Antimicrobial Drugs For Systemic Use

Antibiotics for tooth flux in the adult, child. Names like taking

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Antibiotics in the formation of tooth flux used for therapeutic purposes, as quickly as possible to suppress the pathogenic bacterial flora, rent inflammation, accelerate recovery times gingival soft tissue and prevent infectious microorganisms penetrate the bone or the top mandible.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is the flux of his signs
  • 2 Top 10 antibiotics from the pharmacy
    • 2.1 Ospamoks
    • 2.2 vancomycin
    • 2.3 amoxicillin
    • 2.4 Azaks
    • 2.5 erythromycin
    • 2.6 Biseptrim
    • 2.7 Oriprim
    • 2.8 Ampicillin, Oxacillin
    • 2.9 Biseptol
    • 2.10 Altrotsin-S
  • 3 Video of antibiotics in dentistry

What is the flux of his signs

Flux - periosteum is an inflammatory disease, which develops in the tooth root location of the affected tooth decay, or as having other characteristics fracture crown. In the dental practice, the formation of the flux is indicated by the medical term - periostitis. In most cases, the disease is severe, accompanied by severe pain and the process of decay.

Inflammation can spread not only to the soft gum tissue, but also in other parts of the mucous membrane, which are located in close proximity to the aching tooth. The flux is formed on both the upper and the lower jaw.

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An antibiotic when a tooth of flux used prior to dental procedures to save Cutter and thus prevent the spread of infection in the gingival tissue adjacent the roots of molars, upper and lower jaw.

Causes of flux occur under the influence of these pathological factors:

  • the presence of such comorbidities gums and teeth as pulpitis and periodontitis, whose development is followed by extensive inflammation;
  • fracture of the upper or lower jaw, after the occurrence of which the patient is not high-quality medical assistance was provided in a timely manner;
  • open wound on the mucosa gums, which have penetrated particularly hazardous bacterial infections (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus);Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult
  • destruction of tooth crowns due to caries or traumatic amputation, when the pulp and nerve channels penetrated infectious microorganisms and triggered inflammation;
  • mechanical injury of soft gum tissue or periosteum;
  • dental pulp infection with pathogens that have penetrated into the bloodstream or lymphatic fluid (this reason the occurrence of flux of the tooth is possible if there is a hotbed of chronic infection in the patient, from which the bacteria migrate into healthy tissue);
  • effects of treatment failure tooth by a dentist, who has made a mistake, he brought infection or damaged blood vessels, resulting in the acute inflammatory process.

By the formation of flux tend to people who do not comply with oral hygiene, ignore the timely visit to the dentist and treatment of teeth. The presence of chronic diseases of internal organs, as well as a weakened immune system increases the risk of inflammation of the gums and periosteum.

Symptoms of periodontitis always occur acutely and are accompanied by a clinical picture which is difficult to confuse with other diseases of the oral cavity. The following table shows the symptoms of the flux are described in detail, which is formed on the gums under the root of the tooth of the patient.

name symptom The clinical picture of symptoms
Fever After the appearance of the body temperature of the flux increases dramatically and may be within 38 degrees Celsius and at an acute infectious process reach high values.
Inflammation The inflammatory process involves the periosteum and soft tissues of the gums, which is the root of tooth requiring treatment. Caused by a bacterial infection that has penetrated the pulp cutter.
Edema Place Education flux, as well as nearby tissues and mucous membranes become Edematous and congested look. In the case of localization of the pathological process by the front teeth may increase in size of the cheeks and lips. If the flux is formed on the upper jaw, the cheek is swollen completely whole, orbit and temporal area. The defeat of the lower jaw is accompanied by the spread of edema on the chin and neck.
Pain Infectious and inflammatory process, which is caused by flux, accompanied by a sharp or dull pain. It is amplified in the evening and at night. Is pulsating in nature.
festering sore As soon as the developing inflammation of the gums, on its surface a small hill, which looks like a bump. He quickly grows in size, and the accumulated pus and sukrovichnoe the contents within it. This fluid is a consequence of the activity of pathogenic bacterial microorganisms.
fistula formation In the absence of timely dental or surgical care to develop a negative impact. The purulent bag, which was formed on the gums and cheek gripped tissue, or eye socket submaxillary region, formed tracts of which follows a yellow liquid having an unpleasant putrid odor.
Prostration Against the background of the general intoxication of the organism and reduce the protective function of the immune system, joins physical weakness, headache, somnolence.
Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult
Antibiotic in flux tooth help relieve and cure inflammation

Antibiotic at tooth flux allows to stop the symptoms of the above dental diseases, not allowing further development of such complications such as osteomyelitis upper or lower jaw, and the transition in the chronic form of the disease with forming plural flow amount ulcers.

Top 10 antibiotics from the pharmacy

Antibiotic flux when the tooth is applied only to the destination of a dentist who spent preliminary inspection inflamed portion of the oral cavity. Depending on the severity of infection and the type of pathogenic organisms, which struck gingival tissue and periosteum, for therapeutic purposes can be used following antibacterials facilities.


Antibiotic active substance is amoxicillin trihydrate. One tablet of the preparation is 500 mg of this compound. Is indicated for the integrated antibiotic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gum soft tissue resulting from the formation of the tooth flux. Ospamoks included in the group of beta-lactam antibiotics.Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult

This means that the drug is effective against pathogens that are able to produce Special enzymes forming the protective sheath of chemicals, antibiotics and immune cells system. Ospamoks is considered a semi-synthetic penicillin, therefore, has a broad spectrum of antibacterial action.

The recommended dose of medicament is 2-3 tablets 2 times per day. Treatment time are determined individually by a dentist, who conducts diagnosis and therapy of the tooth, in which arrangement the field flux formed. The average drug reception lasts from 5 to 10 days. The cost of the drug - 340 rubles.


Antibiotic flux at the tooth, which is produced as an injection for intravenous administration. The active component of the drug substance is vancomycin hydrochloride.

This potent antibacterial agent of the glycopeptide group. Vancomycin kills strep infection, all kinds of staphylococcus. The drug is not used in the fight against gram-negative bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Vancomycin solution was injected intravenously exclusively. The use of intramuscular injections is forbidden because of the strong pain that occurs in the area of ​​the injection site, as well as more likely to develop muscle tissue necrosis and in contact with the medicament.

The drug is administered intravenously 1 times a day to meet the dosage of 5 ml. Injection speed should last at least 30 seconds. The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the spread of an infectious process. The average price of the drug - 750 rubles.


Pharmacological release form of the drug - granules on which suspension is prepared. In 5 ml of prepared solution already contains 250 ml of amoxicillin. It belongs to the category of broad-spectrum penicillins. It is used to suppress bacterial flora and removal of edema in flux tooth.

Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult
Amoxicillin - an antibiotic in removing tooth wide spectrum

To prepare 100 ml of the suspension into the vial with the granules need to pour 74 ml of distilled water. Takes medication for 2 scoops of 2 to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment 7-14 days. The cost of the drug - 95 rubles.


An antibacterial agent in the formation of tooth flux, which is recommended for use in combination with other anti-inflammatory drugs tablets and injectable forms of release. Each tablet contains 50 mg of active ingredient - azithromycin.

The drug belongs to the category of macrolides. Antibiotic Azaks allows successful antimicrobial therapy against bacteria that have a natural immunity against penicillin preparations.

The drug is not recommended for people who are prone to the appearance of allergic reactions to medicines erythromycin, azithromycin and other macrolide antibiotics among. This antibiotic, take 1 tablet a day before or after eating. It is a potent drug, so the recommended duration of treatment - 3 days. The cost of medication is 340 rubles.


Antibiotic macrolides category. It refers to bacteriostatic drugs. Inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus, strains of streptococcus, meningococcal disease and mycoplasma.

It showed to reception immediately after the occurrence of the first signs of the formation of the flux, either as formed on the basis of readjustment inflamed gingival tissue. The drug is not used in the simultaneous use of terfenadine, ergotamine, astemizole.Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult

The procedure for acceptance Erythromycin - 1-2 tablets - 3-4 times a day, who drink 2 hours before or after a meal. The preparation is washed down with a glass of water at room temperature. Duration of therapy is from 5 to 14 days. After complete disappearance of flux, it is recommended to continue taking the drug for 2 more days. The average price of the drug 75 rubles.


Antibiotic that is used to fight infection, parasitic in the oral cavity, and also arisen because of dental diseases. It applied for a course of treatment without interruption in taking medication. Each tablet is Biseptrima 400 mg of sulfamethoxazole. Patients adult age group take 1-2 tablets 2 times a day for 14 days.

The drug is not recommended for use in patients with the following diseases:

  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • allergy medicament for active agents;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • all kinds of thyroid pathologies;
  • anemia.

During treatment Biseptrimom need to drink as much as possible the amount of liquid. Medication is not used for the treatment of flux, which is caused by the formation of beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The price of the drug to 250 rubles.


Tablets, which have bactericidal effect and are effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Pharmacological formula drug complex composed of sulphonamides and trimethoprim.

Duration of therapy Oriprimom should not be less than 5 days. In acute infectious-inflammatory processes occurring during the formation of the flux, the recommended dosage - 2 tablets. Taking medication for 2 times a day.

During treatment with an antibiotic Oriprim flux may experience the following side effects:

  • thrombocytopenia;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • attack of an allergic reaction;
  • headache or dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • functional disorders of the liver.

When adverse properties of drug treatment is stopped, and the patient must be on the same day to ask for help to the dentist. The cost of medicines 320 rubles.

Ampicillin, Oxacillin

In 1 capsule of medicament contained surfactants - Ampicillin trihydrate - 0,125 g, and the same concentration of the sodium salt of oxacillin.Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult

The drug is effective against infectious microorganisms that provoke inflammatory diseases of the periosteum and gingiva. The combination of ampicillin and oxacillin sodium salt can quickly get rid of bacterial microorganisms, which are naturally resistant to antibiotics penicillin group.

Oxacillin Ampicillin take-1-2 capsules per day. Medication should drink 30 minutes. before eating or 2 hours after a meal. During treatment it is necessary to use a sufficient quantity of drinking water.

The drug was well tolerated by most patients, but it does not exclude the occurrence of the following side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • violation of the bacterial balance in the gut.

Ampicillin, Oxacillin is not recommended for reception of people who are prone to allergic reactions to antibiotics of the penicillin. The average price of the drug to 120 rubles.


An effective antibiotic, which allows you to get rid of the infection caused by the flux and prevents the occurrence of complications such as chronic osteomyelitis bone. As part Biseptol are several active ingredients. It sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim.

These substances penetrate the drug quickly into the bloodstream and reach the site of infection localization. Biseptol inhibits cell division of bacterial microorganisms, which leads to their gradual demise.

The antibacterial properties of the drug effective against most of the known species of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Admission is carried out Biseptol 2 tablets 2 times a day after meals.Antibiotics flux at the tooth. List how to take the child to an adult

The preparation is washed down with 200 ml of water. In the presence of flux, which has grown into an extensive abscess abscess, allowed to increase the dose of medicament to 2 tablets 3 times a day. The price of the drug - 240 rubles. In Table 20 the plate.


Potent antibacterial agent that is included in pharmacological group - macrolides. It showed to reception patients who have symptoms flux formation in the patient's tooth root.

Altrotsin-S suppresses reproduction of representatives of all staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. It is these microorganisms are more likely to be the causative agents of purulent and inflammatory processes in the tissues of the gums and the periosteum.

Prescribed for the treatment of bacterial infections provoked the formation of flux. Formulation prevents infection of the bone of the upper and lower jaw members of the pathogenic microflora.

The drug is taken 1-2 tablets 3 to 4 times a day for two hours before or after meals. The drug must be washed down with sufficient amount of water. Heavy drinking accelerates the process of removing chemical antibiotic compounds that formed as a result of the decay process.

The duration of treatment is from 5 to 14 days. If necessary, the attending dentist may prolong the course of treatment for a longer period. The cost of the drug - 95 rubles.

Antibiotics, which are taken with the flux of the tooth, make it possible to quickly remove the inflammation and stop the spread of bacterial infection. Integrated antibacterial therapy maintains the tooth root, and also prevents removal of the neighboring cutters, which are in the zone of the pathogenic microflora.

Early use of antibiotics does not allow penetration of bacteria into the bone tissue and the top mandible, which eliminates the occurrence of serious diseases such as osteomyelitis, necrosis and sepsis.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of antibiotics in dentistry

What antibiotics taken in dentistry:

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