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Propolis tincture in his ear: can drip to treat

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Adults and children are often with otitis and other ear pain appointed propolis tincture in the ear. bee product has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, allowing you to eliminate discomfort in your ears quickly. Despite the fact that propolis has almost no contraindications, drug recommended to use caution.

medicinal properties

Propolis - wood wax, processed bee enzymes. Insects used material for sealing hives and disinfection of cells prior to egg laying.

Propolis is widely used in the adjuvant therapy for various diseases because of the following qualities:

  • suppression of bacterial activity;
  • reduction in the severity of inflammation;
  • accelerating healing of damages;
  • suppression of viral activity;
  • strengthening of local immunity;
  • reduction of pain symptoms.

These properties allow us to successfully treat ear Propolis, when the disease is caused by bacteria or viruses.

No less useful propolis and noninfectious processes in the ear. Tincture helps to reduce pain, reduce swelling of tissues and increase the ability of cells to regenerate.

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Indications for use

Doctors do not recommend the use of propolis tincture for instillation into the ear. This is due to the fact that acute pain may be caused by rupture of the eardrum. In this case, solution reaches the inner ear, where the cochlea and vestibular disorders can provoke.

The ear use Propolis is recommended for the following diseases:

  • Otitis media (middle ear infection). Infusion of propolis is instilled in the ear, in order to reduce pain and discomfort in the ear, an extra person is taking antibiotics;
  • Neuritis of the auditory nerve. When the disease there is a strong ear pain, decreased hearing and noted dizziness. The reason may be hypothermia or infectious inflammation of the nerve process;
  • Abrasions (purulent inflammation of the hair follicle). When festering boils are localized in the ear canal, ear pain and itching appears. To treat furunculosis drops can be applied, but will be more efficient compresses: A solution or ointment is applied to the gauze propolis harness turundy and embedded in the ear.

It is important to remember that unless Propolis drip into the ear without taking other medication, then the recovery will not happen. Often the consequence of self-propolis is the development of chronic process in the ear due to the fact, the solution was used as an analgesic, and treatment of the underlying disease is not conducted.

types of tinctures

At the pharmacy you can buy only 30 percent solution of propolis on alcohol base. But alcohol is not desirable young child from the risk of burn the sensitive mucous membrane of the ear canal. In addition to the alcohol infusion can be used aqueous infusion or used as a base oil.


The finished solution is sold in the pharmacy network and is inexpensive, but some prefer to prepare their own therapeutic composition.

This will require:

  • 35 g of bee product;
  • 150 ml of 70% rubbing alcohol.

Propolis chop with a knife and add small pieces in a bottle of alcohol. Composition insist week. It is recommended to prepare in advance and stored in the dark at room temperature.

Propolis tincture ear buried in the ear 3-4 times a day. Children drip 2-3 drops in adults a single dose will be 3-4 drops.

You can use alcohol compresses when turundy impregnated with a solution of propolis, is embedded in the ear.

The course of treatment should not be more than two weeks. If the discharge from the ear are saved, the need to consult ENT - to determine the further treat the disease must physician.

Propolis in oil

The oil tincture is prepared by mixing 150 ml of any warm vegetable oil with 25 g of milled product powder in apiculture. Stir and strain.

You can use the oily solution immediately, burying children 2-4 drops in the ear four times a day.

In adults, the oil tincture is used rarely, mostly for cooking turundae for abrasions.

Oil infusion of propolis can not be used longer than 10-14 days.

Water extract

You can prepare the medicine and water. To this end, 20 g of propolis crush and add to a glass of warm water. The therapeutic agent will be ready in 3-5 hours.

After straining instilled into the ear of 2-4 droplets within two weeks.

Not recommended for use propolis in the water with otitis. The aqueous base leads to maceration of the eardrum and ear canal, and this may weight the course of the disease.


Propolis can not be used only for people who are allergic to bee products - no other contraindications.

If you do not know: whether there is an allergy, do not just bury the solution in the ear, it is necessary to apply a small amount of fluid on the elbow fold or ear lobe, and after half an hour to evaluate the result. Apply means can be in the absence of signs of skin irritation.

patients error

Sometimes you can hear that the use of tincture of propolis has become worse and ear ache even more. Often the reason is not the action of the drug, but in the wrong application.

Here is a list of common mistakes:

  • Burying cold liquid. The cold solution causes discomfort in the ear canal and hinders absorption of the active component. The liquid should be warm. For warming may be several minutes to hold the bottle in her hand or lower in a glass of warm water;
  • Overdose. Propolis tincture at Bole in the ear and buried, as in the treatment of other conditions. Frequent use of the droplets lead to increased moisture in the ear and deterioration of patient's condition. If the pain is severe, you should put turundy oil or alcohol-based;
  • Self-medication. The ear was ill and people, without consulting a doctor, begins to drip infusion. However, ear pain may occur on other, non-ENT diseases, causes. In this case, propolis is ineffective.

Propolis tincture can help relieve pain and inflammation in the ear, speed up recovery, but to apply the means needed by a doctor. Despite the almost complete absence of contraindications, the uncontrolled use of the drug can harm.


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