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How to clean vessels folk remedies. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey at home.

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Clear vessels - is the most important of the procedures for any person as an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, unfavorable ecological situation, age-related changes - are factors that adversely affect the operation of all systems and especially vessels.

Regular cleaning of vessels - is the most important part of a healthy lifestyle, and to do so easily and without consequence to help folk remedies.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why you need to clean the vessels
  • 2 The frequency of treatments
  • 3 Most traditional methods
    • 3.1 oranges
    • 3.2 Walnuts
    • 3.3 Decoction of potato peelings
    • 3.4 Garlic
    • 3.5 Bay leaf
    • 3.6 herbal teas
    • 3.7 Therapeutic drug with garlic, lemon and honey
    • 3.8 Ginger
    • 3.9 Soda for vascular health
    • 3.10 Recipes with the addition of pine
  • 4 possible complications
  • 5 Videos about cleaning vessels folk remedies

Why you need to clean the vessels

Blood - it is part of the connective tissue, intended for the transport of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. The most important features are its trophic, secretory, humoral and protective. To perform all the tasks entrusted to it the nature of the problem it needs to stay healthy throughout a person's life.

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If the vessels are clogged, for example, of plaque, blood flow is disturbed, which means that heart and brain do not get enough blood, which ultimately triggers the development of ischemic processes. Inaction in this situation threatens to stroke or heart attack.

Correct and timely preventive measures will help to protect the body from many ailments. That is why cleansing and strengthening blood vessels - is the most important event for people of all ages.

The main reasons leading to clogging and slowing of blood vessels:

  • substandard food products;
  • poor nutrition, wherein the predominant fatty, sweet or animal food;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • lack of exercise;
  • consumption of small amounts of water;
  • unstable psychological condition, constant stress and depression;
  • lack of sleep, frequent insomnia.Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey

That is the wrong way of life, the quality of food is particularly negative effect on the vascular condition. If all these factors are present in a person's life, that he needed to think about health, especially when overcome the barrier of 35 years.

Clean the vessels is necessary in such cases:

  • if a person's weight over its provisions;
  • food substandard and irregular;
  • There are bad habits: smoking, abuse of alcohol-based drinks;
  • missing or times and short life in human sports.

Determine that it is time to clean the vessels, can be of such symptoms:

  • malaise, decreased efficiency, insomnia;
  • stroke or heart attack;
  • mind in the head;
  • incomprehensible temperature rise;
  • itchy skin, acne;
  • high blood sugar;
  • pressure surges above the norm;
  • impairment of hearing and vision;
  • high blood cholesterol.

Clear vessels can special medicines or folk remedies products.

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The frequency of treatments

Clear vessels folk remedies or drugs at any age. They are the first people to notice the signals only after 35 years and the other 15 had already suffer from atherosclerosis and other serious diseases.

Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey
Cleaning vessels folk remedies will help to prevent ischemia

Regularity of the procedure depends on the extent and stage of the disease, but experts advise to clean an average of 1 time per year.

Most traditional methods

Many people choose to cleanse the blood vessels folk recipes. And the thing is that most of them have no contraindications and undesirable manifestations.

It is important during procedures to comply strictly with the proportions, the course and reduce the consumption of fatty animal foods.

Not everyone is suitable procedure of cleaning vessels folk remedies, with special care needed to perform the procedure if:

  • have an allergy to food or plants that are part of the recipe;
  • there are acute forms of diseases, affecting the liver, kidneys and organs of the digestive system;
  • bad blood clots;
  • a history record of ischemia and hypertension.

To avoid complications, it is better before cleaning consult with a specialist.


This product is not only rich in ascorbic acid, it also reduces the level of good cholesterol in the blood vessels and heals the heart. Such properties has this product because of folic acid and potassium present in its composition. Frequent consumption of orange juice or a fruit is the prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and hypertension.Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey

Cleaning vessels folk remedies using orange, you can:

  • take 2 untreated oranges;
  • douse them with boiling water;
  • horseradish root (the proportion of 2 parts to 1 part citrus root);
  • chop all the ingredients meat grinder;
  • add 1/3 Art. brandy;
  • taken before meals for 1 st. l.

Taking the drug can be 30 days, after a break and try again. You can not use this recipe for people with high acidity in the digestive system, stomach ulcers and gastritis.


They are rich in vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and trace elements, so a positive effect on blood vessels and heart. Who is going to take the walnuts for medicinal purposes, it should be remembered that the use of in-kind or in the form of mixtures need at least 1 time per year.

1 course will have to eat at least 1500 g of nuts. They are cleaned, crushed, add honey to eventually obtain a thick consistency. This amount will be enough in an average of 1.5 months. Eat 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach. This recipe can be used 2-3 times a year.

You can also prepare a tincture with walnut walls. Mark purification collected after cleaning of nuts (1.5 kg), vodka pour and leave for 2 weeks. 15 day strain. Take 1/2 hours. l. an hour before bedtime. The course is 1.5 months, a break last month and can be repeated.

Decoction of potato peelings

This means perfectly clean vessel and is completely safe for people of any age. Potato is better to take one where there is complete confidence that he has not been treated with nitrates.Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey

5 need to take potatoes, to clean them, removing the thick layer. Add 2 tbsp. water, put on the stove and boil for a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain. Take 1/2 Art. in the morning before eating. The course is not less than 1 month.


This product is rich in vitamins, minerals, organic acids. But that's only for women during gestation and people with problems it is impossible to use the digestive tract.

It is important during the treatment of folk remedies with garlic, drink a day at least 2 liters of water. This is to facilitate excretion of harmful substances.

Recipes with garlic a lot. Here's one: 1 head and 1 hour. l. alcohol, stir and leave for 10 days. When the garlic acquire a greenish hue, the drug can be considered ready.

Strain, squeeze out the garlic, leave the facility for another 3 days. After this tincture becomes colorless. It is important to take the right means. On the first day drink 1 drop every day and so add 1 drop, with 7 days to go to the decrease. Consequently, the rate will be 2 weeks. After a break and can be repeated.

There are 1 recipe of Tibetan monks. It needs to take equal quantities of alcohol and garlic. Put in a bowl of dark glass, leave for 10 days. Strain, take, adding milk. Accept need with 1 drop and so on to reach 15, and after decreasing the dose. When it comes to a minimum, in the drink 25 drops for 30 days. This course will be repeated 1 time per year.

For those who can not consume liquor on a daily basis, you can prepare a means to Cahors. It needs to take garlic and wine in a ratio of 1: 2, insist 2 weeks. Take 1 h. l. 3 times a day for 2 weeks. To enhance the effect of tincture, you can add spices to it, for example, a couple of cloves of branches.

Bay leaf

This recipe is the most simple and accessible, do not require a lot of money and effort. Need to take 5 g of milled sheet, pour 1.5 ml of boiling water, put onto the plate and then 5 minutes. Cover broth, set aside in the dark place for 8 hours.Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey

To prepare a decoction faster, you can use a thermos. The number of components as well, but only a means to infuse in a thermos is 4:00. You need to drink only fresh broth, a day drink all cooked number of small portions. Duration of treatment 3 days, 7 days to make a break and repeat.

herbal teas

To not only effectively clean the vessels, but also to strengthen them, you can prepare most useful herbal. Good effect proved broth supplemented with mint. Required in addition to it has to take rosehips, burdock root, Siberian ginseng, birch leaves and staminate orthosiphon. All raw materials are taken in equal amounts.

All raw materials are finely crushed, and then select 1 tbsp. l. Pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink a decoction of 1/2 Art. before each meal. The course is about 40 days.

Clear vessels folk remedies, you can use this recipe. It will take valerian root, dill seed, honey. Plant components pass through the grinder. On 1 st. seed take 2 tbsp. l. valerian, pour honey (2 tbsp. l.). Stir, pour 8 Art. boiling water, leave for a day. Drink half an hour before meals for 1 st. l. The duration of therapy for at least 1 month.

Therapeutic drug with garlic, lemon and honey

To prepare useful infusion required to take 4 lemons, do not clean and wash well and pour over boiling water. 4 heads of garlic peel and lemon with mince.Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey

All shift jar and pour boiled but cooled with water to room temperature. Leave on for 3 days. Strain, place in refrigerator. Take 3 times a day for 1/2 Art. for 40 days. On average for 1 course will have to drink 4 cans tinctures. Repeat the course may be not more than 1 time per year.

And this infusion helps not only clean vessels from cholesterol plaques, but also to protect them from further their education. Perfectly strengthens blood vessels, making them more flexible.

To prepare the medicine need to take 1/2 Art. birch buds, Camomile, immortelle Hypericum. All components of the chop, pour into a container with a tight cover.

Cook every time you need the medication in the morning and evening. To do this will take 1/2 Art. l. collection pour 1 tbsp. water, leave for 20 minutes, drain, add 1 hour. l. honey. In the evening, have a drink before going to bed and in the morning on an empty stomach. Use this method of cleaning the vessels can be 1 times 5 years.

Clearing vessels folk remedies using herbal need to know that this is not the only treatment but also an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases affecting the heart and vessels.


This is a useful spice commonly used in cooking Oriental and European cuisines. But few people know that it can help to purify the blood and blood vessels. It is possible to eat in its natural form or add to dishes.

Tasty and at the same time useful for vascular tea can be cooked with ginger and lemon. It needs to take a small piece of root ginger, approximately 2 cm thick, and half a lemon. Root peel and chop as finely as possible, or to grind. Pour 4 tbsp. boiling water, allow to cool, add the juice of half a lemon and 1 hour. l. honey. This amount is enough for 4 tea cups to drink during the day.

If you regularly consume this tea, you can e only improve the whole body, but also protect against heart disease and blood vessels.

Ginger goes well with fresh olives and a cranberry, so it can be added to salads, where there are these products.

Soda for vascular health

Each family on a shelf in the kitchen is always baking soda, through which air can be cooked pastries, but only few people know that she is also a great clean vessels.Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey

To undergo treatment required to prepare such a unique composition: 3 tbsp. of boiling water and 1 tbsp. l. soda. All mix thoroughly, to no sludge left. You need to drink 2 times a day: before lunch and dinner for 1 st. Throughout the course of treatment to achieve maximum effect, but should eat light food, small portions and at least 4-5 times a day.

The duration of treatment is 30 days. After passing through the full course, you will notice that improvement work is not only the heart but also the kidneys and liver.

Recipes with the addition of pine

In Russia grows several species of pine trees, all of them can be used for medicinal purposes, to clear the blood vessels and prevent the development of serious illnesses.

Well to collect wild rose and pine. We need to take the two ingredients in dry form. Article 5 required. l. pine needles and 2 tbsp. l. crushed rosehips and onion peel. Pour 4 tbsp. water, bring to the boil, not allowing the boil. Wrap and leave for 2 hours. Drink to quench your thirst for 2 tablespoons. during the day. The course is not less than 1 month.

You can also prepare a tincture based on pine cones. It not only helps clean the blood, but also enhance the protective functions of the whole organism. To prepare the means to wash 5 pine cones, to shift into a jar, pour 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. vodka. Leave on 2nedeli, drain. Take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning on an empty stomach for 30 days.

To tincture with pine cones give a quick and positive effects, it is important to adhere to a vegetarian diet, which will prevail over the vegetables and fruits fresh.

possible complications

be sure to at least 1 time a year to clean the vessels folk remedies or special preparations. Of course there are recipes that use 1 time in 5 years, but they are more suitable for young people.

If you do not periodically clean the vessels, the destructive processes begin to have effect:

  • actively developing hypertension;Cleaning vessels folk remedies in adults, the release of their cholesterol. The best recipes, lemon, garlic and honey
  • the heart muscle is weakened and this speed will result in heart failure;
  • suffer greatly kidneys, blood vessels are affected Lazne bottom and brain;
  • there is a predisposition to the development of diabetes.

The consequences of hypertension are heart attack and stroke, and it means that a person can soon become disabled or even die. So that the consequences much more serious than it might seem.

Clean the vessels, especially for people after 35 years, be sure to at least 1 time per year. Can use traditional remedies or medicines from the pharmacy, which is chosen in each individual case must be a doctor. There is a helpful statement: "It is better to prevent disease than to treat after." This is exactly said about the blood vessels, which is important prevention.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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