Diseases Of The Digestive System

Liver disease. Symptoms and treatment of women, causes and symptoms

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The liver removes toxins from the human body. It supports important metabolic processes. Also produces bile, which is needed for the normal process of digestion and fat digestion. The liver is responsible for the formation of glycogen from glucose and supports the exchange of vitamins and hormones process.

Under the influence of certain factors organ functioning is disturbed, there are diseases which are accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Early treatment will prevent serious complications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of liver disease
  • 2 Symptoms of liver disease
  • 3 symptoms of disease
    • 3.1 Acute viral hepatitis A
    • 3.2 Acute viral hepatitis E
    • 3.3 Acute viral hepatitis B
    • 3.4 Chronic hepatitis B
    • 3.5 Chronic hepatitis B + D
    • 3.6 Acute hepatitis C
    • 3.7 Chronic hepatitis C
    • 3.8 Viral hepatitis G
    • 3.9 Diseases of the liver caused by alcoholic intoxication and disease
    • 3.10 Primary biliary cirrhosis
    • 3.11 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
    • 3.12 autoimmune hepatitis
    • 3.13 Liver disease in cardiovascular diseases
    • 3.14 Liver diseases associated with metabolic disorders
    • 3.15 Oncology
  • insta story viewer
  • 4 How manifest liver disease during menopause, during pregnancy
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 medication
  • 7 The diet for liver diseases
  • 8 Surgery
  • 9 ethnoscience
  • 10 Video of liver diseases

The causes of liver disease

On the body of work is influenced by many factors that provoke the development of pathological processes:

Title Description
Violation of the real exchange In most cases, obesity has a negative impact on liver function. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by changes in tissue structure. Disturbed organ function. According to medical statistics, 27% of the population having liver disease because of impaired real exchange.
alcohol abuse A frequent cause of pathological processes in the liver, which provokes cirrhosis, hepatitis, steatosis (40%). Drinking large amounts of alcohol leads to the accumulation of fat in the body cells. Disrupted its normal functioning. Healthy cells are replaced by connective tissue
viral diseases Pathological processes provoke serious diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis in 57% of cases, cancer - 78%). Activators of viral infections are the cause of inflammatory process, hepatocytes are destroyed. In some situations, the disease becomes chronic.
Medications (toxic lesions) Many medications have a negative effect on the liver, causing serious lesions. Toxic lesions sometimes occur without obvious symptoms, the disease becomes chronic. In this situation, the first serious symptoms appear after a long time on the liver have a significant negative impact.
Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

liver disease (symptoms and treatment require medical attention) also trigger autoimmune disorders. Do not forget about the hereditary factor. Infection by parasites (helminths) leads to various changes in the liver, after which operation body is broken.

Symptoms of liver disease

The first symptoms of pathological processes are similar to symptoms of the common cold. Man complains of general weakness, rapid fatigue. The fact that the liver is increased, signaling pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium.

The main clinical symptoms of pathological processes in the liver:

Title Description
Pain Pain syndrome occurs in most cases in the last stages of liver diseases. Due to the absence in the body of the nerve endings, even the heavy defeat does not cause pain. Heaviness in the right hypochondrium indicates the development of the inflammatory process. Thin stretched Glisson capsule, which covers the body. She has nerve endings, so the person worried about aching and dull pain. They are amplified against the backdrop of exercise after consuming fatty and spicy food.
Leather Pathological processes in the liver provoke pallor or yellowing of the skin. Also changes hue whites of the eyes and mucous membranes. There is dryness, peeling, multiple cracks and scratches. The abdominal area formed streamers bluish tint (striae).
Rash Eruptions occur as an allergic reaction. Accompanied by edema and severe sweating. When liver pathologies appear boils, abscesses, small hemorrhages.
itch Any rash on the body accompanied by itching.

About liver say bitterness in the mouth, vomiting and nausea, heartburn. If damaged organ is disrupted and the central nervous system, causing the patient irritability.

symptoms of disease

liver disease (symptoms and treatment determined by the doctor after a complete medical diagnosis) occurs against the backdrop of the many factors that trigger the development of pathological processes. Manifestations will help the doctor to establish a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe the most informative diagnostic methods.

Acute viral hepatitis A

The first symptoms appear severe. Hepatitis A is accompanied by severe weakness, pain in the joints, muscles, head.

Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Increased body temperature, there is a fever, nausea and vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth. Changing the color of urine, jaundice occurs.

Acute viral hepatitis E

The first symptoms appear after 30-40 d. after exposure pathogens into the human body.

Pathologic features include:

  • poor appetite;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

In the right subcostal area there are painful sensations. Body temperature is normal in most cases rarely rises to 38 ° C.

Acute viral hepatitis B

The clinical picture is shown gradually.

Patient disturb the following symptoms of hepatitis B:

  • headache;
  • constipation;
  • a bad dream;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • itching;
  • jaundice.

Aching joints, decreased appetite until aversion to eating. In severe situations, the body temperature rises.

Chronic hepatitis B

In most cases the lesions are asymptomatic.

Rarely observed exacerbation of chronic hepatitis B with accompanying signs:

  • skin or eyes become yellow;
  • dark urine;
  • there is a strong weakness;
  • disturbing nausea and vomiting;
  • pain arises in the abdominal cavity.
Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The chronic form of the future leads to the development of liver cancer, or organ tissue provokes scarring (cirrhosis).

Chronic hepatitis B + D

The symptoms of chronic hepatitis D are similar in type, but they take place in a very severe form. The latent period lasts 3-7 days.

Acute hepatitis C

liver disease requires careful medical diagnosis and treatment, it is accompanied by a diffuse clinical picture. In humans, decreased appetite, weakness appears. Urine darkens, lightens cal. Icteric symptoms mild. The majority of patients with acute hepatitis C will develop cirrhosis.

Most acute form pathologies at an early stage accompanied by all features that occur in respiratory diseases or flu.

Chronic hepatitis C

Pathological processes occur without symptoms in the future provoke the development of liver cirrhosis, the formation of malignant tumor. In some patients, manifested malaise, anorexia, abdominal discomfort.

Viral hepatitis G

The disease occurs in severe form, or no obvious signs. Viral hepatitis G is rarely detected as a separate infection.

Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The disease is accompanied by disease type B, C and D in acute or chronic form.

Diseases of the liver caused by alcoholic intoxication and disease

Alcoholic drinks have a negative impact on the liver, promoting its disintegration. The reaction is enhanced if there are no diet foods that contain vitamins and proteins. Clinical signs of alcoholism often occur without symptoms. The disease is diagnosed after chronic alcohol poisoning.

Primary biliary cirrhosis

liver disease (symptoms and treatment is important to identify at an early stage to prevent serious complications), an autoimmune nature, which affects small bile liver channels. The disease is accompanied by a painful skin itch, unexpressed jaundice, soreness and heaviness in the right upper quadrant. Man loses weight and complains of pain in the limbs.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

The disease is characterized by chronic disorders in the production of bile. Pathological processes also occur due to inflammation in the bile duct. At an early stage primary sclerosing cholangitis it occurs without obvious symptoms.

As the progression of pathological processes deteriorate biochemical serum parameters (increased activity of the enzymes).

autoimmune hepatitis

It occurs against a background of impaired functioning of the immune system. Protective cells are attacking own organism that provokes inflammation and damage. There are signs of jaundice, gradually progressing. In the liver pain is present.

Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Palm out red, marked spider veins. Increased liver and spleen, there are hemorrhages in the skin of various sizes. In some situations there is prolonged elevation of body temperature.

Liver disease in cardiovascular diseases

Aggravating factors include the state of shock, cardiac arrhythmia and chronic heart failure.

In the presence of cardiovascular diseases are the following forms of liver disease:

  • congestive hepatopathy. The hepatic venous blood stagnates, which leads to an increase in organ. Collects excess fluid in the abdominal cavity and spleen also increases.
  • ischemic hepatitis. Nausea, vomiting, there is a general malaise and decreased appetite. There is jaundice, pain in the upper abdomen on the right.

End-stage liver damage congestive - this cardiac fibrosis and cirrhosis.

Liver diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Steatosis develops due to liver metabolism disorders substances. The body cells accumulate a large amount of fat. Increased levels of free radicals and inflammatory process begins.

Further occurs dying tissue (necrosis) and formation of connective tissue, which disturbs the normal liver function. In 65% of cases of hepatotoxicity occurs in people who are overweight, 35% - it is acute or chronic form of the disease.


Benign tumors (lipoma, hemangioma, fibroma, cyst) often occur without symptoms. Against the background of tumor growths there is pain in the abdomen on the right side. Cause cancer often become infectious lesions, metabolic disorders. In some situations metastases penetrate into the liver from other organs.

Malignant tumors are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • sharp deterioration;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • pain is felt during palpation;
  • the liver becomes thick due to changes in its tissue structure.

In most cases, malignant tumors are accompanied by jaundice.

How manifest liver disease during menopause, during pregnancy

liver disease (symptoms and treatment determined by the doctor considering the complaints of the patient) in the period of carrying the baby of a woman provokes jaundice. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, painful sensation on the right side of the abdomen.

Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Characteristic symptoms of liver disease appear between 30 and 38 weeks of pregnancy. By concomitant signs include weakness, high blood pressure, peripheral edema, proteinuria.


Medical examinations carried out after examination of the patient.

The doctor considers the patient's complaints and appoints additional diagnostics:

Title Description
Lab tests
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • serological tests;
  • virological diagnosis.
Surveys can determine causative agents of liver disease, the extent of the inflammatory process.
hardware research
  • ultrasonography (US);
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • MRI with contrast (MRI).
Diagnostic methods to determine the body structure, space-occupying lesions, thrombosis.

It is important to differentiate liver disease, to choose the most effective therapy


Properly chosen therapy can eliminate the clinical symptoms of liver disease, normalize blood biochemistry, improve metabolism.

For the treatment of the following drugs are used:

Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
liver disease. Recognize the symptoms, and you can start the treatment. For reconstitution of liver cells suitable Phosphogliv.
drug Group Title application
hepatoprotectors "Phosphogliv", "Rezalyut" Medications restore liver cells. The recommended dosage is 1-2 cap. 2-3 p. per day. The drug is taken with meals for 2 months.
antivirals "Ribavirin", "Acyclovir" The daily dosage of 1000-1200 mg. It is divided into 2 doses per 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts 6 months.
glucocorticosteroids "Prednisolone", "Urbazon" Start adult dosage is 20-30 mg. If necessary, it is increased to 100 mg.
Bile means "Ursosan", "Essentiale" Secretory reduced liver function. The drug administered 10-15 mg / kg per day, divided into 3 doses.
diuretic drugs "Liakab", "Diuver" Take medication in the morning on 1 tab. after meal. the daily dosage is increased up to 20-40 mg if necessary. The preparation is drunk for a long time, until the swelling disappear.

In various hepatic diseases patient being prescribed vitamin complexes (ascorbic acid, "Retinol") and the additive of group B, which are largely responsible for the proper functioning authority.

Drugs prescribed by the physician, taking into account the patient's condition and the development of pathological processes. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations, because many drugs cause adverse reactions.

The diet for liver diseases

Nutrition in liver disease involves certain rules. Take food portions and moderately, 4-5 p. per day. Fasting is strictly prohibited.

Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Featured products prohibited products
  • vegetarian soups, cooked broth at the secondary;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • egg white;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • sugar, honey, jam;
  • fruits and berries.
  • hot and spicy dishes;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • meat products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • chocolate products;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • cakes, pies

Meals are recommended to be used in boiled, stewed or baked form.


Surgical intervention the patient is shown if medicines and folk remedies have not helped achieve positive results. Liver transplantation performed (organ transplantation).

In most cases surgical treatment prescribed to patients when the disease is at the last stage of development (asthma). Transplant is required when the liver can not perform its functions independently.


Recipes sorcerers and healers also help treat liver, but their use should be discussed with your doctor. Many components provoke an allergic reaction or can exacerbate health.

The following recipe is used for the treatment of liver diseases:

Title Recipe application
Pumpkin Cut off the top part at a ripe product and remove all bones. Pour the void honey. It is recommended to use a light grade. Cover the pumpkin and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. The resulting syrup was good strain. The drug take 1 tablespoon 3 r. per day. The course of treatment lasts a month, after which it is recommended to make a break for 7 days and continue therapy.
herbal Mix fruit thistle and dandelion root dry frayed in a 2 tablespoons Add bipartite nettle, birch and goldenrod leaves 1 tbsp All ingredients are well mixed and 100 g of the resulting mixture, pour hot water (2 v.). Insist 3-4 hours. and drain well. The drug take 3 tablespoons 3 r. per day. The recommended course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Therapy was performed 3 r. in year.
Immortelle sand (limits) Pour 2 tsp flowers with hot water (200 ml). The resulting mixture boil over medium heat for 1 hour. Cool, strain and take scheme. The recommended dosage is 50 ml of a 3 p. a day for 30 minutes before eating.
Liver disease in women. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Royal jelly has healing properties and improves the real exchange also eliminate the inflammatory process. Due to its healing effects of liver cells are updated.

Early treatment of liver disease will help to slow disease processes and to restore organ dysfunction. Otherwise, the symptoms will progress, state of the person to deteriorate. The patient will need surgery. Timely treatment in hospital will prevent complications, quite carefully monitor their health.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of liver diseases

10 alarms that full of toxins in the liver:

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