Cardiovascular Diseases

Encephalopathy. What is it, how to treat the brain. Symptoms 1 2 degrees disease. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy

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One of the most life-threatening are neurological diseases, such as chronic migraine, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's encephalopathy. Last disease, according to scientists, recently diagnosed more and more not only in the elderly, but also the 40-50-year-old population.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Symptoms of the disease
  • 2 The mechanism of vascular encephalopathy
  • 3 As the disease develops
    • 3.1 Starting encephalopathy
    • 3.2 average encephalopathy
    • 3.3 severe encephalopathy
  • 4 Classification of vascular encephalopathy
  • 5 Diagnosis of vascular encephalopathy
  • 6 Surgery
  • 7 conservative therapy
  • 8 preparations
  • 9 physiotherapy
    • 9.1 electrosleep
    • 9.2 UHF procedures
    • 9.3 Impact galvanic current
    • 9.4 Laser therapy
    • 9.5 bath
    • 9.6 Massage
  • 10 Folk remedies for the treatment of encephalopathy
  • 11 Forecast
  • 12 Video of vascular encephalopathy

Symptoms of the disease

Encephalopathy, or DEP for short - is a disease of the vascular system, in which the blood circulation in the human brain. Such diseases are progressive, and after a while becomes chronic. Vascular encephalopathy is diagnosed in 3 of the 5 cases, the treatment of people to a neurologist.

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The disease leads to irreversible changes in the brain, and the observed:

  • a change of mind;
  • unstable mental and emotional background;
  • inability to carry out simple household operation;
  • total disability.

The appearance of encephalopathy can often does not manifest itself. The brain consists of cells that make up the various functions of neurological system. When the withering away of certain neural bundles, they begin to perform the task of neighboring systems.

Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy
Encephalopathy has different symptoms that are easy to recognize.

In the absence of treatment and control of the disease lesion increases, which leads to the brain's inability to perform many functions.

At this stage, vascular encephalopathy begins to manifest itself in almost all body systems and has the features:

Symptom semeiography
Headache They do not have a specific area, the pain covers the entire circumference of the head.

The nature of such pain oppressive, arching.

It can appear suddenly and last for several days.

blurred vision His clarity falls sharply, may appear dark circles before the eyes or turbidity.

Perhaps a complete blackout until syncope.

change speech a man's voice changed, becoming rough or hoarse. It bugged hoarseness.

Have trouble swallowing, as well as the tremor of the facial muscles around the lips.

Prostration One feels a constant weakness, his sleepy, particularly strong in the daytime.

Disrupted sleep cycle, why can appear in a day:

  • hum in his ears;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.
emotional instability mood does not depend on external factors: absolute indifference gives way to hysteria, laughter or anger attacks.
Violation of thought processes Apparent lack of logic and confusion of thoughts.

Appear confusion, inability to concentrate on any action.

Also worsening memory and attention.

Person loses the ability to phase planning of their activities.

incoordination The patient may cause spasms and cramping of muscles or tendons, there is a change in gait and a strong tremor of the limbs.

For accurate diagnosis of the neurologist is necessary to explore the full clinical picture and collect data from a large number of studies.

The mechanism of vascular encephalopathy

Encephalopathy - it is a manifestation of cerebral vascular pathologies, in which it nerve tissue die due to insufficient supply of oxygen.

disease mechanism forms a specific circuit:

  1. The vessels are injured or become thinner.
  2. The blood flow in them slows down or even stops.
  3. brain cells no longer receive the necessary elements.
  4. There is a lack of oxygen.
  5. Due to eating disorders, brain tissues begin to die.
  6. The lesion increases, and the relationship between areas of the brain are lost.
  7. There is an even greater hypoxia, which is beginning to suffer from the rest of the brain.
Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy

The disease develops very slowly, giving the patient a chance to regain lost power. When there is insufficient or incorrect treatment of neurological disorders become chronic and can not be adjusted. This development encephalopathy leads a person to a disability.

As the disease develops

Encephalopathy - it is poorly detected a disease associated with many other pathologies:

  • By varying the structure of the blood: increase its density and thickness, wherein the circulation is disturbed and the power on all body cells.
  • Atherosclerosis: vascular wall are sealed and become inflexible. They begin to accumulate fat and cholesterol to form plaque. They are able to completely block the blood vessels.
  • High blood pressure, in which the injured blood vessels and burst.
  • Lowering blood pressure, causing blood flow slowing down.
  • Brain injuries, in violation of the exchange of nutrients in the cerebral cortex.
  • Damage or disease cervical spine, because it varies the amount of blood coming through the vertebral arteries.
  • Hormonal changes which can lead to sudden spasm or vasodilatation.
  • Congenital vascular system.
  • Smoking, which provokes a sharp vasospasm.

The longer the disease progresses, the clearer its overall picture. Vascular encephalopathy develops slowly. Neurologists divide it into three stages.

Starting encephalopathy

At this stage, a violation of thinking is not pronounced, and the person is able to perform everyday functions, work and communicate with others. Neurologic abnormalities are absent at this stage.

First begins depression and apathy, a person perceives as a temporary state, which does not require the help of doctors. The patient noted pain symptoms, dizziness, nausea and weakness, attributing these symptoms to problems with internal organs, not with neurological disorders.


  • insomnia;
  • tantrums;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • forgetfulness;
  • depression;
  • aggression;
  • uncontrollable mood swings;
  • migraine;
    Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy
  • fatigue is not perceived by the person as the disease symptoms.

average encephalopathy

The disease and symptoms become pronounced:

  • Mental capacity significantly reduced.
  • A person loses the ability to perform complex tasks and build a consistent chain of action for their implementation.
  • Begin emotional surges and minor incoordination.
  • Reduced mental ability and concentration.
  • Deteriorating memory: a man can not remember where he lives.
  • Completely lost interest in former hobbies.
  • The gait becomes very inhibited, people strongly scuffs.

All this leads to the loss of a person's ability to perform many of the actions of domestic nature. The patient himself is not aware of their condition.

severe encephalopathy

At the third stage, the person loses the ability to think properly, to carry out the simplest tasks. Evident complete apathy and detachment from the world. The patient becomes totally incapacitated.

3 degree of vascular encephalopathy is characterized by:

  • complete absence of related thoughts;
  • inability to perform any act purposefully;
  • disorientation;
  • loss of sense of time;
  • strong tremors of the limbs and facial muscles;
  • occurrence of seizures;
  • urinary incontinence.

People with a history of diagnosis of encephalopathy, need around the clock care, as due to violations of motor functions, it may fall and cause serious injury.

At this stage, there is a risk of developing epilepsy attacks that require immediate intervention neurologist.

Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy

The patient is unable to eat and serve themselves. A person needs help from relatives, as permanent incontinence provokes severe skin burns and permanent presence in the same position leads to the appearance of bedsores.

Classification of vascular encephalopathy

Encephalopathy - it is a progressive disease, which has a division for the development of type:

  • rapid: Rapidly progressive, severe disease develops in 5-6 years.
  • periodic with remissions: against developing symptoms and reduce the short-term improvement of intelligence arise.
  • classical: Progresses slowly and for a long time, gradually leading to dementia.

Vascular encephalopathy and is classified according to the factors that contributed to its emergence:

hypertensive Occurs at constant blood pressure jumps, because of damage to brain blood vessels.
venous It occurs due to tumors, blood clots or varicose veins.
atherosclerotic It develops when blockage of blood vessels cholesterol plaques.
mixed It combines several reasons, such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.

In most neurologists diagnosed mixed type that requires more accurate diagnosis and treatment of complex, for the delay of progression of the disease and prolong patient life comfortable.

Diagnosis of vascular encephalopathy

Manifestations of the disease in the initial stages people are not able to recognize themselves.

The risk group includes people pathology:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • with a confirmed diagnosis of atherosclerosis;
  • elderly.

In the event of any deviations should see a therapist who after inspection will give direction to a neurologist.

He will conduct the initial examination, conducting a simple test for:

  • identifying violations in the perception of information and coordination of movements;
  • the presence of brain lesions on the background of impaired blood flow;
  • exclusion of other neurological pathologies.

If you suspect a discirculatory encephalopathy neurologist prescribe additional tests:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
    Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy
  • depplerometriyu;
  • electrocardiogram and ultrasound of the heart;
  • Computer tomography of brain;
  • Magnetic resonance angiography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • echoencephalography;
  • duplex diagnosis of cerebral vessels.

Some studies, such as MRI or CT, are needed to rule out other diseases with similar symptoms.

In addition, to install the causes of vascular encephalopathy patients prescribed tests:

  • on the amount of sugar;
  • cholesterol level;
  • on the lipid composition;
  • hourly measurement of pressure.

If necessary, see a vascular surgeon and an endocrinologist. By studying the results obtained, the neurologist is cupping circuit and integrated treatment of the disease. All selected range allows you to correct and normalize blood flow in the brain and strengthen the work of the remaining cells of the organ.


The operation shown in the previous stroke or vascular lumen decreases to 65-80%. Surgeons skeletons carried installation vascular anastomoses or to improve blood flow and thrombus harvested and plaque.

conservative therapy

Since the surgery - it's a big risk to the health and lives of patients, neuroscientist possible picks conservative treatments. It includes adherence to a strict diet to reduce the weight of the patient, various physiotherapy and the use of traditional therapies.

Conservative treatment includes:

  • restoring metabolic processes in the body;
  • weight loss through diet;
  • abandonment of all bad habits;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • simple exercise.
Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy

Since overweight provoking thrombus formation, pressure and malfunction of the internal organs, the patient DEP recommend to observe not only the diet, but also the mode of the day, to spend more time outdoors and do physical exercises.

Patients with circulatory encephalopathy should only eat low-fat food, reducing the amount of salt consumed per day to 5 g or virtually eliminating it from the diet. From eating fatty and fried meat must also be abandoned. The diet should prevail fish and vegetables. This approach not only reduces the weight of the person, but also to get rid of edema and pressure fluctuations.

During the diet and should be consumed:

  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • pumpkin;
  • any greens;
  • Natural dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • figs;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • red cabbage.

Allowed to use a small amount of lean meat - beef and turkey.


In the treatment of vascular encephalopathy circuit also includes receiving drugs.

Their action is aimed at normalizing:

  • blood pressure;
  • metabolic processes in the body;
  • blood viscosity and its composition;
  • water-salt balance.
Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy
Indications for use Title Therapeutic Effect
Hypertension captopril ACE inhibitors Reduce cramps:
  • heart;
  • muscle;
  • arterioles.

Improve microcirculation.

pindolol Beta-blockers Reduce pressure;

normalize the work of the heart muscle.

verapamil calcium inhibitors Restore heart rhythm

reduce spasms of smooth muscles, improving blood circulation.

veroshpiron Means diuretic action contribute to:

removal of excess fluid from the body

reduce the amount of blood, hypertension and substantially reducing fluid retention in the tissues.

Metabolism, high cholesterol, normalize blood lipid composition acipimox Nicotine-containing drugs niacin improves carbohydrate metabolism.
lovastatin statins Regulate lipid composition of blood;

clean formed cholesterol plaques.

clofibrate fibrates Fibric acid helps to lower cholesterol levels, helping to reduce plaque in the blood vessels.
cholestyramine Dietary supplements and vitamin supplements Contribute to the normalization of lipid and fat

metabolism in tissues.

Tocopherol (vitamin E)
Fish fat
ginseng tincture
violation of blood flow trental vasodilators Increase the lumen of the vessels, contributing to improved blood circulation and reduce pressure on the vascular wall.
Violation of the nervous system piracetam Neuroprotective and nootropics Contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes in the nerve tissue;

protect cells from free radicals;

remove vascular spasms;

help to improve memory and stress.

Increased blood viscosity, blood clots Aspirin anticoagulants Promote blood thinning and restoration of its circulation.
thrombotic ACC
mood swings, depression, apathy, agitation, panic attacks and unfounded fear phenazepam Tranquilizers and sedatives help get rid of:
  • feelings of anxiety;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • depression.

Stabilize the emotional background.


  • Attention;
  • memory;
  • concentration.

It helps to relieve stress.



Encephalopathy - it is a complex disease that his treatment also includes a variety of therapeutic treatments. The course of each of them is about 15 visits.


This procedure affects the brain by low-frequency current which stimulates its activity. In carrying out its eyelids are placed on the patient electrodes, through which a weak current to the brain through the capillaries and nerve bundles.

Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy

Owing to such effects, new neuronal connections are formed in the brain, normal gray and white reacting substances.

UHF procedures

This physiotherapy well accelerates the blood due to exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields. Its rate of movement of the vessels increases and the cells receive more oxygen.

Impact galvanic current

Galvanotherapy used to increase the lumen of blood vessels and increase blood flow in the neck and head. In zone procedure neck and shoulders get weak continuous current. In some cases, the effect is enhanced by application to the collar region of iodine or orotic acid. Galvanotherapy eliminates neck pain, migraines, as well as improves cellular metabolism and nutrition.

Laser therapy

This procedure is based on the influence of infrared radiation on the neck areas.

Laser therapy:

  • It has a warming effect;
  • It thins the blood;
  • It increases blood flow;
    Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy
  • activates metabolic processes and the work of nerve cells.


bathtubs are mainly used:

  • radon;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • oxygen.

They have a broad spectrum of action:

  • improving sleep;
  • increase blood flow due to vasodilation;
  • restore blood circulation in the small capillaries;
  • soothe the nerves;
  • clean tinnitus;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • restore metabolic processes in cells.


There are 3 types of massage in the treatment of vascular encephalopathy:

  • Relieves stress;
  • removes muscle spasm;
  • enhances blood circulation.
acupuncture When exposed to certain points on the human body is capable of a massage:
  • activates the brain;
  • It eliminates the feeling of panic and fear;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • It stimulates the formation of new neural connections.
Lymphatic drainage
  • It thins the blood;
  • It increases blood flow;
  • It outputs the excess moisture and toxic substances;
  • eliminates edema;
  • dilates blood vessels.

Folk remedies for the treatment of encephalopathy

Together with the reception and holding of drugs fizioprotsedur recommended folk remedies.

They restore the microcirculation in the brain tissue:

  • To remove muscle spasms, shears artery used decoctions: Small periwinkle; a field of clover; mountain arnica; St. John's wort.
  • At high blood viscosity and low bloodstream prepared broths from cranberries and mint, and to activate the nervous system receiving infusions of wormwood or valerian.
  • When vascular encephalopathy is important to normalize the blood pressure. For this patient infusions prepared from: bog cudweed; Baikal skullcap; hawthorn; wild rose; chokeberry.
  • Also, use of herbal: marsh sedge; chamomile; anise; dandelion.
Encephalopathy. What is it like to be treated. Symptoms 1 2 degrees. Folk remedies, treatment with drugs, life expectancy

These plants have a hypotensive and antispasmodic effects:

Type of funds preparation
decoction Dry grass and boiling water were mixed in a ratio of 1:20, boiled for 10 minutes and after cooling filtered. Drink a decoction during the day.
Infusion 2 g of dry grass was placed in a glass jar of capacity 1 liter. Add 0.7-0.9 liters of boiling water or vodka.

Incorrectly chosen herbs can cause even more damage to the patient's health.


With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, encephalopathy does not limit a person's life.

But there are a few critical situations, when the disease becomes sentence for the patient:

  1. Rapidly progressive vascular encephalopathy, in which every few years it becomes more serious stage.
  2. When the disease is compounded by diabetes, hypertension or coronary heart disease.

In these cases, in accordance with the severity of encephalopathy patient is assigned one of the groups of disability:

  • group 3: II disorder reaches a stage where the disease become apparent:
  • management body; speech; view; thinking.
  • group 2: Vascular encephalopathy progresses and stored in stage II or III, when a person: start stroke; disturbed perception of the world; convulsions occur; confused thoughts; It begins unrelated question; lost control of their movements.
  • group 1: Stage III disease reaches. At this stage, the person almost completely: impaired blood flow in the brain; there is not even short-term memory; developed dementia.

Despite the poor prognosis, the patient may live for decades with the diagnosis without impairing the quality of life. People with circulatory encephalopathy slowly progressive disability is not assigned, as they are able to work independently and serve themselves.

Encephalopathy is unfavorable forecast, but this diagnosis is not hopeless. With this disease, with adequate and proper treatment, patients can live for many years without any problems.

Author of the article: Anna Shalunova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of vascular encephalopathy

Symptoms, causes and treatment of vascular encephalopathy:

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