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Acyclovir chickenpox in children: the dosage, how and how much to use, instruction

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Childhood diseases - what could be worse? Fever, cough, pain - all of our children suffer from difficulty. Especially hard crumbs chickenpox: the whole body itches, weakness and apathy. Parents should pay attention to Acyclovir chickenpox in children. This antiviral drug is able to reduce the activity of the virus varicella, and alleviate the condition of the baby.

Acyclovir: properties of the drug chickenpox

Acyclovir - a drug antiviral group is highly effective against herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster, cytomegalovirus. Gained widespread popularity in the last century, as a drug, the effect of which is directed to a "molecular targets".

Active ingredient - acyclovir, is capable of blocking DNA synthesis Chains in virus cells, causing their death. In this case, the substance does not affect the child's body cells is detrimental. The metabolism of a substance occurs in the liver cells, and residual decomposition products excreted by the kidneys.

In the treatment of chickenpox Acyclovir is appreciated for the following properties:

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  • Reduces the concentration of viral cells in the child's body. As a result, no longer appear new rash, and old soon burst and form crusts;
  • Reduced itching and soreness of bubbles;
  • Reduces the risk of complications;
  • Fever occurs less severe, and the period of fever reduced by day;
  • Immunomodulatory properties of the drug helps the body to recover more quickly from illness.

Notably, it is possible to treat chickenpox Acyclovir tablets only at the age of 12 years. Adult child most at risk of developing complications, so the tablet will alert their development. Young children do not need such therapy, because their body responds better to the varicella zoster virus.

The dosage of the drug

Children's bodies are quite sensitive to the drug. Therefore, the dosage of the drug for a period of treatment of chickenpox should be assigned to the pediatrician. It is appointed on the basis of the child's status, characteristics of the disease. In some cases enough only topical application of ointment. But teenagers with diseases or complications of chickenpox flow can not do without tablets.

Individual dosage of drug is calculated by the simple formula: for 1 kg body weight of the patient child must give 20 mg Acyclovir. That is, if a child weighing 15 kg, he was given 300 mg of the substance. But remember: a single dose should not exceed 800 mg.

Dosage Acyclovir chickenpox in children

Age of the child

A single therapeutic dose

Up to 3 years

It is used only in extreme cases (severe course of chickenpox disease complications). Calculated based on the weight of the baby's body.

3-6 years

400 mg (2 tablets of 200 mg, or 1 to 400 mg tablet)

6-12 years

800 mg

Over 12 years

800 mg

treatment of chickenpox antiviral agent 5-7 days. Typically, tablets are drinking 4-5 times a day. Ointment or cream smeared damaged areas 2-3 times a day.

Important! With extreme caution should be treated with a drug as a solution for injection. Appointed it very rarely, only in the most severe cases of chickenpox. Even a minimal excess of the dose of the drug often causes side effects: vomiting, diarrhea, impaired consciousness, convulsions. Therefore liofilizatom Acyclovir therapy is performed only in a hospital under the supervision of qualified medical personnel.

How to use pills and ointment?

Taking Acyclovir tablets quite simply chickenpox:

  • You must take medicine during a meal or immediately after it;
  • The required number of tablets taken orally and washed down with sufficient water.

The use of drugs in the form of a cream or ointment chickenpox does not cause difficulties:

  • If possible, clean the treated area of ​​skin from pollution;
  • Extrude the required amount of ointments, then apply it to the affected area with a thin layer;
  • Wait until the medicine is absorbed.

Sometimes specialists prescribe Acyclovir varicella in the form of drug dressing:

  • On a clean gauze is applied a sufficient amount of ointment;
  • Treated side gauze is applied to the affected area of ​​skin and fixed with a plaster or bandage;
  • The bandage is left for 4 hours or overnight.

Such a bandage is applied in different areas of the body affected extensively chickenpox virus. During the course of the drug gets into the affected dermis, where the detrimental effect on viruses. Application of such dressings chickenpox within attenuates.

Contraindications and side effects of Acyclovir

Chickenpox Acyclovir should not be given if the child has:

  • Kidney problems;
  • An allergic reaction to the drug components.

Precautions should use the drug chickenpox if the baby less than a year. In infants of acyclovir designed for oral use can cause permanent neurological damage and kidney failure. Acceptance of the drug in this age must be justified specialist.

Possible complications while taking the drug:

  • On the part of the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating;
  • From the nervous system: poor concentration, confusion, lethargy, convulsions;
  • The respiratory system: rarely shortness of breath;
  • From hemopoiesis system: very rarely anemia and leukopenia;
  • Allergic reactions: urticaria - periodically, anaphylactic shock - is very rare;
  • Other complications: edema of the extremities, myalgia, alopecia.

Whether to give children the chickenpox Acyclovir: views of parents

Not all patients are aware of the effectiveness of Acyclovir with respect to various pathogens. It is generally believed that this drug helps only on herpes simplex and only adults. In fact, the high efficiency of the drug in the fight against chickenpox virus.

In children, chickenpox is assigned to infrequently Acyclovir. Therefore, parents find it useless for children. The logic of such a proposition is: light and medium for chickenpox to 12 years can be treated without antiviral agent. But for older children is irreplaceable. The drug reduces the risk of complications and facilitates the severe course of the disease.

Ointment and tablets is definitely worth to put in the medicine chest, so that you can begin treatment at the first signs of chickenpox development. Early treatment will reduce the period of the disease and facilitate the child's condition.


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