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Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it reviews, contraindications than helpful for weight loss and health. FYI for colds, pregnancy, temperature

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The spa and fitness clubs, clients are offered such a service as an infrared sauna, which enjoys actively debated by scientists. An unusual way to warm inspires some people fear. Others are convinced that the thermal radiation can not cause harm, and enjoy relaxing in the sauna after a workout or a hard day's work.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Infrared sauna - what is it?
  • 2 The principle of operation of the invention
  • 3 varieties emitters
  • 4 The use of procedures
  • 5 Therapeutic effects of sauna
  • 6 cosmetic effect
  • 7 Infrared sauna for weight loss
  • 8 Hazardous properties of infrared sauna
  • 9 Rules sauna
  • 10 Infrared sauna for children
  • 11 Is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy
  • 12 Infrared sauna for colds
  • 13 Sessions before or after workouts
  • 14 duration of sessions
  • 15 Advantages and disadvantages of infrared sauna
  • 16 Contraindications to the procedures
  • 17 The advantages of infrared saunas to classical sauna or steam room
  • 18 Video of the infrared sauna

Infrared sauna - what is it?

Infrared sauna invented by a doctor from Japan. Specialist sought alternative embodiment of heating body tissues for patients whose health is not allowed to be in the overheated bath.

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The device is trimmed boards of wood clean booth. Along its wall mounted radiators that emit waves safe for health, providing a gradual warming of the body.

During the session, the moisture content in the air changes. Initial values ​​are equal to 40%, and as heating radiators rates approaching 60%. The temperature in the cabin does not exceed 55 degrees, it is enough to improve blood circulation, getting rid of toxins and excess fluid.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy

Thus 80% of the energy is directed to a uniform heating of the surrounding objects and the human body, and the remaining 20% ​​- for heating the air.

Because infrared heaters do not emit noise during operation, you can safely relax and unwind. Many take to the sauna magazines and even a tablet, but it is better not to do so, to provide easy access to the waves of the body.

The principle of operation of the invention

Infrared sauna consists of a main body, interior trim, seat, door glass, eliminates the feeling of the enclosed space, as well as multiple heating elements working from the network. standard size cabin designed for comfortable finding inside one person in a sitting position. Average parameters sauna 95 × 95 cm.

Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy
The benefits of infrared saunas is the uniform heating infrared rays of subjects, but is at the same time is harmful if stored for a long time under their influence. Convection method heats the air mass, so the warm air rises and cold is at the bottom, and so until the temperature has equalized!

Due to the special design of the system, it creates a stable microclimate with no sharp changes in temperature over the entire area inside the cabin. In order for the body to warm up evenly, the heaters have a certain distance from each other. Two elongated infrared element is attached to the front wall, the other two have a man behind, and one placed under the bench.

Some models of infrared saunas are able to accommodate up to five visitors at a time. In this case, the number of heating elements increases.

varieties emitters

IR elements are classified according to the length of the beams they produce:

  1. Long: 50-200 microns. The safest type of radiation as close as possible to the waves coming from the person. The body does not perceive this range are rays as hostile.
  2. Medium: 2.5 - 50 microns.
  3. Short: up to 2.5 microns.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy

With the help of medium and short waves heat the room with a large area, designed for the simultaneous presence of several visitors.

To manufacture the infrared radiators used materials such as:

  • rustproof metal;
  • zinc alloy;
  • Incoloy - an alloy of nickel, iron and chromium;
  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass.

The use of procedures

Infrared sauna benefits and harms that are known to many fans of a healthy lifestyle, provides a significant improvement in state of health occurring after only a few treatments.

The following positive changes can also be seen:

  • getting rid of toxins and excess fluid;
  • improving the functioning of the immune system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • getting rid of dead skin flakes of the epidermis and the rapid growth of new cells;
  • withdrawal migraines, menstrual pain relief;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • mood enhancement, restoration of the nervous system;
  • easy to fall asleep and sleep well;
  • natrenirovannosti heart without too much stress on your muscles and cardiovascular system.
  • increased production of dopamine and endorphins, are responsible for the feeling of happiness, confidence and well-being;
  • prevention of many diseases.

Therapeutic effects of sauna

Infrared sauna benefits and harms that are described in this article is included in the set of preventive measures. With an increase in body temperature up to 38,5 ° C killed pathogens, the body begins to actively combat infections and viruses.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy

Regular visits to the cockpit promotes rapid healing of many pathologies:

  • accelerating the resorption of haematomas, healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • normalization of blood flow and blood pressure;
  • maintenance of the vascular system in good shape;
  • relieve pain in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • disappearance manifestations of chronic diseases of the organs of hearing and breathing;
  • improving kidney function.

cosmetic effect

Infrared radiation is effectively opens the pores and cleanses them from the accumulated dirt and sebum. Due to the stimulation of blood circulation, the blood rushes to the skin, saturating the epidermis with oxygen and nutrients.

The sauna helps to cope with the following challenges:

  • black spots, acne;Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy
  • eczema;
  • dull complexion and uneven skin tone;
  • mild form of psoriasis;
  • dandruff, scaling;
  • dermatitis;
  • scars;
  • cellulite.

Infrared sauna for weight loss

Infrared sauna use and which cause damage to the growing popularity of the procedure starts the processes release the body from toxic substances and partial combustion of body fat.

Already after the first visit you will notice positive changes. Session duration of 15-30 minutes is sufficient for the loss of 1 kg of body weight. This effect is achieved by the removal of excess liquid.

result may not be as noticeable during subsequent procedures, but continues to flatten the skin, reduced stretching, cellulite disappear. It is estimated that one procedure in the infrared cabin burns the same amount of calories as jogging at a distance of ten kilometers.

It must be remembered that for a full correction should be combined with the thermal effect of regular physical activity and proper nutrition. It is also important to monitor the maintenance of water balance.

Hazardous properties of infrared sauna

Despite a number of useful properties possessed by infrared radiation, some people may be faced with the negative impact of the waves:

  1. If you are hypersensitive infrared sauna there are such unpleasant symptoms as watery, sore throat, burning sensation of the skin, headache, dizziness. In this case, you should immediately leave the cabin.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy
  2. Prolonged exposure in the sauna causes dehydration and loss of consciousness. To avoid this, you need to keep track of time and the time to finish warming up. It is recommended to take with you into the cockpit of mineral water bottle.
  3. Disease occurring in a latent form, may be exacerbated by heat. Therefore, we must take into account the state of his health and the presence of contraindications to the procedure.

Rules sauna

In order to achieve maximum health impact of such recommendations should be followed:

  1. Before entering the sauna, you need to remove all the makeup and rinse the skin of the body. Can not be used before the procedure creams, scrubs and other cosmetics. This can cause undesirable reactions such as allergies, burns and pore blockage.
  2. We do not recommend use of the sauna with a full stomach. After the meal has to go at least an hour, provided that the snack was easy. Also, do not eat immediately after the release of the booth. The body needs to cool down completely in order to fully grasp the food. It is impossible to carry out the procedure in an intoxicated state.
  3. While in the booth, you need to sit up straight, feet on the floor and placing your hands at your sides. For rapid disappearance of cellulite, you can periodically massage the problem area.
  4. The distance between the wheel body and the heating elements must not be less than 10-15 cm. Optimum emission power for women - 65%, and for men - 85%.
  5. Secrete sweat you need to wipe dry with a towel. You can also put a towel under the second toe of the foot. Wet skin warming worse, moreover, together with sweat leave the body of harmful substances.
  6. To avoid dehydration, before and after the procedure is necessary to drink more clean water or green tea without sugar.
  7. If you feel unwell, you should immediately leave the cabin. If improvement does not occur, medical attention is necessary. It should know that the negative reaction of the body may be due to its active release of toxins. Intracellular Processes facilitating withdrawal of pollutants outwards cause temporary fatigue, irritability, headache, distorted perception of taste.
  8. After the sauna you need to stand under a warm shower and relax for at least 15 minutes. Water should not be burning or cold. If you want to freshen up, it's better to do a little later. You can lubricate the body and face moisturizer or curative ointment, if the purpose of the session was to get rid of skin diseases.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy

If an infrared sauna was purchased for home use, before its operation is necessary to carefully read the instructions. To connect the device to the network outlet is suitable to 250W. Booth cooled during transport to a temperature below 0 ° C, should be allowed to stand in a warm room 1.5-2 hours and then wiped with a damp cloth and include cellulose.

Stay inside the new cab is not recommended when you first connect it. You need to leave a working device for a couple of hours with the door open for ventilation.

In order to avoid the risk of fire should not be allowed:

  1. Touch wire and heated surfaces.
  2. Removing the protective grilles or cluttering it with foreign objects.
  3. liquid on the IR heaters.
  4. Ignoring the burning smell and smoke. In this case it is necessary to leave the cabin, and then disconnect it.

Infrared sauna for children

Infrared sauna use and that is harmful to children is comparable to a health effect on the body of an adult, it is actively used in pediatrics. With regular sessions, a child's body becomes stronger, increases resistance to infections.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy

For the procedure to bring only benefits, precautions shall be taken:

  • session should not last more than 15 minutes;
  • to protect the child from heat stroke, you need to put on panama on his head;
  • optimal power emission - 65%.

For children who are sick, useful salt infrared saunas. In these booths lined the walls with plates of Himalayan salt.

Is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy

Women who bears a child, you must be very careful when visiting the infrared sauna. Radiation affects the whole body, including the lower back and abdomen, so the benefits and harms of the procedure should be carefully weighed.

During the first trimester of the sessions is to give, not to provoke bleeding. For more than 12 weeks, use of the sauna with moderate heat and low humidity in the absence of contraindications, not only does not hurt, but also will benefit.

It is impossible to conduct sessions in the following cases:

  • oligohydramnios;
  • genital infections;
  • skin rash;
  • low placentation;
  • disorder of the nervous system;
  • red-brown discharge;
  • complete previa CVS.

After giving birth, you should wait 6 weeks, so that the body has had time to recover, and then continue the course of treatments. Otherwise, it may worsen the general condition, open bleeding.

No direct contraindications for breastfeeding mothers, but at high temperatures the taste of breast milk changes, so you need to monitor the level of cabin heating.

Infrared sauna for colds

In contrast to other therapeutic treatments: mud, inhalations and physiotherapy, infrared cabin provides a uniform effect on all organs and systems. Flu can be seen already in 2-3 days.

Heated to 38 ° C is heated wave deeper layers of tissue, creating destructive conditions for pathogenic bacteria. Since then go out harmful substances and toxins, which is problematic to achieve when taking medication.

Infrared sauna is recommended in the following cases:

  • first manifestation of respiratory diseases;Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy
  • weak immune system, susceptibility to colds;
  • chronic cough and runny nose;
  • bronchial disease, sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx, and sputum production of mucus.

Procedures are useful and have a recovering patient. They reduce the risk of recurrence, allow the patient to feel much better. Improved blood circulation and lymph movement eliminates stagnant processes. To enhance the effect of aromatherapy can be carried out simultaneously with natural essential oils.

Sessions before or after workouts

The benefits of infrared radiation known as young athletes, as well as those who are engaged in a professional manner. Visited before the workout sauna contributes to heating of the muscles without long workout. Thanks to this athlete manages to maintain power to perform exercises with weights and provide a rapid buildup of muscle mass.

Finding IR cabin after training stimulates the removal of accumulated lactic acid in the muscles, causing pain. Relaxation allows you to escape from the strenuous exercise and prepare for the next approach.

duration of sessions

As with any medical procedure, infrared sauna benefits only if a reasonable relationship to it. In order to test the response of the organism to the thermal effect, it is necessary to limit the duration of the first session of 15 minutes. Maximum stay in the cabin - 35 minutes.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy

If you have health problems, close to the contraindications, but are not yet included in the risk group, it is necessary to make a few calls 5-10 minutes to reduce the impact on the body.

1-2 sessions a week is sufficient to carry out to obtain a health-improving effect. If the goal is an active weight loss, it is allowed access to the sauna 3 times a week with no health problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared sauna

dignity negative aspects
Short duration of the procedure. Contraindications.
The session is suitable any time of day, morning visit to the infrared cabin energizes the whole day. The impossibility of carrying out cosmetic procedures during heating.
Device consumes minimal energy and is so compact that it can be installed at home. Possible worsening latent diseases.
Positive effect after just a few sessions.
Suitable for all ages.
After the procedure, there is a surge of vitality.

Contraindications to the procedures

To improving procedures did not bring harm, please note that in some situations it is not recommended to be in the infrared sauna:

  1. Diseases of the skin in the acute stage, the defeat of the fungal infection, vascular net.
  2. In the period of medications, avoid the side effects of drugs.
  3. Oncology, tumor.
  4. Any bleeding, including menstruation.
  5. Diseases of the prostate gland.
  6. During the period of rehabilitation after surgery.
  7. Breast.Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy
  8. High or low blood pressure, rapid pulse.
  9. Hyperthyroidism.
  10. The presence of implants.
  11. Diseases pelvic endometriosis, fibroids and other.
  12. Inflammation of the joints.
  13. Heart failure, past illnesses of the cardiovascular system.
  14. Anemia, diabetes.
  15. Parasitic infestation.
  16. Alcoholism.

The advantages of infrared saunas to classical sauna or steam room

Effect on infrared radiation body is fundamentally different from the conventional heat. In a conventional hot sauna a person is warmed to 110 ° C humid air, and in the IR emitters operate cabin, directing the bulk energy for the heating of tissues. The temperature inside the cabin is lying above the level of 55 ° C.

Infrared rays provide body warming up to a depth of 4 cm. They are like the radiation from living organisms. This makes the procedure not only effective, but also safe. Steaming bath in a classic, easy to overheat, or scalded with boiling water. Damp heat transfer is much more difficult.

Infrared radiation from the body takes less moisture than the hot steam, but it is more effective. The recovered after being in the bath pot contained 5% of the harmful substances and 95% of water, and a session in the infrared sauna takes 20% and 80% toxins liquid.

Infrared sauna. Benefits and harms that it contraindications than helpful. FYI for colds, pregnancy
The difference from the other infrared sauna

Infrared cabin is not accidentally made of natural wood. The heated tree allocates special substance - volatile, kill bacteria and viruses.

The use of infrared sauna undeniable. But it is important to remember that there are several contraindications in which thermal radiation can be harmful. To get the sessions healing effect is possible only if all the rules of the cockpit visits and monitor the status of the organism.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the infrared sauna

Pros and cons of infrared saunas:

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