Dermatological Drugs

Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues, photos

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Termikon - antifungal agent produced in Russia, used in dermatology for the treatment of skin diseases, irritation, chafing. The product is suitable for the treatment of pediatric patients, adults can assign pregnant and lactating women. It has a wide range of contraindications, rarely accompanied by side effects.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the ointment
  • 2 The chemical composition of funds
  • 3 release Form
  • 4 pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 therapy technique
    • 6.1 For patients up to 18 years
    • 6.2 adult
    • 6.3 When harboring child, breastfeeding
    • 6.4 for elderly
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Possible adverse reactions
  • 10 The combination with drugs
  • 11 special instructions
  • 12 Conditions and terms
  • 13 Conditions of supply of pharmacies
  • 14 approximate cost
  • 15 analogs
  • 16 Videos about the preparations of nail fungus

What is the ointment

According to the instructions for use, Termikon ointment is indicated for:

  • pityriasis versicolor;
  • yeast infections;
  • diaper rash;
  • avium;
    Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
    Termikon ointment is effective in nail fungus
  • athlete;
  • fungal infection of smooth skin of the body cover.
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Allowed to use funds not only in the treatment of existing diseases of the skin, but also as a preventive measure against the fungus.

In some cases, the ointment is effective in skin diseases alone. Application of funds under the scheme prescribed by the physician, allows to eliminate the pathology. However, for some patients, this method of treatment is effective enough, requiring the appointment of additional drugs.

The chemical composition of funds

As part of the ointment contains:

  • terbinafine hydrochloride;
  • cetyl palmitate;
  • sorbitan stearate;
  • isopropyl;
  • polisorb;
  • purified water.

The small amount of alcohol contained.

release Form

Means made of a white mass, it has weak specific smell. The sale comes in the box volume of 15 grams.


Termikon a fungicide, antifungal, fungistatic drug belongs to a group allylamines, promotes inhibition of enzymes in the fungus membrane at the cellular level and impaired biosynthesis ergosterol. Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviewsThe systematic use of the substance accumulates intracellularly and destroys fungus.


The drug has moderate systemic action, absorption is 5% when administered topically. The main component of the ointment is released in breast milk. The pharmacokinetics of the drug is not dependent on the age of the patient, but it is important to note that the elimination of active ingredients is slowed down in the presence of abnormalities of kidney and liver. This causes an increased blood concentrations of terbinafine.

therapy technique

Termikon (ointment), instructions for use which is a detailed description of the dosage and method of use, applied in different ways in the treatment of various skin diseases for adults and children. Before applying the medication affected area to clean and dry, using sterile materials.

For patients up to 18 years

The ointment is allowed to be used in the treatment of children with the age of twelve. In an earlier age Termikona use is not recommended. The optimal frequency applying means - once a day to handle the wound site. The course of treatment - 7-10 days.


The ointment applied to the affected areas of skin infection. A thin layer of pounded gently across the affected area, you need to repeat the procedure twice a day.Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

If there is a skin infection diaper rash, make a compress of Termikona. Such diseases occur in the groin, chest, buttocks, between your fingers. Means applied to the affected skin, and the gauze is applied from above is fixed with a bandage. Perform daily at night.

In identifying ringworm ointment is applied once a day for a week. With herpes - twice a day. When candidiasis skin - twice a day. Therapy is 10-12 days.

When harboring child, breastfeeding

It is not fully revealed Termikona effect on a woman's body and the baby's health. Therefore ointment appointed in exceptional cases, when similar drugs do not have the desired therapeutic effect. In this case, treatment is carried out under strict medical supervision.

The main component Termikona (terbinafine) penetrates into breast milk and breast fed baby in the child's body. According to the experts, terbinafine has no teratogenic properties, the negative effect on health grudnichka unlikely and occur in rare cases.

However, there is a risk! Therefore, if the treatment is not possible without the use of Termikona, breastfeeding should refrain (at the time of treatment).

Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviewsIt is not recommended to use Termikon more than 1 time per day. The duration of the treatment course - 10 days.

for elderly

Rules applying Termikona for elderly patients are identical to use the scheme for adults. But since the majority of patients older than 60 years there are many chronic and age-related diseases, the therapy is carried out with caution.

Termikon (ointment), instructions for use which is fully observed, does not always have a positive effect of the therapy. In the absence of favorable dynamics treatment must reapply to the expert. The patient will be carried out verification of the diagnosis.


The ointment is forbidden to use with individual hypersensitivity to the drug components. It should be used cautiously in patients with a tendency to the emergence of allergies. If after applying Termikona feel itching, burning, redness of the skin significantly, suspend treatment and inform your doctor about any ailments.

The caution applies:

  • alcoholism;
  • in renal pathologies;
  • in disorders of the liver, liver failure;Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
  • in cancer malignancy;
  • failover metabolism;
  • in occlusive vascular diseases;
  • the oppression of medullary hematopoiesis.

At the moment, there are not enough clinical data on the effects of the ointment on the child's body. Using Termikona therapy in children is not recommended up to 12 years. In the absence of the therapeutic effect of similar drugs acceptable ointment applied under strict supervision of a specialist.


In clinical practice, cases Termikonom overdose is extremely small. They arise mainly due to overactive, the regular application of ointment. In order to avoid negative reactions to the drug must be in rigor to comply with the designated dosage of a physician.

It is important to remember that more frequent application of thick layers of ointment will not speed up the healing process, and on the contrary exacerbate the development of the skin disease, as well as cause more adverse reactions body.

After contact with the ointment inside poisoning and overdose of medicine components will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews
  • vomiting;
  • pain and discomfort in the abdomen;
  • loss of strength, general malaise.

As appointed by activated carbon treatment (by tablet for each kilogram of patient weight). When a serious condition of the patient is shown the symptomatic treatment of physician's discretion.

Possible adverse reactions

When applying Termikona may occur:

  • redness;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • allergies due to intolerance of the product components.

Side reactions can occur at any stage of the treatment - the first day of the application means, and after prolonged use.

The combination with drugs

It should not be combined with Termikon similar means. This can not only kill the therapeutic effect of the two drugs, but also cause skin irritation, allergic reaction, drug overdose identical components.

Separately, it is worth noting that the drug has an effect on metabolic processes in the body. With regular application means a high risk of metabolic disorders. To resolve this problem, the physician must choose a complementary set of products that can eliminate possible disturbances.Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Avoid identical components in Termikone and other designated medicines. This will avoid complications and worsen the patient's condition.

Other restrictions combined Termikona not revealed.

special instructions

Termikon (ointment), instructions for use which describe restrictions and special instructions are not suitable for all patients. It is forbidden to ignore the contraindications in order to avoid damage to health.

Many patients complain about the lack of therapeutic effect in the first few days of treatment. For this reason, patients often refuse to prescribed therapy physician. However, this is a serious mistake.

Medicinal properties of the ointment are cumulative effect. Therefore, improvement of the skin significantly with regular use of funds in accordance with the doctor's recommendations. If, however, sharply interrupted cure, all the achieved effect will be lost. Also stop using Termikona can trigger a relapse of the skin disease.

Ingestion is a high risk of poisoning the body. The drug should be kept out of reach of children.

Avoid contact with the drug in the eye, which can trigger the development of a strong mucosal irritation. After the procedure - carefully wash their hands to eliminate the balance and accidentally harm the eyes when touching them.Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

If inadvertently ointment get into your eyes - rinse with plenty of running water. If then there is discomfort in the eye - to immediately seek the advice of a specialist. It may require the use of ophthalmic drops or other medical procedures.

In case of contact means in the airways immediately to rinse the nasopharynx. If you experience any unpleasant symptoms (especially if they do not pass on their own) to see a specialist.

The drug can cause severe allergic reactions. When the first symptoms of allergies - to cancel the therapy immediately.

Prohibited ointment applied on a strongly damaged skin (with deep wounds, ulcers).

Conditions and terms

Allowed to use an ointment of 2 years from the production date printed on the package. After the expiry date the drug is dangerous for the body and is no longer able to provide the desired therapeutic effect.

Keep the packaging of ointment in a dark place, as the sun's rays have a negative impact on the composition and structure of the drug. Temperature - not more than + 25 °.

Conditions of supply of pharmacies

Ointment is a non-prescription drugs from pharmacies is released for free sale. However, this should not serve as a pretext for Termikona in self-medication. Treatment should be prescribed only dermatologist.

approximate cost

The average price - 250 rubles. The cost can vary slightly depending on the sales region and a network of pharmacies.


At Termikona has many analogues in which the main active substance is terbinafine. The drugs differ in cost, are similar in action and indications. on the application of ointments Termikon instruction is also identical to the method of using analogs.

To understand how the drug is safer in the treatment of skin diseases, it is recommended to read a brief description of analogues:Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Title Short description Price
Lamisil Swiss drug available in various forms (ointment, tablet, spray). To increase the effectiveness of therapy possible combination thereof (e.g., ointment and tablet).

Unlike the original, it has no contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the composition. Can cause adverse reactions.

The approximate cost of a tube of ointment - 650 rubles.
terbinafine Most budget analogue of the Russian production with the same active ingredient.

The ointment is banned for use in:

  • a tumor of any localization;
  • renal failure;
  • disorders of the liver;
  • blood diseases;
  • Failure metabolism;
  • pathologies of the vascular system;
  • hypersensitive to the components that make up;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.
Price - about 120 rubles.
ekzifin Indian analog with terbifinom as the main active substance.

Restrictions to the appointment:

  • liver and kidney disease;
  • alcohol, drug abuse;
  • cancer tumors;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the vascular system.

Be used with caution in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. Allowed for children from the age of twelve.

Approximate cost - 230 rubles.
Fungoterbin Russian medicament for the treatment of skin diseases.

Banned the use of women in the state, it can be used with children for 12 years. Can cause allergies, irritation and redness of the skin.

Advantage over analogue - a marked improvement in the first few days of therapy.

Estimated cost - 330 rubles.
Terbizil Hungarian equivalent drug produced in the form of a cream.

Danger Terbizilom treatment - a high risk of developing liver disease. The performed not until the end of therapy, her abrupt interruption will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition, acute skin disease.

Price - about 280 rubles.
Binafin Despite the fact that the medicine of Indian origin, has a very attractive cost. Another advantage - a high therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of skin pathologies. Improvements observed after the first use.

Unlike the original, approved for use as pregnant and lactating women at a dermatologist appointment.

Price - within 170 rubles.
Termikon ointment. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

When assigning an expensive drug is recommended to pay attention to the analogy, the name of which is the main active ingredient. The most high-quality and reasonable analogue Termikona - Terbinafine.

The preparation of Russian production is absolutely identical to the original composition, indications and application techniques. The only difference - in a more reasonable cost (the price below 2 times).

The decision to replace a doctor's prescription Termikona analogue (eg, more cost-effective) must be made by a physician. It is inadmissible to replace the drugs on their own initiative.

The application of ointments Termikon instructions described are methods of use and dose of the drug required to treat various skin diseases. Require mandatory consultation with a dermatologist. Improper use of an ointment, especially in the unspecified diagnosis, harm health and aggravate the disease.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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