Parasitic Diseases

Treatment of worms folk remedies at home. Recipes to get rid of parasites

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To deal effectively with any parasites, be sure to accurately determine their views. After all, there is no universal drug saves one from all parasitic organisms simultaneously.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes

The content of the article:

  • 1 The importance of determining the form of the parasite to effectively treat
  • 2 Popular folk remedies worms treatment at home
    • 2.1 Herbal Treatment of helminths in adults
    • 2.2 Fern - as a remedy for worms
    • 2.3 Wormwood in recipes for worms
    • 2.4 Enema of milk with garlic
    • 2.5 Tansy for pest control
    • 2.6 Tincture of walnuts
    • 2.7 Cognac - for fear of worms
    • 2.8 Ridding using citrus
    • 2.9 blue iodine
    • 2.10 Ash linden branches
    • 2.11 Onion as a folk remedy for worms
    • 2.12 The infusion of onions from ascarids
    • 2.13 Pumpkin seeds
    • 2.14 Raw carrots and its fresh juice
    • 2.15 melon juice
    • 2.16 Garlic against parasites
    • 2.17 propolis treatment
  • 3 Complex program "How to get rid of parasites"
  • 4 Helpful videos about the treatment of worms folk remedies at home

The importance of determining the form of the parasite to effectively treat

For the treatment of each disease is necessary to choose the right medicine or folk remedy. If we draw the wrong treatment, the patient's health may get worse, lead to serious health deterioration.

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Worms can begin treatment at home folk remedies, but to be successful you need to determine the form of the parasite.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
For the treatment of worms folk remedies at home you will need to determine the species of helminth infestation.

Common types of worms:

Title Intelligence
roundworm Roundworms, which are shaped like a spindle - expanding the center and tapered at the edges. Their length can reach up to 41 cm in length and 7 mm in width. Most of this parasite lives in the small intestine, but sometimes it migrates into the ducts of the gallbladder, thereby clogging them. Mating ascarids occurs in the human body, and their eggs are displayed along with the feces. Dozrevaya in the land, they re-enter the body from the badly washed plants. Hatched in the intestine, roundworm with blood flow into the lungs through the blood vessels. Here they ripen and fall back into the small intestine.
pinworms Small white worms in length not exceeding 13 mm. Parasites in the colon and the small intestine. This type of worms can be contracted both on unwashed vegetables, and normal breathing dust, which may be the eggs of pinworms. Also, infection can occur through hygiene items, towels, linens and even a normal handshake. Live parasites are not long, and with proper treatment, you can get rid of them quickly.
fleshworm They are small worms. Their length is not more than 3 mm. Infection occurs due to use thermally processed meat, which can reside larvae Trichinella. Individuals adult parasitic worms in the intestines, here and lay their eggs. Then perish, and the larvae migrate into the muscle tissue, and may be a few years there and eat there.
whipworm Are parasites that attach themselves to the intestinal walls and feed on human blood. Their length is not more than 3.5 mm.
Tapeworms Them there are several types. Some individuals may reach up to 16 meters, such as a tapeworm. Infection by these parasites devastating is due to poor thermal processing of meat and fish.

Popular folk remedies worms treatment at home

As practice shows, to get rid of the parasite and can be at home, as mpocket medical drugs used to get rid of parasites are very toxic for the body, so there are plenty of popular recipes to get rid of worms.

Herbal Treatment of helminths in adults

Provide treatment for worms folk remedies at home can, using herbs.

Here is a list of the most common herbs with anthelmintic action:

  • Medical daisy;
  • Sagebrush;
  • tutsan
  • Oak bark;
  • Immortelle;
  • yarrow;
  • Fennel;
  • Fern.
Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
Pharmacies sell special herbal anthelmintics.

Brew grass must be 12 hours. Pour 450 ml of water for 1 hour. spoon collection. Herbs such as wormwood, yarrow and chamomile can be brewed with 1 teaspoon. The effect will be much faster. These must drink infusions over 12 days with 150 ml of fasting. After 14 days of treatment must be repeated again.

Fern - as a remedy for worms

Fern - one of the few plants able to completely withdraw all kinds of worms of the human body. Used the leaves and roots of this plant. nothing can eat for 2 days for the treatment of helminthiasis fern.

You can only drink liquids. The first day of drinking water alone. At night before going to sleep you need to eat a couple of pieces of herring with onions and then washed down with 2 tbsp. l. castor oil. On the second day it is necessary to mix 2 hours. l. Powder from the root of a fern with essential oil of the same plant.

This mixture was divided into 30 doses. Drink all 30 parts of the pills instead of breakfast with a break of 5 minutes. each. After 5 hours, take 1 tbsp. l. oil. And try to go to the toilet.

For the treatment of tapeworm organism must boil of 1 tbsp. l. both dry and fresh fern leaves. Treatment should not exceed 4 days.

Treated folk remedies for worms on the basis of the fern is necessary to very carefully.

Since home conditions it is impossible to determine the form of the parasite. Besides fern adversely affects people with heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes

Attention! Treatment of worms with ferns at home contraindicated in pregnant women. This folk remedy too strong and can cause miscarriage.

Wormwood in recipes for worms

Since ancient times, wormwood is known as an effective means of worms. Due to its bitter taste and the large amount of quinine and essential oils. Experts recommend for the treatment of parasitic infestations insist 2 tbsp. l. grinded wormwood root in 1 liter of cognac.

Take 3-4 times a day before meals for 20, diluted with water drops. It is necessary to drink a full courseSince the action tinctures occurs only after 3 weeks of daily use.

In addition, this plant not only saves human from parasites, but also improve the overall health, increase immunity, to restore the nervous system. Another way implies an infusion of wormwood leaves. 2 tbsp. l. dried minced plants pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
Harvested wormwood collection.

Drinking tea leaves must be on the same day, dividing it into 4 parts. Doctors point out that taking the tool does not need more than one month.

Enema of milk with garlic

Medicinal properties of garlic are known worldwide. But not everyone knows that garlic in tandem with milk can effectively resist worms.

To prepare the enema will need 1 cup of milk and 1 head of garlic. You need to drop the garlic in the milk and boil it until completely soft. Then cool and strain. Enema is placed for half an hour before going to sleep for a week. An adult must enter the entire amount brewed medicines.

Children under 12 years enema administered need not more than 100 ml of the composition.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
Garlic enema with milk, you can press or use pieces. But be sure to prepare a broth filtered.

Another way to prepare an enema at home with milk, horseradish and garlic. 2 hours. l. horseradish powder and 4 garlic cloves frayed omit a glass of milk. We give it brew for three hours and introduce an enema an hour before bedtime. Treatment According to the folk remedy for worms in the home should be continued up to 10 days.

Tansy for pest control

Plant Tansy is an anthelmintic in combat round and tapeworm. If the plant is to apply more than one month, it helps to eliminate toxins and wastes after vital activity of bacteria and parasites from the body.
To prepare the broth from the tansy need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. tansy flowers;
  • 500 ml of boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the inflorescence, insist 5 hours use on the 1st. l. 5 times a day for 10 minutes before eating.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes

Even one recipe, experts recommend adding cloves and wormwood. It is necessary to take the leaves and fruit of wormwood in the amount of 30 grams, 50 grams of cloves, 100 g of tansy This collection can be like a drug to brew and drink dry 3 times a day, a teaspoon of dry composition and welding a quarter cup.

Tincture of walnuts

The most useful and nutritious nut in the world is nuts and liqueur in these fruits can save the human body from worms. For many years, the walnut is used in folk medicine for the control of parasites.

Walnut is probably the most accessible means of wormsBecause it grows in almost every yard. Features nut structure makes it possible to have a negative impact on the reproductive system of the parasites. Also, infusion of walnut destroys the function of the body of worms.

The composition of the detrimental affects of worms:

  • Tapeworm;
  • Round worm;
  • The worm conveyor.

There are many ways to prepare people's money at home. On the worms can affect even simple eating raw nuts.

treated nuts have to use regularly.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
As a powerful anthelmintic used and the setting on the green nuts.

Method one:

  • It is necessary to take some young peeled nuts;
  • Grind them so that a total of 5 items turned out. l. nut mass;
  • 1 tbsp. salted water to bring to boiling and pour them nucleus;
  • The beverage should infuse at least 25-30 min;
  • To separate the liquid from the nuts and split it not more servings;
  • Consumed during the day.

It's important to know! Doctors point out that the more effective the medicine is when using it in tandem with laxatives.

Method two:

  • 3 tbsp. l. dry chopped leaves nut pour 250 ml of vodka or brandy;
  • Insist in a warm place for 3 days;
  • Take 10 days to 2 hours. l. 4 times a day.

The third way:

  • 30 pieces of nuts cleaned, crushed kernel;
  • Pour 1 liter of 40% alcohol;
  • Infuse for 1 week in the sun;
  • Take 0.5 Art. l. 4 times a day before meals.

Cognac - for fear of worms

Cognac is really very strong and effective folk remedy for worms. But by itself it does not help to completely withdraw the parasites from the body.

Brandy should be used only in conjunction with castor oil.

All this is because the drink itself only paralyze worms. They lose their ability to attach to the intestinal wall. And here and it will take castor oil. The fact that the drug has an excellent laxative properties.

And once in a while, When worms are paralyzed, they are very easy to bring along with feces using castor oil. To display the helminths from the body, it will take a lot of effort to go through this difficult process.

That's about how it looks:

  1. A week before the start of treatment you need to sit on a diet. In no case can not eat fat, sweet, flour.
  2. In the evening before the procedure you need to eat porridge made from whole grains (barley and oats). Do not add any salt in it, no sugar, no butter.
  3. After dinner you need to go to bed and wake up at midnight and have a strong green tea with brandy. The tea must be very sweet.
  4. after tea to drink 100 ml of good brandy.
  5. After half an hour warmed to drink castor oil.
  6. Then within 20 minutes you need to walk around the room and go to bed.
  7. morning go to the toilet.
Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
In the application of anthelmintics, try not to use these products in this scheme.

Important! After the first week of treatment should refrain from heavy products.

Ridding using citrus

Lemon is one of the most effective means of de-wormingBut paired with garlic this medicine will lead from the body of parasites.

To prepare the magic drug will need:

  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Lemon peel, garlic, divide into segments, and also to get rid of the husk. Throw the ingredients in a blender or meat grinder and grind to a uniform consistency. The whole mixture was poured into a jar and put in the refrigerator for one hour. Take 2 hours. l. 2 times a day before meals.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes

Attention! During treatment, this folk remedy necessarily need to stick to a diet. Do not eat anything sweet, salty, fat. Remove from the diet of dairy products, eggs, and flour products. It is advisable to go on a vegetable diet, and eat vegetables raw.

blue iodine

Blue iodo - good anthelmintic.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipesneed the following ingredients for the preparation of the blue iodine:

  • 1 h. l. potato starch
  • 1 h. l. Sahara,
  • Pharmacy 5% solution of iodine
  • A few crystals of citric acid.

It should be half a glass of water to dissolve the starch, sugar and citric acid. To stir thoroughly. Boil 150 ml of water and pour the resulting mixture into boiling water. Cook the pudding of these components. The beverage cool.

Then add 1 hour. l. iodine. To stir thoroughly. The solution immediately acquire a blue color. Accept 7 days on an empty stomach 100 ml. 1 per day. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Ash linden branches

Lime ash is good because it does not harm the body and it does not affect the state of the liver, in contrast to drugs. But to prepare such a folk remedy in the home need to make an effort.

tapeworm treatment requires patience. It is necessary to cut down a couple of lime twigs. It is desirable that the tree grew not by the road. After putting branches in the oven and dry them, then burn. Mash the ashes, so that it has become a powder.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes

The first three days take 1 hour. l. 2 times a day with milk. From the fourth day until the sixth to 1 hour. l. once a day. Experts recommend not to eat anything sweet in this period.

Sweets provoke proliferation of parasites!

Onion as a folk remedy for worms

The most accessible remedy for worms - is the bow. Firstly, it is not expensive, and secondly, there is in every house.
Parasites treated with the help of a decoction or tincture, but the most effective way - eat one onion every day for a week.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
Worms helps not only onions but also other spices.

The infusion of onions from ascarids

For the preparation of tinctures need to chop 4 onions to fill them in a jar and pour vodka or alcohol. Cover and put in a dark place for a week. Take 1 h. l. morning and evening on an empty stomach. This tool is suitable for adults only.

Pumpkin seeds

With a composition of amino acids such as cucurbitin, pumpkin seeds are an effective product for the control of parasites. Since this amino acid is an anthelmintic. Besides Pumpkin seeds can be eaten and children. Doctors advise, there are seeds in their raw form is not less than 200 grams per day.

Raw carrots and its fresh juice

One of the easiest ways to recover from helminths drink fresh carrot juice on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then, to consolidate the results a week later to repeat again.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
For the prevention of helminth useful to use apple-carrot grated mass.

The raw carrots and its juice have antiparasitic substance called geraniolWhich is an excellent means to expel parasites from the human body. Since carrots can grate with apple and eat at least every day.

Carrots are indispensable in the treatment of helminthiasis in children.

melon juice

Treatment of melon juice is complicated, because it is a seasonal fruit. But in the summer of this stuff on the shelves full of shops and markets. The recipe did not elaborate. It is necessary to drink a glass of fresh juice every day for two weeks.

It is worth noting that Melon - a heavy product to the body. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of alcohol consumed and the juice it is desirable not to combine its use with other products.

Garlic against parasites

Garlic is the worst enemy of any parasites living in our body. Even in ancient India physicians believed that if you perish from the earth garlic or onions, then mankind will eat worms.

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes
Garlic expels most successful species of helminths.

There are many recipes for folk remedies based on garlic, but the best is its use in pure form. You need to eat per day, 2-4 cloves of this plant. To prevent halitosis, teeth can be swallowedWith a glass of milk or water.

propolis treatment

Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipesEveryone is familiar with the healing properties of propolis, but few people know that this tool copes with worms.

When used propolis, body activated antibody adversely affecting the worming.

It is necessary to insist 1 tbsp. l. propolis on the vodka glass within 10 days. Serving fasting for 1 hour. l. morning for two weeks. The course of treatment to resume next week.

Complex program "How to get rid of parasites"

To have a clear algorithm for the procedure to get rid of worms, follow the described below step by step recommendations made in the form of an integrated program.

There she is:

  1. Destruction of the parasite. First of all, you must get rid of these pests in any popular method given in the article above. But some tools only kill harmful creatures, and they should be required to withdraw from the body.
  2. Removal of dead parasites and their metabolic products. For removing the dead parasites and their metabolic products will be the best means of enema. Especially if you add into it garlic or laxative castor oil.
  3. Recovery of the body. To restore the body after treatment, you must follow a strict diet. Need for 2 weeks to try to eat fruits and vegetables, be sure to raw. Include in the diet as much as possible products with a lot of iron. You also need to drink a course of antihistamines.
  4. Increased immunity. The main thing - to use a lot of vitamins and amino acids in food. Sticking to a healthy diet and drinking water quality. If it is possible, to enhance immunity should go to clean parts of the country at least during the treatment.
Getting rid of worms folk remedies at home. recipes

At home, the treatment of worms folk remedies - a lengthy process, but the result worth the effort, because the folk remedies do not contribute to the body no chemical or toxic substances.

Helpful videos about the treatment of worms folk remedies at home

From video below you will find additional important information about the treatment of worms folk remedies at home and the most effective recipes:

Good health and good mood!

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