with several fresh mint leaves, lemon juice and ice cubes. Cucumber juice is contraindicated in people with kidney disease.
  • Birch. It has a saponin. 1 should drink stack. juice a day. As a result of the fermentation brew prepared therefrom, but is less useful. Birch sap can hurt people who have kidney stones.
  • Cabbage. This juice rich in vitamin C, U, calcium, potassium and iron. Cabbage juice drink three times a day for half a cup.
  • Pumpkin. It contains vitamins B, C, E, minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium), carotene. Unlike other juices, pumpkin saves gastrointestinal violations. This is one of the few juice without contraindications.
  • Beet. It is composed of magnesium and chlorine. Of these, it is the only juice that is forbidden to drink immediately. It has substances that cause nausea, weakness, and sometimes - to whom. Its sure to leave at 2:00 to weathered harmful elements. Cover the bowl with the juice can not. After weathering the necessary juice diluted with water or other juices (carrot, apple, pumpkin). Beet juice is very carefully dosed. First, you need to take it one tablespoon three times a day. The number of drunk juice at a time to increase gradually. The maximum dose - 70 ml.
Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list

In beet juice special contraindications, which are not in the majority of other juices:

  1. Stones in the kidney, liver, and the gall bladder.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Gout.
  5. Rheumatoid arthritis.
  6. Low blood pressure.

Products that reduce cholesterol

Active substance Product Use Effects on body

Polyphenols (antioxidants)

Persimmon 100 g per day It prevents cholesterol to oxidize and turn into plaque.
Orange juice 1 stack. in a day
Red wine 1-2 glasses a day
Garnet 100 g per day, together with seeds
lycopene Tomato juice 1 stack. in a day


Salmon or mackerel Cooking without addition of fat. Consume 100 g of once a week product. Increases good cholesterol, it removes bad.
Fish fat We need to use 6-15 g per day in the form of natural or 1 capsule 2 times per day.
Linseed oil flavor food
Omega-6 Corn oil
Omega-9 avocado oil
phytosterols Sea buckthorn oil or soybean Bad cholesterol is absorbed by the less active.

vegetable fibers

Bran 50 g per day (a few tablespoons) It cleans out the intestines and stomach toxic substances, removes excess bad cholesterol.
brown rice
apples Several fruit per day
bread 3-4 loaf
Phosphorus, and sodium Pumpkin juice At the beginning of the course 1 serving - 1 tablespoon Bring the batch to 100 ml (300 - 400 ml per day). Cholesterol is processed and displayed much better.
Carotene, and magnesium carrot juice 300 - 400 ml per day for 2 - 3 months.
C, U vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron cabbage juice
Vitamins B, C, E, minerals (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium), carotene Pumpkin juice Several glasses a day

Products, cleaning vessels

Active substance Product Use Effects on body
curcumin Turmeric (the spice) Seasoning any dish to your liking. The level of good (high density) cholesterol increases. Good cholesterol is associated with cholesterol plaques, and excreted in the bile.
catechin Green tea Drink a few cups a day.
Cellulose and pectin Sea kale, collard greens, broccoli 400 g per day Removes excess bad cholesterol.
Cellulose whole-wheat flour 50 g per day


Cranberry A few tablespoons in a day.
Cinnamon Half a teaspoon of herbs per day in tea or any food
Magnesium Watermelon 200 g
Iron, potassium beet juice He had a lot of contraindications, should be careful! First, it must be "aired" for 2 hours, diluted with water or other juices. Drink a few tablespoons a day.
Potassium, sodium cucumber juice Drink with 200 ml honey per day.
omega Nuts (walnuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds) From 100 grams per day.
Beta-glucan barley groats 100-200 g per day
phenols Dark chocolate 20 g per day
folate Asparagus 100 g per day Treated vessels, preventing bad cholesterol build up in the place of damage
Potassium, magnesium, phosphorus Honey 2 tablespoons in a day
Nitrogen oxide Garlic 1-2 cloves per day

The principles of diet with high cholesterol

  1. Products that reduce cholesterol and cleaning vessels, can not be eaten in large quantities at a time. They may on the contrary exacerbate poor condition. You need to eat half the usual portion of 6 times a day.
  2. You need to drink plenty of water in small portions throughout the day. The average rate - 2 liters.
  3. The maximum safe daily amount of salt - 5 g
  4. You should try to eat less animal food and more - vegetable.
  5. There are low-fat animal is worth more write than fat.Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list
  6. If grilled meat menu - you need to take off his skin.
  7. Entirely to exclude semis.
  8. You can not trust stores dishes. They can be used by low-grade fats.
  9. Choosing a confectionery in a store, it is worth remembering that they either palm oil or trans fats. Mineral oil types almost never happens there.
  10. Do not forget about natural glass of red wine every 1 - 2 days.
  11. It is important to introduce a mandatory daily diet fiber. It is better to replace the conventional pastry products from wholemeal.
  12. We need to do as much as possible a variety of food, because each product is useful in its own way. Many plants derive cholesterol and do it differently.
  13. Let the diet accompanies and "anti-stress" diet. Stress violates the walls of blood vessels and is, in any case, raises bad cholesterol.

Sample menu for a week with high cholesterol

Portions should be divided into 2 doses. Snacking between meals can be a fruit, tea, a handful of dried fruit and nuts.

day of the week Morning Noon Evening
Monday Kasha (oat, buckwheat, rice) and scrambled eggs, vegetable salad, green tea Soup with lentils and mushrooms, salad, bread Casserole of low-fat cottage cheese and dried fruit, a glass of orange juice
Tuesday Corn fritters with a tablespoon of honey, lime tea Borsch with natural low-fat yogurt, bread, spinach salad, a glass of carrot and apple juice Homemade cherry jelly and oatmeal cookies
Wednesday Baked apples with nuts and honey, cereals with low-fat milk, green tea Vegetable soup, sea fish steamed cabbage salad Seafood salad, a mixture of juice to your taste
Thursday Oatmeal, muffins with bran and prunes, coffee Ear with bread, brown rice, steam chicken cutlets, tomato salad Steamed vegetables (cabbage, carrot, bell pepper, celery) with linseed oil, berry fresh
Friday Barley porridge with linseed oil, coffee Soup with beans, bread, rice, seaweed Boiled turkey, salad, fruit, cinnamon and black chocolate, herbal tea

Herbs for lowering cholesterol

Herbal therapy lasts 2-3 months. If necessary after 2 weeks can be repeated.

  • Viburnum. For therapeutic purposes, using berries, leaves, twigs and bark of Viburnum. The use of Viburnum improves the condition of damaged blood vessels, helps the liver bile output. 1 tablespoon any part of this plant (fruit, bark, leaves, or a mixture thereof) to make a glass of boiling water. The infusion should be divided into 3 parts and drink during the day. Kalina can grind with a little honey or sugar and eat small portions (1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon) 3 - 4 times a day.
  • Raspberry. By its composition is very similar to Kalina. Raspberry like and cranberry, heals vessels. Her eating fresh, drink juices, teas. Crawl bring berries, leaves, flowers, branches, who brewed cup of boiling water. Per serving, you can take 1 tsp or 1 tbsp
Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list
  • Oats. Broth oats helps with diseases of the liver, promotes the excretion of bile. you need to take 1:10 for his cooking oats and water. Oats cook for half an hour. Serve the broth for 1 times - 1 stack. The optimum amount of - 3 - 4 servings per day.
  • Flax seeds. Their use support vessels healthy. A teaspoon of the grains and glass of water brought to the boil and immediately removed from the fire bowl. Take decoction should chilled throughout the day. His daily portion - 300 ml.
  • Linden. In its structure there are saponins, which reduce bad cholesterol. Linden tea brewed as a conventional 20 g plant boiled water and wait 20 minutes. Drink it should be a little cold with honey.
  • Calendula. Flavonoids in its composition - it is a good choleretic agent. 20 g of plant needed to brew 1 stack. boiling water. This tea should be drunk warm before eating.
  • Dandelion root. This herb is known choleretic properties. The crushed roots (1 tbsp) should pour boiling water (1 stack.). Boil the roots of dandelion should be no longer than a minute, let it brew for a few hours. 1 serving - half a cup. On the day should drink no more than 2 servings.

Garlic tincture for cleaning vessels

This tincture is important to use very carefully without exceeding the dose, not extending as desired course. This is one of the best ways to cleanse the blood vessels, but it is onerous to the liver. This tincture allowed to drink 1 every 3 years.

For the preparation of tinctures:

  1. Take well abraded slurry of peeled garlic (350 g). He settles in the bank in a dark place until the juice. It will take a total of 200 g of pulp, but the most succulent.
  2. In another half-liter jar to mix 96% rubbing alcohol (200 mL) and juicy garlic mass. nothing can replace the alcohol.
  3. Bank should be very tightly. Better still from above to cover other capacity.
  4. The mixture should be infused with a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees C for 10 days. In the refrigerator it is prohibited to press.
  5. The liquid should be overcome by using a linen fabric. This liquid is still defend the 3 days in a sealed jar, covering even the same dishes. It is necessary to drink all for about 3 months.
  6. Tincture take only one way. It is necessary to add the correct number of drops to 50 ml of chilled boiled milk. Garlic washed down with water, milk. Drinking water should always be 150 ml. Restriction: You can only 3 servings of these a day before meals.

The first 9 days to each batch need to add one drop. Before breakfast the first day 1 drop drunk. 9 evening of the day should take 25 drops. On day 10 drops should reach 25 on each of the 3 servings. This is the amount you need to continue to take the whole course.

Products that reduce cholesterol and purifies the heart vessels. Table list


  • epilepsy;
  • kidney disease;
  • pregnancy.

On the course is prohibited to drink strong tea, coffee, cocoa, there are dishes with spices and condiments, drink alcohol.

Many of these products are very tasty. The transition to this food should not be painful if you pay attention to their quality and diversity. After cleansing the body and reach the desired cholesterol levels, should continue to take care of the vascular condition. Excitement and toxic substances quickly reduce vascular tone and awards disease.

Author: Zemskaya Olga

A product that reduces cholesterol and clean blood vessels

Purged, reduce "bad" cholesterol:

How to lower cholesterol levels, expert advice:

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