Parasitic Diseases

Worm infestation. Symptoms in adults, children, treatment, medicines, folk remedies. Diagnostics

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Helminthiasis, also known as parasitic infestation represents makroparazitarnoe disease in adults and children, in which the body part is infected with parasitic worms - helminths. Helminthiasis signs and symptoms depend on the site of infection, such as a worm, and their number.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Types of helminths infecting human organism
    • 1.1 roundworm
    • 1.2 pinworms
    • 1.3 fleshworm
    • 1.4 flatworms
    • 1.5 broad tapeworm
    • 1.6 flukes
  • 2 Ways of infection
  • 3 Symptoms in adults and children
    • 3.1 Non-specific symptoms
      • 3.1.1 Anemia
      • 3.1.2 Malnutrition
      • 3.1.3 cognitive changes
    • 3.2 specific features
  • 4 diagnosis of helminthiasis
  • 5 treatment of helminthiasis
  • 6 Surgery
    • 6.1 Preparations for children
    • 6.2 Medications for Adults
  • 7 Food
  • 8 cleaning procedures
  • 9 Folk remedies: Recipes and reception circuit
  • 10 What happens if you do not treat worm infestations?
  • 11 Do I need a helminthiasis prevention? How often it is carried out?
  • 12 Videos about the symptoms of helminthic invasion

Types of helminths infecting human organism

Helminthiasis - a group of diseases characterized by lesions of worms, parasites in the human body.

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There are more than 100 thousand. types of worms, but worms are divided into 4 types:

  • flat;
  • round;
  • ringed;
  • parasites.
Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

250 species of parasites can cause disease in humans. Most often, worm infestations caused by two types of worms: flatworms (this is, first of all, flukes and tapeworm) and roundworms.


Ascariasis is a common infection in developing countries. Roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides infects human small intestine and functions as a parasite, yielding nutrients from the intestinal tract host. Roundworm lays larvae, which can then be the new host, and re-start their life cycle.

Worm infestation (symptoms in adults are often delayed after infection) can occur hidden for several months, and sometimes years. Sometimes it becomes known about the infection only when human health is deteriorating, increasing the number of individuals in the human small intestine.

Worm infestation symptoms in adults and children is the same:

  • abdominal pain or discomfort;
  • worms visible in the stool;
  • nausea;
  • impaired growth in children;
  • weight loss;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of appetite.
Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children
Worm infestation. Symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain are the most obvious.

In more serious infections worms can move into the lungs.

Ascariasis specific symptoms:

  • fever;
  • discomfort in the chest;
  • emetic cough;
  • bloody mucus;
  • inconsistent breath.

Stages roundworm life:

  • hatching eggs in the intestines of the carrier;
  • larvae move through the body via the blood to the lungs;
  • Ascaris in the lungs mature, and then find themselves in the throat;
  • man swallows individuals or coughing them;
  • if swallowed, roundworm enter the intestinal tract and converted into mature organism;
  • female worm produces about 200,000 eggs per day;
  • eggs leave the human body through the stool.
Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

A person can get sick ascariasis by eating contaminated food or water. This happens most often when he did not wash their hands properly. Children can become infected while playing with the soil or plants.


Enterobiasis causes small parasitic worms - pinworms, which infect the intestines of man and the anal area. Young children, school-age children and their families are most at risk pinworm infection.

Worm infestation (symptoms in adults and children can be shared), primarily manifested in the form of discomfort and itching in the anal area. Children scratch the skin, leaving the eggs on the fingers and under the nails, spreading infection in bedding, toys, or other people back to themselves.

Other signs and symptoms enterobiosis:

  • rash or irritation of the skin around the anus;
  • insomnia or trouble sleeping;
  • pinworms often can be seen on the anal skin or feces, are sometimes found in the vagina;
  • stomach ache;
  • dysuria or discomfort of the urinary bladder.

Eggs pinworms disclosed in the small intestine, and then move into a thick, where they mature, mate and are located in the anal area. That's where the females lay about 10 000-15 000 eggs at a time.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

Pinworms white, visible to the naked eye. At night, adults can sometimes be seen directly on the pajamas person or around the anal area. Therefore, the best time to look for pinworms - a night when the person wakes up because of the itching in the rectal area. This feeling is caused by the migration of females laying eggs and irritate the skin.


Trichinosis - an infection caused by roundworm Trichinella spiralis, or other kind of Trichinella. Humans become infected by eating raw or undercooked infected meat.

Worm infestation symptoms in adults and children causes:

  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • muscle pain;
  • fever.

Most often, in the beginning of the disease, you may find the following features:

  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • inflammation of other organs.

Thoroughly cooked meat, as well as the freezing of pork (but not the meat of wild animals) kill Trichinella larvae.

Eggs live in the muscle tissue of animals, mostly, it is:

  • swine;
  • boars;
  • foxes;
  • the Bears;
  • walruses.

The larvae can be found in many other carnivorous animals. Sometimes muscle tissue horses fed the meat additives contain the larvae. At the use of contaminated meat, Trichinella egg shell is digested in the body, releasing larvae that mature rapidly and begin to mate in the intestine.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

After the male worms fertilized females, they die. Females stick to the intestinal wall, and after a few days begin to produce larvae. Stage lasts from 4 to 6 weeks.

Then worm female dies and excreted. The eggs transferred by the body via lymphatics and blood. They penetrate into the muscles, causing inflammation. After 1-2 months the larvae form cysts that can survive for years in the body.


Flatworms are also infectious for humans. Many of their subspecies afraid of the heat treatment. Thus, the infection can be prevented by thoroughly cooking the food (especially meat) and practice good hygiene.

There are 2 main types of infection: blood and tissue.

There autumn dangerous individuals who are infected with the blood of adults and children, but they are mainly found in tropical countries. These organisms feed on the blood cells and cause disease called schistosomiasis. Symptoms flatworms infection in adults varies depending on whether they live in any part of the body.

The following symptoms are present most often:

  • fever;
  • stomach ache;
  • cough;
  • diarrhea;
  • enlarged liver and spleen.

Infected helminthic infestation may be swimming in the water or contacting with fresh snails. Flatworms commonly infect the liver or gastrointestinal tract of a living being. Individuals are not able to penetrate the skin of its host. People become infected during a meal when they swallow encysted intermediate hosts.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

Common parasitic flatworms are species T. solium (pork tapeworm) and T. saginata (bovine tapeworm). They cause a disease called teniazom and T. solium can lead to cysticercosis.

Taeniaz - classical infection, in which people are the main hosts and become infected by eating undercooked pork or beef. The larvae reach adulthood stage in the intestinal tract. They are attached to it and feed digested material.

Teniaza symptoms include:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

But often there are no symptoms for a long time. Tsistikerkoz - a serious disease caused by T. solium. It is believed that each year worldwide are killed about 50 000 people from the disease.

flatworm eggs hatch, develop into the larval form that can pass through the intestinal wall and moved through the body, and forming cysts in various tissues. Most often it is striated muscle tissue, the brain and liver. This infection can be very serious and even fatal, especially if the parasite forms cysts in the brain (neurocysticercosis).

broad tapeworm

Broad tapeworm causes such diseases as bothriocephaliasis. This occurs most often when consumed raw or undercooked fish. The main type of parasite that causes bothriocephaliasis is Diphyllobothrium latum, known as a fish tapeworm.

Adults often infect:

  • people;
  • dogs;
  • cats;
  • bears;
  • pinnipeds;
  • muhopodobnyh.

Broad tapeworm larvae are infectious stage for the main host (man). Because people generally do not eat undercooked minnows and similar small freshwater fish, they are not the main source of infection. However, these small intermediate hosts can be eaten by larger species of predators, such as trout, perch, pike-perch and pike.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

After receiving contaminated fish tapeworm eggs are transformed into mature adult worms inside the body and moves to the small intestine. Wide tapeworm can reach more than 10 m in length. The incubation period in humans, after which the eggs begin to appear in the stool, is usually 4-6 weeks, but may vary from 2 weeks to 2 years. Broad tapeworm can live in a host of up to 20 years.


Trematodes - a multicellular eukaryotic worms. The eggs of this species live in fresh water and hit the slugs, snails. Only after entering the body, the larvae transform into males and females.

In schistosomiasis, eggs trapped in tissues, causing granulomatous inflammatory reaction, fibrosis and obstruction. Hermaphrodite flakes cause inflammation and toxic reactions in the liver, lungs and intestine.

Most infected people have no obvious symptoms. In a relatively small part of the population, severe infection due to repeated contact with the larvae of parasites, lead to the development of clinical manifestations.

Acute (early) phase of infection is determined by an allergic reaction. The duration of this phase of 2-4 weeks.

The second (latent) phase develops after both acute and trematodes determined in a tissue or organ of humans. The chronic phase of the disease develops in adulthood helminth. In the first stage, high reproductive ability trematodes traced displayed morbid phenomena which later subside.

Ending invasion (after expulsion of a natural death helminth) can be an absolute cure, or different residual symptoms. In medicine, there are cases when a person becomes disabled.

Ways of infection

Helminths are transmitted to the end host several ways. The most common is the consumption of contaminated vegetables, drinking water and raw or undercooked meat.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

Contaminated foods may contain egg:

  • ascarids;
  • pinworms;
  • Trichinella;
  • flatworms;
  • a tapeworm.

Schistosomes and nematodes can directly penetrate the skin. In developing countries, the use of contaminated water is a major factor in the risk of infection.

Symptoms in adults and children

Signs and symptoms of helminthiasis depends on several factors, including:

  • the site of infection in the body;
  • type worm;
  • number worms and their volume;
  • type of damage caused by the infection of worms;
  • the immunological response of the organism.

If the number of parasites in the body is small, the symptoms may be absent.

Non-specific symptoms

Chronic immune response to worm infestations can lead to increased susceptibility to other infections, such as tuberculosis, HIV and malaria.

It was found that helminthiasis results:

  • to poor reproductive outcomes;
  • violation of a child's development;
  • poor performance at school and work;
  • reduced performance;
  • poor socio-economic development.


Helminths can cause iron deficiency anemia. Since the parasites feed on the blood of their hosts directly.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

Although the daily intake of a particular worm is small, collective consumption with severe infection may be clinically significant.


Worm infestations can cause chronic disease as a result of malnutrition, including vitamin deficiency, growth retardation. In pigs, roundworm, and people associated with lactose intolerance and malabsorption of vitamin A, amino acids and fats.

Violation of nutrient absorption can be the result of direct damage to the intestinal mucosal wall. Malnutrition due to the worms can cause anorexia. This may be the result of the immune response and the stress of fighting infection.

cognitive changes

Malnutrition due to helminths may affect cognitive function, which leads to a decrease in performance, reduced attention span and difficulty with abstract cognitive tasks.

specific features

As pathogens in the body, the worms cause an immune response.

Immune-mediated inflammatory changes occur:

  • the skin;
  • lungs;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • central nervous system;
  • eyes.

Signs of immune response may be eosinophilia, edema and arthritis. As well as a hypersensitivity reaction that can lead to anaphylaxis.

Worm infestation, symptoms in adults:

  • abdominal pain;
    Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children
  • diarrhea;
  • cough;
  • malnutrition;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • loss of appetite;
  • worms in the stool;
  • vomiting;
  • weight loss.

diagnosis of helminthiasis

The diagnosis is usually made by identifying proglottidnyh segment or characteristic of eggs in the feces. These diagnostic methods are able to identify the nature of the infection. However, when it is necessary to determine the type (e.g., in epidemiological studies) using restriction fragment length polymorphism.

PCR can be performed on samples of purified native or fecal egg assays after sonication for release of the fish larvae.

Another interesting and effective diagnostic agent is a contrast agent - Gastrografin. It is injected into the duodenum, which allows you to visualize the parasite.

treatment of helminthiasis

Vermifuge (also known as antihelminthic) - a class of medications used to treat helminth infections. The risk of anthelmintic resistance can be reduced by preventive measures.

The basic rule - use 1 specific anthelmintic no more than 2 years. Anthelmintics always be used in the right dose and for a prescribed period of time.

Medicines to get rid of parasites include:

  • Tablets mebendazole (Vermox). They help get rid of most of gelmentov. Adoption means you can repeat a week or, if the infection persists, the drug is assigned again in 3 weeks.
    Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children
  • Another effective cure is Albenza (Albenza). But with this tool may need other medicines to reduce inflammation of the central nervous system.
  • Pyrantel. The preparation is suitable for pregnant women.
  • For the treatment of intestinal worms that infect the urinary and reproductive organs, may require combination oral therapy with mebendazole (Vermox) and ivermectin (Stromectol) for worms, as well as local therapy.

It is recommended to consult your doctor to choose the effective treatment.


If complications arise helminths, such as intestinal obstruction, emergency surgery may be required. Patients in need of such treatment, e.g., to remove worms from the gallbladder, may be pretreated anthelmintic drug - albendazole.

Preparations for children

For the child's body should be selected with utmost care medicine. Medical consultation is required.

The best-known products:

  • Pyrantel (from 6 months).
  • Gelmintoks.
    Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children
  • Pyrantel.

Medications for Adults

Before use, always need to read the instructions.

Popular medications:

  • Dekaris.
  • Albendazole.
  • Nemozol.
  • Vermoxum.
  • Vorm.
  • Mebendazole.
  • Praziquantel.


Below is a list of foods that can naturally get rid of helminthiasis:

sunflower or pumpkin seeds Can help get rid of parasites, preventing reproduction.
Coconut and onion Contain compounds that reduce parasites and promote healthy weight.
papaya seeds And antiamebnym possess anthelmintic activity. They are more effective when used together with honey.
Garlic Studies show a positive correlation between garlic consumption and the death of the parasite.
A pineapple It contains a compound known as bromelain, which can be used to kill parasitic infections and restoring the health of the digestive system.
Turmeric Extract and essential oil of turmeric suppress the growth of parasites.
fermented foods Full of probiotics, which help to perfectly get rid of harmful substances in the intestines and restore them using beneficial bacteria. These include acidic dairy products, sauerkraut and fermented vegetables (which have fiber).

cleaning procedures

You can also apply a range of cleaning procedures for the treatment of helminthiasis:

  • The program of medical starvation.
    Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children
  • RTD 2 days.
  • Cleansing against the background of a reduced calorie diet.

Attention! The complex and the number of procedures according to the doctor appointed by the medical, physical, taking into account the personal characteristics of the patient.

Folk remedies: Recipes and reception circuit


  1. Means on the basis of honey andpumpkin. Mix warm boiled water (0.5 L), and natural honey (1 tbsp. l.). Add 5-7 peeled pumpkin seeds and mix. Leave the mixture for 8-10 hours in a cool place. Apply before meals for 2 tablespoons. l.
  2. Pumpkin for children. 3 tbsp. l. crushed pumpkin seeds pour 1 liter of pure water. Boil brew for 5-7 minutes and covered with a lid and leave for 3 hours. Giving your child for 1 hour. l. means the morning half an hour before the first feeding.
  3. tincture of celandine. Cook 1 tbsp. l. pre-shredded leaves and roots of Chelidonium - Pour mixture 1 tablespoon. boiling water. After cooling strain. Take worms 2 times a day before eating rate of up to 3 days.

What happens if you do not treat worm infestations?

The infected organism may occur complications such as anemia and shifting immune responses that may alter susceptibility to other diseases. For pregnant women, these complications can have an impact on the health of the newborn.

According to studies, liver damage due gelmioza seen in 35-37% of cases.

Explosion amebic liver abscess through the diaphragm into the chest cavity refers to the most severe and the late complications of the disease. In extreme cases, intestinal infestation mass and volume worms may rupture the outer layers of the intestinal wall. This can lead to peritonitis, volvulus and intestinal gangrene.

Do I need a helminthiasis prevention? How often it is carried out?

A child can become infected worm eggs at home or in kindergarten, where contact with dirty objects (Toys, toilet, etc.), in the sandbox or on the ground, in contact with home (or roving) animals.

Worm infestation. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment in adults and children

A high probability of infection with worms exists for non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. Be sure to wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating, can not eat unwashed foods, drink water from unknown sources. Meat sure to cook until fully cooked (boiled pork on white section). In no case can not eat raw meat or minced meat.

It is recommended not to engage in self-diagnosis. Not only detect symptoms helminthic infestation, it is necessary to establish the form of the pathogen. Without proper treatment, it is impossible to rid the body of the adult and the child from the parasites.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the symptoms of helminthic invasion

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