Diseases Of The Digestive System

Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, herbs, celandine, diet recipes

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Education, which is called a polyp is benign. The disease can be found in many internal organs. For example, often there are polyps in the gallbladder. Education has the shape of a circle or a drop. The disease requires treatment, for this purpose use drugs, folk remedies. And also possible to use surgical operation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What are polyps in the gallbladder, their localization
  • 2 danger formations
  • 3 Causes of polyps
    • 3.1 adenomatous polyps
    • 3.2 cholesterol polyps
  • 4 The main symptoms
  • 5 survey
  • 6 What if a polyp is found in the gall bladder?
  • 7 Treatment without surgery
    • 7.1 Medications
    • 7.2 Recipes folk remedies
    • 7.3 diet therapy
    • 7.4 Example dietary menu for the week
  • 8 Indications for surgery
  • 9 How to carry out surgery, the effects of
  • 10 Prognosis and complications
  • 11 Videos about polyps in gall

What are polyps in the gallbladder, their localization

Polyp gallbladder (treatment includes use of drugs) is formed due to the fact that the surface epithelium growing or are harmful accumulated mass. He appears in a single (1 - 2 cm) or plural (height of about 1 - 2 mm) number. Education is benign, but in the absence of therapy, increases the risk of developing into cancer.

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The disease has its own classification. Allocate 4 forms formation:

  • Cholesterol. First, the development process takes place in the submucosa area, then polyps grow. The condition is pseudotumour, that is benign. But the complexity that is often mistaken for the true ultrasound cholesterol polyps.
  • Inflammatory. This form appears in the body during penetration of bacteria. Pseudotumour is, that is just a benign condition. Formation is an inflammatory reaction. polyp formation occurs on the inside of the bladder.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
  • Papilloma. Typically, the formation of small size, like the nipples. Permitted development into cancer.
  • adenomatous - polyps are formed from glandular tissue. In this form there is an increased likelihood of developing into cancer.

danger formations

Education can be dangerous, as some forms have the opportunity to develop into cancer. For many bodies not typical violation of functionality when polyps. But when they occur in the gallbladder, the situation changes. Broken body of the reduction, it causes the formation of the inflammatory process.

In addition, there is a possibility that the disease is complicated by purulent inflammation of the body. In the future may develop cerebral intoxication.

The most dangerous are adenomatous polyps, and cholesterol. To avoid the consequences, a condition in need of treatment.

Causes of polyps

Polyp gallbladder (treatment involves the use of folk therapy) may occur due to various reasons.

The emergence of education depends on the following factors:

  • Heredity. If anyone - that was in the family disease, the probability of occurrence increases.
  • Chronic cholecystitis. Due to the formation of stagnation in a bubble may form polyps.
  • Food. The disease can develop if you eat the food contains a lot of cholesterol.
  • Increased estrogen value. If the hormone production is enhanced in the gall bladder epithelium increase occurs. Therefore, women are more susceptible than men.
  • Inflammation. When a fall in body pathogens, it starts protection. Sign may be the cause of the disease.
  • Problems with metabolism. In hereditary factors or poor nutrition, bile can not normally go out of the bubble. Therefore, the body can appear polyps.
  • Dyskinesia. If the functionality of the bubble is broken, it increases the likelihood of disease.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
  • Hepatitisand papilloma virus.
  • Stress, infection of. Adverse effect disrupts the internal organs, which leads to the appearance of the disease.

adenomatous polyps

Adenomatous polyps arise if glandular tissue grows. This often happens in the case of congenital abnormalities of the genitourinary system.

cholesterol polyps

Cholesterol polyps most likely to occur when violations of fat metabolism. A disease can also be found in the case of exceeding the value of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL).

The main symptoms

Depending on the location of structures, features state can manifest itself - differently. The most dangerous place - the cervix or bladder duct. Disrupted flow of bile, jaundice appears. If a polyp is located on the other side of the body, then the symptoms are not strongly expressed. The main signs of polyps are listed in the table.

The name of the symptom Description
Jaundice The skin turns yellow. In addition, a color characteristic of the mucous membranes. Symptom indicates the high value of bilirubin in the blood. This can occur if the bile stagnates in the bladder and begins to seep into the bloodstream. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:
  • dark urine;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • a slight increase in temperature indicator;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • itchy skin
Pain in the affected area Symptom appears because of the body stretching. Bile does not appear, therefore, this symptom may occur. Additionally, consider the cause of the frequent reduction of the bubble.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Painful sensations are obtuse character, are located under the edge on the right side. Discomfort comes in the form of contractions. Pain increases when consuming foods high in fat after overeating. Also, when strong stress, alcohol reception

Dyspepsia Condition characterized by the appearance of nausea. Symptom may occur after awakening. If people overeat, there is vomiting, followed by bitterness in the mouth.

Dyspepsia is characteristic of the stagnation of bile in the bladder. As a result of the digestion is disturbed. A bitter taste in the mouth is due to the casting of bile into the digestive tract as a result of increased activity of the gall bladder

hepatic colic As a result, pain conditions arise in a side on the right side. Discomfort similar to the fight. Acute pain, has a strong character, so people can not sit in one place, rushing around the room, showing great discomfort.

Symptom rare. Most often it occurs in hepatic colic polyps on a long stalk

Diarrhea It is a common symptom in the disease. Diarrhea occurs as a result of the stagnation of bile in the bladder
Fever If the inflammation in the body, possibly fever. And also a symptom indicates cholecystitis.

The temperature may increase with renal colic. It rises sharply and reaches 38 degrees.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

But the feature is not typical of the polyps in the gallbladder. Many people with this disease the temperature was not elevated

Polyps (treatment involves the use of folk therapy) do not always manifest themselves. That is, when they are in the gall bladder, the symptoms can be minor or absent altogether. Bright signs visible if polyps reach a large size.


State needs a diagnosis. As a result, you can identify the value of the important indicators for the body. After completing the procedure concluded on the amount and finding polyps.

Most often used in the diagnosis of the following studies:

  • Poll. At this point it is important to specify all of the symptoms.
  • Examination of the patient. Expert examines affected area.
  • blood donation to determine the level of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol. Exceeded value indicates the disease.
  • Letting urine for general analysis. On polyps indicate occurrence of bilirubin, as normally he should be absent. A urobilinogen concentration will be reduced.
  • Letting feces for analysis. If stercobilin is missing or its value is minimal, this indicates a pathological process.
  • Ultrasonography (US). As a result, the procedure can determine the location and size of polyps.
  • Ultrasonography. The procedure consists of introducing an endoscope in the digestive tract. Device flexible, has an ultrasonic sensor. In the process of studying the structure procedures gallbladder. Next, take a sample of tissue from the affected places and send it for analysis.
  • Computer (CT) or magnetic - resonance imaging (MRI). As a result, procedures can identify the location of polyps, their structure and the cause of. Studies have determined even the formation of a small size.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Diagnostic Value varies and depends on many factors. For example, the city, the list of procedures and organization. Therefore, the price is necessary to specify in the institution.

What if a polyp is found in the gall bladder?

When the disease is suspected, it is advisable to consult a specialist. Pathology deals with the doctor - a gastroenterologist. Additionally, it may require the assistance of a hepatologist, surgeon, oncologist. The budget organizations permitted an appeal to the therapist. He will hold examination, and prescribe referral required specialization.

Treatment without surgery

In some cases, surgery is required.

Treatment involves the use of several methods:

  • medications;
  • folk therapy;
  • proper nutrition.


Popular medicine that is prescribed for polyps in the gallbladder, are listed in the table.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Group and Action drug Name testimony Side effects Counter-evidence The cost (in rubles).
Bile - accelerate the excretion of bile out of the bubble Gepabene Biliary dyskinesia, chronic character of hepatitis, liver damage due to exposure to toxins. Allergic reaction. In rare cases it may cause diarrhea and frequent urination. Hypersensitivity to the components, liver disease of acute character, the age of the child up to 18 years. 380 – 450
Antispasmodics - eliminates spasms Nospanum · Smooth muscle spasm associated with biliary tract diseases;

· Smooth muscle spasm due to diseases of the urinary system;

· Spasm of smooth muscles of the digestive tract;

· Gynecological diseases.

Frequent palpitations;

· A reduced level of arterial pressure;

· Pain in the head;

· dizziness;

· Sleep problems;

· Nausea;

· Constipation;

· Allergy.

· Renal insufficiency and liver heavy nature;

· Severe heart failure;

· Age of the child up to 6 years;

· lactation;

· Hypersensitivity to constituents.

50 – 250
Statins - lipid-lowering and cholesterol simvastatin Elevated cholesterol and lipids · Problems with a chair;

· lack of appetite;

· Bloating;

· Nausea;

· Pain in the abdomen;

· Pain in the head;

· dizziness;

· Muscle cramps;

· High blood pressure;

· allergy

· Liver pathology;

· Pregnancy

· Lactation;

· Hypersensitivity to constituents.

80 – 210
Hepatoprotectors - protect the liver from the effects of adverse factors and restore its structure ursofalk · Dissolution of cholesterol gallstones;

· cirrhosis of the liver;

· Hepatitis chronic nature;

· Fibrosis;

· Liver damage due to alcohol consumption;

· biliary dyskinesia.

· Change in stool;

· Pain at the top of acute abdomen;

· Calcination gallstones;

· allergic reaction.

· Increased sensitivity to component;

· Gallstones with high calcium content;

· A violation of the functionality of the gallbladder;

· cirrhosis of the liver;

· Gallbladder disease acute nature;

· Age of the child up to 3 years (tablet form).

180 – 1900
Combination drugs used in biliary tract pathology Holiver · A violation of functionality of the digestive system;

· Oliguria (urine daily output of less than 400 ml) as a result of heart failure or cirrhosis;

· GU and 12 porstnoy intestine;

· Constipation due to intestinal atony.

The preparation has a floral composition, however well tolerated. Rarely side effects such as allergies. Hepatitis acute nature, acute liver failure character, individual sensitivity to component. 200 – 300
Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

List of drugs can be changed at the discretion of the physician. Additionally prescribe vitamin complexes to normalize the level of nutrients.

Recipes folk remedies

Polyp gallbladder (treatment involves the use of folk therapy) is treated with herbal remedies. Compared with drugs, they have a low probability of side effects.

Popular recipes folk remedies:

  • Infusion. To prepare the required celandine grass and chamomile flowers in the amount of '20 Plants pour 0.2 liters of hot water. Leave the mixture for 6 hours, filtered. Take 20 ml 3 times per day. Duration of treatment - 30 days. Then allowed a month's break and repeat the course of therapy.
  • Propolis tincture. It is necessary to pre-purchase the liquid at the pharmacy. When polyps gallbladder infusion diluted in water (1 tsp 30 ml liquid). Accept number 20 min. before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment - 2 months. Next, take a break of 14 days and repeat the treatment.
  • Infusion. For preparation must take 120 g fungus and 0.5 L of vodka. Leave on for 14 days. The infusion must be added to the tea 3 times a day. Dosing - 1 tbsp at a time. Accepted need 30 minutes. before meals.
  • Infusion Potentilla. To prepare the required crushed root of a plant. It must pour 500 ml of vodka. Pour the liquid into a container, which should be closed. Leave on for 30 days in a dark place. Every 2 - 3 days the mixture should be shaken. After cooking, filtered. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
  • Vegetable broth. Mark rhubarb, yarrow and immortelle in equal amounts. For the preparation you will need 2 tablespoons mixture and 500 ml of hot water. Put the pan on low heat for 60 minutes. Wait for cooling the mixture filtered. Take a mixture of 150 ml per day.

diet therapy

When polyps of the gallbladder is recommended to change your diet. Should eat 5 - 6 times a day with intervals between meals 3 - 4 hours. Portions should be 200 - 300 g

Recommended foods with a high percentage of fat replaced with low-calorie. You should not eat fried, salted, smoked. And sweet and bakery products. It is better to cook steamed, boiled or baked in the oven.

Do not forget about the fluids you drink. The recommended amount of pure non-carbonated water per day - not smaller than 1.5 l. You should not drink alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong coffee.

Example dietary menu for the week

When polyps recommended diet №5 in the gallbladder. This power is limited by the level of cholesterol and fats.Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Sample menu for 7 days indicated in the table below:

day of the week meals
Breakfast Snack Dinner afternoon snack Dinner Snack
Monday Porridge of rice, fruit compote with dried fruit Cottage cheese casserole Vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with boiled fish Baked apple Rice with vegetables, steamed chicken Kefir
Tuesday Milk soup with noodles, tea brewing weak Yogurt Pickle with sour cream, coleslaw, macaroni steam chicken cutlet Tea from the hips Stew of vegetables with fish, tea brewing weak Compote
Wednesday Semolina, green tea cheesecakes Vegetable salad, pasta with chicken breast, steamed Muffin, jelly Buckwheat with chicken, mint tea Kefir
Thursday Oatmeal, tea brewing weak Cottage cheese Noodle soup, vegetable salad, pasta with chicken breast Casserole Vegetables and fish, steamed kissel
Friday Omelette with tomatoes steamed, black tea Apple, marshmallow Soup with meatballs, salad, rice Chicken Casserole Vegetables, grilled beef Tea
Saturday Semolina, weak tea brewing Jelly with crackers Vegetable soup, boiled fish cheesecakes Stew of vegetables with chicken, jelly Milk with honey
Sunday Oatmeal, fruit compote Yogurt Meatball soup, steam chicken An Apple Rice with vegetables, chicken breast, steamed Kefir

Indications for surgery

Polyp of the gallbladder (treatment involves the use of diet) sometimes requires surgery.

Operative intervention is used in the following cases:

  • polyp exceeds 10 mm in size;
  • disease accompanied by purulent cholecystitis or calculous type;
  • in the body is greater than 2 polyps;
  • gallbladder formed 1 - 2 polyp size of 5 - 9 mm, they have a broad base;
  • polyp leg than 3mm;
  • education is growing rapidly;
  • disease combined with the formation of hereditary polyps in the colon;Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
  • age category of person is more than 60 years;
  • person concerned acute pain in the abdomen, they may be given in the right upper quadrant.

How to carry out surgery, the effects of

Operation at polyps gallbladder can hold different methods.

Most Popular:

  • Videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy (VLHE). In the process of the procedure using modern endoscopic equipment.
  • Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LCE). The operation is to remove the body without a large incision of the skin. Instruments are inserted through small holes in the abdomen. This type is considered the best in the treatment of polyps of the gallbladder. The effectiveness of the treatment is high. But in 5% of cases fail to achieve the desired result, and spend the traditional intervention.
  • Traditional cholecystectomy (TCE). The operation is open, that is, cut the skin. Compared with laparoscopic method of intervention may be complications due to trauma. During the traditional intervention cut through the skin, fatty tissue, peritoneum.
  • Endoscopic polypectomy. The operation used to remove polyps, but keep the gall bladder. Diathermic loop is applied to education and clean it. Charge passes through the loop of electric current to bleeding were minimal. This method is most often used in the formation of polyps in the intestine, but the use is permitted on the gallbladder.
    Polyp of the gallbladder. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
    Treatment of Gallbladder polyps usually finishes removing tumors surgically

If the operation was carried out at advanced stage and for a long time, the person was not engaged in the state of therapy, then it is possible the emergence of complications - bleeding, infection of the appearance of pus from the wound.

Rarely develop hernias. In 1 out of 1000 cases additional surgery may be required. To get rid of negative symptoms after the intervention, it is necessary to comply with all recommendations of the physician.

Prognosis and complications

If a polyp is found in time, that is, he did not become a cancer, the prognosis is favorable. As a therapy may be prescribed medication, proper diet and traditional remedies. If polyps are many use surgery.

The following condition may occur as a complication of polyps:

  • transition into cancer - the most dangerous prognosis;
  • infringement polyp legs;
  • overlap gallbladder polyp - education is too large.

Education, which is called a polyp, is common. The disease is characterized by many authorities. For example, the gall bladder. Not all polyps need to be removed surgically.

If it is in the singular, does not increase in size, the treatment can be used drugs, proper nutrition and folk remedies. In other cases, surgery is used. The method of determined by a physician taking into account the individual characteristics of symptoms.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about polyps in gall

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