Diseases Of The Digestive System

Sharp weight gain in women. Reasons for 20-25-30-35 years and treatment, to what doctor to address

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Most often causes sudden weight gain in women are violations in the normal functioning of the body.

The doctor, depending on the age of the patient and mode of life, decide on the advisability of her medical treatment or providing general advice on the proper organization of regular habits related to nutrition, sleep and pastime in the period wakefulness.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of sudden weight gain at different ages
  • 2 When and to what doctor it is necessary to address
  • 3 Medical causes of weight gain
  • 4 hormonal disorders
  • 5 Drugs that may lead to obesity
  • 6 Birth control pills
  • 7 Menopause
  • 8 Eating salty foods
  • 9 Sensitivity to casein
  • 10 Fluctuations of the menstrual cycle
  • 11 Lack of proper sleep
  • 12 Insufficient amount of fluids you drink
  • 13 The state of stress
  • 14 Videos of the reasons for sudden weight gain

Causes of sudden weight gain at different ages

Sharp weight gain in women (the reasons are not always lie in the presence of progressive disease) can occur due to age-related physiological changes in the body.

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For example, the rapid increase in the amount of body fat in girls 20-30 years, doctors usually associated with:

  • hormonal disruptions;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking);
  • incorrect eating habits organized (because of frequent spending time at parties, young girls at this age are almost always eat high-calorie junk food in the evening day);
  • emotional state (love, separation, unconsciously accepted way of life for the guy).
Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

In older age, after 30 years, a sharp weight gain may be due to:

  • hormonal changes the body (eg, after the birth of a child);
  • unstable psychological state (at this age stage women are more emotional, susceptible to negative thoughts, lethargy, depression).

According to the achievements of women 40-50 years old, in elucidating the causes of increasing the amount of fat, it is necessary, first of all, exclude:

  • progressive disease, worsen with age (e.g., diabetes or disease of the cardiovascular system);
  • organism's reaction to the use of a number of drugs woman;
  • abnormal slowing of metabolic processes;
  • mental disorder.

When and to what doctor it is necessary to address

With the dramatic weight gain she will need to take some simple steps to normalize its state associated with the correct restructuring of this lifestyle.

These include:

  • Refusal of flour, salt, fried, spicy and sweet. Or the reduction of the consumption of such foods to a minimum.
  • Consultation with a doctor, an appointment of the drug (if the cause of weight gain in this), to replace the drug on an analogue of similar actions.
  • Drinking regime. Provided that delay fluid causes an increase in body mass women, when normalizing the excess drinking regimen will be withdrawn from the body of the urinary system. By repeating the situation, it is recommended to check the condition of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Doing physical activity in the way of a woman's life.
  • Consultation with a psychologist (to address problems with their internal state).
  • Daily intake of a contrast shower.
  • Self-massage of problematic areas of the body.
Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

If these methods did not bring a positive result, fattening woman should consult a physician to undergo further examination. Given these results, the physician will direct the patient to a specialist, capable to eliminate the cause drastic weight gain.

Medical causes of weight gain

Sharp weight gain in women (the reasons may reveal a doctor in the presence of complete data, not only about the way human life, but also about his health), in some cases triggered by medical circumstances.

Among them:

Name of disease A brief description of the changes in the body that occur on the background
Cushing's syndrome symptoms:
  • deposition of fat in the face, neck and stomach (assuming Hagen limbs);
  • a state change of the skin (dryness, roughness, the outer fineness);
  • hypertension grade 2 and 3;
  • Dysfunction of vegetative-vascular system.

Treatment options:

  • drugs that enhance protein synthesis;
  • medicaments normalizing blood flow, vascular condition; metabolism;
  • vitamin complexes, for example, the group B, contributing the improvement of the internal tissue cells;
  • hormone therapy;
  • radiation therapy (surgery).
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Gaining weight in PCOS is due to an imbalance in the body between the male and female hormones. In addition to weight gain, women with this disorder suffer from excessive the amount of body hair, disorders of the menstrual cycle and the difficulties in the planning process pregnancy. Get rid of PCOS in several ways:
  • surgery (laparoscopy);
  • hormone therapy;
  • increased physical load on the body;
  • normalization of diet and lifestyle.
Diabetes Diabetes adversely affects the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, making the vessels less strong. Such changes the body in most cases responsive increase of body fat, get rid of that can only be observing a strict diet or after cupping manifestations of progressive disease.
Acromegaly Recognize the presence of the disease may be in its typical manifestations:
  • change in facial features;
  • excessive sweating;
  • joint pain;
  • heat intolerance;
  • change size limbs.

Get rid of the disease in question, you can use long-term hormone therapy.

Kidney and liver In diseases of this type the kidney and the liver can not cope with the withdrawal of entering the body daily volume of liquid. This leads to the formation of edema can increase body weight by 50%. Normalization of the patient depends on the type of disease, but usually includes a dosage therapy, physical therapy and, in rare cases, simple surgery (laparoscopy).
hypothyroidism weight leap in this case is usually triggered by a sharp reduction in the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Such a deficiency contributes to a significant slowing of metabolic processes leading to the appearance of body fat. Hypothyroidism treated with the help of hormones or surgery.
Heart failure When heart disease organism becomes difficult to withdraw the liquid, which can also be manifested in the presence of:
  • shortness of breath;
  • constant weakness and apathy;
  • exercise intolerance.

Cardiovascular diseases are treated by receiving drugs or surgical methods, depending on the degree of neglect pathological process.

hormonal disorders

Sharp weight gain in women (cause a direct impact on the choice of orientation treatment) is caused by hormonal disorders. They can occur both because of progressive disease, and because of the physiological changes that occur in the body, for example, during menopause.

Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

At the fair half of mankind such violations occur in the majority of cases due to malfunction of the endocrine and reproductive systems.

To see a doctor the woman will be required to pass the venous blood hormonal tests at baseline:

  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • cortisol;
  • insulin;
  • melatonin;
  • testosterone;
  • TSH;
  • endorphin;
  • HCG.

When detecting deviations in index of a particular hormone woman assigned additional inspection, comprising, if necessary, ultrasound, MRI, X-ray.

In the presence of complete information about the health of the woman to her doctor prescribes medication to normalize hormonal levels. After stabilization, by weight, subject to the principles of proper nutrition woman, will fall on their own.

Drugs that may lead to obesity

In some cases, can cause obesity medication prescribed by a doctor for the normalization of the internal systems of the body.

Among these pharmacy funds most often recommended by experts include:

  • oral contraceptives ( "old" generation);
  • indomethacin;
  • diclofenac;
  • Ketotifen (greatly enhances appetite);
  • drugs, in its action are alpha and beta-blockers;
  • Cimetidine (a medicine prescribed to people diagnosed with a stomach ulcer);
  • Metoklopromid (antiemetic);
  • Domperidone (recommended by doctors for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract).
Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

If the body reacts to medication sudden weight gain, she will need to tell the doctor prescribe treatment. Expert, if possible, reduce the dosage, or offer another means of the same principle of operation.

In the absence of positive changes even after the change of direction of the treatment, it is recommended to go general examination of the body for the presence of possible pathologies, provoking an increase in mass body.

Birth control pills

The popular belief that birth control pills contribute to a sharp weight gain, applies only to drugs "first" generation.

The concentration of these synthetic hormones maximally high, on the organism to react significant changes in, for example, the occurrence of the syndrome of "false pregnancy" increase in mammary glands, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. Modern gynecologists do not use in their practice these drugs.

Improved version control pills affect the female body two "side" means:

  • may delay the fluid causing swelling;
  • increase appetite.

Understanding the mechanism of oral contraceptives, the woman will be able to minimize the risk of increasing its weight by drinking regime and controlling the volume of food consumed. Otherwise, it gets better, regardless of the generation and composition of funds received by it.


When menopause increase a woman's body weight can occur for several reasons:

  • estrogen concentration changes in the blood (it provokes increased appetite);
  • significant slowing of metabolic processes;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • reduction of muscle mass;
  • decrease in the rate of the gastrointestinal tract.

Normalize their condition and how hormonal changes the body can more easily transfer a woman can, while respecting the basic recommendations gynecologists.

They are:

  • daily breakfast;
    Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  • avoid meals in the evening later than 3 hours before the expected bedtime;
  • organize a diet so that most of the dinner consisted of proteins;
  • eat every 4 hours by small portions to avoid "bad" snacks;
  • emphasis on dishes from the menu of whole grain cereals; fruits, vegetables, protein;
  • keep a food diary in which daily need to celebrate eaten foods consumed calculating kallorazh.

Eating salty foods

Eating salted foods provokes breach in the water-salt metabolism of the organism.

This occurs most often in people:

  • have a tendency to occurrence of edema or pastosity upper and lower extremities;
  • accustomed to consume salty food in the evening.

Excess amounts of salt water in the body delays than provokes the formation of soft tissue swelling, high blood pressure, risk of heart attack or stroke. liquid is retained by the body metabolism slows down and prevents timely removal of residues from the body.

To get rid of the negative consequences of the use of salty foods, which is expressed in the form of sudden weight gain, she will need to:

  • perform daily physical exercises;
    Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  • limit salt intake to 2-3 g per day;
  • practicing self-massage;
  • drink plenty of clean water, avoiding the consumption of juices, soda, coffee and tea.

Sensitivity to casein

Intolerance to casein, a milk protein, is, as in young children and in adult women.

Manifest such a feature of the body is always the same:

  • allergic reactions, manifested after receiving kazeinosoderzhaschih products (milk, cheese, cheese);
  • swelling due to fluid retention.

To stabilize weight, she will need to identify specific products causing the most severe reaction. To make it possible, as a practical method (sample 1 kazeinosoderzhaschy product per day and observe the condition of the skin and mucous membranes), and by laboratory tests (blood pass immunoglobulin type G4.

Such an analysis makes it possible to diagnose food allergy, even when it is in a latent form).

After identifying food intolerance and its consumption should be minimized or completely eliminate these foods from the diet. After the reorganization of dietary habits by weight, provided no secondary pathologies stabilizes independently.

Fluctuations of the menstrual cycle

Menstrual periods directly affect the weight fluctuations. In the days before ovulation, body weight, is generally minimal, and then begins to rise, reaching its maximum level to day 28-20, depending on the duration of the cycle.

Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

This weight gain is caused by accumulation of body fluids, fat and mineral salts necessary for the alleged pregnancy. In its absence, the accumulated provision "ejected" from the onset of menstruation.

To minimize the risk of a large weight gain in the second half of the cycle, she will need to:

  • may consume a sufficient amount of liquid;
  • control your appetite;
  • eliminate from the diet of sweet, flour, fried, salty;
  • do not eat fruits and other sugar products after 16 hours (at this time of the metabolic processes in the body slows down, that It can lead to the appearance of fatty deposits due to lack of opportunities to recycle food entering the body).

Lack of proper sleep

Sharp weight gain in women (the reasons may be cumulative) in a number of cases it is associated with lack of proper rest. Such changes in the body due to the fact that the lack of sleep the level of insulin in the blood of women is constantly at extremely high levels, and blood sugar levels - low.

In the absence of timely measures taken which may lead not only to obesity but also to the emergence of diabetes. In the absence of a sufficient amount of the deep sleep phase active zhirorasschepleniya (normally it starts to 23 hours and ends with a new day 2-3 h) is reduced, which leads to a reduction of metabolic rate processes.

In order to avoid jumps in body weight in patients without a full sleep, she will need to:

  • go to bed no later than 23-00 hours;
  • bedtime ventilate the room;
  • do not use your smartphone and watch TV before going to bed;
    Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  • on the eve of going to bed to drink chamomile tea (in the absence of allergy to grass) and take a relaxing bath.

Insufficient amount of fluids you drink

The reason that a woman can draw at a sharp weight gain may also be an insufficient amount of fluid consumed. Clean water - it is an integral part of the process of withdrawal of toxins from the body, and the splitting of fat.

To calculate your rate, the woman should use the standard formula, where 30 g of pure Water (tea, coffee, juices, and so forth are not considered) to be multiplied by the actual weight of 1 kg body.

It is important to consume water in equal portions during the day. Otherwise, drinking most of the daily volume in one "approach," a woman at risk of overload the kidneys and urinary system.

Lack of proper amounts of liquid leads to:

  • slower metabolism;
  • absence of physiological "cleansing" of the body of toxins and waste products;
  • zhirorasschepleniya blocking process.

The state of stress

The state of stress is dangerous for a woman to weight gain, as it can cause hormonal disturbances, or push its possessor to start a "jam" the lack of internal harmony.

Stress state contributes to the release of stress hormones in the blood and adrenaline, which leads to the body's stress at the cellular level: metabolic processes are slowed down, the liquid begins to stagnate, and underlying disease - escalate.

For the normalization of weight gained due to psychological discomfort, women should understand in my head, to identify the factors that provoked the external changes and try to protect themselves from him. If it is impossible to do it yourself, you need to seek help from a psychologist.

Sharp weight gain in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

If a woman saw at a sharp jump in weight - is the body's signal that requires attention to his condition. With an increase in body weight is not only important to find the cause in terms of health, but also to stabilize the emotional background. Upon reaching harmony between the physiological and psychological component, the woman will be able to normalize your weight in no time.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos of the reasons for sudden weight gain

8 reasons for the dramatic weight gain:

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