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Lifting the immunity folk remedies in adults. recipes

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State immunity defines an adult activity, the speed of his thinking and the ability to resist various diseases. Enough to support the nature of immunity, strengthening and lifting it from time to time available to folk remedies.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Compotes and berry products
    • 1.1 Vitamine mixture of berries
    • 1.2 Broth with berries and herbs
    • 1.3 Cranberry Compote
  • 2 The infusion of herbs and berries
    • 2.1 With garlic and lemon
    • 2.2 ginger tincture
    • 2.3 Tincture with honey, Rowan and needles
    • 2.4 Balm with honey and berries
  • 3 Tea of ​​sea-buckthorn
  • 4 folk immunostimulants
    • 4.1 Echinacea purpurea
    • 4.2 Schisandra
    • 4.3 pollen
    • 4.4 Aloe
    • 4.5 Nut milk and walnuts
    • 4.6 Sage
    • 4.7 Ginseng
    • 4.8 Eleutherococcus
    • 4.9 briar
  • 5 Freshly squeezed juices
  • 6 Fish fat
  • 7 Baths for lifting immunity
  • 8 Video of the means for lifting the immunity

Compotes and berry products

Lifting the immunity folk remedies in adults probably vitamin drink from the berries and herbs. The number of such prescriptions is large enough, and the ingredients are available to everyone. For themselves and households can be prepared vitamin tea, jelly, juice or smoothies. The main thing to strictly follow the recipe and processing technology.

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Vitamine mixture of berries

Those who have dachas or permanently lives at the splendid, harvested berries for the winter. The frozen, they retain all the beneficial properties. If the opportunity for self-harvesting is not, you can buy everything you need at the market.

Especially effective immunostimulatory mixture which is useful for cardiac muscle and as a prophylactic of atherosclerosis.

The structure includes:

  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • mixture was dried fruits - 200 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc .;
  • walnuts - 200 g

It is also possible to add dates, figs and prunes, and walnuts are replaced by others, such as:

  • pine. They allow you to fight with pancreatitis, gastritis and other stomach problems.
  • cashew. Thanks to him, reduced blood cholesterol, and it is safe for people prone to allergies.
  • almonds. It contains a lot of organic acids.

So you can experiment with flavors, without reducing the value of the finished mixture.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes

The sequence of mixing of the classical recipe is as follows:

  1. Dried filled with boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Liquid is discharged, and fruit laid out on a plate to dry.
  3. If prunes with stones, they are removed.
  4. Since shell nuts are removed if necessary, after which they are washed.
  5. To make soft peel and remove the bitterness, lemon dipped for a few seconds into hot water. After cooling the fruit is cut into segments, of which the seeds are removed.
  6. In a blender individually crushed dried fruit and lemon.
  7. All components are connected and added to them liquid honey.

Keep the mixture should be in a tightly sealed glass container on the shelf of the refrigerator. We need to take 3 times a day for 1 st. l.

Broth with berries and herbs

People's leading media to raise immunity in adults are considered infusions. They allow you to save the maximum amount of useful substances in herbs and berries, and contribute to the restoration of metabolic processes.

Unfortunately, conventional teas with lemon, which contains a huge amount of vitamin C, can not fully cope with the problem, as the human body gets used to them for a long time. Better use of unusual ingredients such as dandelion root and nettle leaves.

To prepare the broth should:

  1. Take a spoonful of pre-peeled and crushed dandelion roots and add a teaspoon of chopped nettle leaves. The feedstock may be fresh or dry.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes
  2. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on a slow fire. While longing for half an hour.
  3. Cool and filter means.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes

Decoction is drunk by 50 ml 4 times a day, half an hour before a meal. Another effective remedy is oats. For such a broth will need regular corn plants.


  1. A glass of oats should be washed and pour a liter of clean water.
  2. All the ingredients combine in a pan and evaporated until such time as the amount of water is reduced to the glass.
  3. Broth strain and drink half a cup 3 times a day, preferably after the meal.

Treatment should continue for 2 months. You can also use onion broth. This product contains a large amount of vitamins and volatile production.

To drink it is necessary to prepare:

  • 200 g of onion heads pulverized in a blender;How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • half liter of water;
  • a little honey.

All combined and boiled about half an hour, then cooled and introduced into honey. Adopted broth 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Cranberry Compote

A variety of vitamins and minerals contained in cranberries. Berries can be used in any form, even frozen or frayed with sugar, it retains its medicinal and flavoring properties.

To prepare compote need:

  • 1 tbsp. cranberries;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • a few leaves of fresh mint or spoon dried;
  • 2 liters of pure water.


  1. At first, wash the berries and cook them mashed. Weight should not get too thick. If necessary, it can be slightly diluted with water.
  2. Water, put on fire and throw to the mint. Composition to boil for a few minutes and enter to the prepared sauce.
  3. Cook for 10 minutes, then - it removes from heat.

Once the compote to cool it a bit to drink. can be added to increase the effect to drink honey or other berries. Drinks can be several times daily with 100 ml. Reception need to limit, if elevated sugar or have a problem with acidity.

The infusion of herbs and berries

Lifting the immunity folk remedies in adults in the cold season is possible with infusions. The most popular drinks are with propolis, echinacea, lemon, sea buckthorn and garlic.

With garlic and lemon

This liqueur has a powerful antiviral effects.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes

For this recipe you need:

  • large head of garlic;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 L of vodka or brew.


  1. The first two products need to squeeze the juice. To get the most, a lemon can be parboiled and lightly crush.
  2. Garlic chopped ceramic knife without allowing contact with the metal, then the resulting pulp is drained.
  3. Get the liquid mix and pour into bottles.

ginger tincture

Tincture made from the roots of plants.


  1. 0.5 kg of raw material to be rinsed under running water and parboiled.
  2. All grind.
  3. The resulting substance pour 650ml quality alcohol.
  4. For 20 days and then - filter.

Tincture with honey, Rowan and needles

As the alcohol base can use brandy, it improves the quality of the beverage, sugar should be replaced with honey.

For tinctures requires the following products:

  • 0.5 kg red ash;
  • 1 l brandy;
  • 2 honey;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped oak bark.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes


  1. The berries need to wash, dry and pour in a glass bowl.
  2. After that, pour the brandy to add liquid honey and bark.
  3. Capacity cork tightly and put in a dark cool place for 3 months.
  4. Finished product filter and take a little while with immunity problems.

No less useful extracts obtained from the needles. They can also be prepared at home.

For this:

  1. Cut into 4 tbsp. needles.
  2. Cover them with 4 tbsp. water and add a pinch of pineapples.
  3. Infuse composition 3 days in a dark place.

After straining it can be drunk with lemon juice for half a cup once a day.

Balm with honey and berries

Lifting the immunity folk remedies in adults since ancient times practiced using a variety of balms. They help fight viruses and colds.

To prepare honey-berry balm is necessary to prepare:

  • honey;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil and propolis;
  • juniper;
  • fresh or frozen cranberries berries;
  • black currants;
  • briar;
  • pine needles.

All filled with water and after infusion for a month, the composition is filtered. You need to drink for 1 hour. l. before a meal three times a day. The course of treatment for at least 2 weeks.

Tea of ​​sea-buckthorn

The berries of this plant are rich in nutrients and therefore use them to strengthen the immune system. In addition, they are very tasty and the drinks get a nice color.

To make tea of ​​sea buckthorn berries need to wash and mash them in a ceramic pot. It is desirable to do it manually, as in contact with the metal of many substances that make up the berries lose their useful properties.

How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes
Buckthorn - a popular folk remedy for lifting immunity. It can freeze in the winter and cook curative compote

To prepare the drink you need to take:

  • 150 g of sea buckthorn berries;
  • 3 tea spoons (preferably black);
  • a little honey;
  • about half a liter of boiling water.


  1. Pulp from fruit shift in a glass pan and pour hot water.
  2. Brew the tea and add a couple of spoonfuls of mashed potatoes and honey.

The beverage is ready for consumption.

folk immunostimulants

Some natural remedies are usually called people's immune stimulators. These are plants that enhance the body's defense during the cold and virus outbreaks.

Echinacea purpurea

The plant has a unique composition, whereby:

  • It improves the blood;
  • increases bone strength;
  • increased protective functions of the body;
  • restores skin and hair.

Tincture plant is shown at the articular and urogenital pain, diabetes and hepatitis. It is taken three times a day to 2 ml, pre-diluted with water. admission rate - no more than 10 days, then a break for 5 days and the treatment is repeated.


  1. About 30 g of the plant (echinacea must be properly collected and dried or purchased in pharmacies) must be filled with 0.5 liters of vodka.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes
  2. Put the composition in a dark cool place for 3 weeks.
  3. Capacity daily shake.
  4. After 3 weeks of the infusion, and drink when problems arise.


It has an excellent tonic and immunostimulant, improves metabolism and regulates blood pressure. It is often prescribed after a serious illness for recovery.

At the time of his admission should not drink strong tea and coffee, is also better to abstain from alcohol.

recipes preparation
Infusion 1. Schisandra berry spoon to pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water and leave for an hour.

2. Strain.

Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

decoction 1. A spoonful of dry feedstock should pour 200 ml hot water and put in a water bath for 5 min.

2. Infuse beverage another 20 min.

Decoction is drunk throughout the day.


This ingredient is contraindicated for people with increased sensitivity and caution should be taken with such a mixture of those with diabetes and pregnant women.

How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipesAccept necessary for 1 hour. l. Pollen, 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 20 days. After a week's break, the course can be repeated. If we make a mixture of 100 g butter, 50 g of honey and pollen spoon, it can have, for spreading roll.


Aloe Vera juice can be prepared or tincture. It is best to use the plant is older than 4 years old, pre-aged in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.


Name preparation
Juice 1. Harvested aloe leaves should be rinsed with cold clean water.

2. Grind and squeeze.

Juice should be used sazu, otherwise he will lose half of useful properties.

Infusion 1. 350 grams of aloe leaves should take 100 g of alcohol and 750 g of high-quality red wine.

2. All mixed in a glass bowl and sent for storage in a cool place.

Taken tincture 2 tablespoons for half an hour before meals.

Nut milk and walnuts

Rich in minerals, proteins, fats and walnuts are also used to strengthen the immune system. However, people with overweight should limit their dose because they have a high caloric content. Nut milk has all the properties of the product and a perfect substitute cow's milk.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes

The beverage will need:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 100 g of purified qualitative nuts.


  1. Nuts should add water and cover.
  2. Capacity for 8 hours to put in a dark place.
  3. Nuts with running water.
  4. The finished product is grind a few minutes blender, strain through cheesecloth.

It is very nutritious drink used in diets and stomach problems. For people with allergies is considered to salvation. It is stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.


This plant is used as compresses, tinctures and decoctions. For example, if 1.5 tablespoons dry raw pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water and leave in a cool place for 4 hours, the resulting infusion can be applied to wounds and inflammations.


For the preparation of medicines used all parts of the plant. It can be ointments, herbal teas or tinctures. Cold can be eliminated with the help of extracts from the roots.

To prepare emulsions need:

  • radish;
  • ginseng root;
  • alcohol;
  • honey.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes


  1. The radish is necessary to make a hole, which lay crushed roots.
  2. The product is sent to a couple of hours in a steamer.
  3. Impromptu pour cup and alcohol mixture in equal parts of honey.
  4. Cover with lid and cut send to infuse for a couple of days.

The resulting liquid is a therapeutic product. Drink it after eating a teaspoon. The effect occurs within a few days.


The root of the plant is often compared on the healing properties of ginseng. It perfectly restores power, and this effect lasts long enough.

A method for preparing infusions:

  1. 50 g of dried crushed roots should take half a liter of vodka.
  2. The resulting mixture was insist 2 weeks in a cool place.
  3. Capacity periodically shake.
  4. The infusion and pour into opaque bottles.

Keep better in the refrigerator. Accepted 40 drops before meals in the morning and at lunch. The duration of treatment per month.


only dried berries will be needed for the preparation of the elixir. You may wish to add a little honey. 100 g of raw materials necessary to take 1 liter of water and 50 g honey.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes


  1. The fruit should be washed out, and then - Add water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Broth remove from heat and cool.

12 hours later the drink can be consumed. Drink it 3 times a day for 100 ml, this should be done before a meal. People with hyperacidity should use another medicine, as in the wild rose much acid.

Freshly squeezed juices

Lifting the immunity folk remedies in adults is possible with the daily use of fresh juices. As such, in the berries and fruits preserved a maximum of vitamins. For example, pomegranate juice is indispensable in the late autumn and winter. For its preparation per 1 kg of grains is taken 100 g of sugar.

The juice after squeezing sand and connects to warm up to the first sign of boiling. Ready juice you can pour into jars and drink as needed.

The preparation of grape juice depends on the vine variety. In the classic version of 10 kg is taken mashed berries 1 liter of water. The mixture is pressed and put on fire. Heated to about 15 minutes, without boiling. The drink is cooled and added sugar. You can pour into the banks and keep in the cellar.

In addition, for the immunity it is very helpful following freshly prepared juices:

  • cranberry;How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes
  • strawberry;
  • blackberry;
  • cherry;
  • beetroot.

Fish fat

This product contains a lot of vitamins and most importantly - it has Omega 3. Get it from the processing of fatty fish species. Manufacturers offer a huge number of products, but more often they are quite a lot.

Buy it can be in pharmacies without a prescription. foreign drugs cost up to several thousand, domestic drugs much cheaper and less useful. Take the capsules must be strictly according to instructions.

Make fish oil at home is hard enough, if there is no sea. After all, to get a quality oil from fish that is caught a few months difficult.

Fishermen practice the following method: The liver of fish caught piled in barrels. After the flight, which lasts several weeks, is formed at the bottom of the fat with a sharp odor. It has a reddish hue. When digestion is released from the liver brown fat, which is usable. This is a very time-consuming work to the same product can be stored for long.

Baths for lifting immunity

Problems with the immune system often ends up being a person is sick, experiencing weakness and depression. Preventing such condition are special baths that many experts recommend to their patients.How to increase immunity in the adult folk remedies. recipes

The number of these recipes is great, most of them are ready on the grass. For example, one can prepare chamomile, nettles or series. It tones and removes signs of inflammation. In conventional bath must 3 tablespoons raw previously infused in water and strained. A course of treatments at least 10 baths. The interval between each one day.

For those who have problems in the vascular system, contrast baths are recommended. Duration of treatment 20 minutes, and you should start with warm water. Should take before going to bed, as they relax and feel sleepy.

first bath temperature - about 38 ° C. Taken morning cold bath to 30 ° C. It is also good to add aromatic oils into the water. Hot baths should be taken with caution, especially if there are problems with blood vessels, or diabetes.

Lifting the immunity necessary to man, whether an adult or not. To the aid of vitamin complexes and folk remedies, which are based on the wisdom of the ancestors and the gifts of nature.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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