Pain And Symptoms

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, and the necessary treatment at home, how much healing complications

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Rib fracture - a violation of the integrity of bony thorax. Common cause is a condition of the impact of external physical factors. rib fracture requires a mandatory visit to a doctor. After inspecting the specialist prescribe treatment, which often can be done at home.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The first signs of the resulting rib fracture
  • 2 Symptoms of injury ribs
  • 3 Establishing diagnosis
  • 4 How to provide first aid to the victim?
  • 5 Features and treatment at home
    • 5.1 The circular bandage, bandage
    • 5.2 medication
    • 5.3 Physiotherapy
    • 5.4 Diet
    • 5.5 Traditional medicines
  • 6 Features of bed rest and sleep
  • 7 What you should not do with broken ribs?
  • 8 How long and how the rehabilitation after injury
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Interesting video about the symptoms and treatments rib fracture

The first signs of the resulting rib fracture

The most important thing - to understand that this is a broken rib. The condition can be confused with an injury of strong character. Both cases are characterized by pain that increases with change in body position.

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The first signs of rib fracture:

  • sharp pain, aggravated by movement;
  • shortness of breath, it becomes intermittent, shallow breathing;
  • exacerbation of pain when coughing;
  • formation of air bubbles at the site of injury (sometimes).

The manifestation of pain depends on the fracture. If this occurs in the posterior part of the chest may be a little discomfort. But in the case of a fracture in the anterior region, the pain significantly.

Symptoms of injury ribs

Badly bruised ribs characterized by the following features:

  • occurrence of pain immediately after injury;
  • dull aching sensations and undergo long;
  • a person can not take a deep breath;
  • blue tint to the skin at the site of injury, but if the damage is minor, symptoms may be absent;
  • edema appears some time after the injury.
Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

That is, the symptoms of the injury and the edges are similar. But they differ in the degree of severity of symptoms. For example, fractured ribs characterized by a strong symptoms. And also may cause dents in the place of impact.

Establishing diagnosis

rib fracture (home treatment involves the use of drugs) requires a visit to a specialist. You can sign up for an appointment with the surgeon or traumatologist. If a patient goes to the clinic, physician visits allowed. He may prescribe the appointment of a doctor desired specialization.

First, examine the patient and the poll on the subject of complaints. It specifies whether the fall was from a height, and more. The doctor asks the patient to breathe. A person can not do it deeply and refuses. Symptom called interrupted breath. If a person has a simple bruise, then there is no such indication. But in the case of severe injury, symptoms can appear. Specialist probes sore spot.

If the point of maximum deformation has a strong feeling in the form of steps, indicating fracture.

Next, carry out diagnostics with the help of research:

  • X-rays - is the main procedure that will help determine the fracture and complications;
  • US - appointed rarely, usually in childhood;
  • computed tomography (CT);
  • Magnetic - resonance imaging (MRI) and angiography - held as needed.
Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications
The article describes the symptoms and effective treatments rib fracture.

To exclude damage organs located in the neighborhood, carried out other research. For example, the measured pulse rate, blood pressure. And also designate the change of blood and urine for analysis.

The doctor makes the diagnosis based on the following data:

  • medical history;
  • complaints;
  • inspection;
  • the results of all studies.

How to provide first aid to the victim?

Fracture of ribs (Home treatment involves the use of external analgesics) should begin with first aid. First, it is important to evaluate the patient's condition. If the person is conscious and does not complain of pain, you can take him to the hospital on their own or call a therapist at home. But during the transport is carried out to ensure immobility.

Emergency medical assistance is needed in the following cases:

  • skin of the face and lips turn blue cover;
  • red foam mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • partial loss of consciousness;
  • Difficulty breathing activity.

Before the arrival of emergency crews, the patient needs help.

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

The following activities must be performed:

  1. Ensure access of air. That is, open the window, release the neck of compressive shirts and more.
  2. Make it so that the patient received the semi-sitting position. And the need to at the back was a solid surface.
  3. If the injury covers the clothes, cut her.
  4. Attach to the place of ice. If the product is not present, you can use any cold object, wrapped in a towel.
  5. Tightly bandaged chest. You can use the materials at hand.
  6. Writing analgesic or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). This point should be clarified when calling an ambulance. With the permission of the controller, can be given drugs. For this purpose, Nurofen, Analgin, Baralgin and others. Best suited agents which act quickly. For example, Nurofen 400 mg capsules. But if the manager is not allowed to give painkillers to the patient to endure the discomfort.

If the fracture is open (the bone is visible from the outside), the main thing is to prevent bias.

perform the following steps:

  • immobilize the patient;
  • tilt toward human injury;
  • treat antiseptic around the wound area (Chlorhexidine Miramistin);
  • give pain medication.

Features and treatment at home

Fracture of ribs - trauma, which treatment may be carried out at home.

To do this, use the following methods:

  • wearing a brace;
  • medications;
  • Physical Culture;
  • food;
  • folk remedies.
Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

Basically, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive therapy, that is, all activities combined. But professional discretion, the list can be changed. If the injury is complicated or multiple treatment is carried out in a hospital environment. For example, the fracture of the ribs 10. The patient wears a corset or bandage, which fixes the damaged area.

The hospital carried out the following procedures:

  • painkillers;
  • narcotic analgesics (under strong discomfort);
  • physiotherapy;
  • Oxygen inhalation;
  • breathing exercises;
  • puncture of the pleural cavity if the blood has accumulated between the sheets of the serous membrane;
  • thoracostomy - a drainage installation, which displays the contents of Skopje.

In the case of uncomplicated injury, prescribe the patient at home. After a while the doctor examines, may slightly adjust the therapeutic regimen.

The circular bandage, bandage

Fracture of ribs (Home treatment involves wearing a bandage) must be fixed with a bandage. Device detects damage and protects against complications. Bandage or dressing must be worn the first 3 - 5 days after the injury.

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

Do not need too to tighten the chest, the patient must breathe. If the dressing or bandage is not possible to use an elastic bandage. Prolonged wearing of devices is contraindicated because of increased probability of occurrence of infectious complications.


To accelerate the healing process often use medical therapy. But independently appoint a medication is not recommended. This item is sure to be agreed with the doctor.

The specialist will choose the best list of drugs and prescribe the correct dosage. Treatment to be complete and comprehensive, can prescribe the means of different groups. Popular medications for treatment of rib fracture shown in the table.

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications
Group medicines Description
Painkillers or NSAIDs Nurofen.






Drugs to help cope with the pain and ease the condition. If you experience mild or moderate, are assigned non-narcotic medicaments.

If you want to quickly get rid of the pain, it is better to choose the drugs in capsule form. For example, Nurofen Express 400 mg. Such drugs act faster tablets condition facilitated.

But if such products for human use expensive, allowed to use the budget - Ibuprofen, Analgin, and others.

Painkillers (Analgin) only relieve pain, and NSAIDs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen) act against pain, edema, inflammation.

As a local anesthetic, may be used drugs in the form of ointments, gels, creams. For example, Voltaren, Naiz, Ibuprofen.

Due to the combined effect of external and internal resources, the discomfort will pass quickly

narcotic analgesics Promedolum


Drugs only prescribed by a doctor, are drugs of strict accounting. That is, in the network of pharmacies without prescription form a particular shape, they are not released. Self-nomination is unacceptable
antibacterial Amoxiclav.





Antibiotics are taken only on doctor's advice. Dispensed from pharmacies strictly on prescription.

Antibacterial drugs are needed for a speedy recovery, as well as the prevention of complications

expectorants Ambroxol.


Drugs needed to prevent stagnation of phlegm. That is derived from the bronchi liquid, which alone can not get out.

But if the cough gives the patient discomfort, the doctor prescribes drugs that block the cough reflex

calcium-containing Calcium D3.


Funds designated to accelerate bone healing. Supplemental calcium enhances immunity
vitamin complexes Vitrum.

Multi Tubbs.

After an injury the body needs an additional supply of nutrients, so vitamin complexes will not be superfluous. Using them can enhance immunity and accelerate the healing process


The basis for a speedy recovery after injury is a therapeutic exercise. But classes can not be performed if the person bringing the motion pain. Exercises are allowed only after the discomfort passed. Under any load that bring discomfort, bone fragments can be displaced. Physiotherapy exercises should be performed every day.

If a person will practice once a week, no effect from it will not.

The recommended set of exercises:

  1. Sit on a chair, lift the upper limbs above your head. Lock hands in this position for 2 - 3 seconds. Then lower them slowly. This exercise was repeated 5 times.
  2. Sit on a chair, lift your shoulders and fix them for 5 seconds. Slowly lower them. Repeat exercise 3 - 4 times.
  3. Exercise is performed standing up. Upper limbs to rise up and stretch. Performed 3 - 4 times.
  4. Sit on a chair, slowly lift the upper limbs and immediately slowly lower. Make exercise 5 more times. The inhalation should be picked up, and exhaling - lowering.
Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

All the exercises are not difficult, so the execution will not take long. If physical therapy scheme is chosen correctly and exercises are done regularly, thanks to data recovery measures to accelerate. But if a person ignores the doctor's recommendation, the regeneration is delayed.


To speed up the healing of the fracture, it is necessary to pay attention to their nutrition. Adhere to a certain diet need every day. Meals should be balanced. You need to eat 5 - 6 times a day in small portions of 200 g The break between food intake should be 3 - 4 hours.

It is recommended to use the following products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • sour cream;
  • honey;
  • bouillon;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
  • aspic.

Should be excluded fried, salted, smoked. It is better to cook steamed, roasted or boiled. And also you need to give up the sweet, starchy foods. As for drinks, the alcohol is contraindicated, energy. It is better to reduce the amount of coffee or completely abandoned.

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications


  • Net non-carbonated water;
  • fruit juice;
  • vegetable juice.

Traditional medicines

Fracture of ribs (Home treatment involves the use of folk therapy as an additional method) can be treated with natural methods. They have a floral composition and rarely cause side effects. Among the traditional medicine have recipes for outdoor and indoor use. The most popular are listed in the table.

use method Title preparation
outwardly A decoction of pomegranate For the preparation you need to take 2 tablespoons garnet, and 0.2 L of pure water. All mix, boil for half an hour. Filtered, apply the mixture on a bandage or gauze, applied to the site of injury. To enhance the effect, you can cover with cling film wrap
Broth geranium You will need 1 tbsp geranium and 0.2 L of pure water. Boil for 3 - 5 minutes. Filtered, applied to the site of injury as a compress
A decoction of comfrey For the preparation you need to take a glass of comfrey leaves or ½ cup of his roots, pour 0.2 liters of vegetable oil. The mixture was brought to reflux and 30 minutes. simmer, covered over low heat. After cooling, the solution was filtered, add ¼ cup beeswax and vitamin E. All mix thoroughly, to avoid unnecessary intrusions (nerastvoronnye particles). Use as an ointment
inside Tea from the hips To take preparation of 100 g of berries and 1 liter of hot water. The mixture is poured into a thermos and leave for 1 night. All the amount of drink the next day. Further brewed again by the same method. The recipe is repeated 10 times
A mixture of components Take the mother - and - stepmother, nettle in an amount of 1 tablespoon Add 0.2 L of hot water, placed in a vacuum flask for several hours. Further filtered, taken 4 times a day. 1 again can drink to 50 ml
Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

Folk Duration of therapy should be determined by a physician. For the treatment, there are many recipes, so the technician can modify the list. People's treatment can not be used as the sole method of treatment of fracture. Such a method is suitable as combination therapy in conjunction with medication, diet.

Features of bed rest and sleep

cough can occur after a fracture. Often a person is afraid of doing something wrong and keeps it all inside. Coughing can be, but first must be protected from exposure to the chest. That is applied to the edges of the pillow, blanket (folded in roller) towel. Subject to the need to squeeze the breast. If the cough is a sudden and nothing at hand is not, press down hand cell.

Particular attention is paid to sleep. At the turn of the ribs, in the abdomen or side can not sleep. So you can move the fragments and cause additional harm. If you sleep on your back is unusual, it is necessary to accept that - something soothing - chamomile, mint, lemon balm.

The patient may be afraid to turn over in his sleep, then you need to put under the side cushions or rolls of blankets. It is impossible to move in the hard medical corset, so it allowed the purchase. Too high a pillow under his head is not necessary. This part of the body should not be much higher than the level of the whole body.

What you should not do with broken ribs?

To reduce the likelihood of complications, you need to follow all the doctor's recommendations. There are some limitations, that is, actions that can not be performed with a broken rib.

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

The following items can be attributed to him:

  • For more than 5 days to wear a tight corset because it violates the normal functioning of the lungs and increases the risk of pneumonia.
  • Suppress coughing.
  • Overheating traumatized area or applying a cold more than 2 - 3 days.
  • Independently appoint a drug (namely, antibiotics, drugs, hormones).
  • Intensive sports.
  • Sleep half sitting or lying on his stomach and sides.
  • Wearing tight clothes.
  • Self-massage.
  • Drink alcohol and smoke.

How long and how the rehabilitation after injury

The duration of the rehabilitation period varies. It is important to ensure that the patient complete rest for at least 30 days. You can not lead an active life, because the fracture can grow together smoothly. Recovery depends on the length of first aid, as well as compliance with the doctor's recommendations. On average, rehabilitation last 4 - 5 weeks.

Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

After the trauma of the swimming pool, engage in physical activity should be moderate mode. In the first place there are walks in the fresh air. A full refund of the sport able to finish after 2 -. 2.5 months, but only after doctor's permission.

A person is much easier to move the injured, with the support of loved ones. Therefore, in the case of fracture diagnosis, at home you need to create the most friendly atmosphere. Attention and care will accelerate the recovery process.

possible complications

Complications after fracture edges can include the following pathologies:

  • Pneumothorax. State is characterized by the accumulation of air in the pleura. The patient appears hacking cough, difficulty breathing. Further swell the veins in the neck, turning blue skin. An urgent need to eliminate flatulence, this hospital carried out a puncture.
  • hemopleura - blood getting into the pleura. Diagnosed through x-rays. And also there is a tachycardia, arterial pressure decreases. Condition requires emergency hospitalization. In a hospital blood pumped out and establish drainage.
  • Subcutaneous emphysema. Skin swells due to air getting under the skin. On palpation or pressing, you can hear the typical creaking. Condition usually resolves on its own. But if emphysema is accompanied by respiratory failure, need expert help.
  • Trauma nearby organs. The state of the hazards associated with internal bleeding. It appears dizziness, confusion. Urgent surgical intervention is required in the case of a high probability of rupture of the spleen, liver or kidney damage. And also at the heart or lung injury.
  • Infection bodies. With insufficient supply of oxygen can develop pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis. For the prevention of prescribed antibiotics penicillin group.
Fracture of ribs. Symptoms, first aid, bandage, treatment at home, how much healing complications

Such injury as a rib fracture is a serious injury. If the situation occurs without complications may be treated at home. As a therapy can be used drugs, food, folk remedies and more. For a quick recovery should be followed all the doctor's recommendations. The only way to minimize the risk of complications.

Interesting video about the symptoms and treatments rib fracture

How to distinguish from a bruised rib fracture:

rib fracture treatment:

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