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Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. What is it, the preparation for the procedure, which can be done for free, prices in Moscow

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Doppler ultrasound - Doppler ultrasound. It is considered an effective method of diagnosis veins. Helps timely detect disease of the lower extremities has contraindications and features of.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities?
  • 2 When and to whom is assigned the study?
  • 3 Are there any contraindications to the procedure?
  • 4 That helps to identify the Doppler ultrasound?
  • 5 What is the difference between ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities
  • 6 Is training required?
  • 7 The process of the procedure
  • 8 Decoding outcomes and standards
  • 9 Advantages and disadvantages of the method
  • 10 Where do the procedure?
  • 11 UZGD cost in Moscow, St. Petersburg
  • 12 Interesting video about the rules of procedure, Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities

What is a Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities?

Doppler ultrasound study - diagnostic method prescribed to patients with cardiovascular disease and disorders. It can be carried out as a preventive measure, if you have previously had venous disease.

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It helps to identify problems in the initial stages, which contributes to timely treatment.

This procedure has no age limit and is considered quite safe, and informative way. Appointed examination after consultation with a specialist - a doctor-phlebologist. To it must seek help at the first manifestation of symptoms of anxiety.

If this is not done, the veins will develop the disease will lead to complications, will deliver considerable discomfort and worsen the quality of life of the patient. It should be understood that Vienna is moving blood, and this will depend on the level of health.

Besides UZDG patient may designate ultrasound. These two procedures are different, so what is the best of them in a certain situation, decides exclusively specialist. Do not engage in self-diagnosis and treatment, as it can lead to irreversible consequences.

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow

Doppler ultrasound - a non-invasive examination method that provides reliable information necessary for diagnosis and treatment purposes. This method of diagnosis is based on the Doppler effect. It involves reflection of ultrasound from blood cells - red blood cells.

With this method it is possible to diagnose the state of the large vessels. If you want to explore the small vessels, it is recommended to undergo other tests that are prescribed. Also UZDG can recognize thrombi in blood vessels, inflammatory processes and to determine blood flow velocity.

When and to whom is assigned the study?

Doppler ultrasound of lower limb veins is recommended to patients suffering from venous diseases, impaired blood flow in the vessels, as well as those who are at risk.

Violations can provoke such reasons as:

  • excessive physical activity, when the feet most of the day are on their toes and on them is high load;
  • poor diet, when the diet is dominated by carbohydrates and fast foods high in fat;
  • sedentary lifestyle without regular physical exercise;
  • excess weight.

Medical statistics found that every third patient suffering from diseases of the veins and blood flow with vascular problems.

Investigation assigned patients who applied for assistance to the skilled alarming symptoms such as:

  • The frequent occurrence of pain that does not go for a long period of time, even after the rest. Discomfort localized in the calf muscles.
  • The occurrence of pain during walking or during exercise.
  • Noticeable veins in the lower extremities, the formation of knots.
  • Sensation of coldness and numbness in the legs.
  • The occurrence of seizures at any time of the day.
  • Education venous leg ulcers.
  • Swelling, feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs, which occurs in the evening.

If the patient has been identified at least 2-3 trait, it means that he has problems with veins and needs urgent treatment, which involves a comprehensive approach. With timely treatment to the doctor, the duration and complexity of therapy will be minimal. Patients are advised to take medication, use an ointment to perform strengthening exercises.

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow

Drug therapy is allowed to be combined with traditional medicine, but only after prior consultation with a specialist. If diagnosed with bulging veins, then you need to wear compression stockings. surgery is assigned in advanced cases.

Investigation of patients is assigned as an additional method for diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, diseases cardio-vascular system, elevated cholesterol levels, frequent migraines, vertigo, tinnitus, as well as fainting. This is due to the fact that these disorders may have a negative influence or be associated with the vascular system of the body, including blood vessels and lower extremities.

Are there any contraindications to the procedure?

Doppler ultrasound study, though a safe procedure, but still has contraindications, which are recommended to be taken into account before prescribing examinations. These include the following abnormalities as a serious condition of the patient, which does not allow to change the position of the body and lower extremities, as well as violation of the integrity of the skin.

That helps to identify the Doppler ultrasound?

Doppler ultrasound - a procedure that allows you to identify a large number of pathologies and disorders associated with the veins and blood flow at any age.

Doppler examination reveals:

  • impaired blood flow in the arteries and veins of the lower extremities.
  • Vascular diseases - thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins, deep vein thrombosis, congenital disorders, post-traumatic disease.
  • Narrowing of the arteries.
  • Varicose disease, its triggers, severity, valvular insufficiency of the veins.
  • The presence of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques, their size, structure, flotation.
  • Aneurysms - vasodilation in a particular area of ​​the body that arises due to changes or damage to the vascular wall.

The study also helps to assess the quality of blood flow to the tissues in this area of ​​the body.

What is the difference between ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities is unlike ultrasound. Below is a table that will help sort out this matter.

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow
Indications for ultrasonography of the lower extremities.

The differences between ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities:

ultrasound UZDG
General information about the diagnostic technique It assumes duplex scanning, which includes Doppler scan and vasculature. The result of the research - the identification of disease, the degree of damage and the intensity of development.

Triplex scanning - it helps to consider the vessels in color.

A distinctive feature of the Doppler ultrasound - the study of a detailed assessment of the state of the veins and arteries.

This Doppler ultrasound, which is based on ultrasound imaging from the erythrocytes. To evaluate blood flow in all its dimensions. It helps to identify vascular pathology at different stages of development, as well as their degree.

The difference - Doppler ultrasound does not allow to consider the outline of the vessel.

Age or sex restrictions Held for men and women at any age, on doctor's testimony, even children Held for men and women at any age
When administered survey To diagnose vascular disease, tracking the dynamics of improvement during therapy. Appointed by the US as early as when the Doppler ultrasound did not give the proper result. For the diagnosis of circulatory system diseases, circulatory disorders at. The study also recommended after injury or surgery. The difference - reasonable price. Suitable for examination and confirmation of the primary pre-diagnosis. Doppler study - preventive measure disease of the vascular system in all patients after 50 years. It is indicated for the manifestation of anxiety symptoms.
How is the survey It does not require pre-treatment. Before the procedure, it is not recommended to take cardiovascular drugs, as this may distort the results. The study does not take much time. Be carried in a standing or lying position. It uses a special gel, a sensor that helps to get the two-dimensional image of the veins and arteries. It does not require special preparation. Procedure held standing or lying down, will depend on the patient's condition. The position can be adjusted by a specialist. It uses a special gel and sensor. A study last between half an hour.
What is the difference The high degree of information content, identifying areas with poor permeability, determination of blood quality, accurate determination of provoking factors vascular diseases at a given body portion.

It provides an overview of the veins and arteries to the problem areas.

During the study, the expert acts, not knowing where to look for problems. Therefore, the diagnosis of the entire surface is applied.

From the above it can be concluded that these two are considered effective survey, informative, productive, safe.

They have a small amount of difference and allow us to determine vascular disease in the early stages, the condition of the veins, detect the presence of blood clots and plaques. Can complement each other, take place in the same day. Virtually no contraindications, they are easy to conduct and do not take up much time.

Is training required?

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities does not require prior special training. The only condition - it is necessary to exclude drugs for the treatment of blood vessels, as this may distort the results. If this can not be done, you want to notify the specialist who will be able to find an alternative in this situation.

Doppler studies of the time does not depend on the time of day and the physical activity of the patient. Sonolog physician determines the areas that need to be studied. Specialist asks the patient to lift, bend and straighten the legs as well as the measures the blood pressure. Only then proceed to the survey.

The process of the procedure

Doppler study is done separately for each limb, which previously laid bare. The total procedure takes less than an hour. If necessary, can be assigned to additional methods of examination.

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow

For the positive results of the survey, it is recommended to adhere to a specific sequence:

  1. The patient lays bare areas that should be examined.
  2. Accepts recumbency or standing position, and the discretion of the expert, depending on the patient's general condition.
  3. On skin specialist causes gel, improving conductivity ultrasound through tissue.
  4. Survey, fixation of received data.

After the examination, the patient removes gel skin dressing. Sonolog doctor writes a report, which indicates the state of the vessels and makes a preliminary diagnosis.

Treatment is prescribed by the attending physician on the basis of the results obtained. After the passed therapy is conducted again Doppler study to determine the effectiveness of the passed year. As a precaution, it can be done every 6-12 months.

Decoding outcomes and standards

Do not engage in self-decoding data, as this may lead to incorrect conclusions and unnecessary emotions. This should deal exclusively with the specialist.

The data sheet shall include the following information:

  • The ankle-brachial index. This figure indicates the ratio of the blood pressure in the ankle region to the shoulder portion. Limits of values ​​- in excess of 0.9. After the physical activity rate will increase, and this fact should be taken into account during the Doppler study. If necessary, this information clarifies the doctor. If there is a lower value than 0.9, this indicates impaired blood flow to this area of ​​the body, the development of relevant diseases. It requires corrective therapy.
  • Pressure between the index finger and shoulder. Normally, it should be more than 0.8.
  • The blood flow of the femoral artery. Normally, this figure must be equal to 100 cm per second, towards the tibia it is reduced to 50 cm / s.
  • resistance index of the femoral artery It is within 100 cm / s.
  • The value of the pulsation index tibial artery should be at least 180 cm / s.
Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow

If the patient is in the results will be marked reduction in performance, this indicates a narrowing of the blood vessels, as a consequence, the development of diseases and pathologies in the lower limbs. This situation requires a mandatory therapy, failure of which can cause a number of undesirable consequences and complications.

When interpreting Doppler studies must indicate the type of blood flow, which can be:

  • Turbulent. Characterized incomplete narrowing of the arteries in the area of ​​the lesion. Diagnosed stenosis (narrowing of blood vessel). This pathology arises as a result of many precipitating factors, followed by the relevant symptoms. diagnosis requires complex treatment, preventive measures.
  • Bulk. Characteristic of this type of blood flow to the femoral, brachial artery or some other large container.
  • Collateral. Localized this type below the portion where there is no blood flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

UZDG veins among other diagnostics features a large number of advantages. The first Doppler study of the lower extremities is low cost. At the level of this does not diminish the information content. The study also does not take much time.

Apparatus for the Doppler examination is almost every clinic and a state hospital, which is characterized by the general availability of procedure. The survey is not limited to age, as it is considered safe for health and does not affect the functionality of organs and systems. Also, it is not accompanied by pain, not cause discomfort.

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow

Another plus Doppler studies that do not require special preparation. It is held in real time, allowing you to evaluate the condition of the patient at this time and prescribe treatment. The results will depend on such factors as the level of a qualified doctor, the condition of the equipment and the correct measurements decryption.

Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities although it has many positive aspects, but it is not without disadvantages. The procedure is not always possible to make a diagnosis, therefore, may require auxiliary diagnostic methods - computer or magnetic resonance imaging, angiography, ultrasound.

Doppler study was not to evaluate the state of small blood vessels.

If the patient has a history of atherosclerosis, the result obtained UZGD survey corrupted data. In the presence of tumors having problems with the passage of the ultrasound in the tissue, so the study will be considered as uninformative, and supplemented by other methods of diagnosis, which is not always convenient.

Where do the procedure?

Undergo the procedure can be public or private clinic. The state institutions do not always have the appropriate equipment, and even if it is available, it is often out of order.

Pros of private clinics:

  • peaceful surroundings;
  • It does not require a long time to sit in the queue, because all go on the record;
  • It has individual patient;
  • Clinic is always responsible for the result;
  • possible consultation with a specialist immediately after the procedure;
  • You do not need a referral from a doctor-phlebologist.
Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities. That is, the preparation for the procedure, where do prices in Moscow

Minus these private health institutions - the price of the study. In this interpretation of the results are not always included in the total cost of the procedure. Examination can be passed and in private laboratories by appointment.

UZGD cost in Moscow, St. Petersburg

cost of the procedure depends on the city, clinics, specialist qualification, modern and quality equipment. The cost of study in Moscow in different areas in the range 2000-23000 rubles. In St. Petersburg, the price of doplerography examination is within 2000-10000 rubles.

Doppler ultrasound - a modern vein informative method of research, which helps to assign a quality and effective treatment. The procedure has many advantages and has virtually no contraindications. Identifies the violation and the lower extremities of the disease in the early stages of development.

Interesting video about the rules of procedure, Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities

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The opinion of the surgeon about Doppler:

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